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reflex-dom-svg- Reflex functions for SVG elements.

Safe HaskellNone



Contains the root <svg> element properties and re-exports all of the individual SVG Types



data SVG_El Source #

Minimum information required for building a SVG root element.

Eq SVG_El Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Dom.Widget.SVG.Types


(==) :: SVG_El -> SVG_El -> Bool #

(/=) :: SVG_El -> SVG_El -> Bool #

Show SVG_El Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Dom.Widget.SVG.Types

data ViewBox Source #

SVG viewBox attribute

Eq ViewBox Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Dom.Widget.SVG.Types


(==) :: ViewBox -> ViewBox -> Bool #

(/=) :: ViewBox -> ViewBox -> Bool #

Show ViewBox Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Reflex.Dom.Widget.SVG.Types

svg_root_width :: Lens' SVG_El Width Source #

Lens for Width attribute on SVG_El

svg_root_height :: Lens' SVG_El Height Source #

Lens for Height attribute on SVG_El

svg_root_viewbox :: Lens' SVG_El (Maybe ViewBox) Source #

Lens for ViewBox attribute on SVG_El

viewBox_height :: Lens' ViewBox Height Source #

Lens for _viewBox_min_X attribute on ViewBox

viewBox_width :: Lens' ViewBox Width Source #

Lens for _viewBox_width attribute on ViewBox

viewBox_min_x :: Lens' ViewBox Float Source #

Lens for _viewBox_min_X attribute on ViewBox

viewBox_min_y :: Lens' ViewBox Float Source #

Lens for _viewBox_min_Y attribute on ViewBox

makeSVGProps :: SVG_El -> Map Text Text Source #

Convert the record to the correct attribute map for Reflex.

makeViewBox :: ViewBox -> Text Source #

Layout the ViewBox values for use as an element attribute.