{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fspecialise-aggressively #-}
module Reflex.Dom.Main where

import Prelude hiding (concat, mapM, mapM_, sequence, sequence_)

import Reflex.Adjustable.Class
import Reflex.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Builder.Immediate
import Reflex.Dom.Class
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Reflex.PerformEvent.Base
import Reflex.PostBuild.Base
import Reflex.Spider (Global, Spider, SpiderHost, runSpiderHost)
import Reflex.TriggerEvent.Base
import Reflex.TriggerEvent.Class
import Reflex.Profiled

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (forM, forM_, mapM, mapM_, sequence, sequence_)
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import GHCJS.DOM.NonElementParentNode
import GHCJS.DOM.Types (JSM)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM

import Reflex.Profiled

{-# INLINE mainHydrationWidgetWithHead #-}
mainHydrationWidgetWithHead :: (forall x. HydrationWidget x ()) -> (forall x. HydrationWidget x ()) -> JSM ()
mainHydrationWidgetWithHead = mainHydrationWidgetWithHead'

{-# INLINABLE mainHydrationWidgetWithHead' #-}
-- | Warning: `mainHydrationWidgetWithHead'` is provided only as performance tweak. It is expected to disappear in future releases.
mainHydrationWidgetWithHead' :: HydrationWidget () () -> HydrationWidget () () -> JSM ()
mainHydrationWidgetWithHead' = mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction' (pure ())

{-# INLINE mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction #-}
mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction :: JSM () -> (forall x. HydrationWidget x ()) -> (forall x. HydrationWidget x ()) -> JSM ()
mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction = mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction'

{-# INLINABLE mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction' #-}
-- | Warning: `mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction'` is provided only as performance tweak. It is expected to disappear in future releases.
mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction' :: JSM () -> HydrationWidget () () -> HydrationWidget () () -> JSM ()
mainHydrationWidgetWithSwitchoverAction' switchoverAction head' body = do
  runHydrationWidgetWithHeadAndBody switchoverAction $ \appendHead appendBody -> do
    appendHead head'
    appendBody body

{-# INLINABLE attachHydrationWidget #-}
  :: JSM ()
  -> JSContextSingleton ()
  -> ( Event DomTimeline ()
    -> IORef HydrationMode
    -> Maybe (IORef [(Node, HydrationRunnerT DomTimeline (DomCoreWidget ()) ())])
    -> EventChannel
    -> PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost (a, IORef (Maybe (EventTrigger DomTimeline ())))
  -> IO (a, FireCommand DomTimeline DomHost)
attachHydrationWidget switchoverAction jsSing w = do
  hydrationMode <- liftIO $ newIORef HydrationMode_Hydrating
  rootNodesRef <- liftIO $ newIORef []
  events <- newChan
  runDomHost $ flip runTriggerEventT events $ mdo
    (syncEvent, fireSync) <- newTriggerEvent
    ((result, postBuildTriggerRef), fc@(FireCommand fire)) <- lift $ hostPerformEventT $ do
      a <- w syncEvent hydrationMode (Just rootNodesRef) events
      _ <- runWithReplace (return ()) $ delayedAction <$ syncEvent
      pure a
    mPostBuildTrigger <- readRef postBuildTriggerRef
    lift $ forM_ mPostBuildTrigger $ \postBuildTrigger -> fire [postBuildTrigger :=> Identity ()] $ return ()
    liftIO $ fireSync ()
    rootNodes <- liftIO $ readIORef rootNodesRef
    let delayedAction = do
          for_ (reverse rootNodes) $ \(rootNode, runner) -> do
            let hydrate = runHydrationRunnerT runner Nothing rootNode events
            void $ runWithJSContextSingleton (runPostBuildT hydrate never) jsSing
          liftIO $ writeIORef hydrationMode HydrationMode_Immediate
          runWithJSContextSingleton (DOM.liftJSM switchoverAction) jsSing
    pure (result, fc)

type HydrationWidget x a = HydrationDomBuilderT HydrationDomSpace DomTimeline (DomCoreWidget x) a

-- | A widget that isn't attached to any particular part of the DOM hierarchy
type FloatingWidget x = TriggerEventT DomTimeline (DomCoreWidget x)

type DomCoreWidget x = PostBuildT DomTimeline (WithJSContextSingleton x (PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost))

{-# INLINABLE runHydrationWidgetWithHeadAndBody #-}
  :: JSM ()
  -> (   (forall c. HydrationWidget () c -> FloatingWidget () c) -- "Append to head" --TODO: test invoking this more than once
      -> (forall c. HydrationWidget () c -> FloatingWidget () c) -- "Append to body" --TODO: test invoking this more than once
      -> FloatingWidget () ()
  -> JSM ()
runHydrationWidgetWithHeadAndBody switchoverAction app = withJSContextSingletonMono $ \jsSing -> do
  globalDoc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  headElement <- getHeadUnchecked globalDoc
  bodyElement <- getBodyUnchecked globalDoc
  (events, fc) <- liftIO . attachHydrationWidget switchoverAction jsSing $ \switchover hydrationMode hydrationResult events -> do
    (postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
    let hydrateDom :: DOM.Node -> HydrationWidget () c -> FloatingWidget () c
        hydrateDom n w = do
          delayed <- liftIO $ newIORef $ pure ()
          unreadyChildren <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
          lift $ do
            let builderEnv = HydrationDomBuilderEnv
                  { _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_document = globalDoc
                  , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_parent = Left $ toNode n
                  , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_unreadyChildren = unreadyChildren
                  , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_commitAction = pure ()
                  , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_hydrationMode = hydrationMode
                  , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_switchover = switchover
                  , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_delayed = delayed
            a <- runHydrationDomBuilderT w builderEnv events
            forM_ hydrationResult $ \hr -> do
              res <- liftIO $ readIORef delayed
              liftIO $ modifyIORef' hr ((n, res) :)
            pure a
    runWithJSContextSingleton (runPostBuildT (runTriggerEventT (app (hydrateDom $ toNode headElement) (hydrateDom $ toNode bodyElement)) events) postBuild) jsSing
    return (events, postBuildTriggerRef)
  liftIO $ processAsyncEvents events fc

{-# INLINE mainWidget #-}
mainWidget :: (forall x. Widget x ()) -> JSM ()
mainWidget = mainWidget'

{-# INLINABLE mainWidget' #-}
-- | Warning: `mainWidget'` is provided only as performance tweak. It is expected to disappear in future releases.
mainWidget' :: Widget () () -> JSM ()
mainWidget' w = withJSContextSingletonMono $ \jsSing -> do
  doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  body <- getBodyUnchecked doc
  attachWidget body jsSing w

--TODO: The x's should be unified here
{-# INLINABLE mainWidgetWithHead #-}
mainWidgetWithHead :: (forall x. Widget x ()) -> (forall x. Widget x ()) -> JSM ()
mainWidgetWithHead h b = withJSContextSingletonMono $ \jsSing -> do
  doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  headElement <- getHeadUnchecked doc
  attachWidget headElement jsSing h
  body <- getBodyUnchecked doc
  attachWidget body jsSing b

{-# INLINABLE mainWidgetWithCss #-}
mainWidgetWithCss :: ByteString -> (forall x. Widget x ()) -> JSM ()
mainWidgetWithCss css w = withJSContextSingleton $ \jsSing -> do
  doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  headElement <- getHeadUnchecked doc
  setInnerHTML headElement $ "<style>" <> T.unpack (decodeUtf8 css) <> "</style>" --TODO: Fix this
  body <- getBodyUnchecked doc
  attachWidget body jsSing w

-- | The Reflex timeline for interacting with the DOM
type DomTimeline =

-- | The ReflexHost the DOM lives in
type DomHost =
  (SpiderHost Global)

runDomHost :: DomHost a -> IO a
runDomHost = runSpiderHost
  . runProfiledM

type Widget x = ImmediateDomBuilderT DomTimeline (DomCoreWidget x)

{-# INLINABLE attachWidget #-}
attachWidget :: DOM.IsElement e => e -> JSContextSingleton x -> Widget x a -> JSM a
attachWidget rootElement wv w = fst <$> attachWidget' rootElement wv w

{-# INLINABLE runImmediateWidgetWithHeadAndBody #-}
  :: (   (forall c. Widget () c -> FloatingWidget () c) -- "Append to head"
      -> (forall c. Widget () c -> FloatingWidget () c) -- "Append to body"
      -> FloatingWidget () ()
  -> JSM ()
runImmediateWidgetWithHeadAndBody app = withJSContextSingletonMono $ \jsSing -> do
  globalDoc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  headElement <- getHeadUnchecked globalDoc
  bodyElement <- getBodyUnchecked globalDoc
  headFragment <- createDocumentFragment globalDoc
  bodyFragment <- createDocumentFragment globalDoc
  (events, fc) <- liftIO . attachImmediateWidget $ \hydrationMode events -> do
    (postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
    let go :: forall c. DOM.DocumentFragment -> Widget () c -> FloatingWidget () c
        go df w = do
          unreadyChildren <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
          delayed <- liftIO $ newIORef $ pure ()
          let builderEnv = HydrationDomBuilderEnv
                { _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_document = globalDoc
                , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_parent = Left $ toNode df
                , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_unreadyChildren = unreadyChildren
                , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_commitAction = pure () --TODO: possibly `replaceElementContents n f`
                , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_hydrationMode = hydrationMode
                , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_switchover = never
                , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_delayed = delayed
          lift $ runHydrationDomBuilderT w builderEnv events
    runWithJSContextSingleton (runPostBuildT (runTriggerEventT (app (go headFragment) (go bodyFragment)) events) postBuild) jsSing
    return (events, postBuildTriggerRef)
  replaceElementContents headElement headFragment
  replaceElementContents bodyElement bodyFragment
  liftIO $ processAsyncEvents events fc

-- | Warning: `mainWidgetWithHead'` is provided only as performance tweak. It is expected to disappear in future releases.
mainWidgetWithHead' :: (a -> Widget () b, b -> Widget () a) -> JSM ()
mainWidgetWithHead' (h, b) = runImmediateWidgetWithHeadAndBody $ \appendHead appendBody -> do
  rec hOut <- appendHead $ h bOut
      bOut <- appendBody $ b hOut
  pure ()

replaceElementContents :: DOM.IsElement e => e -> DOM.DocumentFragment -> JSM ()
replaceElementContents e df = do
  setInnerHTML e ("" :: String)
  _ <- appendChild e df
  return ()

{-# INLINABLE attachWidget' #-}
attachWidget' :: DOM.IsElement e => e -> JSContextSingleton x -> Widget x a -> JSM (a, FireCommand DomTimeline DomHost)
attachWidget' rootElement jsSing w = do
  doc <- getOwnerDocumentUnchecked rootElement
  df <- createDocumentFragment doc
  ((a, events), fc) <- liftIO . attachImmediateWidget $ \hydrationMode events -> do
    (postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
    unreadyChildren <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
    delayed <- liftIO $ newIORef $ pure ()
    let builderEnv = HydrationDomBuilderEnv
          { _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_document = toDocument doc
          , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_parent = Left $ toNode df
          , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_unreadyChildren = unreadyChildren
          , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_commitAction = return () --TODO
          , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_switchover = never
          , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_delayed = delayed
          , _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_hydrationMode = hydrationMode
    a <- runWithJSContextSingleton (runPostBuildT (runHydrationDomBuilderT w builderEnv events) postBuild) jsSing
    return ((a, events), postBuildTriggerRef)
  replaceElementContents rootElement df
  liftIO $ processAsyncEvents events fc
  return (a, fc)

type EventChannel = Chan [DSum (EventTriggerRef DomTimeline) TriggerInvocation]

{-# INLINABLE attachImmediateWidget #-}
  :: (   IORef HydrationMode
      -> EventChannel
      -> PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost (a, IORef (Maybe (EventTrigger DomTimeline ())))
  -> IO (a, FireCommand DomTimeline DomHost)
attachImmediateWidget w = do
  hydrationMode <- liftIO $ newIORef HydrationMode_Immediate
  events <- newChan
  runDomHost $ do
    ((result, postBuildTriggerRef), fc@(FireCommand fire)) <- hostPerformEventT $ w hydrationMode events
    mPostBuildTrigger <- readRef postBuildTriggerRef
    forM_ mPostBuildTrigger $ \postBuildTrigger -> fire [postBuildTrigger :=> Identity ()] $ return ()
    return (result, fc)

processAsyncEvents :: EventChannel -> FireCommand DomTimeline DomHost -> IO ()
processAsyncEvents events (FireCommand fire) = void $ forkIO $ forever $ do
  ers <- readChan events
  _ <- runDomHost $ do
    mes <- liftIO $ forM ers $ \(EventTriggerRef er :=> TriggerInvocation a _) -> do
      me <- readIORef er
      return $ fmap (\e -> e :=> Identity a) me
    _ <- fire (catMaybes mes) $ return ()
    liftIO $ forM_ ers $ \(_ :=> TriggerInvocation _ cb) -> cb
  return ()

-- | Run a reflex-dom application inside of an existing DOM element with the given ID
mainWidgetInElementById :: Text -> (forall x. Widget x ()) -> JSM ()
mainWidgetInElementById eid w = withJSContextSingleton $ \jsSing -> do
  doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  root <- getElementByIdUnchecked doc eid
  attachWidget root jsSing w

newtype AppInput t = AppInput
  { _appInput_window :: Window t

newtype AppOutput t = AppOutput --TODO: Add quit event
  { _appOutput_windowConfig :: WindowConfig t

runApp' :: (t ~ DomTimeline) => (forall x. AppInput t -> Widget x (AppOutput t)) -> JSM ()
runApp' app = withJSContextSingleton $ \jsSing -> do
  doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
  body <- getBodyUnchecked doc
  win <- getDefaultViewUnchecked doc
  rec o <- attachWidget body jsSing $ do
        w <- wrapWindow win $ _appOutput_windowConfig o
        app $ AppInput
          { _appInput_window = w
  return ()

{-# DEPRECATED attachWidget'' "Use 'attachImmediateWidget . const' instead" #-}
{-# INLINABLE attachWidget'' #-}
attachWidget'' :: (EventChannel -> PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost (a, IORef (Maybe (EventTrigger DomTimeline ())))) -> IO (a, FireCommand DomTimeline DomHost)
attachWidget'' = attachImmediateWidget . const