{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module System.Metrics.Prometheus.Ridley.Types (
, Ridley
, runRidley
, RidleyCtx(RidleyCtx)
, ridleyThreadId
, ridleyWaiMetrics
, Port
, PrometheusOptions
, RidleyMetric(..)
, RidleyOptions
, RidleyMetricHandler(..)
, defaultMetrics
, newOptions
, prometheusOptions
, ridleyMetrics
, katipScribes
, katipSeverity
, dataRetentionPeriod
, runHandler
) where
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Katip
import Lens.Micro.TH
import Network.Wai.Metrics (WaiMetrics)
import qualified System.Metrics.Prometheus.MetricId as P
import qualified System.Metrics.Prometheus.RegistryT as P
import System.Remote.Monitoring.Prometheus
type Port = Int
type PrometheusOptions = AdapterOptions
data RidleyMetricHandler = forall c. RidleyMetricHandler {
metric :: c
, updateMetric :: c -> Bool -> IO ()
, flush :: !Bool
data RidleyMetric = ProcessMemory
| CPULoad
| GHCConc
| Network
| Wai
| DiskUsage
| CustomMetric T.Text (forall m. MonadIO m => RidleyOptions -> P.RegistryT m RidleyMetricHandler)
instance Show RidleyMetric where
show ProcessMemory = "ProcessMemory"
show CPULoad = "CPULoad"
show GHCConc = "GHCConc"
show Network = "Network"
show Wai = "Wai"
show DiskUsage = "DiskUsage"
show (CustomMetric name _) = "Custom@" <> T.unpack name
instance Eq RidleyMetric where
(==) ProcessMemory ProcessMemory = True
(==) CPULoad CPULoad = True
(==) GHCConc GHCConc = True
(==) Network Network = True
(==) Wai Wai = True
(==) DiskUsage DiskUsage = True
(==) (CustomMetric n1 _) (CustomMetric n2 _) = (==) n1 n2
(==) _ _ = False
instance Ord RidleyMetric where
compare ProcessMemory xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> EQ
_ -> GT
compare CPULoad xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> LT
CPULoad -> EQ
_ -> GT
compare GHCConc xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> LT
CPULoad -> LT
GHCConc -> EQ
_ -> GT
compare Network xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> LT
CPULoad -> LT
GHCConc -> LT
Network -> EQ
_ -> GT
compare Wai xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> LT
CPULoad -> LT
GHCConc -> LT
Network -> LT
Wai -> EQ
_ -> GT
compare DiskUsage xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> LT
CPULoad -> LT
GHCConc -> LT
Network -> LT
Wai -> LT
DiskUsage -> EQ
_ -> GT
compare (CustomMetric n1 _) xs = case xs of
ProcessMemory -> LT
CPULoad -> LT
GHCConc -> LT
Network -> LT
Wai -> LT
DiskUsage -> LT
(CustomMetric n2 _) -> compare n1 n2
data RidleyOptions = RidleyOptions {
_prometheusOptions :: PrometheusOptions
, _ridleyMetrics :: Set.Set RidleyMetric
, _katipScribes :: (Katip.Namespace, [(T.Text, Katip.Scribe)])
, _katipSeverity :: Katip.Severity
, _dataRetentionPeriod :: Maybe NominalDiffTime
makeLenses ''RidleyOptions
defaultMetrics :: [RidleyMetric]
defaultMetrics = [ProcessMemory, CPULoad, GHCConc, Network, Wai, DiskUsage]
newOptions :: [(T.Text, T.Text)]
-> [RidleyMetric]
-> RidleyOptions
newOptions appLabels metrics = RidleyOptions {
_prometheusOptions = defaultOptions (P.fromList appLabels)
, _ridleyMetrics = Set.fromList metrics
, _katipSeverity = InfoS
, _katipScribes = mempty
, _dataRetentionPeriod = Nothing
runHandler :: RidleyMetricHandler -> IO ()
runHandler (RidleyMetricHandler m u f) = u m f
newtype RidleyT t a = Ridley { unRidley :: ReaderT RidleyOptions t a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader RidleyOptions, MonadIO, MonadTrans)
type Ridley = RidleyT (P.RegistryT (KatipT IO))
data RidleyCtx = RidleyCtx {
_ridleyThreadId :: ThreadId
, _ridleyWaiMetrics :: Maybe WaiMetrics
makeLenses ''RidleyCtx
instance Katip Ridley where
getLogEnv = Ridley $ lift (lift getLogEnv)
instance KatipContext Ridley where
getKatipContext = return mempty
getKatipNamespace = _logEnvApp <$> Ridley (lift $ lift (getLogEnv))
runRidley :: RidleyOptions -> LogEnv -> Ridley a -> IO a
runRidley opts le ridley = (runReaderT $ unKatipT $ P.evalRegistryT $ (runReaderT $ unRidley ridley) opts) le