module Data.Time.RRule
  ( fromText
  , toText
  , defaultRRule
  , description
  , RRule(..)
  , Day(..)
  , Frequency(..)

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust)
import Data.Text (Text, intercalate, pack, unpack)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.RRule.Parse (parseRRule)
import Data.Time.RRule.Types as Ty
  ( defaultRRule
  , RRule(..)
  , Day(..)
  , Frequency(..)
  , ToRRule(toRRule)
import Text.Megaparsec (parseMaybe)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE (NonEmpty(..), toList)

-- | Parses RFC 5545 recurrence rule text into an RRule
fromText :: Text -> Maybe RRule
fromText = parseMaybe parseRRule

-- | Formats RRule as RFC 5545 recurrence rule text
toText :: RRule -> Text
toText RRule{..} =
  (if prefix then "RRULE:" else "") <>
  (intercalate ";" $ catMaybes
    [ labelWith "WKST"       weekStart
    , labelWith "FREQ"       frequency
    , labelWith "COUNT"      count
    , labelWith "UNTIL"      until
    , labelWith "INTERVAL"   interval
    , labelWith "BYSECOND"   bySecond
    , labelWith "BYMINUTE"   byMinute
    , labelWith "BYHOUR"     byHour
    , labelWith "BYDAY"      byDay
    , labelWith "BYWEEKNO"   byWeekNo
    , labelWith "BYMONTH"    byMonth
    , labelWith "BYMONTHDAY" byMonthDay
    , labelWith "BYYEARDAY"  byYearDay
    , labelWith "BYSETPOS"   bySetPos

labelWith :: ToRRule a => Text -> Maybe a -> Maybe Text
labelWith _ Nothing = Nothing
labelWith label (Just x) = Just $ label <> "=" <> toRRule x

-- | Describes what an RRule means, in English
description :: RRule -> Text
description RRule{..} = intercalate " " $ catMaybes
  [ byDescription "the" ordinal "instance of" bySetPos
  , if isJust frequency then Just "every" else Nothing
  , intervalDescription =<< interval
  , frequencyDescription <$> frequency
  , byUsualDescription "second" bySecond
  , byUsualDescription "minute" byMinute
  , byUsualDescription "hour" byHour
  , byDescription "on" ordinalDay "" byDay
  , byUsualDescription "week of the year" byWeekNo
  , byDescription "in" monthDescription "" byMonth
  , byUsualDescription "day of the month" byMonthDay
  , byUsualDescription "day of the year" byYearDay
  , countDescription <$> count
  , untilDescription <$> until
  , weekStartDescription <$> weekStart

ordinal :: Int -> Text
ordinal n
  | n == -1 = "last"
  | n < 0 = ordinal (abs n) <> " from last"
  | lastDigits n == 11 = showText n <> "th"
  | lastDigits n == 12 = showText n <> "th"
  | lastDigits n == 13 = showText n <> "th"
  | lastDigit  n ==  1 = showText n <> "st"
  | lastDigit  n ==  2 = showText n <> "nd"
  | lastDigit  n ==  3 = showText n <> "rd"
  | otherwise = showText n <> "th"
  where lastDigit n = n `mod` 10
        lastDigits n = n `mod` 100

ordinalDay :: (Int, Day) -> Text
ordinalDay (0, d) = showText d
ordinalDay (n, d) = "the " <> ordinal n <> " " <> showText d

byUsualDescription :: Text -> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty Int) -> Maybe Text
byUsualDescription t = byDescription "on the" ordinal t

byDescription :: Text -> (a -> Text) -> Text -> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty a) -> Maybe Text
byDescription _ _ _ Nothing = Nothing
byDescription inOrOn toOrdinal t (Just ns) =
  Just $ inOrOn <> " " <> andedList <> timePeriod
  where andedList = intercalateAnd . map toOrdinal $ NE.toList ns
        timePeriod = if t == "" then "" else " " <> t

intercalateAnd :: [Text] -> Text
intercalateAnd [t1, t2, t3] = t1 <> ", " <> t2 <> ", and " <> t3
intercalateAnd [t1, t2] = t1 <> " and " <> t2
intercalateAnd [t] = t
intercalateAnd [] = ""
intercalateAnd (t:ts) = t <> ", " <> intercalateAnd ts

monthDescription :: Int -> Text
monthDescription = \case
  1  -> "January"
  2  -> "February"
  3  -> "March"
  4  -> "April"
  5  -> "May"
  6  -> "June"
  7  -> "July"
  8  -> "August"
  9  -> "September"
  10 -> "October"
  11 -> "November"
  12 -> "December"

showText :: Show a => a -> Text
showText = pack . show

intervalDescription :: Int -> Maybe Text
intervalDescription n = case n of
  0 -> Nothing
  1 -> Nothing
  2 -> Just "other"
  n -> Just $ ordinal n

frequencyDescription :: Frequency -> Text
frequencyDescription freq = case freq of
  Secondly -> "second"
  Minutely -> "minute"
  Hourly   -> "hour"
  Daily    -> "day"
  Weekly   -> "week"
  Monthly  -> "month"
  Yearly   -> "year"

countDescription :: Int -> Text
countDescription n = "for " <> showText n <> " occurrences"

untilDescription :: UTCTime -> Text
untilDescription t = "until " <> (pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%B %d, %Y at %H:%M:%S" t)

weekStartDescription :: Day -> Text
weekStartDescription d = "with weeks starting on " <> showText d