rest-core- Rest API library.

Safe HaskellNone




This module allows you to combine Resources into an Api. This can then be served using 'rest-happstack' or 'rest-snap', or used to generate clients or documentation using 'rest-gen'.


Api data types.

type Api m = [(Version, Some1 (Router m))]Source

An API is a list of versioned routers.

data Router m s whereSource

A Router is a Resource and a list of subresources.


Embed :: Resource m s sid mid aid -> [Some1 (Router s)] -> Router m s 

data Some1 f whereSource

An existential where the second argument has kind (* -> *).


Some1 :: f (a :: * -> *) -> Some1 f 

Defining routes.

route :: Monad s => Resource m s sid mid aid -> Router m sSource

Convenience constructor constructing a route without any subresource.

compose :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Add the second router as a subresource to the first.

(-/) :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Operators with the right fixities to allow you to define routes without using parentheses. Start with the shortest near the root.

(--/) :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Operators with the right fixities to allow you to define routes without using parentheses. Start with the shortest near the root.

(---/) :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Operators with the right fixities to allow you to define routes without using parentheses. Start with the shortest near the root.

(----/) :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Operators with the right fixities to allow you to define routes without using parentheses. Start with the shortest near the root.

(-----/) :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Operators with the right fixities to allow you to define routes without using parentheses. Start with the shortest near the root.

(------/) :: Router m s -> Router s t -> Router m sSource

Operators with the right fixities to allow you to define routes without using parentheses. Start with the shortest near the root.

root :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => Router m mSource

An empty router to use as the root for your API.

Api versioning.

data Version Source

An API version has three parts. The first is two are used for API breaking changes, the last for non-API breaking changes.




full :: Int
major :: Int
minor :: Maybe Int

mkVersion :: Int -> Int -> Int -> VersionSource

Smart constructor for Version.

latest :: Api m -> Maybe (Version, Some1 (Router m))Source

Get the latest version of an API.

parseVersion :: String -> Maybe VersionSource

Parse a String as a Version. The string should contain two or three numbers separated by dots, e.g. 1.12.3.

lookupVersion :: String -> Api m -> Maybe (Some1 (Router m))Source

Look up a version in an API. The string can either be a valid version according to parseVersion, or latest.

lookupVersion' :: Version -> Api m -> Maybe (Some1 (Router m))Source

Look up a version in the API.

withVersion :: String -> Api m -> r -> (Version -> Some1 (Router m) -> r) -> rSource

Given a version string, an API and a fallback, do the following:

  • Parse the version number or latest.
  • Look up this version.
  • If ok, run the given function on it.
  • If not parsed or found, return the fallback.