{- |
Resampling buffers from asynchronous Mealy machines.
These are used in many other modules implementing 'ResamplingBuffer's.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer.Timeless where

import FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer

-- | An asynchronous, effectful Mealy machine description.
--   (Input and output do not happen simultaneously.)
--   It can be used to create 'ResamplingBuffer's.
data AsyncMealy m s a b = AsyncMealy
  { amPut :: s -> a -> m     s -- ^ Given the previous state and an input value, return the new state.
  , amGet :: s      -> m (b, s) -- ^ Given the previous state, return an output value and a new state.

-- | A resampling buffer that is unaware of the time information of the clock,
--   and thus clock-polymorphic.
--   It is built from an asynchronous Mealy machine description.
--   Whenever 'get' is called on @timelessResamplingBuffer machine s@,
--   the method 'amGet' is called on @machine@ with state @s@,
--   discarding the time stamp. Analogously for 'put'.
  :: Monad m
  => AsyncMealy m s a b -- The asynchronous Mealy machine from which the buffer is built
  -> s -- ^ The initial state
  -> ResamplingBuffer m cl1 cl2 a b
timelessResamplingBuffer AsyncMealy {..} = go
    go s =
        put _ a = go <$> amPut s a
        get _   = do
          (b, s') <- amGet s
          return (b, go s')
      in ResamplingBuffer {..}

-- | A resampling buffer that only accepts and emits units.
trivialResamplingBuffer :: Monad m => ResamplingBuffer m cl1 cl2 () ()
trivialResamplingBuffer = timelessResamplingBuffer AsyncMealy
  { amPut = const (const (return ()))
  , amGet = const (return ((), ()))