Copyright | Written by David Himmelstrup |
License | Unlicense |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | POSIX |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Scenes are an imperative way of defining animations.
- data Scene s a
- type ZIndex = Int
- scene :: (forall s. Scene s a) -> Animation
- sceneAnimation :: (forall s. Scene s a) -> Animation
- play :: Animation -> Scene s ()
- fork :: Scene s a -> Scene s a
- queryNow :: Scene s Time
- wait :: Duration -> Scene s ()
- waitUntil :: Time -> Scene s ()
- waitOn :: Scene s a -> Scene s a
- adjustZ :: (ZIndex -> ZIndex) -> Scene s a -> Scene s a
- withSceneDuration :: Scene s () -> Scene s Duration
- data Var s a
- newVar :: a -> Scene s (Var s a)
- readVar :: Var s a -> Scene s a
- writeVar :: Var s a -> a -> Scene s ()
- modifyVar :: Var s a -> (a -> a) -> Scene s ()
- tweenVar :: Var s a -> Duration -> (a -> Time -> a) -> Scene s ()
- tweenVarUnclamped :: Var s a -> Duration -> (a -> Time -> a) -> Scene s ()
- simpleVar :: (a -> SVG) -> a -> Scene s (Var s a)
- findVar :: (a -> Bool) -> [Var s a] -> Scene s (Var s a)
- data Sprite s
- data Frame s a
- unVar :: Var s a -> Frame s a
- spriteT :: Frame s Time
- spriteDuration :: Frame s Duration
- newSprite :: Frame s SVG -> Scene s (Sprite s)
- newSprite_ :: Frame s SVG -> Scene s ()
- newSpriteA :: Animation -> Scene s (Sprite s)
- newSpriteA' :: Sync -> Animation -> Scene s (Sprite s)
- newSpriteSVG :: SVG -> Scene s (Sprite s)
- newSpriteSVG_ :: SVG -> Scene s ()
- destroySprite :: Sprite s -> Scene s ()
- applyVar :: Var s a -> Sprite s -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s ()
- spriteModify :: Sprite s -> Frame s ((SVG, ZIndex) -> (SVG, ZIndex)) -> Scene s ()
- spriteMap :: Sprite s -> (SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s ()
- spriteTween :: Sprite s -> Duration -> (Double -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s ()
- spriteVar :: Sprite s -> a -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s (Var s a)
- spriteE :: Sprite s -> Effect -> Scene s ()
- spriteZ :: Sprite s -> ZIndex -> Scene s ()
- spriteScope :: Scene s a -> Scene s a
- data Object s a
- data ObjectData a
- oNew :: Renderable a => a -> Scene s (Object s a)
- newObject :: Renderable a => a -> Scene s (Object s a)
- oModify :: Object s a -> (ObjectData a -> ObjectData a) -> Scene s ()
- oModifyS :: Object s a -> State (ObjectData a) b -> Scene s ()
- oRead :: Object s a -> Getting b (ObjectData a) b -> Scene s b
- oTween :: Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> ObjectData a -> ObjectData a) -> Scene s ()
- oTweenS :: Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> State (ObjectData a) b) -> Scene s ()
- oTweenV :: Renderable a => Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> a -> a) -> Scene s ()
- oTweenVS :: Renderable a => Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> State a b) -> Scene s ()
- class Renderable a where
- oTranslate :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double)
- oSVG :: Getter (ObjectData a) SVG
- oContext :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (SVG -> SVG)
- oMargin :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double, Double, Double)
- oMarginTop :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oMarginRight :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oMarginBottom :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oMarginLeft :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oBB :: Getter (ObjectData a) (Double, Double, Double, Double)
- oBBMinX :: Getter (ObjectData a) Double
- oBBMinY :: Getter (ObjectData a) Double
- oBBWidth :: Getter (ObjectData a) Double
- oBBHeight :: Getter (ObjectData a) Double
- oOpacity :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oShown :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Bool
- oZIndex :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Int
- oEasing :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Signal
- oScale :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oScaleOrigin :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double)
- oTopY :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oBottomY :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oLeftX :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oRightX :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double
- oCenterXY :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double)
- oValue :: Renderable a => Lens' (ObjectData a) a
- oShow :: Object s a -> Scene s ()
- oHide :: Object s a -> Scene s ()
- oFadeIn :: Object s a -> Duration -> Scene s ()
- oFadeOut :: Object s a -> Duration -> Scene s ()
- oGrow :: Object s a -> Duration -> Scene s ()
- oShrink :: Object s a -> Duration -> Scene s ()
- oTransform :: Object s a -> Object s b -> Duration -> Scene s ()
- newtype Circle = Circle {}
- circleRadius :: Lens' Circle Double
- data Rectangle = Rectangle {}
- rectWidth :: Lens' Rectangle Double
- rectHeight :: Lens' Rectangle Double
- data Morph = Morph {}
- morphDelta :: Lens' Morph Double
- morphSrc :: Lens' Morph SVG
- morphDst :: Lens' Morph SVG
- data Camera = Camera
- cameraAttach :: Object s Camera -> Object s a -> Scene s ()
- cameraFocus :: Object s Camera -> (Double, Double) -> Scene s ()
- cameraSetZoom :: Object s Camera -> Double -> Scene s ()
- cameraZoom :: Object s Camera -> Duration -> Double -> Scene s ()
- cameraSetPan :: Object s Camera -> (Double, Double) -> Scene s ()
- cameraPan :: Object s Camera -> Duration -> (Double, Double) -> Scene s ()
- liftST :: ST s a -> Scene s a
- transitionO :: Transition -> Double -> (forall s'. Scene s' a) -> (forall s'. Scene s' b) -> Scene s ()
- evalScene :: (forall s. Scene s a) -> a
A Scene
represents a sequence of animations and variables
that change over time.
The ZIndex property specifies the stack order of sprites and animations. Elements with a higher ZIndex will be drawn on top of elements with a lower index.
play :: Animation -> Scene s () Source #
Play an animation once and then remove it. This advances the clock by the duration of the animation.
do play drawBox play drawCircle
fork :: Scene s a -> Scene s a Source #
Execute actions in a scene without advancing the clock. Note that scenes do not end before all forked actions have completed.
do fork $ play drawBox play drawCircle
queryNow :: Scene s Time Source #
Query the current clock timestamp.
do now <- play drawCircle *> queryNow play $ staticFrame 1 $ scale 2 $ withStrokeWidth 0.05 $ mkText $ "Now=" <> T.pack (show now)
wait :: Duration -> Scene s () Source #
Advance the clock by a given number of seconds.
do fork $ play drawBox wait 1 play drawCircle
waitOn :: Scene s a -> Scene s a Source #
Wait until all forked and sequential animations have finished.
do waitOn $ fork $ play drawBox play drawCircle
newVar :: a -> Scene s (Var s a) Source #
Create a new variable with a default value. Variables always have a defined value even if they are read at a timestamp that is earlier than when the variable was created. For example:
do v <- fork (wait 10 >> newVar 0) -- Create a variable at timestamp '10'. readVar v -- Read the variable at timestamp '0'. -- The value of the variable will be '0'.
writeVar :: Var s a -> a -> Scene s () Source #
Write the value of a variable at the current timestamp.
do v <- newVar 0 newSprite $ mkCircle <$> unVar v writeVar v 1; wait 1 writeVar v 2; wait 1 writeVar v 3; wait 1
modifyVar :: Var s a -> (a -> a) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify the value of a variable at the current timestamp and all future timestamps.
tweenVar :: Var s a -> Duration -> (a -> Time -> a) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify a variable between now
and now+duration
Note: The modification function is invoked for past timestamps (with a time value of 0) and
for timestamps after now+duration
(with a time value of 1). See tweenVarUnclamped
tweenVarUnclamped :: Var s a -> Duration -> (a -> Time -> a) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify a variable between now
and now+duration
Note: The modification function is invoked for past timestamps (with a negative time value) and
for timestamps after now+duration
(with a time value greater than 1).
simpleVar :: (a -> SVG) -> a -> Scene s (Var s a) Source #
Create and render a variable. The rendering will be born at the current timestamp and will persist until the end of the scene.
do var <- simpleVar mkCircle 0 tweenVar var 2 $ \val -> fromToS val (screenHeight/2)
findVar :: (a -> Bool) -> [Var s a] -> Scene s (Var s a) Source #
Helper function for filtering variables.
Sprites are animations with a given time of birth as well as a time of death. They can be controlled using variables, tweening, and effects.
Sprite frame generator. Generates frames over time in a stateful environment.
unVar :: Var s a -> Frame s a Source #
Dereference a variable as a Sprite frame.
do v <- newVar 0 newSprite $ mkCircle <$> unVar v tweenVar v 1 $ \val -> fromToS val 3 tweenVar v 1 $ \val -> fromToS val 0
spriteDuration :: Frame s Duration Source #
Dereference duration of the current sprite.
newSprite :: Frame s SVG -> Scene s (Sprite s) Source #
Create new sprite defined by a frame generator. Unless otherwise specified using
, the sprite will die at the end of the scene.
do newSprite $ mkCircle <$> spriteT -- Circle sprite where radius=time. wait 2
newSprite_ :: Frame s SVG -> Scene s () Source #
Create new sprite defined by a frame generator. The sprite will die at the end of the scene.
newSpriteA :: Animation -> Scene s (Sprite s) Source #
Create a new sprite from an animation. This advances the clock by the
duration of the animation. Unless otherwise specified using
, the sprite will die at the end of the scene.
Note: If the scene doesn't end immediately after the duration of the
animation, the animation will be stretched to match the lifetime of the
sprite. See newSpriteA'
and play
do fork $ newSpriteA drawCircle play drawBox play $ reverseA drawBox
newSpriteA' :: Sync -> Animation -> Scene s (Sprite s) Source #
Create a new sprite from an animation and specify the synchronization policy. This advances the clock by the duration of the animation.
do fork $ newSpriteA' SyncFreeze drawCircle play drawBox play $ reverseA drawBox
newSpriteSVG :: SVG -> Scene s (Sprite s) Source #
Create a sprite from a static SVG image.
do newSpriteSVG $ mkBackground "lightblue" play drawCircle
newSpriteSVG_ :: SVG -> Scene s () Source #
Create a permanent sprite from a static SVG image. Same as newSpriteSVG
but the sprite isn't returned and thus cannot be destroyed.
destroySprite :: Sprite s -> Scene s () Source #
Destroy a sprite, preventing it from being rendered in the future of the scene.
If destroySprite
is invoked multiple times, the earliest time-of-death is used.
do s <- newSpriteSVG $ withFillOpacity 1 $ mkCircle 1 fork $ wait 1 >> destroySprite s play drawBox
applyVar :: Var s a -> Sprite s -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s () Source #
Change the rendering of a sprite using data from a variable. If data from several variables is needed, use a frame generator instead.
do s <- fork $ newSpriteA drawBox v <- newVar 0 applyVar v s rotate tweenVar v 2 $ \val -> fromToS val 90
spriteModify :: Sprite s -> Frame s ((SVG, ZIndex) -> (SVG, ZIndex)) -> Scene s () Source #
Low-level frame modifier.
spriteMap :: Sprite s -> (SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s () Source #
Map the SVG output of a sprite.
do s <- fork $ newSpriteA drawCircle wait 1 spriteMap s flipYAxis
spriteTween :: Sprite s -> Duration -> (Double -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify the output of a sprite between now
and now+duration
do s <- fork $ newSpriteA drawCircle spriteTween s 1 $ \val -> translate (screenWidth*0.3*val) 0
spriteVar :: Sprite s -> a -> (a -> SVG -> SVG) -> Scene s (Var s a) Source #
Create a new variable and apply it to a sprite.
do s <- fork $ newSpriteA drawBox v <- spriteVar s 0 rotate tweenVar v 2 $ \val -> fromToS val 90
spriteE :: Sprite s -> Effect -> Scene s () Source #
Apply an effect to a sprite.
do s <- fork $ newSpriteA drawCircle spriteE s $ overBeginning 1 fadeInE spriteE s $ overEnding 0.5 fadeOutE
spriteZ :: Sprite s -> ZIndex -> Scene s () Source #
Set new ZIndex of a sprite.
do s1 <- newSpriteSVG $ withFillOpacity 1 $ withFillColor "blue" $ mkCircle 3 newSpriteSVG $ withFillOpacity 1 $ withFillColor "red" $ mkRect 8 3 wait 1 spriteZ s1 1 wait 1
spriteScope :: Scene s a -> Scene s a Source #
Destroy all local sprites at the end of a scene.
do -- the rect lives through the entire 3s animation newSpriteSVG_ $ translate (-3) 0 $ mkRect 4 4 wait 1 spriteScope $ do -- the circle only lives for 1 second. local <- newSpriteSVG $ translate 3 0 $ mkCircle 2 spriteE local $ overBeginning 0.3 fadeInE spriteE local $ overEnding 0.3 fadeOutE wait 1 wait 1
Object API
Objects are SVG nodes (represented as Haskell values) with identity, location, and several other properties that can change over time.
data ObjectData a Source #
Container for object properties.
oModify :: Object s a -> (ObjectData a -> ObjectData a) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify object properties.
oModifyS :: Object s a -> State (ObjectData a) b -> Scene s () Source #
Modify object properties using a stateful API.
oTween :: Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> ObjectData a -> ObjectData a) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify object properties over a set duration.
oTweenS :: Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> State (ObjectData a) b) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify object properties over a set duration using a stateful API.
oTweenV :: Renderable a => Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> a -> a) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify object value over a set duration. This is a convenience function
for modifying oValue
oTweenVS :: Renderable a => Object s a -> Duration -> (Double -> State a b) -> Scene s () Source #
Modify object value over a set duration using a stateful API. This is a
convenience function for modifying oValue
class Renderable a where Source #
Objects can be any Haskell structure as long as it can be rendered to SVG.
Renderable Tree Source # | |
Renderable Camera Source # | |
Renderable Morph Source # | |
Renderable Rectangle Source # | |
Renderable Circle Source # | |
Object Properties
oTranslate :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double) Source #
Object position. Default: <0,0>
oSVG :: Getter (ObjectData a) SVG Source #
Rendered SVG node of an object. Does not include context or object properties. Read-only.
oContext :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (SVG -> SVG) Source #
Custom render context. Is applied to the object for every frame that it is shown.
oMargin :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double, Double, Double) Source #
Object margins (top, right, bottom, left) in local units.
oMarginTop :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Object's top margin.
oMarginRight :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Object's right margin.
oMarginBottom :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Object's bottom margin.
oMarginLeft :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Object's left margin.
oBB :: Getter (ObjectData a) (Double, Double, Double, Double) Source #
Object bounding-box (minimal X-coordinate, minimal Y-coordinate,
width, height). Uses boundingBox
and has the same limitations.
oShown :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Bool Source #
Toggle for whether or not the object should be rendered. Default: False
oEasing :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Signal Source #
Easing function used when modifying object properties.
Default: curveS
oScaleOrigin :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double) Source #
Origin point for scaling. Default: <0,0>
oTopY :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Derived location of the top-most point of an object + margin.
oBottomY :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Derived location of the bottom-most point of an object + margin.
oLeftX :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Derived location of the left-most point of an object + margin.
oRightX :: Lens' (ObjectData a) Double Source #
Derived location of the right-most point of an object + margin.
oCenterXY :: Lens' (ObjectData a) (Double, Double) Source #
Derived location of an object's center point.
oValue :: Renderable a => Lens' (ObjectData a) a Source #
Lens for the source value contained in an object.
Graphics object methods
oTransform :: Object s a -> Object s b -> Duration -> Scene s () Source #
Morph source object into target object over a set duration.
Pre-defined objects
Basic object mapping to <circle/> in SVG.
Circle | |
Fields |
Renderable Circle Source # | |
Basic object mapping to <rect/> in SVG.
Rectangle | |
Renderable Rectangle Source # | |
Object representing an interpolation between SVG nodes.
Renderable Morph Source # | |
morphDelta :: Lens' Morph Double Source #
Control variable for the interpolation. A value of 0 gives the source SVG and 1 gives the target svg.
Cameras can take control of objects and manipulate them with convenient pan and zoom operations.
Camera |
Renderable Camera Source # | |
cameraAttach :: Object s Camera -> Object s a -> Scene s () Source #
Connect an object to a camera such that camera settings (position, zoom, and rotation) is applied to the object.
do cam <- newObject Camera circ <- newObject $ Circle 2 oModifyS circ $ oContext .= withFillOpacity 1 . withFillColor "blue" oShow circ cameraAttach cam circ cameraZoom cam 1 2 cameraZoom cam 1 1
cameraFocus :: Object s Camera -> (Double, Double) -> Scene s () Source #
do cam <- newObject Camera circ <- newObject $ Circle 2; oShow circ oModify circ $ oTranslate .~ (-3,0) box <- newObject $ Rectangle 4 4; oShow box oModify box $ oTranslate .~ (3,0) cameraAttach cam circ cameraAttach cam box cameraFocus cam (-3,0) cameraZoom cam 2 2 -- Zoom in cameraZoom cam 2 1 -- Zoom out cameraFocus cam (3,0) cameraZoom cam 2 2 -- Zoom in cameraZoom cam 2 1 -- Zoom out
cameraSetZoom :: Object s Camera -> Double -> Scene s () Source #
Instantaneously set camera zoom level.
cameraZoom :: Object s Camera -> Duration -> Double -> Scene s () Source #
Change camera zoom level over a set duration.
cameraSetPan :: Object s Camera -> (Double, Double) -> Scene s () Source #
Instantaneously set camera location.
cameraPan :: Object s Camera -> Duration -> (Double, Double) -> Scene s () Source #
Change camera location over a set duration.
ST internals
transitionO :: Transition -> Double -> (forall s'. Scene s' a) -> (forall s'. Scene s' b) -> Scene s () Source #
Apply a transformation with a given overlap. This makes sure to keep timestamps intact such that events can still be timed by transcripts.