{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Numeric.Rounded.Hardware.Internal.Show where
import Numeric.Rounded.Hardware.Internal.Rounding
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Bits
import Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Int

-- |
-- prop> \x -> x == 0 || countTrailingZerosInteger (fromIntegral x) == countTrailingZeros (x :: Int64)
-- >>> countTrailingZerosInteger 7
-- 0
-- >>> countTrailingZerosInteger 8
-- 3
countTrailingZerosInteger :: Integer -> Int
countTrailingZerosInteger x
  | x == 0 = error "countTrailingZerosInteger: zero"
  | otherwise = integerLog2 (x `xor` (x - 1))

-- ratToDigitsRn :: RoundingMode -> Int -> Int -> Rational -> ([Int], Int)

-- binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn _ prec x = ([d1,d2,...,dn], e)
-- 0 <= n <= prec + 1, x = 0.d1d2...dn * (10^^e) up to rounding
-- 0 <= di < 10
-- |
-- >>> binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn ToNearest 3 (0.125 :: Double)
-- ([1,2,5],0)
-- >>> binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn ToNearest 3 (12.5 :: Double)
-- ([1,2,5],2)
binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn :: forall a. RealFloat a
                             => RoundingMode -- ^ rounding mode
                             -> Int -- ^ prec
                             -> a -- ^ a non-negative number (zero, normal or subnormal)
                             -> ([Int], Int)
binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn _rm _prec 0 = ([], 0)
binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn _rm _prec x | floatRadix x /= 2 = error "radix must be 2"
binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn rm prec x =
  -- x > 0
  let m :: Integer
      n, d, e0 :: Int
      (m,n) = decodeFloat x
      d = floatDigits x -- d=53 for Double
      -- x = m * 2^n, 2^(d-1) <= m < 2^d
      -- 2^(-1074) <= x < 2^1024
      -- => -1074-52=-1126 <= n < 1024-52=972

      e0 = floor (fromIntegral (d - 1 + n) * logBase 10 2 :: a) - prec
      -- TODO: precision of logBase 10 2?
      -- TODO: Use rational approximation for logBase 10 2?

      s, t :: Integer
      (s,t) | n < 0,       0 <= e0 = (m,     2^(-n) * 10^e0)
            | {- n >= 0 -} 0 <= e0 = (m * 2^n,        10^e0)
            | n < 0   {- e0 < 0 -} = (m * 10^(-e0),  2^(-n))
            | otherwise            = (m * 2^n * 10^(-e0), 1)
      -- s/t = m * 2^n * 10^(-e0) = x * 10^(-e0)

      q, r :: Integer
      (q,r) = s `quotRem` t
      -- s = q * t + r
      -- 10^prec <= q + r/t < 2 * 10^(prec+1)

      q', r', t' :: Integer
      e' :: Int
      (q',r',t',e') | 10^(prec+1) <= q = case q `quotRem` 10 of
                                           -- q = q''*10+r''
                                           -- s = (q''*10+r'')*t + r = q''*10*t+(r''*t+r)
                                           (q'',r'') -> (q'', r''*t+r, 10*t, e0+1)
                    | otherwise = (q,r,t,e0)
      -- 10^prec <= q' + r'/t' < 10^(prec+1), 0 <= r' < t'

      -- x = m*2^n
      --   = s/t * 10^^(e0)
      --   = (q + r/t) * 10^^(e0)
      --   = (q' + r'/t') * 10^^e'
  in if r' == 0
       -- exact
       loop0 e' q'
       -- inexact
       case rm of
         TowardNegInf -> loop0 e' q'
         TowardZero   -> loop0 e' q'
         TowardInf    -> loop0 e' (q' + 1)
         ToNearest -> case compare (2 * r') t' of
           LT -> loop0 e' q'
           EQ | even q' -> loop0 e' q'
              | otherwise -> loop0 e' (q' + 1)
           GT -> loop0 e' (q' + 1)
    -- loop0 e n: x = n * 10^(e-prec-1)
    loop0 :: Int -> Integer -> ([Int], Int)
    loop0 !_ 0 = ([], 0) -- should not occur
    loop0 !e a = case a `quotRem` 10 of
                   (q,0) -> loop0 (e+1) q
                   (q,r) -> loop (e+1) [fromInteger r] q

    -- loop e acc a: (a + 0.<acc>)*10^(e-prec-1)
    loop :: Int -> [Int] -> Integer -> ([Int], Int)
    loop !e acc 0 = (acc, e)
    loop !e acc a = case a `quotRem` 10 of
                      (q,r) -> loop (e+1) (fromInteger r : acc) q
{-# SPECIALIZE binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn :: RoundingMode -> Int -> Double -> ([Int], Int) #-}

-- binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn _ prec x = [d1,d2,...,dn]
-- x = d1d2...dn * (10^^(-prec)) up to rounding
-- 0 <= di < 10
-- |
-- >>> binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn ToNearest 3 (0.125 :: Double)
-- [1,2,5]
-- >>> binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn ToNearest 3 (12.5 :: Double)
-- [1,2,5,0,0]
binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn :: forall a. RealFloat a
                                  => RoundingMode -- ^ rounding mode
                                  -> Int -- ^ prec
                                  -> a -- ^ a non-negative number (zero, normal or subnormal)
                                  -> [Int]
binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn _rm _prec x | floatRadix x /= 2 = error "radix must be 2"
binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn rm prec x =
  let m, s, t, q, r :: Integer
      e :: Int
      (m,e) = decodeFloat x -- x = m*2^e
      (s,t) | prec >= 0, e + prec >= 0     = (m * 2^(e+prec) * 5^prec, 1)
            | prec >= 0 {- e + prec < 0 -} = (m * 5^prec, 2^(-e-prec))
            | {- prec < 0 -} e + prec >= 0 = (m * 2^(e+prec), 5^(-prec))
            | otherwise {- prec < 0, e + prec < 0 -} = (m, 2^(-e-prec) * 5^(-prec))
      -- x*10^^prec = s/t
      (q,r) = s `quotRem` t
  in if r == 0
       -- exact
       loop [] q
       -- inexact
       case rm of
         TowardNegInf -> loop [] q
         TowardZero -> loop [] q
         TowardInf -> loop [] (q + 1)
         ToNearest -> case compare (2 * r) t of
           LT -> loop [] q
           EQ | even q -> loop [] q
              | otherwise -> loop [] (q + 1)
           GT -> loop [] (q + 1)
    loop :: [Int] -> Integer -> [Int]
    loop acc 0 = acc
    loop acc a = case a `quotRem` 10 of
                   (q,r) -> loop (fromInteger r : acc) q
{-# SPECIALIZE binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn :: RoundingMode -> Int -> Double -> [Int] #-}

-- binaryFloatToDecimalDigits x = ([d1,d2,...,dn], e)
-- n >= 0, x = 0.d1d2...dn * (10^^e)
-- 0 <= di < 10
-- |
-- >>> binaryFloatToDecimalDigits (0.125 :: Double)
-- ([1,2,5],0)
-- >>> binaryFloatToDecimalDigits (12.5 :: Double)
-- ([1,2,5],2)
binaryFloatToDecimalDigits :: RealFloat a
                           => a -- ^ a non-negative number (zero, normal or subnormal)
                           -> ([Int], Int)
binaryFloatToDecimalDigits 0 = ([], 0)
binaryFloatToDecimalDigits x | floatRadix x /= 2 = error "radix must be 2"
binaryFloatToDecimalDigits x =
  let m, m', m'' :: Integer
      n, z, n', e :: Int
      (m,n) = decodeFloat x -- x = m*2^n
      z = countTrailingZerosInteger m
      (m',n') = (m `shiftR` z, n + z)
      -- x = m*2^n = m'*2^n'
      (m'',e) | n' < 0 = (m' * 5^(-n'), n') -- x = m'/2^(-n') = m'*5^(-n') / 10^(-n')
              | otherwise = (m' * 2^n', 0)
      -- x = m''*10^e, m'' is an integer, e <= 0
  in loop0 e m''
    -- x = a*10^e, a is an integer
    loop0 :: Int -> Integer -> ([Int], Int)
    loop0 !_ 0 = ([0], 0) -- should not occur
    loop0 !e a = case a `quotRem` 10 of
                   (q,0) -> loop0 (e+1) q
                   (q,r) -> loop (e+1) [fromInteger r] q

    -- x = (a + 0.<acc>)*10^e, a is an integer
    loop :: Int -> [Int] -> Integer -> ([Int], Int)
    loop !e acc 0 = (acc, e)
    loop !e acc n = case n `quotRem` 10 of
                      (q,r) -> loop (e+1) (fromInteger r : acc) q
{-# SPECIALIZE binaryFloatToDecimalDigits :: Double -> ([Int], Int) #-}

-- TODO: Maybe implement ByteString or Text versions

-- |
-- >>> showEFloatRn ToNearest (Just 0) (0 :: Double) ""
-- "0e0"
-- >>> showEFloatRn ToNearest Nothing (0 :: Double) ""
-- "0.0e0"
-- >>> showEFloatRn ToNearest Nothing (0.5 :: Double) ""
-- "5.0e-1"
showEFloatRn :: RealFloat a => RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS
showEFloatRn r mprec x
  | isNaN x = showString "NaN"
  | x < 0 || isNegativeZero x = showChar '-' . showEFloatRn (oppositeRoundingMode r) mprec (-x)
  | isInfinite x = showString "Infinity"
  | otherwise = let (xs,e) = case mprec of
                      Nothing -> binaryFloatToDecimalDigits x
                      Just prec -> let !prec' = max prec 0
                                   in first (padRight0 (prec' + 1)) $ binaryFloatToDecimalDigitsRn r prec' x
                    e' | all (== 0) xs = 0
                       | otherwise = e - 1
                in case xs of
                     [] -> showString "0.0e0" -- mprec must be `Nothing`
                     [0] -> showString "0e0" -- mprec must be `Just 0`
                     [d] -> case mprec of
                              Nothing -> showString $ intToDigit d : '.' : '0' : 'e' : show e'
                              _ -> showString $ intToDigit d : 'e' : show e'
                     (d:ds) -> showString $ (intToDigit d : '.' : map intToDigit ds) ++ ('e' : show e')
    padRight0 :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
    padRight0 0 ys = ys
    padRight0 !n [] = replicate n 0
    padRight0 !n (y:ys) = y : padRight0 (n - 1) ys
{-# SPECIALIZE showEFloatRn :: RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> Double -> ShowS #-}

-- |
-- >>> showFFloatRn ToNearest (Just 0) (0 :: Double) ""
-- "0"
-- >>> showFFloatRn ToNearest Nothing (0 :: Double) ""
-- "0.0"
-- >>> showFFloatRn ToNearest Nothing (-0 :: Double) ""
-- "-0.0"
-- >>> showFFloatRn ToNearest Nothing (-0.5 :: Double) ""
-- "-0.5"
showFFloatRn :: RealFloat a => RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS
showFFloatRn r mprec x
  | isNaN x = showString "NaN"
  | x < 0 || isNegativeZero x = showChar '-' . showFFloatRn (oppositeRoundingMode r) mprec (-x)
  | isInfinite x = showString "Infinity"
  | otherwise = case mprec of
                  Nothing -> let (xs,e) = binaryFloatToDecimalDigits x
                                 l = length xs
                             in if e >= l
                                then if null xs
                                     then showString "0.0"
                                     else showString (map intToDigit xs ++ replicate (e - l) '0' ++ ".0")
                                else if e > 0 -- 0 < e < l
                                     then if l == e -- null zs
                                          then showString (map intToDigit xs ++ ".0")
                                          else let (ys,zs) = splitAt (l - e) xs
                                                   ys' | null ys = [0]
                                                       | otherwise = ys
                                               in showString (map intToDigit ys' ++ "." ++ map intToDigit zs)
                                     else -- e < 0
                                       showString ("0." ++ replicate (-e) '0' ++ map intToDigit xs)
                  Just prec -> let prec' = max prec 0
                                   xs = binaryFloatToFixedDecimalDigitsRn r prec' x
                                   l = length xs
                               in if prec' == 0
                                  then if null xs
                                       then showString "0"
                                       else showString $ map intToDigit xs
                                  else if l <= prec'
                                       then showString $ "0." ++ replicate (prec' - l) '0' ++ map intToDigit xs
                                       else let (ys,zs) = splitAt (l - prec') xs
                                                ys' | null ys = [0]
                                                    | otherwise = ys
                                            in showString $ map intToDigit ys' ++ "." ++ map intToDigit zs
{-# SPECIALIZE showFFloatRn :: RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> Double -> ShowS #-}

showGFloatRn :: RealFloat a => RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS
showGFloatRn r mprec x | x == 0 || (0.1 <= abs x && abs x < 1e7) = showFFloatRn r mprec x -- Note that 1%10 < toRational (0.1 :: Double)
                       | otherwise = showEFloatRn r mprec x
{-# SPECIALIZE showGFloatRn :: RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> Double -> ShowS #-}

showFFloatAltRn :: RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> Double -> ShowS
showGFloatAltRn :: RoundingMode -> Maybe Int -> Double -> ShowS
-- showFloat :: RoundingMode -> Double -> ShowS