{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Reflex.Process.GHCi
( ghci
, ghciWatch
, Ghci(..)
, Status(..)
, moduleOutput
, execOutput
, collectOutput
, statusMessage
) where
import Reflex
import Reflex.FSNotify (watchDirectoryTree)
import Reflex.Process (ProcessConfig(..), Process(..), SendPipe(..), createProcess)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Data.String (IsString)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.FSNotify as FS
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeExtension)
import System.Posix.Signals (sigINT)
import qualified System.Process as P
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as Regex ((=~))
:: ( TriggerEvent t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, PostBuild t m
, MonadIO m
, MonadFix m
, MonadHold t m
=> P.CreateProcess
-> Maybe ByteString
-> Event t ()
-> m (Ghci t)
ghci cmd mexpr reloadReq = do
rec proc <- createProcess cmd $ ProcessConfig
{ _processConfig_stdin = SendPipe_Message . (<> "\n") <$> leftmost
[ reload
, fforMaybe (updated status) $ \case
Status_LoadSucceeded -> mexpr
_ -> Nothing
, let f old new = if old == Status_Initializing && new == Status_Loading
then Just $ C8.intercalate "\n"
[ "Prelude.putStrLn \"Initialized. Setting up reflex-ghci...\""
, ":set prompt ..."
, ":set -fno-break-on-exception"
, ":set -fno-break-on-error"
, ":set prompt \"\""
, "Prelude.putStrLn \"\""
, ":set prompt " <> prompt
, ":r"
else Nothing
in attachWithMaybe f (current status) (updated status)
, _processConfig_signal = sigINT <$ requestInterrupt
let reload = leftmost
[ ":r" <$ reloadReq
output <- collectOutput (() <$ reload) $ _process_stdout proc
errors <- collectOutput (() <$ reload) $ _process_stderr proc
let interruptible s = s `elem` [Status_Loading, Status_Executing]
requestInterrupt = gate (interruptible <$> current status) (() <$ reloadReq)
let okModulesLoaded = "Ok.*module.*loaded." :: ByteString
failedNoModulesLoaded = "Failed,.*module.*loaded." :: ByteString
exceptionMessage = "\\*\\*\\* Exception:.*" :: ByteString
interactiveErrorMessage = "<interactive>:.*:.*:.error:.*" :: ByteString
ghciVersionMessage = "GHCi, version.*: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/" :: ByteString
status :: Dynamic t Status <- holdUniqDyn <=< foldDyn ($) Status_Initializing $ leftmost
[ fforMaybe (updated errors) $ \err -> if err Regex.=~ exceptionMessage || err Regex.=~ interactiveErrorMessage
then Just $ const Status_ExecutionFailed
else Nothing
, const Status_Loading <$ reload
, ffor (updated output) $ \out -> case reverse (C8.lines out) of
| lastLine == prompt && expectedMessage Regex.=~ okModulesLoaded -> const Status_LoadSucceeded
| lastLine == prompt && expectedMessage Regex.=~ failedNoModulesLoaded -> const Status_LoadFailed
| lastLine == prompt -> \case
Status_Executing -> Status_ExecutionSucceeded
s -> s
| lastLine Regex.=~ ghciVersionMessage -> const Status_Loading
| otherwise -> \case
Status_LoadSucceeded -> case mexpr of
Nothing -> Status_LoadSucceeded
Just _ -> Status_Executing
s -> s
| lastLine Regex.=~ ghciVersionMessage -> const Status_Loading
_ -> id
execStream <- hold False $ leftmost
[ False <$ reload
, fforMaybe (updated status) $ \case
Status_LoadSucceeded -> Just True
Status_LoadFailed -> Just False
Status_Executing -> Just True
_ -> Nothing
return $ Ghci
{ _ghci_moduleOut = gate (not <$> execStream) $ _process_stdout proc
, _ghci_moduleErr = gate (not <$> execStream) $ _process_stderr proc
, _ghci_execOut = gate execStream $ _process_stdout proc
, _ghci_execErr = gate execStream $ _process_stderr proc
, _ghci_reload = () <$ reload
, _ghci_status = status
, _ghci_process = proc
prompt :: IsString a => a
prompt = "<| Waiting |>"
:: ( TriggerEvent t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, PostBuild t m
, MonadIO m
, MonadFix m
, MonadHold t m
=> P.CreateProcess
-> Maybe ByteString
-> m (Ghci t)
ghciWatch p mexec = do
dir <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
pb <- getPostBuild
fsEvents <- watchDirectoryTree (noDebounce FS.defaultConfig) (dir <$ pb) $ \e ->
takeExtension (FS.eventPath e) `elem` [".hs", ".lhs"]
batchedFsEvents <- batchOccurrences 0.1 fsEvents
ghci p mexec $ () <$ batchedFsEvents
noDebounce :: FS.WatchConfig -> FS.WatchConfig
noDebounce cfg = cfg { FS.confDebounce = FS.NoDebounce }
data Ghci t = Ghci
{ _ghci_moduleOut :: Event t ByteString
, _ghci_moduleErr :: Event t ByteString
, _ghci_execOut :: Event t ByteString
, _ghci_execErr :: Event t ByteString
, _ghci_reload :: Event t ()
, _ghci_status :: Dynamic t Status
, _ghci_process :: Process t ByteString ByteString
data Status
= Status_Initializing
| Status_Loading
| Status_LoadFailed
| Status_LoadSucceeded
| Status_Executing
| Status_ExecutionFailed
| Status_ExecutionSucceeded
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
:: (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m)
=> Behavior t Bool
-> Ghci t
-> m (Dynamic t ByteString)
moduleOutput clear g = collectOutput
(gate clear $ () <$ _ghci_reload g) $
leftmost [_ghci_moduleOut g, _ghci_moduleErr g]
:: (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m)
=> Behavior t Bool
-> Ghci t
-> m (Dynamic t ByteString)
execOutput clear g = collectOutput
(gate clear $ () <$ _ghci_reload g) $
leftmost [_ghci_execOut g, _ghci_execErr g]
:: (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m)
=> Event t ()
-> Event t ByteString
-> m (Dynamic t ByteString)
collectOutput clear out = foldDyn ($) "" $ leftmost
[ flip mappend <$> out
, const "" <$ clear
statusMessage :: IsString a => Status -> a
statusMessage = \case
Status_Initializing -> "Initializing..."
Status_Loading -> "Loading Modules..."
Status_LoadFailed -> "Failed to Load Modules!"
Status_LoadSucceeded -> "Successfully Loaded Modules!"
Status_Executing -> "Executing Command..."
Status_ExecutionFailed -> "Command Failed!"
Status_ExecutionSucceeded -> "Command Succeeded!"