scanner-0.3.1: Fast non-backtracking incremental combinator parsing for bytestrings

Safe HaskellNone



Scanner implementation



newtype Scanner a Source #

CPS scanner without backtracking




Monad Scanner Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Scanner.Internal


(>>=) :: Scanner a -> (a -> Scanner b) -> Scanner b #

(>>) :: Scanner a -> Scanner b -> Scanner b #

return :: a -> Scanner a #

fail :: String -> Scanner a #

Functor Scanner Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Scanner.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Scanner a -> Scanner b #

(<$) :: a -> Scanner b -> Scanner a #

MonadFail Scanner Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Scanner.Internal


fail :: String -> Scanner a #

Applicative Scanner Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Scanner.Internal


pure :: a -> Scanner a #

(<*>) :: Scanner (a -> b) -> Scanner a -> Scanner b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Scanner a -> Scanner b -> Scanner c #

(*>) :: Scanner a -> Scanner b -> Scanner b #

(<*) :: Scanner a -> Scanner b -> Scanner a #

type Next a r = ByteString -> a -> Result r Source #

Scanner continuation

data Result r Source #

Scanner result


Done ByteString r

Successful result with the rest of input

Fail ByteString String

Scanner failed with rest of input and error message

More (ByteString -> Result r)

Need more input

scan :: Scanner r -> ByteString -> Result r Source #

Run scanner with the input

anyWord8 :: Scanner Word8 Source #

Consume the next word

It fails if end of input

takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Scanner ByteString Source #

Take input while the predicate is True

take :: Int -> Scanner ByteString Source #

Take the specified number of bytes

endOfInput :: Scanner Bool Source #

Returns True when there is no more input

string :: ByteString -> Scanner () Source #

Consume the specified string

Warning: it is not optimized yet, so for for small string it is better to consume it byte-by-byte using word8

lookAhead :: Scanner (Maybe Word8) Source #

Return the next byte, if any, without consuming it

foldlWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> (a -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Scanner a Source #

Fold over the octets, which satisfy the predicate

foldlWhile1 :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> (a -> Word8 -> a) -> a -> Scanner a Source #

Fold over the octets, which satisfy the predicate, ensuring that there's at least one

satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Scanner Word8 Source #

Consume a single octet which satisfies the predicate and fail if it does not

satisfyMaybe :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Scanner (Maybe Word8) Source #

Consume a single octet in case it satisfies the predicate

decimal :: Integral n => Scanner n Source #

Parse a non-negative decimal number in ASCII