{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-} {- | Module : Relude.Unsafe Copyright : (c) 2016 Stephen Diehl (c) 2016-2018 Serokell (c) 2018-2023 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier : MIT Maintainer : Kowainik <xrom.xkov@gmail.com> Stability : Stable Portability : Portable __⚠️ Warning ⚠️__ This module contains unsafe partial functions. They are unavoidable sometimes, but we encourage you to use safer analogues: +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | __Partial__ | __Total__ | +===================================+=====================================================================+ | @'head' :: [a] -> a@ | @'Relude.head' :: NonEmpty a -> a@ | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | @'tail' :: [a] -> [a]@ | @'Relude.tail' :: NonEmpty a -> [a]@ | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | @'read' :: Read a => String -> a@ | @'Relude.String.Reexport.readMaybe' :: Read a => String -> Maybe a@ | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | @'fromJust' :: Maybe a -> a@ | @'Relude.Monad.Reexport.fromMaybe' :: a -> Maybe a -> a@ | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ This module is intended to be imported qualified and it is not included in default prelude exports. @ __import qualified__ Relude.Unsafe as Unsafe foo :: [a] -> a foo = Unsafe.'head' @ -} module Relude.Unsafe ( -- * Unsafe list functions head , tail , last , init , (!!) , at -- * Unsafe 'Data.Maybe.Maybe' functions , fromJust -- * Unsafe "Text.Read" functions , read ) where import Data.List (head, init, last, tail, (!!)) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Text.Read (read) import Relude.Function (flip) import Relude.Numeric (Int) -- $setup -- >>> import Relude {- | Similar to '!!' but with flipped arguments. get element from list using index value starting from `0`. >>> at 2 ["a", "b", "c"] "c" it is also useful when used in a partially applied position like: >>> map (at 1) [["a","b","c"], ["a","b","c"], ["a","b","c"]] ["b","b","b"] -} at :: Int -> [a] -> a at :: forall a. Int -> [a] -> a at = forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c flip forall a. [a] -> Int -> a (!!)