rest-core-0.31.1: Rest API library.

Safe HaskellNone




A Resource type for representing a REST resource, as well as smart constructors for empty resources which can them be filled in using record updates.


The Resource type.

data Resource m s sid mid aid where Source

The Resource data type represents a single resource in a REST API. Handlers run in a monad m, while things below this resource run in s. The identifiers sid, mid and aid identify a single item, a listing and an action.


Resource :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Applicative s, Monad s) => String -> String -> Schema sid mid aid -> Bool -> (forall b. sid -> s b -> m b) -> (mid -> ListHandler m) -> (aid -> Handler m) -> Maybe (Handler s) -> Maybe (Handler s) -> Maybe (Handler s) -> Maybe (Handler m) -> [(String, Handler s)] -> [(String, Handler s)] -> Resource m s sid mid aid 


name :: String

The name for this resource, used as a path segment in routing.

description :: String

A description of the resource, used for documentation.

schema :: Schema sid mid aid

The schema for routing and identification.

private :: Bool

Private resources are not documented, but they are exposed.

enter :: forall b. sid -> s b -> m b

How to run a subresource given an id.

list :: mid -> ListHandler m

List handler, both toplevel and deeper (search).

statics :: aid -> Handler m

Static actions, e.g. signin.

get :: Maybe (Handler s)

Get a single resource identified by id.

update :: Maybe (Handler s)

Update a single resource identified by id.

remove :: Maybe (Handler s)

Delete a single resource identified by id.

create :: Maybe (Handler m)

Create a single resource, generating a new id.

actions :: [(String, Handler s)]

Actions performed on a single resource.

selects :: [(String, Handler s)]

Properties of a single resource.

Smart constructors for empty resources.

mkResource :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Applicative s, Monad s) => (forall b. sid -> s b -> m b) -> Resource m s sid Void Void Source

Create an empty resource given an enter function. It has no name, so if you wish to route to this resource, you should set one.

mkResourceId :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => Resource m m sid Void Void Source

Make a resource that doesn't add any information for subresources (i.e. enter is set to id).

mkResourceReader :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => Resource m (ReaderT sid m) sid Void Void Source

Make a resource that provides the single resource identifier to its subresources.

mkResourceReaderWith :: (Applicative m, Monad m, Applicative s, Monad s) => (forall b. s b -> ReaderT sid m b) -> Resource m s sid Void Void Source

Make a resource that provides the single resource identifier to its subresources, by giving a convertion function to a ReaderT. If s is a newtype around ReaderT, for example, the function should unwrap the newtype.

The Void type.

newtype Void Source

The Void type is used as the identifier for resources that can't be routed to. It contains no values apart from bottom.




magic :: forall a. a