{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | Combinators for working with Shake.
module Rib.Shake
  ( -- * Basic helpers

    -- * Reading only

    -- * Writing only

    -- * Misc
    RibSettings (..),

import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Forward
import Lucid (Html)
import qualified Lucid
import Path
import Path.IO
import Relude
import Rib.Source

-- | RibSettings is initialized with the values passed to `Rib.App.run`
data RibSettings
  = RibSettings
      { _ribSettings_inputDir :: Path Rel Dir,
        _ribSettings_outputDir :: Path Rel Dir
  deriving (Typeable)

-- | Get rib settings from a shake Action monad.
ribSettings :: Action RibSettings
ribSettings = getShakeExtra >>= \case
  Just v -> pure v
  Nothing -> fail "RibSettings not initialized"

-- | Input directory containing source files
-- This is same as the first argument to `Rib.App.run`
ribInputDir :: Action (Path Rel Dir)
ribInputDir = _ribSettings_inputDir <$> ribSettings

-- Output directory containing generated files
-- This is same as the second argument to `Rib.App.run`
ribOutputDir :: Action (Path Rel Dir)
ribOutputDir = do
  output <- _ribSettings_outputDir <$> ribSettings
  liftIO $ createDirIfMissing True output
  return output

-- | Shake action to copy static files as is.
buildStaticFiles :: [Path Rel File] -> Action ()
buildStaticFiles staticFilePatterns = do
  input <- ribInputDir
  output <- ribOutputDir
  files <- getDirectoryFiles' input staticFilePatterns
  void $ forP files $ \f ->
    copyFileChanged' (input </> f) (output </> f)
    copyFileChanged' (toFilePath -> old) (toFilePath -> new) =
      copyFileChanged old new

-- | Read and parse an individual source file
readSource ::
  -- | How to parse the source
  SourceReader repr ->
  -- | Path to the source file (relative to `ribInputDir`)
  Path Rel File ->
  Action repr
readSource sourceReader k = do
  f <- (</> k) <$> ribInputDir
  -- NOTE: We don't really use cacheActionWith prior to parsing content,
  -- because the parsed representation (`repr`) may not always have instances
  -- for Typeable/Binary/Generic (for example, MMark does not expose its
  -- structure.). Consequently we are forced to cache merely the HTML writing
  -- stage (see buildHtml').
  need [toFilePath f]
  sourceReader f >>= \case
    Left e ->
      fail $ "Error parsing source " <> toFilePath k <> ": " <> show e
    Right v ->
      pure v

-- | Convert the given pattern of source files into their HTML.
buildHtmlMulti ::
  -- | How to parse the source file
  SourceReader repr ->
  -- | Source file patterns (relative to `ribInputDir`)
  [Path Rel File] ->
  -- | How to render the given source to HTML
  (Source repr -> Html ()) ->
  -- | Result
  Action [Source repr]
buildHtmlMulti parser pats r = do
  input <- ribInputDir
  fs <- getDirectoryFiles' input pats
  forP fs $ \k -> do
    outfile <- liftIO $ replaceExtension ".html" k
    buildHtml parser outfile k r

-- | Like `buildHtmlMulti` but operate on a single file.
-- Also explicitly takes the output file path.
buildHtml ::
  SourceReader repr ->
  -- | Path to the output HTML file (relative to `ribOutputDir`)
  Path Rel File ->
  -- | Path to the source file (relative to `ribInputDir`)
  Path Rel File ->
  (Source repr -> Html ()) ->
  Action (Source repr)
buildHtml parser outfile k r = do
  src <- Source k outfile <$> readSource parser k
  writeHtml outfile $ r src
  pure src

-- | Like `buildHtml` but discards its result.
buildHtml_ ::
  SourceReader repr ->
  Path Rel File ->
  Path Rel File ->
  (Source repr -> Html ()) ->
  Action ()
buildHtml_ parser outfile k = void . buildHtml parser outfile k

-- | Write a single HTML file with the given HTML value
-- The HTML text value will be cached, so subsequent writes of the same value
-- will be skipped.
writeHtml :: Path Rel File -> Html () -> Action ()
writeHtml f = writeFileCached f . toString . Lucid.renderText

-- | Like writeFile' but uses `cacheAction`.
-- Also, always writes under ribOutputDir
writeFileCached :: Path Rel File -> String -> Action ()
writeFileCached k s = do
  f <- fmap (toFilePath . (</> k)) ribOutputDir
  let cacheClosure = (f, s)
      cacheKey = ("writeFileCached" :: Text, f)
  cacheActionWith cacheKey cacheClosure $ do
    writeFile' f $! s
    -- Use a character (like +) that contrasts with what Shake uses (#) for
    -- logging modified files being read.
    putInfo $ "+ " <> f

-- | Like `getDirectoryFiles` but works with `Path`
getDirectoryFiles' :: Path b Dir -> [Path Rel File] -> Action [Path Rel File]
getDirectoryFiles' (toFilePath -> dir) (fmap toFilePath -> pat) =
  traverse (liftIO . parseRelFile) =<< getDirectoryFiles dir pat