rhine- Functional Reactive Programming with type-level clocks

Safe HaskellNone





type SyncExcept m cl a b e = MSFExcept (ReaderT (TimeInfo cl) m) a b e Source #

commuteReaderExcept :: ReaderT r (ExceptT e m) a -> ExceptT e (ReaderT r m) a Source #

Commute the effects of the |ReaderT| and the |ExceptT| monad.

try :: Monad m => SyncSF (ExceptT e m) cl a b -> SyncExcept m cl a b e Source #

Enter the monad context in the exception for |SyncSF|s in the |ExceptT| monad.

once :: Monad m => (a -> m e) -> SyncExcept m cl a b e Source #

Within the same tick, perform a monadic action, and immediately throw the value as an exception.

once_ :: Monad m => m e -> SyncExcept m cl a b e Source #

A variant of |once| without input.

throwS :: Monad m => SyncSF (ExceptT e m) cl e a Source #

throwOn' :: Monad m => SyncSF (ExceptT e m) cl (Bool, e) () Source #

throwOn :: Monad m => e -> SyncSF (ExceptT e m) cl Bool () Source #

Will be in dunai-0.1.2

step :: Monad m => (a -> m (b, e)) -> SyncExcept m cl a b e Source #

Advances a single tick with the given Kleisli arrow, and then throws an exception.

currentInput :: Monad m => SyncExcept m cl e b e Source #

Immediately throw the current input as an exception.

safe :: Monad m => MSF m a b -> MSFExcept m a b e #

safely :: Monad m => MSFExcept m a b Empty -> MSF m a b #

data Empty :: * #

exceptS :: Monad m => MSF (ExceptT e m) a b -> MSF m a (Either e b) #

runMSFExcept :: MSFExcept m a b e -> MSF (ExceptT e m) a b #