{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}

{-# options_ghc -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}

module Rel8.Expr.Aggregate
  ( count, countDistinct, countStar, countWhere
  , and, or
  , min, max
  , sum, sumWhere
  , stringAgg
  , groupByExpr
  , listAggExpr, nonEmptyAggExpr
  , slistAggExpr, snonEmptyAggExpr

-- base
import Data.Int ( Int64 )
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
import Prelude hiding ( and, max, min, null, or, sum )

-- opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye

-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, Aggregator(..), unsafeMakeAggregate )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Expr.Bool ( caseExpr )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye
  ( castExpr
  , fromPrimExpr
  , fromPrimExpr
  , toPrimExpr
import Rel8.Expr.Null ( null )
import Rel8.Expr.Serialize ( litExpr )
import Rel8.Schema.Null ( Sql, Unnullify )
import Rel8.Type ( DBType, typeInformation )
import Rel8.Type.Array ( encodeArrayElement )
import Rel8.Type.Eq ( DBEq )
import Rel8.Type.Information ( TypeInformation )
import Rel8.Type.Num ( DBNum )
import Rel8.Type.Ord ( DBMax, DBMin )
import Rel8.Type.String ( DBString )
import Rel8.Type.Sum ( DBSum )

-- | Count the occurances of a single column. Corresponds to @COUNT(a)@
count :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
count :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
count = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr Int64)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate Int64
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr Int64
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate Int64)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Count the number of distinct occurances of a single column. Corresponds to
countDistinct :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
countDistinct :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
countDistinct = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr Int64)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate Int64
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr Int64
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate Int64)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Corresponds to @COUNT(*)@.
countStar :: Aggregate Int64
countStar :: Aggregate Int64
countStar = Expr Bool -> Aggregate Int64
forall a. Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
count (Bool -> Expr Bool
forall a. Sql DBType a => a -> Expr a
litExpr Bool

-- | A count of the number of times a given expression is @true@.
countWhere :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Int64
countWhere :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Int64
countWhere Expr Bool
condition = Expr (Maybe Bool) -> Aggregate Int64
forall a. Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
count ([(Expr Bool, Expr (Maybe Bool))]
-> Expr (Maybe Bool) -> Expr (Maybe Bool)
forall a. [(Expr Bool, Expr a)] -> Expr a -> Expr a
caseExpr [(Expr Bool
condition, Maybe Bool -> Expr (Maybe Bool)
forall a. Sql DBType a => a -> Expr a
litExpr (Bool -> Maybe Bool
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Bool
True))] Expr (Maybe Bool)
forall a. DBType a => Expr (Maybe a)

-- | Corresponds to @bool_and@.
and :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
and :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
and = (Expr Bool -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr Bool)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr Bool
-> Aggregate Bool
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr Bool -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr Bool
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Corresponds to @bool_or@.
or :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
or :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
or = (Expr Bool -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr Bool)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr Bool
-> Aggregate Bool
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr Bool -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr Bool
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Produce an aggregation for @Expr a@ using the @max@ function.
max :: Sql DBMax a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
max :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
max = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr a)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate a
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Produce an aggregation for @Expr a@ using the @max@ function.
min :: Sql DBMin a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
min :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
min = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr a)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate a
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Corresponds to @sum@. Note that in SQL, @sum@ is type changing - for
-- example the @sum@ of @integer@ returns a @bigint@. Rel8 doesn't support
-- this, and will add explicit cast back to the original input type. This can
-- lead to overflows, and if you anticipate very large sums, you should upcast
-- your input.
sum :: Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
sum :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
sum = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr a)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate a
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr (Expr a -> Expr a
forall a. Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Expr a
castExpr (Expr a -> Expr a) -> (PrimExpr -> Expr a) -> PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr) (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Take the sum of all expressions that satisfy a predicate.
sumWhere :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBSum a)
  => Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
sumWhere :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
sumWhere Expr Bool
condition Expr a
a = Expr a -> Aggregate a
forall a. Sql DBSum a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
sum ([(Expr Bool, Expr a)] -> Expr a -> Expr a
forall a. [(Expr Bool, Expr a)] -> Expr a -> Expr a
caseExpr [(Expr Bool
condition, Expr a
a)] Expr a

-- | Corresponds to @string_agg()@.
stringAgg :: Sql DBString a
  => Expr db -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
stringAgg :: Expr db -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
stringAgg Expr db
delimiter =
  (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr a)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate a
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr (Expr a -> Expr a
forall a. Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Expr a
castExpr (Expr a -> Expr a) -> (PrimExpr -> Expr a) -> PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr) (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a)
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
      { operation :: AggrOp
operation = PrimExpr -> AggrOp
Opaleye.AggrStringAggr (Expr db -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr Expr db
      , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
      , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct

-- | Aggregate a value by grouping by it.
groupByExpr :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Aggregate a
groupByExpr :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
groupByExpr = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr a)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate a
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr
toPrimExpr PrimExpr -> Expr a
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr Maybe Aggregator
forall a. Maybe a

-- | Collect expressions values as a list.
listAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
listAggExpr :: Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
listAggExpr = TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
forall a. TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
slistAggExpr TypeInformation (Unnullify a)
forall a. DBType a => TypeInformation a

-- | Collect expressions values as a non-empty list.
nonEmptyAggExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
nonEmptyAggExpr :: Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
nonEmptyAggExpr = TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
forall a.
TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
snonEmptyAggExpr TypeInformation (Unnullify a)
forall a. DBType a => TypeInformation a

slistAggExpr :: ()
  => TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
slistAggExpr :: TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
slistAggExpr TypeInformation (Unnullify a)
info = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr [a])
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate [a]
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
to PrimExpr -> Expr [a]
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate [a])
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
  Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct
    to :: Expr a -> PrimExpr
to = TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> PrimExpr -> PrimExpr
forall a. TypeInformation a -> PrimExpr -> PrimExpr
encodeArrayElement TypeInformation (Unnullify a)
info (PrimExpr -> PrimExpr)
-> (Expr a -> PrimExpr) -> Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr

snonEmptyAggExpr :: ()
  => TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
snonEmptyAggExpr :: TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
snonEmptyAggExpr TypeInformation (Unnullify a)
info = (Expr a -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr (NonEmpty a))
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr a
-> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
forall k1 k2 (input :: k1) (output :: k2).
(Expr input -> PrimExpr)
-> (PrimExpr -> Expr output)
-> Maybe Aggregator
-> Expr input
-> Aggregate output
unsafeMakeAggregate Expr a -> PrimExpr
to PrimExpr -> Expr (NonEmpty a)
forall a. PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr (Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a))
-> Maybe Aggregator -> Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Aggregator -> Maybe Aggregator
forall a. a -> Maybe a
  Aggregator :: AggrOp -> [OrderExpr] -> AggrDistinct -> Aggregator
    { operation :: AggrOp
operation = AggrOp
    , ordering :: [OrderExpr]
ordering = []
    , distinction :: AggrDistinct
distinction = AggrDistinct
    to :: Expr a -> PrimExpr
to = TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> PrimExpr -> PrimExpr
forall a. TypeInformation a -> PrimExpr -> PrimExpr
encodeArrayElement TypeInformation (Unnullify a)
info (PrimExpr -> PrimExpr)
-> (Expr a -> PrimExpr) -> Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Expr a -> PrimExpr
forall a. Expr a -> PrimExpr