sayable- Data structures, classes and operators for constructing context-adjusted pretty output
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides a set of data structures, classes, and operators that facilitate the construction of a Prettyprinter Doc object.


Standard prettyprinting is a monotonic conversion that does not allow for customization for different uses or environments. For example, when debugging, full and explicit information about a structure should be generated, but for checkpoint logging, a simple overview is usually more appropriate.

This library provides for an additional type parameter that can be used to control the conversion to a suitably verbose Prettyprinter Doc representation.

This is also highly useful in conjunction with logging to generate successively more verbose information as the logging verbosity increases.


Typical usage is to create a sayable message using the operators defined here and then extract Prettyprinter Doc from the saying and convert it to a printable format (here, simply using show for the default Prettyprinter rendering).

import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

foo :: Members '[ Logging SayMessage, Config ] r -> a -> b -> Eff r [b]
foo arg1 arg2 =
   do putStrLn $ show $ saying $ sayable info "Entering foo with" &- arg1 &- "and" &- arg2
      rslt <- something arg1 arg2
      case rslt of
        Right vals ->
          do putStrLn $ show $ saying $ sayable "verbose"
                 $ "Foo successfully returning" &% length vals &- "results:" &- vals
             return vals
        Left err ->
          do putStrLn $ show $ saying $ sayable @"error"
                 $ "Foo error (" &- arg1 &- PP.comma &- arg2 &- ") is" &- err
             throwError err

[Note: if viewing via Haddock HTML, the ampersand in front of "info", "verbose", and "error" on the putStrLn lines above may not be visible.]

There are three messages printed: one on entry and one on either the success or failure paths. Each message may have different levels of information reported for the various arguments.

The saytag type parameter

Each sayable message uses a TypeApplication to specify a "saytag" which should be used for controlling the rendering of that message (e.g. "info", "verbose", "error", etc.).

As a developer, it is encouraged to use whatever saytag makes sense relative to the current context and type of information being processed.

Individual Arguments

The arguments passed to the sayable should be instances of the Sayable class. There are a number of standard instances of Sayable, but an instance can be declared for any object that might be output. The Sayable class has two class parameters: the second is object to be converted, and the first is the "saytag". This allows different Sayable instances for an object to be used in different saytag scenarios. For example:

import Network.URL

instance Sayable "verbose" URL where
  sayable url =
    let newline = PP.line :: PP.Doc SayableAnn
        prettyShow x = PP.viaShow x :: PP.Doc SayableAnn
    in "URL {"
        &- "url_type=" &- prettyShow (url_type url) &- newline
        &- "url_path=" &- url_path url &- newline
        &- "url_params=" &* url_params url
        &- "}"
instance Sayable saytag URL where
  sayable = Sayable . PP.viaShow . exportURL

The above would cause a url emitted via a "verbose" saytag to be expanded into a report on each individual field, whereas all other saytags would simply output the exportURL representation of the URL.

>>> let host = Host (HTTP True) "" Nothing
>>> url' = URL (Absolute host) "by/one"
>>> saying $ sayable @"verbose" url'
URL { url_type= Absolute (Host {protocol = HTTP True, host= "", port= Nothing})
 url_path= by/one
 url_params= }
>>> saying @"info" $ sayable url'

There are some tricky elements to the above however; see "Unfortunate Details" below.

Note that there are several pre-declared Sayable instances for common datatypes for convenience.


In the logging lines above, there are several operators used, each of which starts with the & character. These are described in detail in the 'Helper operators' section below, but the general mnemonic for these is:

  • A dash is elements separated by a space
  • A plus indicates immediately adjacent elements
  • A colon is designates a separator
  • An asterisk is applied to a foldable (i.e. a list)
  • A percent sign preceeds a Pretty object
  • An exclamation follows a Pretty function, which is applied to the following argument.
  • A question mark is followed by a Maybe, with no output for a Nothing
  • A less-than character means newline (i.e. return to the left)

These characters will be combined for operators with combination effects.


  • This module also provides an instance to convert a Sayable back into a Prettyprinter.Pretty.
  • This module provides a helper function: t' which can be useful when OverloadedStrings is active to designate its argument as being a Text string.

If the following:

saying @"error" $ "This is an error:" &- err

results in an error Could not deduce (Data.String.IsString m0) arising from the literal '"This is an error:"' then this helper can fix that:

saying @"error" $ t'"This is an error:" &- err
  • This module provides a helper function: d' which can be useful when creating a PP.Doc SayableAnn for inclusion into a Sayable by fixing the ann of 'PP.Doc ann' to SayableAnn.

Fixes the error:

    • Overlapping instances for Sayable saytag (PP.Doc ann1)
        arising from a use of ‘&-’
      Matching instances:
        instance [overlappable] Sayable tag (PP.Doc ann)
          -- Defined in ‘Taphos.Say’
        instance Sayable tag (PP.Doc SayableAnn)
          -- Defined in ‘Taphos.Say’
      (The choice depends on the instantiation of ‘saytag, ann1’
       To pick the first instance above, use IncoherentInstances
       when compiling the other instance declarations)

This is similar to the &% operator except it takes a single argument rather than the two arguments passed to the operator.

  • The pattern of converting a saying into a String (e.g. for passing to putStrLn) is fairly common, so the simplistic operations of that is provided by the sez function.

Generating final output

The sayable method of the Sayable class generates instances of the Saying data object. The saying function can be used to extract the Doc from the Saying object. This Doc can then be converted to a LogMessage or to a plain Text format for display.

Unfortunate Details

The use of the Sayable class to translate individual objects is fairly straightforward, but the management of the phantom saytag type parameter is a bit tricky. As described above (with the Network.URL example), it's possible to provide different output generation by providing specialized instances for specific saytags. The determination of which instance GHC will use has some idiosyncrasies that make lead to unexpected instance selection when used transitively (viz.

For instance:

import Network.URL ( URL )
newtype Foo = Foo URL
data Bar a  = Bar String a

-- [previous instances for Sayable URL here...]

instance Sayable "loud" Foo where sayable (Foo url) = t'"{!" &- url &- t'"!}"
instance Sayable saytag Foo where sayable (Foo url) = sayable url

instance (Sayable saytag a) => Sayable saytag (Bar a) where
  sayable (Bar b a) = b &- t'"is" &- a

let host = Host (HTTP True) "" Nothing
let url' = URL (Absolute host) "by/one"
let foo = Foo url'
let bar = Bar "bar" foo

will generate:

>>> putStrLn $ sez @"info" $ t'"INFO:" &- bar &- "via" &- foo
INFO: bar is "" via ""
>>> putStrLn $ sez @"loud" $ t'"LOUD:" &- bar &- "via" &- foo
LOUD: bar is {! "" !} via {! "" !}

which is expected. However, if the calls to sez are moved to a separate file from the instance declarations, the compilation error will be:

Overlapping instances for Sayable "loud" Foo arising from a use of &-

for the last (loud) line. To resolve this, use OVERLAPPING and/or OVERLAPPABLE specifications on the instance declarations. Usually it's sufficient (and easiest) to add the OVERLAPPABLE to the generic instance:

instance Sayable "loud" Foo where sayable (Foo s) = t'"{!" &- s &- t'"!}"
instance  Sayable saytag Foo where sayable (Foo s) = sayable s

[Note: if you are viewing the above via Haddock HTML, the second line has the instance keyword, followed by an open comment directive (open curly brace, dash, hash) , OVERLAPPABLE and a closing comment directive (hash, dash, close curly brace), followed by the Sayable keyword, but that doesn't render under HTML Haddock (circa 2022).]

There's another twist to this story though. To observe this new twist, add a Baz datastructure and its generic Sayable instance:

data Baz = Baz Foo
instance Sayable saytag Baz where sayable (Baz a) = t'"BAZ :=" &- foo

Now the following calls and corresponding output can be observed:

>>> putStrLn $ sez @"info" $ t'"INFO:" &- bar &- t'"and" &- baz
INFO: bar is "" and BAZ := ""
>>> putStrLn $ sez @"loud" $ t'"LOUD:" &- bar &- t'"and" &- baz
LOUD: bar is {! "" !} and BAZ := ""

Notice how the foo value in bar changes when the '"loud"' saytag is used, but the same foo value in baz@ does not change!

The difference here is in the mechanism GHC uses to select instances (as described on the referenced link above). In short, for bar, the generic Sayable instance has a constraint for the inner element, which causes GHC to wait until the final use case to determine what the specific type parameters are; it sees the "loud" saytag value and selects the "loud" Foo Sayable instance as the most specific. However, the baz Sayable instance does not have a constraint, so GHC takes the conservative approach and uses the most general instance, which means that it transitively selects the generic Foo Sayable instance instead of the "loud" instance.

There are two ways to fix this:

  1. Provide explicit "loud" Sayable instance for Baz. This is problematic, because this must be done for *each* saytag for which there is a variation and it must be done for *each* upper level Sayable instance.
  2. Provide Sayable constraints for each sub-element. This generates larger type signatures, but is preferrable to solution 1 because it makes no assumptions about current or future saytags and variations.

This Sayable constraint was already present on the Bar Sayable instance because of the parameterized type for Bar; the Baz type has no type parameter, but a constraint can still be added for each interior type:

instance Sayable saytag Foo => Sayable saytag Baz where
  sayable (Baz a) = t'"BAZ :=" &- foo

Using either of the above solutions, the new output is fully specialized as desired:

>>> putStrLn $ sez @"info" $ t'"INFO:" &- bar &- t'"and" &- baz
INFO: bar is "" and BAZ := ""
>>> putStrLn $ sez @"loud" $ t'"LOUD:" &- bar &- t'"and" &- baz
LOUD: bar is {! "" !} and BAZ := {! "" !}

The good news here is that the complexity is all handled at the Sayable instance definition and the client usage calls are all unaffected, regardless of which solution is chosen.


Primary Class

class Sayable (tag :: Symbol) v where Source #

The main class of things that can be passed to sayable. Arguments provided to sayable or sez will be converted to the sayable form by automatically applying the appropriate instance of this class. The default implementation is:

sayable = Saying . Prettyprinter.pretty

Minimal complete definition



sayable :: v -> Saying tag Source #

default sayable :: Pretty v => v -> Saying tag Source #


Instances details
Sayable tag SomeException Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable

Sayable tag Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Int32 -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Int64 -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Word16 -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Word32 -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Word64 -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Word8 -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: ByteString -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: ByteString -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Text -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Text -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: String -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Integer -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Natural Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Natural -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Bool -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Char Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Char -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Double -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Float -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Int -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag (Doc SayableAnn) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Doc SayableAnn -> Saying tag Source #

Sayable tag (Doc ann) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Doc ann -> Saying tag Source #

tagA ~ tagB => Sayable tagA (Saying tagB) Source #

Inputs that are Sayable, i.e. that can be converted to a Saying

Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Saying tagB -> Saying tagA Source #

Result Datatype

newtype Saying (tag :: Symbol) Source #

The result of applying the sayable method of the Sayable class is the Saying object. This object is internal to the Say module and is mostly used for subsequently combining with additional Saying objects to produce the final Saying object that is converted to a SayMessage for actual logging. A Sayable supports a Semigroup combinator to allow composition of messages.





Instances details
tagA ~ tagB => Sayable tagA (Saying tagB) Source #

Inputs that are Sayable, i.e. that can be converted to a Saying

Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Saying tagB -> Saying tagA Source #

Semigroup (Saying tag) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


(<>) :: Saying tag -> Saying tag -> Saying tag #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Saying tag) -> Saying tag #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Saying tag -> Saying tag #

Pretty (Saying tag) Source #

A Saying can be converted back into a PP.Pretty instance representation. Just saying... :-)

This can be convenient to apply Prettyprinter formatting elements. For example:

instance Sayable saytag Foo where
  sayable foo = sayable @saytag $ $ Prettyprinter.pretty
                $ field1 foo &- sayable @saytag PP.line &- field2 foo

This uses group and line formatters to show the two fields on the same line if they will fit, otherwise stacked on top of each other. Note that the second portion needs an explicit TypeApplication (applied here to the line) because the group and pretty functions do not propagate that outer saytag to the inner portion.

Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


pretty :: Saying tag -> Doc ann #

prettyList :: [Saying tag] -> Doc ann #

Helper operators

These are typically used to facilitate the expression of a sayable phrase containing multiple elements.

t' :: Text -> Text Source #

A helper function to use when OverloadedStrings is active to identify the following quoted literal as a Data.Text object. It is common to enable OverloadedStrings because Pretty declares an IsString instance and thus facilitates the pretty-printing of string values, but this causes GHC to emit warnings about assuming the types of strings, so this function can be used to clarify the intended type.

>>> putStrLn $ t'"This is type: Data.Text"
"This is type: Data.Text"

d' :: Pretty n => n -> Doc SayableAnn Source #

A helper function to use when creating a PP.Doc SayableAnn data object (i.e. fixing the ann of 'Doc ann' to SayableAnn)

(&-) :: forall saytag m n. (Sayable saytag m, Sayable saytag n) => m -> n -> Saying saytag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator allowing two Sayable items to be composed into a Saying. This is the most common operator used to construct composite Sayable messages. The two Sayable items are separated by a space.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"hello" &- t'"world"
"hello world"

(&+) :: forall saytag m n. (Sayable saytag m, Sayable saytag n) => m -> n -> Saying saytag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator allowing two Sayable items to be composed into a Saying by placing the two Sayable items immediately adjacent with no intervening spaces. This is the high-density version of the more common &- operator.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"hello" &+ t'"world"

(&%) :: (Sayable tag m, Pretty n) => m -> n -> Saying tag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator allowing a Sayable item to be composed with a Pretty item into a Saying. This is infrequently used and primarily allows the composition of a data object which has a Prettyprinter instance but no Sayable instance.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"hello" &% (t'"world", t'"!")
"hello (world, !)"

(&*) :: forall tag m e t. (Sayable tag m, Sayable tag e, Foldable t) => m -> t e -> Saying tag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator allowing a Sayable item to be composed with a Foldable series of Sayable items. This can be used when the second argument is a List, Sequence, Set, etc. to add all elements of the set (comma-separated).

Note: this instance makes it easy to output lists, Sequence, NonEmpty.List, etc., but it can have undesireable effects for data structures whose Foldable (Functor) is irregular... for example, folding over a tuple only returns the snd value of a tuple. Consider wrapping tuples in a newtype with an explicit Sayable to avoid this.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &* [1, 2, 3::Int]
"three: 1, 2, 3"

If the second argument is a null collection then no output is generated for it.

(&+*) :: forall tag m e t. (Sayable tag m, Sayable tag e, Foldable t) => m -> t e -> Saying tag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator that generates a sayable from a foldable group (e.g. list) of sayable items. This helper is linke the &* operator except that the folded output is immediately adjacent to the preceeding sayable output instead of separated by a space; this is useful for situations where the folded output has delimiters like parentheses or brackets.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &- '(' &+* [1,2,3::Int] &+ ')'
"three: (1, 2, 3)"

If the second argument is an empty collection then no output is generated for it.

(&:*) :: forall tag m e t. (Sayable tag m, Sayable tag e, Foldable t) => m -> t e -> Saying tag infixl 2 Source #

A helper operator that generates a sayable from a list of sayable items, separated by the first sayable argument (instead of the ", " that use used by the &* operator).

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &- t'".." &:* [1, 2, 3::Int]
"three: 1..2..3"

(&?) :: forall tag m e. (Sayable tag m, Sayable tag e) => m -> Maybe e -> Saying tag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator allowing a Sayable item to be wrapped in a Maybe. This adds the Sayable of the first argument to the Sayable of the second argument in the Just case, or just emits the Sayable of the first argument if the second argument is Nothing.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"It's" &? Just (t'"something") &- t'"or" &? (Nothing :: Maybe Text)
"It's something or"

(&+?) :: forall saytag m n. (Sayable saytag m, Sayable saytag n) => m -> Maybe n -> Saying saytag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator that emits the first argument and optionally emits a the Just value of the second argument immediately thereafter if the second argument is not Nothing

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"It's" &+? Nothing &- t'"ok" &+? Just "time"
"It's oktime"


(&<) :: forall saytag m n. (Sayable saytag m, Sayable saytag n) => m -> n -> Saying saytag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator that generates a newline between its two arguments. Many times the &- operator is a better choice to allow normal prettyprinter layout capabilities, but in situations where it is known that multiple lines will or should be generated, this operator makes it easy to separate the lines.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"Hello" &< t'"world"


(&<*) :: forall saytag m n t. (Sayable saytag m, Sayable saytag n, Foldable t) => m -> t n -> Saying saytag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator that combines &< and &* which will generate a newline between its two arguments, where the second argument is a foldable collection whose elements will be sayable emitted with comma separators.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &<* [1, 2, 3::Int]
"three:\n1, 2, 3"


(&<?) :: forall saytag m n. (Sayable saytag m, Sayable saytag n) => m -> Maybe n -> Saying saytag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator that emits the first argument and optionally emits a newline and the Just value of the second argument if the second argument is not Nothing (a combination of the &< and &? operators).

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"First" &<? Just (t'"something")
>>> sez @"info" $ t'"Then" &<? (Nothing :: Maybe Text)


(&!) :: forall tag m. Sayable tag m => (Doc SayableAnn -> Doc SayableAnn) -> m -> Saying tag infixl 2 Source #

A helper operator to apply a Prettyprinter (Doc ann -> Doc ann) function (the first argument) to the Sayable in the second argument. This is different from the &% operator in that the former uses hcat to join two independent Doc Saying values, whereas this operator applies a transformation (e.g. Prettyprinter.annotate AnnValue or Prettyprinter.align . to the Doc in the second Saying argument.

>>> sez @"info" $ &! t'"hi"

(&!?) :: forall tag e. Sayable tag e => (Doc SayableAnn -> Doc SayableAnn) -> Maybe e -> Saying tag infixl 1 Source #

A helper operator allowing a Sayable item to be wrapped in a Maybe and a prettyprinter conversion as the first argument. This is a combination of the &! and &? operators.

>>> sez @"info" $ &!? Just (t'"hi")


(&!*) :: forall tag m t. (Sayable tag m, Foldable t) => ([Doc SayableAnn] -> Doc SayableAnn) -> t m -> Saying tag infixl 2 Source #

A helper operator that is a combination of the &! and &* operators. It applies the first argument (which converts an array of 'Prettyprinter.Doc ann' elements into a single 'PrettyPrinter.Doc ann' element) to the second argument (which is a Foldable collection of Sayable items).

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &- PP.align . PP.vsep &!* [1, 2, 3::Int]
"three: 1, \n       2, \n       3"

(&!$*) :: forall tag m t. (Sayable tag m, Foldable t) => (Doc SayableAnn -> Doc SayableAnn) -> t m -> Saying tag infixl 2 Source #

A helper operator that applies the first argument (a Prettyprinter adaptation function) to the result of a Foldable collection of Sayable items. This is essentially a combination of the &! and &* operators where the first operation is applied to the entire list, rather than each element of the list (as with &!*).

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &- PP.align &!$* [1, 2, 3::Int]
"three: 1, 2, 3"

As with the &!* operator (and unlike the &* operator), a null collection is passed to the converter first argument.


(&!:*) :: forall tag m t b. (Sayable tag b, Sayable tag m, Foldable t) => ([Doc SayableAnn] -> Doc SayableAnn) -> b -> t m -> Saying tag infixl 2 Source #

A helper operator that applies the first argument (which converts an array of 'Prettyprinter.Doc ann' elements to a single 'PrettyPrinter.Doc ann' element) to the second argument, which is a Foldable collection of Sayable items. This is essentially a combination of the &! and &:* operators.

Unlike the other operators defined in this package, this is a trinary operator rather than a binary operator. Because function application (whitespace) is the highest precedence, the last argument will typically need a preceeding $ to prevent applying the second argument to the third argument before applying this operator.

>>> sez @"info" $ t'"three:" &- (PP.align . PP.vsep &!:* (t'" or")) [1, 2, 3::Int]
"three: 1 or\n       2 or\n       3"

Annotation used in Sayables

Generating a Doc requires the identification of an ann type parameter. For Sayable, this type parameter is the SayableAnn, although the reAnnotate function can be used to switch from this abstract annotation to a functional annotation (e.g. AnsiStyle)

data SayableAnn Source #

This is the default annotation type for the Saying module. The Prettyprinter reannotate operation can be used to change this annotation into any other annotation type the client desires.

The SayableAnn is an instance of IsLabel, so if OverloadedLabels is enabled, this can easily be specified:

import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Text.Sayable

putStrLn $ sez @"info" $ PP.annotate #myann $ Hello &- "world!"

Note however that labels cannot start with a capital letter.


SayableAnn Text 


Instances details
KnownSymbol ann => IsLabel ann SayableAnn Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable

Sayable tag (Doc SayableAnn) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Sayable


sayable :: Doc SayableAnn -> Saying tag Source #

Simple String Extraction

sez :: forall saytag a. Sayable saytag a => a -> String Source #

This is a convenience function that can be used for simple conversions of a Sayable to a String. The use of this function is not generally recommended: a more controlled rendering of the resulting Doc (obtained from the via saying) is recommended, but there are times (especially when debugging) when a quick conversion/extraction to a String is convenient.

This function is often used with a type application:

putStrLn $ sez @"info" $ "There are" &- length lst &- "list elements."

Note that this will use the show representation provided by Prettyprinter; notably this will usually assume a width of 80 characters and perform wrapping accordingly.