{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{- | "postgresql-simple"-backed query ribbit implementation. -}
module Database.Ribbit.PostgreSQL (
  -- * Integrating your types.

  -- * Performing queries.

  -- * Creating tables.

  -- * Other types.
  -- | These type classes/families are not meant to be used directly. They
  -- are exported primarily because they appear in the type signatures
  -- of some of the above functions and documenting them can be helpful
  -- when trying to figure out how to use those functions.
) where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.String (fromString, IsString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (Day)
import Data.Tuple.Only (Only(Only))
import Data.Type.Bool (If)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField (FromField)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField (Action, ToField)
import Database.Ribbit (Render, render, ArgsType, ResultType, (:>)((:>)),
  Name, Field, DBSchema, ValidField)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, TypeError, ErrorMessage((:<>:),
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow as PGF
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToRow as PGT
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as Lit

{- | Execute a query against a PostgreSQL database connection. -}
query :: (
    MonadIO m,
    Render query,
    ToRow (ArgsType query),
    FromRow (ResultType query)
  => Connection
  -> Proxy query
  -> ArgsType query
  -> m [ResultType query]
query conn theQuery args =
  liftIO . (fmap . fmap) unWrap $
      ((fromString . T.unpack . render) theQuery)
      (Wrap args)

{- |
  Create the indicated table in the database.

  See 'createTableStatement' for details.
createTable :: forall proxy1 proxy2 key table m. (
    KnownSymbol (Name table),
    HasPsqlTypes (DBSchema table),
    HasFields (DBSchema table),
    HasFields key,
    ValidKey key (DBSchema table) ~ 'True,
    MonadIO m
  => Connection
  -> proxy1 key
  -> proxy2 table
  -> m ()
createTable conn key table =
    stmt :: Text
    stmt = createTableStatement key table
    liftIO . void $
        (fromString . T.unpack $ stmt)

{- |
  Produce the statement used to create a table.

  In this example, we create an employee table with a multi-part primary
  key, one nullable field, and a few non-nullable fields.

  > data Employee
  > instance Table Employee where
  >   type Name = "employees"
  >   type DBSchema =
  >     Field "company_id" Int
  >     :> Field "id" Int
  >     :> Field "name" Text
  >     :> Field "quit_date" (Maybe Day)
  > let
  >   primaryKey :: Proxy '["company_id", "id"]
  >   primaryKey = Proxy
  >   table :: Proxy Employee
  >   table = Proxy
  > in
  >   createTableStatement primaryKey table

  This will produce the statement:

  > "create table employees (company_id integer not null, id integer not null, name text not null, quit_date date, primary key (company_id, id));"
createTableStatement :: forall proxy1 proxy2 table key. (
    KnownSymbol (Name table),
    HasPsqlTypes (DBSchema table),
    HasFields (DBSchema table),
    HasFields key,
    ValidKey key (DBSchema table) ~ 'True
  => proxy1 key
  -> proxy2 table
  -> Text
createTableStatement key _table =
    "create table " <> symbolVal tableName
    <> " (" <> T.intercalate ", " [
      <> " "
      <> typ
      | (field, typ) <- zip (fields schema) (psqlTypes schema)
    <> (
      case fields key of
        [] -> ""
        fs -> ", primary key (" <> T.intercalate ", " fs <> ")"
    <> ");"
    schema :: Proxy (DBSchema table)
    schema = Proxy

    tableName :: Proxy (Name table)
    tableName = Proxy

class HasFields a where
  fields :: proxy a -> [Text]
instance (KnownSymbol name) => HasFields (Field name typ) where
  fields _proxy = [symbolVal (Proxy @name)]
instance (KnownSymbol name, HasFields more) =>
    HasFields (Field name typ :> more)
    fields _proxy = symbolVal (Proxy @name) : fields (Proxy @more)
instance HasFields '[] where
  fields _proxy = []
instance (KnownSymbol name, HasFields more) => HasFields (name:more) where
  fields _proxy = symbolVal (Proxy @name) : fields (Proxy @more)

class HasPsqlTypes a where
  psqlTypes :: proxy a -> [Text]
instance (HasIsNullable typ, HasPsqlType typ) => HasPsqlTypes (Field name typ) where
  psqlTypes _proxy =
      unPsqlType (psqlType (Proxy @typ))
      <> if isNullable (Proxy @typ) then "" else " not null"
instance (HasIsNullable typ, HasPsqlType typ, HasPsqlTypes more) =>
    HasPsqlTypes (Field name typ :> more)
    psqlTypes _proxy =
      psqlTypes (Proxy @(Field name typ)) ++ psqlTypes (Proxy @more)

{- |
  Given a Haskell type, produce the PostgreSQL type of columns that
  store values of that haskell type.
class HasPsqlType a where
  psqlType :: proxy a -> PsqlType
instance (HasPsqlType a) => HasPsqlType (Maybe a) where
  psqlType _proxy = psqlType (Proxy @a)
instance HasPsqlType Text where
  psqlType _proxy = "text"
instance HasPsqlType Int where
  psqlType _proxy = "integer"
instance HasPsqlType Day where
  psqlType _proxy = "date"

class HasIsNullable a where
  isNullable :: proxy a -> Bool
instance HasIsNullable (Maybe a) where
  isNullable _proxy = True
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} HasIsNullable a where
  isNullable _proxy = False

{- |
  Represents the "base" PostgreSQL type. We say "base" type because
  whether the type is nullable is handle automatically.


  * @PsqlType "integer"@
  * @PsqlType "timestamp with time zone"@
newtype PsqlType = PsqlType {
    unPsqlType :: Text
  deriving newtype (IsString)

{- | Like 'PGF.FromRow', but defined here so we can avoid orphaned instances. -}
class FromRow a where
  fromRow :: PGF.RowParser a
instance (FromRow a, FromRow b) => FromRow (a :> b) where
  fromRow =
      <$> fromRow
      <*> fromRow
instance (FromField a) => FromRow (Only a) where
  fromRow = Only <$> PGF.field

{- | Like 'PGT.ToRow', but defined here to avoid orphan instances. -}
class ToRow a where
  toRow :: a -> [Action]
instance (ToRow a, ToRow b) => ToRow (a :> b) where
  toRow (a :> b) = toRow a ++ toRow b
instance (ToField a) => ToRow (Only a) where
  toRow = PGT.toRow
instance ToRow () where
  toRow = PGT.toRow

{- | Wrapper that helps us avoid orphan instances. -}
newtype Wrap a = Wrap {
    unWrap :: a
instance (FromRow a) => PGF.FromRow (Wrap a) where
  fromRow = Wrap <$> fromRow
instance (ToRow a) => PGT.ToRow (Wrap a) where
  toRow = toRow . unWrap

{- | Like 'Lit.symbolVal', but produce any kind of string-like thing. -}
symbolVal :: (KnownSymbol n, IsString a) => proxy n -> a
symbolVal = fromString . Lit.symbolVal

{- | Make sure the proposed primary key is legit. -}
type family ValidKey fields schema where
  ValidKey '[] schema = 'True
  ValidKey (field:more) schema =
      (ValidField field schema)
      (ValidKey more schema)
        TypeError (
          'Lit.Text "field "
          ':<>: 'ShowType field
          ':<>: 'Lit.Text " is not part of the schema, so it cannot be\
                          \ used as a component of the primary key."