regex-tdfa- Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Common provides simple functions to the backend. It defines most of the data types. All modules should call error via the common_error function below.



look :: Int -> IntMap a -> a Source #

on :: (t1 -> t1 -> t2) -> (t -> t1) -> t -> t -> t2 Source #

norep :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] Source #

after sort or sortBy the use of nub/nubBy can be replaced by norep/norepBy

norepBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] Source #

after sort or sortBy the use of nub/nubBy can be replaced by norep/norepBy

mapFst :: Functor f => (t -> t2) -> f (t, t1) -> f (t2, t1) Source #

mapSnd :: Functor f => (t1 -> t2) -> f (t, t1) -> f (t, t2) Source #

fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a Source #

snd3 :: (a, b, c) -> b Source #

thd3 :: (a, b, c) -> c Source #

newtype DoPa Source #

Used to track elements of the pattern that accept characters or are anchors





Instances details
Enum DoPa Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


succ :: DoPa -> DoPa #

pred :: DoPa -> DoPa #

toEnum :: Int -> DoPa #

fromEnum :: DoPa -> Int #

enumFrom :: DoPa -> [DoPa] #

enumFromThen :: DoPa -> DoPa -> [DoPa] #

enumFromTo :: DoPa -> DoPa -> [DoPa] #

enumFromThenTo :: DoPa -> DoPa -> DoPa -> [DoPa] #

Show DoPa Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


showsPrec :: Int -> DoPa -> ShowS #

show :: DoPa -> String #

showList :: [DoPa] -> ShowS #

Eq DoPa Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


(==) :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Bool #

(/=) :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Bool #

Ord DoPa Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


compare :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Ordering #

(<) :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Bool #

(<=) :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Bool #

(>) :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Bool #

(>=) :: DoPa -> DoPa -> Bool #

max :: DoPa -> DoPa -> DoPa #

min :: DoPa -> DoPa -> DoPa #

data CompOption Source #

Control whether the pattern is multiline or case-sensitive like Text.Regex and whether to capture the subgroups (\1, \2, etc). Controls enabling extra anchor syntax.




  • caseSensitive :: Bool

    True in blankCompOpt and defaultCompOpt

  • multiline :: Bool

    False in blankCompOpt, True in defaultCompOpt. Compile for newline-sensitive matching. "By default, newline is a completely ordinary character with no special meaning in either REs or strings. With this flag, inverted bracket expressions and . never match newline, a ^ anchor matches the null string after any newline in the string in addition to its normal function, and the $ anchor matches the null string before any newline in the string in addition to its normal function."

  • rightAssoc :: Bool

    True (and therefore Right associative) in blankCompOpt and defaultCompOpt

  • newSyntax :: Bool

    False in blankCompOpt, True in defaultCompOpt. Add the extended non-POSIX syntax described in Text.Regex.TDFA haddock documentation.

  • lastStarGreedy :: Bool

    False by default. This is POSIX correct but it takes space and is slower. Setting this to true will improve performance, and should be done if you plan to set the captureGroups execoption to False.


Instances details
Read CompOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

Show CompOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption String 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.String

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption (Seq Char) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Sequence

data ExecOption Source #





Instances details
Read ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

Show ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption String 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.String

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption (Seq Char) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Sequence

type Tag = Int Source #

Used by implementation to name certain Postions during matching. Identity of Position tag to set during a transition

data OP Source #

Internal use to indicate type of tag and preference for larger or smaller Positions




Instances details
Show OP Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


showsPrec :: Int -> OP -> ShowS #

show :: OP -> String #

showList :: [OP] -> ShowS #

Eq OP Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


(==) :: OP -> OP -> Bool #

(/=) :: OP -> OP -> Bool #

type Index = Int Source #

Internal NFA node identity number

type SetIndex = IntSet Source #

Internal DFA identity is this Set of NFA Index

type Position = Int Source #

Index into the text being searched

type GroupIndex = Int Source #

GroupIndex is for indexing submatches from capturing parenthesized groups (PGroup/Group)

data GroupInfo Source #

GroupInfo collects the parent and tag information for an instance of a group


Instances details
Show GroupInfo Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

data Regex Source #

The TDFA backend specific Regex type, used by this module's RegexOptions and RegexMaker





Instances details
RegexLike Regex ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString

RegexLike Regex ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy

RegexLike Regex Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text


matchOnce :: Regex -> Text -> Maybe MatchArray

matchAll :: Regex -> Text -> [MatchArray]

matchCount :: Regex -> Text -> Int

matchTest :: Regex -> Text -> Bool

matchAllText :: Regex -> Text -> [MatchText Text]

matchOnceText :: Regex -> Text -> Maybe (Text, MatchText Text, Text)

RegexLike Regex Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy


matchOnce :: Regex -> Text -> Maybe MatchArray

matchAll :: Regex -> Text -> [MatchArray]

matchCount :: Regex -> Text -> Int

matchTest :: Regex -> Text -> Bool

matchAllText :: Regex -> Text -> [MatchText Text]

matchOnceText :: Regex -> Text -> Maybe (Text, MatchText Text, Text)

RegexLike Regex String 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.String


matchOnce :: Regex -> String -> Maybe MatchArray

matchAll :: Regex -> String -> [MatchArray]

matchCount :: Regex -> String -> Int

matchTest :: Regex -> String -> Bool

matchAllText :: Regex -> String -> [MatchText String]

matchOnceText :: Regex -> String -> Maybe (String, MatchText String, String)

RegexContext Regex ByteString ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString

RegexContext Regex ByteString ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy

RegexContext Regex Text Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text


match :: Regex -> Text -> Text

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> Text -> m Text

RegexContext Regex Text Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy


match :: Regex -> Text -> Text

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> Text -> m Text

RegexContext Regex String String 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.String


match :: Regex -> String -> String

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> String -> m String

RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption ByteString 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption Text

Since: 1.3.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption String 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.String

RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption (Seq Char) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Sequence

RegexLike Regex (Seq Char) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Sequence


matchOnce :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Maybe MatchArray

matchAll :: Regex -> Seq Char -> [MatchArray]

matchCount :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Int

matchTest :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Bool

matchAllText :: Regex -> Seq Char -> [MatchText (Seq Char)]

matchOnceText :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Maybe (Seq Char, MatchText (Seq Char), Seq Char)

RegexContext Regex (Seq Char) (Seq Char) 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Sequence


match :: Regex -> Seq Char -> Seq Char

matchM :: MonadFail m => Regex -> Seq Char -> m (Seq Char)

data WinEmpty Source #


Instances details
Show WinEmpty Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

data QNFA Source #

Internal NFA node type





Instances details
Show QNFA Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


showsPrec :: Int -> QNFA -> ShowS #

show :: QNFA -> String #

showList :: [QNFA] -> ShowS #

data QT Source #

Internal to QNFA type.







Instances details
Show QT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


showsPrec :: Int -> QT -> ShowS #

show :: QT -> String #

showList :: [QT] -> ShowS #

Eq QT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


(==) :: QT -> QT -> Bool #

(/=) :: QT -> QT -> Bool #

type QTrans = IntMap [TagCommand] Source #

Internal type to represent the tagged transition from one QNFA to another (or itself). The key is the Index of the destination QNFA.

data WhichTest Source #

Known predicates, just Beginning of Line (^) and End of Line ($). Also support for GNU extensions is being added: \` beginning of buffer, \' end of buffer, \< and \> for begin and end of words, \b and \B for word boundary and not word boundary.

data TagTask Source #

The things that can be done with a Tag. TagTask and ResetGroupStopTask are for tags with Maximize or Minimize OP values. ResetOrbitTask and EnterOrbitTask and LeaveOrbitTask are for tags with Orbit OP value.


Instances details
Show TagTask Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

Eq TagTask Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


(==) :: TagTask -> TagTask -> Bool #

(/=) :: TagTask -> TagTask -> Bool #

type TagTasks = [(Tag, TagTask)] Source #

Ordered list of tags and their associated Task

data TagUpdate Source #

When attached to a QTrans the TagTask can be done before or after accepting the character.


Instances details
Show TagUpdate Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

Eq TagUpdate Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

type TagList = [(Tag, TagUpdate)] Source #

Ordered list of tags and their associated update operation.

type TagCommand = (DoPa, TagList) Source #

A TagList and the location of the item in the original pattern that is being accepted.

type WinTags = TagList Source #

Ordered list of tags and their associated update operation to perform on an empty transition to the virtual winning state.

data DFA Source #

Internal DFA node, identified by the Set of indices of the QNFA nodes it represents.





Instances details
Show DFA Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


showsPrec :: Int -> DFA -> ShowS #

show :: DFA -> String #

showList :: [DFA] -> ShowS #

data Transition Source #




data DT Source #

Internal to the DFA node







Instances details
Show DT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


showsPrec :: Int -> DT -> ShowS #

show :: DT -> String #

showList :: [DT] -> ShowS #

type DTrans = IntMap (IntMap (DoPa, Instructions)) Source #

Internal type to repesent the commands for the tagged transition. The outer IntMap is for the destination Index and the inner IntMap is for the Source Index. This is convenient since all runtime data going to the same destination must be compared to find the best.

A Destination IntMap entry may have an empty Source IntMap if and only if the destination is the starting index and the NFA/DFA. This instructs the matching engine to spawn a new entry starting at the post-update position.

type DTrans' = [(Index, [(Index, (DoPa, ([(Tag, (Position, Bool))], [String])))])] Source #

Internal convenience type for the text display code

data Orbits Source #

Positions for which a * was re-started while looping. Need to append locations at back but compare starting with front, so use Seq as a Queue. The initial position is saved in basePos (and a Maximize Tag), the middle positions in the Seq, and the final position is NOT saved in the Orbits (only in a Maximize Tag).

The orderinal code is being written XXX TODO document it.




Instances details
Show Orbits Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

data Instructions Source #

The newPos and newFlags lists in Instructions are sorted by, and unique in, the Tag values




Instances details
Show Instructions Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

data Action Source #


SetVal Int 


Instances details
Show Action Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common

Eq Action Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Regex.TDFA.Common


(==) :: Action -> Action -> Bool #

(/=) :: Action -> Action -> Bool #