{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies    #-}
module FRP.Rhine.ResamplingBuffer where

-- rhine
import FRP.Rhine.Clock

-- base
import Control.Arrow (second)

-- A quick note on naming conventions, to whoever cares:
-- . Call a single clock cl.
-- . Call several clocks cl1, cl2 etc. in most situations.
-- . Call it cla, clb etc. when they are Leftmost or Rightmost clocks,
-- i.e. associated to particular boundary types a, b etc.,

{- | A stateful buffer from which one may 'get' a value,
or to which one may 'put' a value,
depending on the clocks.
`ResamplingBuffer`s can be clock-polymorphic,
or specific to certain clocks.

* 'm': Monad in which the 'ResamplingBuffer' may have side effects
* 'cla': The clock at which data enters the buffer
* 'clb': The clock at which data leaves the buffer
* 'a': The input type
* 'b': The output type
data ResamplingBuffer m cla clb a b = ResamplingBuffer
  { put
      :: TimeInfo cla
      -> a
      -> m (   ResamplingBuffer m cla clb a b)
    -- ^ Store one input value of type 'a' at a given time stamp,
    --   and return a continuation.
  , get
      :: TimeInfo clb
      -> m (b, ResamplingBuffer m cla clb a b)
    -- ^ Retrieve one output value of type 'b' at a given time stamp,
    --   and a continuation.

-- | Hoist a 'ResamplingBuffer' along a monad morphism.
  :: (Monad m1, Monad m2)
  => (forall c. m1 c -> m2 c)
  -> ResamplingBuffer m1 cla clb a b
  -> ResamplingBuffer m2 cla clb a b
hoistResamplingBuffer hoist ResamplingBuffer {..} = ResamplingBuffer
  { put = (((hoistResamplingBuffer hoist <$>) . hoist) .) . put
  , get = (second (hoistResamplingBuffer hoist) <$>) . hoist . get