Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data SExpr atom
- cons :: SExpr a -> SExpr a -> SExpr a
- uncons :: SExpr a -> Maybe (SExpr a, SExpr a)
- pattern (:::) :: forall a. SExpr a -> SExpr a -> SExpr a
- pattern A :: forall a. a -> SExpr a
- pattern L :: forall a. [SExpr a] -> SExpr a
- pattern DL :: forall a. [SExpr a] -> a -> SExpr a
- pattern Nil :: forall a. SExpr a
- _car :: Applicative f => (SExpr a -> f (SExpr a)) -> SExpr a -> f (SExpr a)
- _cdr :: Applicative f => (SExpr a -> f (SExpr a)) -> SExpr a -> f (SExpr a)
- fromPair :: (SExpr t -> Either String a) -> (SExpr t -> Either String b) -> SExpr t -> Either String (a, b)
- fromList :: (SExpr t -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String [a]
- fromAtom :: SExpr t -> Either String t
- asPair :: ((SExpr t, SExpr t) -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a
- asList :: ([SExpr t] -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a
- isAtom :: Eq t => t -> SExpr t -> Either String ()
- asAtom :: (t -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a
- asAssoc :: ([(SExpr t, SExpr t)] -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a
Basic SExpr
All S-Expressions can be understood as a sequence
of cons
cells (represented here by SCons
), the
empty list nil
(represented by SNil
) or an
Functor SExpr Source # | |
Foldable SExpr Source # | |
Traversable SExpr Source # | |
IsList (SExpr atom) Source # | |
Eq atom => Eq (SExpr atom) Source # | |
Data atom => Data (SExpr atom) Source # | |
Read atom => Read (SExpr atom) Source # | |
Show atom => Show (SExpr atom) Source # | |
IsString atom => IsString (SExpr atom) Source # | |
type Item (SExpr atom) Source # | |
Constructing and Deconstructing
cons :: SExpr a -> SExpr a -> SExpr a Source #
Combine the two s-expressions into a new one.
cons (A "el") (L ["eph", A "ant"])
SCons (SAtom "el) (SCons (SAtom "eph") (SCons (SAtom "ant") SNil))
uncons :: SExpr a -> Maybe (SExpr a, SExpr a) Source #
Produce the head and tail of the s-expression (if possible).
uncons (A "el" ::: A "eph" ::: A "ant" ::: Nil)
Just (A "el",SCons (SAtom "eph") (SCons (SAtom "ant") SNil))
Shorthand Patterns
pattern (:::) :: forall a. SExpr a -> SExpr a -> SExpr a infixr 5 Source #
A shorter infix alias for SCons
A "pachy" ::: A "derm"
SCons (SAtom "pachy") (SAtom "derm")
pattern A :: forall a. a -> SExpr a Source #
A shorter alias for SAtom
A "elephant"
SAtom "elephant"
pattern L :: forall a. [SExpr a] -> SExpr a Source #
An alias for matching a proper list.
L [A "pachy", A "derm"]
SExpr (SAtom "pachy") (SExpr (SAtom "derm") SNil)
pattern DL :: forall a. [SExpr a] -> a -> SExpr a Source #
An alias for matching a dotted list.
DL [A "pachy"] A "derm"
SExpr (SAtom "pachy") (SAtom "derm")
_car :: Applicative f => (SExpr a -> f (SExpr a)) -> SExpr a -> f (SExpr a) Source #
A traversal with access to the first element of a pair.
import Lens.Family
set _car (A "elephant") (A "one" ::: A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil)
A "elelphant" ::: A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil>>>
set _car (A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil) (A "one" ::: A "elephant")
(A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil) ::: A "elephant"
_cdr :: Applicative f => (SExpr a -> f (SExpr a)) -> SExpr a -> f (SExpr a) Source #
A traversal with access to the second element of a pair.
import Lens.Family
set _cdr (A "elephant") (A "one" ::: A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil)
A "one" ::: A "elephant">>>
set _cdr (A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil) (A "one" ::: A "elephant")
A "one" ::: A "two" ::: A "three" ::: Nil
Useful processing functions
fromPair :: (SExpr t -> Either String a) -> (SExpr t -> Either String b) -> SExpr t -> Either String (a, b) Source #
Utility function for parsing a pair of things.
fromPair (isAtom "pachy") (asAtom return) (A "pachy" ::: A "derm" ::: Nil)
Right ((), "derm")>>>
fromPair (isAtom "pachy") fromAtom (A "pachy" ::: Nil)
Left "Expected two-element list"
fromList :: (SExpr t -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String [a] Source #
Utility function for parsing a list of things.
asPair :: ((SExpr t, SExpr t) -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a Source #
Parse a two-element list (NOT a dotted pair) using the provided function.
let go (A l) (A r) = return (l ++ r); go _ _ = Left "expected atoms"
asPair go (A "pachy" ::: A "derm" ::: Nil)
Right "pachyderm">>>
asPair go (A "elephant" ::: Nil)
Left "asPair: expected two-element list; found list of length 1"
asList :: ([SExpr t] -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a Source #
Parse an arbitrary-length list using the provided function.
let go xs = concat <$> mapM fromAtom xs
asList go (A "el" ::: A "eph" ::: A "ant" ::: Nil)
Right "elephant">>>
asList go (A "el" ::: A "eph" ::: A "ant")
Left "asList: expected list; found dotted list of length 3"
isAtom :: Eq t => t -> SExpr t -> Either String () Source #
Match a given literal atom, failing otherwise.
isAtom "elephant" (A "elephant")
Right ()>>>
isAtom "elephant" (A "elephant" ::: Nil)
Left "isAtom: expected atom; found list"
asAtom :: (t -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a Source #
Parse an atom using the provided function.
import Data.Char (toUpper)
asAtom (return . map toUpper) (A "elephant")
Right "ELEPHANT">>>
asAtom (return . map toUpper) Nil
Left "asAtom: expected atom; found empty list"
asAssoc :: ([(SExpr t, SExpr t)] -> Either String a) -> SExpr t -> Either String a Source #
Parse an assoc-list using the provided function.
let def (x, y) = do { a <- fromAtom x; b <- fromAtom y; return (a ++ ": " ++ b) }
let defList xs = do { defs <- mapM def xs; return (unlines defs) }
asAssoc defList ((A "legs" ::: A "four" ::: Nil) ::: (A "trunk" ::: A "one" ::: Nil) ::: Nil)
Right "legs: four\ntrunk: one\n">>>
asAssoc defList ((A "legs" ::: A "four" ::: Nil) ::: (A "elephant") ::: Nil)
Left "asAssoc: expected pair; found list of length 1"