#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >=704
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >=702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module RERE.Gen (generate) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Void (Void, vacuous)
import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, arbitrary, choose, frequency, oneof)
import RERE.CharSet
import RERE.Type
import RERE.Var
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
:: Int
-> Int
-> RE Void
-> Maybe (Gen String)
generate starSize fixSize = fmap (fmap ($ "")) . go . vacuous where
go :: RE (Maybe (Gen ShowS)) -> Maybe (Gen ShowS)
go Null = Nothing
go Full = Just arbitrary
go Eps = Just (return id)
go (Ch c) = case toIntervalList c of
[] -> Nothing
xs -> Just $ frequency
[ (ord hi - ord lo + 1, showChar <$> choose (lo,hi))
| (lo,hi) <- xs
go (App x y) = do
x' <- go x
y' <- go y
return (liftA2 (.) x' y')
go (Alt x y) = alt (go x) (go y) where
alt (Just x') (Just y') = Just (oneof [x', y'])
alt x' Nothing = x'
alt Nothing y' = y'
go (Star x) = case go x of
Nothing -> Just (return id)
Just x' -> Just $ do
n <- choose (0, starSize)
if n <= 0
then return id
else foldr (\_ acc -> liftA2 (.) acc x') x' [2..n]
go (And _ _) = Nothing
go (Var x) = x
go (Let _ r s) = go (fmap (unvar (go r) id) s)
go (Fix _ r) = go' fixSize where
go' :: Int -> Maybe (Gen ShowS)
go' n | n <= 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = go (fmap (unvar (go' (n - 1)) id) r)