{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Network.Riak.Basic
-- Copyright:   (c) 2011 MailRank, Inc.
-- License:     Apache
-- Maintainer:  Mark Hibberd <mark@hibberd.id.au>, Nathan Hunter <nhunter@janrain.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Basic support for the Riak decentralized data store.
-- When storing and retrieving data, the functions in this module do
-- not perform any encoding or decoding of data, nor do they resolve
-- conflicts.

module Network.Riak.Basic
    -- * Client configuration and identification
    , Client(..)
    , defaultClient
    -- * Connection management
    , Connection(..)
    , connect
    , disconnect
    , ping
    , getClientID
    , setClientID
    , getServerInfo
    -- * Data management
    , Quorum(..)
    , get
    , put
    , put_
    , delete
    -- * Metadata
    , listBuckets
    , foldKeys
    , getBucket
    , setBucket
    , getBucketType
    -- * Map/reduce
    , mapReduce
    ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Control.Applicative                    ((<$>))
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Foldable                          as F
import           Data.Maybe                             (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Sequence                          as Seq
import           Network.Riak.Connection.Internal
import           Network.Riak.Escape                    (unescape)
import           Network.Riak.Protocol.BucketProps
import           Network.Riak.Protocol.Content
import           Network.Riak.Protocol.ListKeysResponse
import           Network.Riak.Protocol.MapReduce        as MapReduce
import           Network.Riak.Protocol.ServerInfo
import qualified Network.Riak.Request                   as Req
import qualified Network.Riak.Response                  as Resp
import           Network.Riak.Types.Internal            hiding (MessageTag (..))
import qualified Network.Riak.Types.Internal            as T

-- | Check to see if the connection to the server is alive.
ping :: Connection -> IO ()
ping conn = exchange_ conn Req.ping

-- | Find out from the server what client ID this connection is using.
getClientID :: Connection -> IO ClientID
getClientID conn = Resp.getClientID <$> exchange conn Req.getClientID

-- | Retrieve information about the server.
getServerInfo :: Connection -> IO ServerInfo
getServerInfo conn = exchange conn Req.getServerInfo

-- | Retrieve a value.  This may return multiple conflicting siblings.
-- Choosing among them is your responsibility.
get :: Connection -> Maybe T.BucketType -> T.Bucket -> T.Key -> R
    -> IO (Maybe (Seq.Seq Content, VClock))
get conn btype bucket key r = Resp.get <$> exchangeMaybe conn (Req.get btype bucket key r)

-- | Store a single value.  This may return multiple conflicting
-- siblings.  Choosing among them, and storing a new value, is your
-- responsibility.
-- You should /only/ supply 'Nothing' as a 'T.VClock' if you are sure
-- that the given type+bucket+key combination does not already exist.
-- If you omit a 'T.VClock' but the type+bucket+key /does/ exist, your
-- value will not be stored.
put :: Connection -> Maybe T.BucketType -> T.Bucket -> T.Key -> Maybe T.VClock
    -> Content -> W -> DW
    -> IO (Seq.Seq Content, VClock)
put conn btype bucket key mvclock cont w dw =
  Resp.put <$> exchange conn (Req.put btype bucket key mvclock cont w dw True)

-- | Store a single value, without the possibility of conflict
-- resolution.
-- You should /only/ supply 'Nothing' as a 'T.VClock' if you are sure
-- that the given type+bucket+key combination does not already exist.
-- If you omit a 'T.VClock' but the type+bucket+key /does/ exist, your
-- value will not be stored, and you will not be notified.
put_ :: Connection -> Maybe T.BucketType -> T.Bucket -> T.Key -> Maybe T.VClock
     -> Content -> W -> DW
     -> IO ()
put_ conn btype bucket key mvclock cont w dw =
  exchange_ conn (Req.put btype bucket key mvclock cont w dw False)

-- | Delete a value.
delete :: Connection -> Maybe T.BucketType -> T.Bucket -> T.Key -> RW -> IO ()
delete conn btype bucket key rw = exchange_ conn $ Req.delete btype bucket key rw

-- | List the buckets in the cluster.
-- /Note/: this operation is expensive.  Do not use it in production.
listBuckets :: Connection -> Maybe BucketType -> IO (Seq.Seq T.Bucket)
listBuckets conn btype = Resp.listBuckets <$> exchange conn (Req.listBuckets btype)

-- | Fold over the keys in a bucket.
-- /Note/: this operation is expensive.  Do not use it in production.
foldKeys :: (MonadIO m) => Connection -> Maybe BucketType -> Bucket
         -> (a -> Key -> m a) -> a -> m a
foldKeys conn btype bucket f z0 = do
  liftIO $ sendRequest conn $ Req.listKeys btype bucket
  let g z = f z . unescape
      loop z = do
        ListKeysResponse{..} <- liftIO $ recvResponse conn
        z1 <- F.foldlM g z keys
        if fromMaybe False done
          then return z1
          else loop z1
  loop z0

-- | Retrieve the properties of a bucket.
getBucket :: Connection -> Maybe BucketType -> Bucket -> IO BucketProps
getBucket conn btype bucket = Resp.getBucket <$> exchange conn (Req.getBucket btype bucket)

-- | Store new properties for a bucket.
setBucket :: Connection -> Maybe BucketType -> Bucket -> BucketProps -> IO ()
setBucket conn btype bucket props = exchange_ conn $ Req.setBucket btype bucket props

-- | Gets the bucket properties associated with a bucket type.
getBucketType :: Connection -> T.BucketType -> IO BucketProps
getBucketType conn btype = Resp.getBucket <$> exchange conn (Req.getBucketType btype)

-- | Run a 'MapReduce' job.  Its result is consumed via a strict left
-- fold.
mapReduce :: Connection -> Job -> (a -> MapReduce -> a) -> a -> IO a
mapReduce conn job f z0 = loop z0 =<< (exchange conn . Req.mapReduce $ job)
    loop z mr = do
      let !z' = f z mr
      if fromMaybe False . MapReduce.done $ mr
        then return z'
        else loop z' =<< recvResponse conn