{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | RON-Text serialization
module RON.Text.Serialize
  ( serializeAtom,

import Control.Monad.State.Strict (state)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Json
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (cons, snoc, elem)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import RON.Prelude hiding (elem)
import RON.Text.Serialize.UUID
  ( serializeUuid,
import RON.Types
  ( Atom (AFloat, AInteger, AString, AUuid),
    ClosedOp (..),
    ObjectFrame (..),
    Op (..),
    WireChunk (Closed, Query, Value),
    WireReducedChunk (..),
    WireStateChunk (..)
import RON.UUID (UUID, zero)
import RON.Util (ByteStringL)

-- | Serialize a common frame
serializeWireFrame :: WireFrame -> ByteStringL
serializeWireFrame =
  (`snoc` '.') . fold . (`evalState` opZero) . traverse serializeChunk

-- | Serialize a sequence of common frames
serializeWireFrames :: [WireFrame] -> ByteStringL
serializeWireFrames = foldMap serializeWireFrame

-- | Serialize a common chunk
serializeChunk :: WireChunk -> State ClosedOp ByteStringL
serializeChunk = \case
  Closed op -> (<> " ;\n") <$> serializeClosedOpZip op
  Value chunk -> serializeReducedChunk False chunk
  Query chunk -> serializeReducedChunk True chunk

-- | Serialize a reduced chunk
serializeReducedChunk :: Bool -> WireReducedChunk -> State ClosedOp ByteStringL
serializeReducedChunk isQuery WireReducedChunk {wrcHeader, wrcBody} =
  BSL.unlines <$> liftA2 (:) serializeHeader serializeBody
    serializeHeader = do
      h <- serializeClosedOpZip wrcHeader
      pure $ BSL.intercalate "\t" [h, if isQuery then "?" else "!"]
    serializeBody = state $ \ClosedOp {op = opBefore, ..} ->
      let (body, opAfter) =
            (`runState` opBefore)
              $ for wrcBody
              $ fmap ("\t" <>)
              . serializeReducedOpZip objectId
       in (body, ClosedOp {op = opAfter, ..})

-- | Serialize a context-free raw op
serializeRawOp :: ClosedOp -> ByteStringL
serializeRawOp op = evalState (serializeClosedOpZip op) opZero

-- | Serialize a raw op with compression in stream context
serializeClosedOpZip :: ClosedOp -> State ClosedOp ByteStringL
serializeClosedOpZip this = state $ \prev ->
  let prev' = op prev
      typ = serializeUuidKey (reducerId prev) zero (reducerId this)
      obj = serializeUuidKey (objectId prev) (reducerId this) (objectId this)
      evt = serializeUuidKey (opId prev') (objectId this) (opId this')
      ref = serializeUuidKey (refId prev') (opId this') (refId this')
      payloadAtoms = serializePayload (objectId this) (payload this')
   in ( BSL.intercalate "\t"
          $ key '*' typ
          ++ key '#' obj
          ++ key '@' evt
          ++ key ':' ref
          ++ [payloadAtoms | not $ BSL.null payloadAtoms],
    this' = op this
    key c u = [c `cons` u | not $ BSL.null u]

-- | Serialize a reduced op with compression in stream context
  :: UUID -- ^ enclosing object
  -> Op
  -> State Op ByteStringL
serializeReducedOpZip opObject this = state $ \prev ->
  let evt = serializeUuidKey (opId prev) opObject (opId this)
      ref = serializeUuidKey (refId prev) (opId this) (refId this)
      payloadAtoms = serializePayload opObject (payload this)
        | BSL.null evt && BSL.null ref = ["@"]
        | otherwise = key '@' evt ++ key ':' ref
      op = keys ++ [payloadAtoms | not $ BSL.null payloadAtoms]
   in (BSL.intercalate "\t" op, this)
    key c u = [c `cons` u | not $ BSL.null u]

-- | Serialize a context-free atom
serializeAtom :: Atom -> ByteStringL
serializeAtom a = evalState (serializeAtomZip a) zero

-- | Serialize an atom with compression for UUID in stream context
serializeAtomZip :: Atom -> State UUID ByteStringL
serializeAtomZip = \case
  AFloat f -> pure $ serializeFloatAtom f
  AInteger i -> pure $ serializeIntegerAtom i
  AString s -> pure $ serializeString s
  AUuid u -> serializeUuidAtom' u

-- | Serialize a float atom.
-- If unambiguous, i.e. contains a '.' or an 'e'/'E', the prefix '^' is skipped.
serializeFloatAtom :: Double -> ByteStringL
serializeFloatAtom float
  | isDistinguishableFromUuid = bs
  | otherwise = '^' `cons` bs
    isDistinguishableFromUuid = '.' `elem` bs || 'e' `elem` bs || 'E' `elem` bs
    bs = BSL.pack $ show float

-- | Serialize an integer atom.
-- Since integers are always unambiguous, the prefix '=' is always skipped.
serializeIntegerAtom :: Int64 -> ByteStringL
serializeIntegerAtom = BSL.pack . show

-- | Serialize a string atom
serializeString :: Text -> ByteStringL
serializeString =
  wrapSingleQuotes . escapeApostrophe . stripDoubleQuotes . Json.encode
    wrapSingleQuotes = (`snoc` '\'') . cons '\''
    stripDoubleQuotes = BSL.init . BSL.tail
    escapeApostrophe s
      | BSL.null s2 = s1
      | otherwise = s1 <> "\\'" <> escapeApostrophe (BSL.tail s2)
        (s1, s2) = BSL.break (== '\'') s

serializeUuidAtom' :: UUID -> State UUID ByteStringL
serializeUuidAtom' u =
  -- TODO(2019-08-19, cblp): Check if uuid can be unambiguously serialized and
  -- if so, skip the prefix.
  state $ \prev -> (cons '>' $ serializeUuidAtom prev u, u)

-- | Serialize a payload in stream context
  :: UUID -- ^ previous UUID (default is 'zero')
  -> Payload
  -> ByteStringL
serializePayload prev =
  BSL.unwords . (`evalState` prev) . traverse serializeAtomZip

-- | Serialize a state frame
serializeStateFrame :: StateFrame -> ByteStringL
serializeStateFrame = serializeWireFrame . map wrapChunk . Map.assocs
    wrapChunk (objectId, WireStateChunk {stateType, stateBody}) =
      Value WireReducedChunk
        { wrcHeader = opZero {reducerId = stateType, objectId},
          wrcBody = stateBody

-- | Serialize an object. Return object id that must be stored separately.
serializeObject :: ObjectFrame a -> (UUID, ByteStringL)
serializeObject (ObjectFrame oid frame) = (oid, serializeStateFrame frame)

opZero :: ClosedOp
opZero = ClosedOp
  { reducerId = zero,
    objectId = zero,
    op = Op {opId = zero, refId = zero, payload = []}