redis-resp-0.3.1: REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) implementation.

Safe HaskellNone





data Command :: * -> * where Source

Redis commands.


Ping :: Resp -> Command () 
Echo :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command a 
Auth :: Resp -> Command () 
Quit :: Resp -> Command () 
Select :: Resp -> Command () 
BgRewriteAOF :: Resp -> Command () 
BgSave :: Resp -> Command () 
Save :: Resp -> Command () 
DbSize :: Resp -> Command Int64 
FlushAll :: Resp -> Command () 
FlushDb :: Resp -> Command () 
LastSave :: Resp -> Command Int64 
Multi :: Resp -> Command () 
Watch :: Resp -> Command () 
Unwatch :: Resp -> Command () 
Discard :: Resp -> Command () 
Exec :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
ExecRaw :: Resp -> Command Resp 
Del :: Resp -> Command Int64 
Dump :: Resp -> Command (Maybe ByteString) 
Exists :: Resp -> Command Bool 
Expire :: Resp -> Command Bool 
ExpireAt :: Resp -> Command Bool 
Persist :: Resp -> Command Bool 
Keys :: Resp -> Command [Key] 
RandomKey :: Resp -> Command (Maybe Key) 
Rename :: Resp -> Command () 
RenameNx :: Resp -> Command Bool 
Sort :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
Ttl :: Resp -> Command (Maybe TTL) 
Type :: Resp -> Command (Maybe RedisType) 
Scan :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Cursor, [a]) 
Append :: Resp -> Command Int64 
Get :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
GetRange :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command a 
GetSet :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
MGet :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [Maybe a] 
MSet :: Resp -> Command () 
MSetNx :: Resp -> Command Bool 
Set :: Resp -> Command Bool 
SetRange :: Resp -> Command Int64 
StrLen :: Resp -> Command Int64 
BitAnd :: Resp -> Command Int64 
BitCount :: Resp -> Command Int64 
BitNot :: Resp -> Command Int64 
BitOr :: Resp -> Command Int64 
BitPos :: Resp -> Command Int64 
BitXOr :: Resp -> Command Int64 
GetBit :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SetBit :: Resp -> Command Int64 
Decr :: Resp -> Command Int64 
DecrBy :: Resp -> Command Int64 
Incr :: Resp -> Command Int64 
IncrBy :: Resp -> Command Int64 
IncrByFloat :: Resp -> Command Double 
HDel :: Resp -> Command Int64 
HExists :: Resp -> Command Bool 
HGet :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
HGetAll :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [(Field, a)] 
HIncrBy :: Resp -> Command Int64 
HIncrByFloat :: Resp -> Command Double 
HKeys :: Resp -> Command [Field] 
HLen :: Resp -> Command Int64 
HMGet :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [Maybe a] 
HMSet :: Resp -> Command () 
HSet :: Resp -> Command Bool 
HSetNx :: Resp -> Command Bool 
HVals :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
HScan :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Cursor, [a]) 
BLPop :: FromByteString a => Int64 -> Resp -> Command (Maybe (Key, a)) 
BRPop :: FromByteString a => Int64 -> Resp -> Command (Maybe (Key, a)) 
BRPopLPush :: FromByteString a => Int64 -> Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
LIndex :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
LInsert :: Resp -> Command Int64 
LLen :: Resp -> Command Int64 
LPop :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
LPush :: Resp -> Command Int64 
LPushX :: Resp -> Command Int64 
LRange :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
LRem :: Resp -> Command Int64 
LSet :: Resp -> Command () 
LTrim :: Resp -> Command () 
RPop :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
RPopLPush :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
RPush :: Resp -> Command Int64 
RPushX :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SAdd :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SCard :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SDiff :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
SDiffStore :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SInter :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
SInterStore :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SIsMember :: Resp -> Command Bool 
SMembers :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
SMove :: Resp -> Command Bool 
SPop :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Maybe a) 
SRandMember :: FromByteString a => Choose -> Resp -> Command [a] 
SRem :: Resp -> Command Int64 
SScan :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Cursor, [a]) 
SUnion :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
SUnionStore :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZAdd :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZCard :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZCount :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZIncrBy :: Resp -> Command Double 
ZInterStore :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZLexCount :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZRange :: FromByteString a => Bool -> Resp -> Command (ScoreList a) 
ZRangeByLex :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command [a] 
ZRangeByScore :: FromByteString a => Bool -> Resp -> Command (ScoreList a) 
ZRank :: Resp -> Command (Maybe Int64) 
ZRem :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZRemRangeByLex :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZRemRangeByRank :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZRemRangeByScore :: Resp -> Command Int64 
ZRevRange :: FromByteString a => Bool -> Resp -> Command (ScoreList a) 
ZRevRangeByScore :: FromByteString a => Bool -> Resp -> Command (ScoreList a) 
ZRevRank :: Resp -> Command (Maybe Int64) 
ZScan :: FromByteString a => Resp -> Command (Cursor, [a]) 
ZScore :: Resp -> Command (Maybe Double) 
ZUnionStore :: Resp -> Command Int64 
PfAdd :: Resp -> Command Bool 
PfCount :: Resp -> Command Int64 
PfMerge :: Resp -> Command () 
Publish :: Resp -> Command Int64 

data PubSubCommand r where Source

Pub/Sub commands.

data RedisError Source

Redis error type.


RedisError !ByteString

General error case.

InvalidResponse !String

The received response is invalid or unexpected (e.g. a bulk string instead of an integer).

InvalidConversion !String

ByteString conversion using FromByteString failed.

data RedisType Source

The types redis reports via type.

data TTL Source

A type representing time-to-live values.


TTL !Int64 


data Side Source

Used in linsert to specify the insertion point.




data Choose Source



Exactly one element

Dist !Int64

n distint elements

Arb !Int64

n arbitrary (i.e. potentially repeated) elements


data Aggregate Source



no aggregation


take the minimum score


take the maximum score


addition of scores

data Min Source


MinIncl !ByteString

lower bound (inclusive)

MinExcl !ByteString

lower bound (exclusive)


infinite lower bound


data Max Source


MaxIncl !ByteString

upper bound (inclusive)

MaxExcl !ByteString

upper bound (exclusive)


infinite upper bound


data ScoreList a Source




scores :: [Double]
elements :: [a]


Eq a => Eq (ScoreList a) 
Ord a => Ord (ScoreList a) 
Show a => Show (ScoreList a) 

newtype Seconds Source


Seconds Int64 

newtype Timestamp Source


Timestamp Int64 

newtype Key Source

Redis key type




key :: ByteString


Non-empty lists

one :: a -> NonEmpty a Source


data Opts a Source

Command options


Monoid (Opts a) 

none :: Monoid m => m Source


data BitEnd Source




auth :: Monad m => ByteString -> Redis m () Source

ping :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

quit :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

select :: Monad m => Int64 -> Redis m () Source


bgsave :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

flushall :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

flushdb :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

save :: Monad m => Redis m () Source


discard :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

exec :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Redis m [a] Source

multi :: Monad m => Redis m () Source

unwatch :: Monad m => Redis m () Source


rename :: Monad m => Key -> Key -> Redis m () Source

ttl :: Monad m => Key -> Redis m (Maybe TTL) Source


append :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> a -> Redis m Int64 Source

get :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Redis m (Maybe a) Source

mset :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => NonEmpty (Key, a) -> Redis m () Source

set :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> a -> Opts "SET" -> Redis m Bool Source

ex :: Int64 -> Opts "SET" Source

px :: Int64 -> Opts "SET" Source

xx :: Opts "SET" Source

nx :: Opts "SET" Source

setrange :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Int64 -> a -> Redis m Int64 Source


bitcount :: Monad m => Key -> Opts "RANGE" -> Redis m Int64 Source

range :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Opts "RANGE" Source

bitnot :: Monad m => Key -> Key -> Redis m Int64 Source

setbit :: Monad m => Key -> Int64 -> Bool -> Redis m Int64 Source


hget :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Field -> Redis m (Maybe a) Source

hgetall :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Redis m [(Field, a)] Source

hkeys :: Monad m => Key -> Redis m [Field] Source

hmset :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> NonEmpty (Field, a) -> Redis m () Source

hset :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Field -> a -> Redis m Bool Source

hsetnx :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Field -> a -> Redis m Bool Source

hvals :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Redis m [a] Source


linsert :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Side -> a -> a -> Redis m Int64 Source

lpop :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Redis m (Maybe a) Source

lpushx :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> a -> Redis m Int64 Source

lrange :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Redis m [a] Source

lrem :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Int64 -> a -> Redis m Int64 Source

lset :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Int64 -> a -> Redis m () Source

ltrim :: Monad m => Key -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Redis m () Source

rpop :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Redis m (Maybe a) Source

rpushx :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> a -> Redis m Int64 Source


smove :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> Key -> a -> Redis m Bool Source

spop :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Redis m (Maybe a) Source

Sorted Sets

zlexcount :: Monad m => Key -> Min -> Max -> Redis m Int64 Source

zrangebylex :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Min -> Max -> Opts "LIMIT" -> Redis m [a] Source

zrangebyscore :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> Opts "LIMIT" -> Redis m (ScoreList a) Source

zrank :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> a -> Redis m (Maybe Int64) Source

zrevrangebyscore :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Double -> Double -> Bool -> Opts "LIMIT" -> Redis m (ScoreList a) Source

zscore :: (Monad m, ToByteString a) => Key -> a -> Redis m (Maybe Double) Source


pfmerge :: Monad m => Key -> NonEmpty Key -> Redis m () Source


scan :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Cursor -> Opts "SCAN" -> Redis m (Cursor, [a]) Source

count :: Int64 -> Opts "SCAN" Source

hscan :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Cursor -> Opts "SCAN" -> Redis m (Cursor, [a]) Source

sscan :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Cursor -> Opts "SCAN" -> Redis m (Cursor, [a]) Source

zscan :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Cursor -> Opts "SCAN" -> Redis m (Cursor, [a]) Source


sort :: (Monad m, FromByteString a) => Key -> Opts "SORT" -> Redis m [a] Source

by :: ByteString -> Opts "SORT" Source

asc :: Opts "SORT" Source

desc :: Opts "SORT" Source

alpha :: Opts "SORT" Source

store :: Key -> Opts "SORT" Source


Response Reading


data NonEmpty a :: * -> *


a :| [a] infixr 5 


Monad NonEmpty 
Functor NonEmpty 
MonadFix NonEmpty 
Applicative NonEmpty 
Foldable NonEmpty 
Traversable NonEmpty 
Generic1 NonEmpty 
MonadZip NonEmpty 
IsList (NonEmpty a) 
Eq a => Eq (NonEmpty a) 
Data a => Data (NonEmpty a) 
Ord a => Ord (NonEmpty a) 
Read a => Read (NonEmpty a) 
Show a => Show (NonEmpty a) 
Generic (NonEmpty a) 
NFData a => NFData (NonEmpty a) 
Hashable a => Hashable (NonEmpty a) 
Typeable (* -> *) NonEmpty 
type Rep1 NonEmpty = D1 D1NonEmpty (C1 C1_0NonEmpty ((:*:) (S1 NoSelector Par1) (S1 NoSelector (Rec1 [])))) 
type Rep (NonEmpty a) = D1 D1NonEmpty (C1 C1_0NonEmpty ((:*:) (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 a)) (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 [a])))) 
type Item (NonEmpty a) = a 

nonEmpty :: [a] -> Maybe (NonEmpty a)

nonEmpty efficiently turns a normal list into a NonEmpty stream, producing Nothing if the input is empty.