module Ribosome.App.Templates.ReadmeMd where import Exon (exon) import Ribosome.App.Data (Github (Github), ProjectName (ProjectName), GithubOrg (GithubOrg), GithubRepo (GithubRepo)) githubPlugin :: Github -> Text githubPlugin :: Github -> Text githubPlugin (Github (GithubOrg Text org) (GithubRepo Text repo)) = [exon| ```vim Plug '#{org}/#{repo}' ```|] nix :: Text nix :: Text nix = Text "[Nix package manager](" onlyBuild :: Text onlyBuild :: Text onlyBuild = [exon|built using the #{nix}, which must be installed in the system.|] githubFetch :: ProjectName -> Github -> Text githubFetch :: ProjectName -> Github -> Text githubFetch (ProjectName Text name) Github _ = [exon|fetched or built on the first start. * If the #{nix} is available, the plugin will be fetched from the Nix cache (or built if the current commit isn't in the cache) * Otherwise it will be downloaded from Github's releases. * If the variable `g:#{name}_fetch_bin` is set to `1`, Nix is ignored and the binary is downloaded from Github regardless. |] readmeMd :: ProjectName -> Maybe Github -> Text readmeMd :: ProjectName -> Maybe Github -> Text readmeMd pn :: ProjectName pn@(ProjectName Text name) Maybe Github github = [exon|# Intro *#{name}* is a Neovim plugin. # Install The plugin can be loaded by specifying the repo to a package manager like any other, for example by cloning it in a subdirectory of `'packpath'` or using one of the many plugin managers. #{foldMap githubPlugin github} Since the plugin is written in Haskell with the [Ribosome]( framework, its executable has to be #{maybe onlyBuild (githubFetch pn) github} |]