rounded-hw-0.4.0: Directed rounding for built-in floating types
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Although popular CPUs allow program to control the rounding direction of floating-point operations, such feature is not directly accessible to Haskell.

Several options are available to control the rounding direction, including

  • Emulate the operations using Rational.
  • Emulate the desired rounding behavior using the default rounding direction (i.e. round to nearest).
  • Provide the rounding-direction-controlled operations in C or assembly, and use FFI to call them from Haskell.

    • C FFI is portable, but has limitations (e.g. cannot return multiple values directly).
    • GHC-specific foreign import prim can return multiple values efficiently, but cannot be implemented in C.

This library implements the first and third options, in Numeric.Rounded.Hardware.Backend.ViaRational and Numeric.Rounded.Hardware.Backend.C/Numeric.Rounded.Hardware.Backend.FastFFI respectively.

The default implementation for Float and Double depends on the platform and package flags. To help the programmer identify which implementation is used, this module provides a function to obtain the name of implementation.

To disable use of FFI, enable the package flag pure-hs.



backendName :: RoundedRing a => proxy a -> String Source #

Returns the name of backend as a string.


>>> :m + Data.Proxy
>>> backendName (Proxy :: Proxy Double)