module Database.Redis.IO.Timeouts
( TimeoutManager
, create
, destroy
, Action
, Milliseconds (..)
, add
, cancel
, withTimeout
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (mask_, bracket)
import Control.Reaper
import Control.Monad
import Database.Redis.IO.Types (Milliseconds (..), ignore)
import Prelude
data TimeoutManager = TimeoutManager
{ roundtrip :: !Int
, reaper :: !(Reaper [Action] Action)
data Action = Action
{ action :: !(IO ())
, state :: !(TVar State)
data State = Running !Int | Canceled
create :: Milliseconds -> IO TimeoutManager
create (Ms n) = TimeoutManager n <$> mkReaper defaultReaperSettings
{ reaperAction = mkListAction prune
, reaperDelay = n * 1000
prune a = do
s <- atomically $ do
x <- readTVar (state a)
writeTVar (state a) (newState x)
return x
case s of
Running 0 -> do
ignore (action a)
return Nothing
Canceled -> return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just a
newState (Running k) = Running (k - 1)
newState s = s
destroy :: TimeoutManager -> Bool -> IO ()
destroy tm exec = mask_ $ do
a <- reaperStop (reaper tm)
when exec $ mapM_ f a
f e = readTVarIO (state e) >>= \s -> case s of
Running _ -> ignore (action e)
Canceled -> return ()
add :: TimeoutManager -> Milliseconds -> IO () -> IO Action
add tm (Ms n) a = do
r <- Action a <$> newTVarIO (Running $ n `div` roundtrip tm)
reaperAdd (reaper tm) r
return r
cancel :: Action -> IO ()
cancel a = atomically $ writeTVar (state a) Canceled
withTimeout :: TimeoutManager -> Milliseconds -> IO () -> IO a -> IO a
withTimeout tm m x a = bracket (add tm m x) cancel $ const a