{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}

module ROC.ID
  ( Identity (..)
  , identityChecksum
  , parseIdentity
  , ParseError (..)
  , randomIdentity
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom (..))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Tuple.Only (Only (..))
import Data.Vector.Sized (Vector)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import ROC.ID.Digit
import ROC.ID.Gender
import ROC.ID.Location
import ROC.ID.Serial
import ROC.ID.Utilities

import qualified Data.Text         as T
import qualified Data.Vector.Sized as V

-- Types:

-- | Represents a __valid__ 10-digit ROC national identification number
-- (中華民國身份證號碼) of the form __@A123456789@__.
-- By construction, invalid values are __not representable__ by this type.
-- An identification number encodes a person's 'Gender', the 'Location' in
-- which they first registered for an identification card, and a unique 'Serial'
-- number.
data Identity = Identity
  { identityGender   :: Gender
  -- ^ The gender of the person to whom this ID number belongs.
  , identityLocation :: Location
  -- ^ The location in which the person first registered for an ID card.
  , identitySerial   :: Serial
  -- ^ The serial number portion of this ID number.
  } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord)

instance Show Identity where
  show i@Identity {..} = ""
    <> show identityLocation
    <> foldMap show (toDigits identityGender)
    <> foldMap show (toDigits identitySerial)
    <> show (identityChecksum i)

-- | Calculate the checksum of the specified 'Identity'.
identityChecksum :: Identity -> Digit
identityChecksum Identity {..} = toEnum $ negate total `mod` 10
    total = 1 * p 0 + 9 * p 1 + 8 * g 0 + 7 * s 0 + 6 * s 1
          + 5 * s 2 + 4 * s 3 + 3 * s 4 + 2 * s 5 + 1 * s 6
    g = index identityGender
    p = index identityLocation
    s = index identitySerial
    index x = fromEnum . V.index e
        e = toDigits x

class ToDigits t n | t -> n where
  toDigits :: t -> Vector n Digit

instance ToDigits Gender 1 where
  toDigits = V.fromTuple . Only . \case
    Male   -> D1
    Female -> D2

instance ToDigits Location 2 where
  toDigits = V.fromTuple . \case
    A -> (D1, D0); N -> (D2, D2)
    B -> (D1, D1); O -> (D3, D5)
    C -> (D1, D2); P -> (D2, D3)
    D -> (D1, D3); Q -> (D2, D4)
    E -> (D1, D4); R -> (D2, D5)
    F -> (D1, D5); S -> (D2, D6)
    G -> (D1, D6); T -> (D2, D7)
    H -> (D1, D7); U -> (D2, D8)
    I -> (D3, D4); V -> (D2, D9)
    J -> (D1, D8); W -> (D3, D2)
    K -> (D1, D9); X -> (D3, D0)
    L -> (D2, D0); Y -> (D3, D1)
    M -> (D2, D1); Z -> (D3, D3)

instance ToDigits Serial 7 where
  toDigits (Serial c) = c

-- | Attempt to parse an 'Identity' using the specified 'Text' as input.
-- The input must be of the form __@A123456789@__.
parseIdentity :: Text -> Either ParseError Identity
parseIdentity t = do
    v <-              guard InvalidLength   (parseRaw                     t)
    i <- Identity <$> guard InvalidGender   (parseGender   $ readGender   v)
                  <*> guard InvalidLocation (parseLocation $ readLocation v)
                  <*> guard InvalidSerial   (parseSerial   $ readSerial   v)
    c <-              guard InvalidChecksum (parseDigit    $ readChecksum v)
    if c == identityChecksum i then pure i else Left InvalidChecksum
    readSerial   = V.slice (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
    readLocation = flip V.index 0
    readGender   = flip V.index 1
    readChecksum = flip V.index 9

-- | An error produced when parsing an 'Identity' with the 'parseIdentity'
--   function.
data ParseError
  = InvalidLength
    -- ^ The input was either too short or too long.
  | InvalidGender
    -- ^ The gender portion of the input was invalid.
  | InvalidLocation
    -- ^ The location portion of the input included non-alphabetic characters.
  | InvalidSerial
    -- ^ The serial number portion of the input included non-numeric characters.
  | InvalidChecksum
    -- ^ The computed checksum did not match the checksum portion of the input.
  deriving (Eq, Show)

parseRaw :: Text -> Maybe (Vector 10 Char)
parseRaw  = V.fromList . T.unpack

parseGender :: Char -> Maybe Gender
parseGender = \case
  '1' -> pure Male
  '2' -> pure Female
  _   -> Nothing

parseSerial :: Vector 7 Char -> Maybe Serial
parseSerial a = Serial <$> traverse parseDigit a

-- | Generate a random 'Identity'.
randomIdentity :: MonadRandom m => m Identity
randomIdentity = Identity <$> randomGender
                          <*> randomLocation
                          <*> randomSerial