{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC  -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
module Network.Riak.Protocol.MapReduce (MapReduce(..)) where
import Prelude ((+), (/), (++), (.))
import qualified Prelude as Prelude'
import qualified Data.Typeable as Prelude'
import qualified GHC.Generics as Prelude'
import qualified Data.Data as Prelude'
import qualified Text.ProtocolBuffers.Header as P'

data MapReduce = MapReduce{phase :: !(P'.Maybe P'.Word32), response :: !(P'.Maybe P'.ByteString), done :: !(P'.Maybe P'.Bool)}
                 deriving (Prelude'.Show, Prelude'.Eq, Prelude'.Ord, Prelude'.Typeable, Prelude'.Data, Prelude'.Generic)

instance P'.Mergeable MapReduce where
  mergeAppend (MapReduce x'1 x'2 x'3) (MapReduce y'1 y'2 y'3)
   = MapReduce (P'.mergeAppend x'1 y'1) (P'.mergeAppend x'2 y'2) (P'.mergeAppend x'3 y'3)

instance P'.Default MapReduce where
  defaultValue = MapReduce P'.defaultValue P'.defaultValue P'.defaultValue

instance P'.Wire MapReduce where
  wireSize ft' self'@(MapReduce x'1 x'2 x'3)
   = case ft' of
       10 -> calc'Size
       11 -> P'.prependMessageSize calc'Size
       _ -> P'.wireSizeErr ft' self'
        calc'Size = (P'.wireSizeOpt 1 13 x'1 + P'.wireSizeOpt 1 12 x'2 + P'.wireSizeOpt 1 8 x'3)
  wirePutWithSize ft' self'@(MapReduce x'1 x'2 x'3)
   = case ft' of
       10 -> put'Fields
       11 -> put'FieldsSized
       _ -> P'.wirePutErr ft' self'
         = P'.sequencePutWithSize [P'.wirePutOptWithSize 8 13 x'1, P'.wirePutOptWithSize 18 12 x'2, P'.wirePutOptWithSize 24 8 x'3]
         = let size' = Prelude'.fst (P'.runPutM put'Fields)
                = do
                    P'.putSize size'
                    Prelude'.return (P'.size'WireSize size')
            in P'.sequencePutWithSize [put'Size, put'Fields]
  wireGet ft'
   = case ft' of
       10 -> P'.getBareMessageWith (P'.catch'Unknown' P'.discardUnknown update'Self)
       11 -> P'.getMessageWith (P'.catch'Unknown' P'.discardUnknown update'Self)
       _ -> P'.wireGetErr ft'
        update'Self wire'Tag old'Self
         = case wire'Tag of
             8 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{phase = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 13)
             18 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{response = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 12)
             24 -> Prelude'.fmap (\ !new'Field -> old'Self{done = Prelude'.Just new'Field}) (P'.wireGet 8)
             _ -> let (field'Number, wire'Type) = P'.splitWireTag wire'Tag in P'.unknown field'Number wire'Type old'Self

instance P'.MessageAPI msg' (msg' -> MapReduce) MapReduce where
  getVal m' f' = f' m'

instance P'.GPB MapReduce

instance P'.ReflectDescriptor MapReduce where
  getMessageInfo _ = P'.GetMessageInfo (P'.fromDistinctAscList []) (P'.fromDistinctAscList [8, 18, 24])
  reflectDescriptorInfo _
   = Prelude'.read
      "DescriptorInfo {descName = ProtoName {protobufName = FIName \".Protocol.MapReduce\", haskellPrefix = [MName \"Network\",MName \"Riak\"], parentModule = [MName \"Protocol\"], baseName = MName \"MapReduce\"}, descFilePath = [\"Network\",\"Riak\",\"Protocol\",\"MapReduce.hs\"], isGroup = False, fields = fromList [FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".Protocol.MapReduce.phase\", haskellPrefix' = [MName \"Network\",MName \"Riak\"], parentModule' = [MName \"Protocol\",MName \"MapReduce\"], baseName' = FName \"phase\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 1}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 8}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 13}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing},FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".Protocol.MapReduce.response\", haskellPrefix' = [MName \"Network\",MName \"Riak\"], parentModule' = [MName \"Protocol\",MName \"MapReduce\"], baseName' = FName \"response\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 2}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 18}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 12}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing},FieldInfo {fieldName = ProtoFName {protobufName' = FIName \".Protocol.MapReduce.done\", haskellPrefix' = [MName \"Network\",MName \"Riak\"], parentModule' = [MName \"Protocol\",MName \"MapReduce\"], baseName' = FName \"done\", baseNamePrefix' = \"\"}, fieldNumber = FieldId {getFieldId = 3}, wireTag = WireTag {getWireTag = 24}, packedTag = Nothing, wireTagLength = 1, isPacked = False, isRequired = False, canRepeat = False, mightPack = False, typeCode = FieldType {getFieldType = 8}, typeName = Nothing, hsRawDefault = Nothing, hsDefault = Nothing}], descOneofs = fromList [], keys = fromList [], extRanges = [], knownKeys = fromList [], storeUnknown = False, lazyFields = False, makeLenses = False, jsonInstances = False}"

instance P'.TextType MapReduce where
  tellT = P'.tellSubMessage
  getT = P'.getSubMessage

instance P'.TextMsg MapReduce where
  textPut msg
   = do
       P'.tellT "phase" (phase msg)
       P'.tellT "response" (response msg)
       P'.tellT "done" (done msg)
   = do
       mods <- P'.sepEndBy (P'.choice [parse'phase, parse'response, parse'done]) P'.spaces
       Prelude'.return (Prelude'.foldl (\ v f -> f v) P'.defaultValue mods)
         = P'.try
               v <- P'.getT "phase"
               Prelude'.return (\ o -> o{phase = v}))
         = P'.try
               v <- P'.getT "response"
               Prelude'.return (\ o -> o{response = v}))
         = P'.try
               v <- P'.getT "done"
               Prelude'.return (\ o -> o{done = v}))