raaz-0.3.10: Fast and type safe cryptography.
Copyright(c) Piyush P Kurur 2018
LicenseApache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
MaintainerPiyush P Kurur <ppk@iitpkd.ac.in>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



WARNING: There is very little reason for importing this module even if you are a developer of raaz let alone a user. The one place where you enhance type safety by importing this module is where you define FFI calls --- consider this FFI call to memcpy

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy" c_memcpy
   :: Dest Pointer -> Src Pointer -> BYTES Int -> IO Pointer

instead of this

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memcpy" c_memcpy
   :: Pointer -> Pointer -> Int -> IO Pointer


newtype BlockCount p Source #

Type safe message length in units of blocks of the primitive. When dealing with buffer lengths for a primitive, it is often better to use the type safe units BlockCount. Functions in the raaz package that take lengths usually allow any type safe length as long as they can be converted to bytes. This can avoid a lot of tedious and error prone length calculations.





Instances details
Extractable ChaCha20Mem (BlockCount ChaCha20) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal

Initialisable ChaCha20Mem (BlockCount ChaCha20) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal

Storable (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive


sizeOf :: BlockCount p -> Int #

alignment :: BlockCount p -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (BlockCount p) -> Int -> IO (BlockCount p) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (BlockCount p) -> Int -> BlockCount p -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (BlockCount p) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> BlockCount p -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (BlockCount p) -> IO (BlockCount p) #

poke :: Ptr (BlockCount p) -> BlockCount p -> IO () #

Monoid (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive

Semigroup (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive

Enum (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive

Show (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive

Eq (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive


(==) :: BlockCount p -> BlockCount p -> Bool #

(/=) :: BlockCount p -> BlockCount p -> Bool #

Ord (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive

Primitive p => LengthUnit (BlockCount p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Primitive

newtype LE w Source #

Little endian version of the word type w





Instances details
Functor LE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


fmap :: (a -> b) -> LE a -> LE b #

(<$) :: a -> LE b -> LE a #

KeyedHash Blake2b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Blake2.Internal

KeyedHash Blake2s Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Blake2.Internal

Initialisable Blake2bMem () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Blake2.Internal


initialise :: () -> Blake2bMem -> IO () Source #

Initialisable Blake2sMem () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Blake2.Internal


initialise :: () -> Blake2sMem -> IO () Source #

Unbox w => Vector Vector (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (LE w) -> ST s (Vector (LE w)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (LE w) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (LE w)) #

basicLength :: Vector (LE w) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (LE w) -> Vector (LE w) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (LE w) -> Int -> Box (LE w) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (LE w) -> Vector (LE w) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (LE w) -> LE w -> b -> b #

Unbox w => MVector MVector (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


basicLength :: MVector s (LE w) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (LE w) -> MVector s (LE w) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (LE w) -> MVector s (LE w) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (LE w)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (LE w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> LE w -> ST s (MVector s (LE w)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (LE w) -> Int -> ST s (LE w) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (LE w) -> Int -> LE w -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (LE w) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (LE w) -> LE w -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (LE w) -> MVector s (LE w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (LE w) -> MVector s (LE w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (LE w) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (LE w)) #

Storable w => Storable (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


sizeOf :: LE w -> Int #

alignment :: LE w -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (LE w) -> Int -> IO (LE w) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (LE w) -> Int -> LE w -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (LE w) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> LE w -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (LE w) -> IO (LE w) #

poke :: Ptr (LE w) -> LE w -> IO () #

Bits w => Bits (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


(.&.) :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

(.|.) :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

xor :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

complement :: LE w -> LE w #

shift :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

rotate :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

zeroBits :: LE w #

bit :: Int -> LE w #

setBit :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

clearBit :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

complementBit :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

testBit :: LE w -> Int -> Bool #

bitSizeMaybe :: LE w -> Maybe Int #

bitSize :: LE w -> Int #

isSigned :: LE w -> Bool #

shiftL :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

unsafeShiftL :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

shiftR :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

unsafeShiftR :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

rotateL :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

rotateR :: LE w -> Int -> LE w #

popCount :: LE w -> Int #

Bounded w => Bounded (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


minBound :: LE w #

maxBound :: LE w #

Enum w => Enum (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


succ :: LE w -> LE w #

pred :: LE w -> LE w #

toEnum :: Int -> LE w #

fromEnum :: LE w -> Int #

enumFrom :: LE w -> [LE w] #

enumFromThen :: LE w -> LE w -> [LE w] #

enumFromTo :: LE w -> LE w -> [LE w] #

enumFromThenTo :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w -> [LE w] #

Num w => Num (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


(+) :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

(-) :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

(*) :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

negate :: LE w -> LE w #

abs :: LE w -> LE w #

signum :: LE w -> LE w #

fromInteger :: Integer -> LE w #

Read w => Read (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

Integral w => Integral (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


quot :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

rem :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

div :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

mod :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

quotRem :: LE w -> LE w -> (LE w, LE w) #

divMod :: LE w -> LE w -> (LE w, LE w) #

toInteger :: LE w -> Integer #

Real w => Real (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


toRational :: LE w -> Rational #

Show w => Show (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


showsPrec :: Int -> LE w -> ShowS #

show :: LE w -> String #

showList :: [LE w] -> ShowS #

NFData w => NFData (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


rnf :: LE w -> () #

Eq w => Eq (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


(==) :: LE w -> LE w -> Bool #

(/=) :: LE w -> LE w -> Bool #

Ord w => Ord (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


compare :: LE w -> LE w -> Ordering #

(<) :: LE w -> LE w -> Bool #

(<=) :: LE w -> LE w -> Bool #

(>) :: LE w -> LE w -> Bool #

(>=) :: LE w -> LE w -> Bool #

max :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

min :: LE w -> LE w -> LE w #

Encodable (LE Word32) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal

Encodable (LE Word64) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal

EndianStore (LE Word32) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


store :: Ptr (LE Word32) -> LE Word32 -> IO () Source #

load :: Ptr (LE Word32) -> IO (LE Word32) Source #

adjustEndian :: Ptr (LE Word32) -> Int -> IO () Source #

EndianStore (LE Word64) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


store :: Ptr (LE Word64) -> LE Word64 -> IO () Source #

load :: Ptr (LE Word64) -> IO (LE Word64) Source #

adjustEndian :: Ptr (LE Word64) -> Int -> IO () Source #

Equality w => Equality (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


eq :: LE w -> LE w -> Result Source #

Unbox w => Unbox (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

newtype MVector s (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

newtype MVector s (LE w) = MV_LE (MVector s w)
newtype Vector (LE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

newtype Vector (LE w) = V_LE (Vector w)

newtype BE w Source #

Big endian version of the word type w





Instances details
Functor BE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


fmap :: (a -> b) -> BE a -> BE b #

(<$) :: a -> BE b -> BE a #

Initialisable Sha256Mem () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Sha2.Internal


initialise :: () -> Sha256Mem -> IO () Source #

Initialisable Sha512Mem () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Sha2.Internal


initialise :: () -> Sha512Mem -> IO () Source #

Unbox w => Vector Vector (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


basicUnsafeFreeze :: Mutable Vector s (BE w) -> ST s (Vector (BE w)) #

basicUnsafeThaw :: Vector (BE w) -> ST s (Mutable Vector s (BE w)) #

basicLength :: Vector (BE w) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> Vector (BE w) -> Vector (BE w) #

basicUnsafeIndexM :: Vector (BE w) -> Int -> Box (BE w) #

basicUnsafeCopy :: Mutable Vector s (BE w) -> Vector (BE w) -> ST s () #

elemseq :: Vector (BE w) -> BE w -> b -> b #

Unbox w => MVector MVector (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


basicLength :: MVector s (BE w) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (BE w) -> MVector s (BE w) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (BE w) -> MVector s (BE w) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (BE w)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (BE w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> BE w -> ST s (MVector s (BE w)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (BE w) -> Int -> ST s (BE w) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (BE w) -> Int -> BE w -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (BE w) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (BE w) -> BE w -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (BE w) -> MVector s (BE w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (BE w) -> MVector s (BE w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (BE w) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (BE w)) #

Storable w => Storable (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


sizeOf :: BE w -> Int #

alignment :: BE w -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (BE w) -> Int -> IO (BE w) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (BE w) -> Int -> BE w -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (BE w) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> BE w -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (BE w) -> IO (BE w) #

poke :: Ptr (BE w) -> BE w -> IO () #

Bits w => Bits (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


(.&.) :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

(.|.) :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

xor :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

complement :: BE w -> BE w #

shift :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

rotate :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

zeroBits :: BE w #

bit :: Int -> BE w #

setBit :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

clearBit :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

complementBit :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

testBit :: BE w -> Int -> Bool #

bitSizeMaybe :: BE w -> Maybe Int #

bitSize :: BE w -> Int #

isSigned :: BE w -> Bool #

shiftL :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

unsafeShiftL :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

shiftR :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

unsafeShiftR :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

rotateL :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

rotateR :: BE w -> Int -> BE w #

popCount :: BE w -> Int #

Bounded w => Bounded (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


minBound :: BE w #

maxBound :: BE w #

Enum w => Enum (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


succ :: BE w -> BE w #

pred :: BE w -> BE w #

toEnum :: Int -> BE w #

fromEnum :: BE w -> Int #

enumFrom :: BE w -> [BE w] #

enumFromThen :: BE w -> BE w -> [BE w] #

enumFromTo :: BE w -> BE w -> [BE w] #

enumFromThenTo :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w -> [BE w] #

Num w => Num (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


(+) :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

(-) :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

(*) :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

negate :: BE w -> BE w #

abs :: BE w -> BE w #

signum :: BE w -> BE w #

fromInteger :: Integer -> BE w #

Read w => Read (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

Integral w => Integral (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


quot :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

rem :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

div :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

mod :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

quotRem :: BE w -> BE w -> (BE w, BE w) #

divMod :: BE w -> BE w -> (BE w, BE w) #

toInteger :: BE w -> Integer #

Real w => Real (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


toRational :: BE w -> Rational #

Show w => Show (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


showsPrec :: Int -> BE w -> ShowS #

show :: BE w -> String #

showList :: [BE w] -> ShowS #

NFData w => NFData (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


rnf :: BE w -> () #

Eq w => Eq (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


(==) :: BE w -> BE w -> Bool #

(/=) :: BE w -> BE w -> Bool #

Ord w => Ord (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


compare :: BE w -> BE w -> Ordering #

(<) :: BE w -> BE w -> Bool #

(<=) :: BE w -> BE w -> Bool #

(>) :: BE w -> BE w -> Bool #

(>=) :: BE w -> BE w -> Bool #

max :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

min :: BE w -> BE w -> BE w #

Encodable (BE Word32) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal

Encodable (BE Word64) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal

EndianStore (BE Word32) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


store :: Ptr (BE Word32) -> BE Word32 -> IO () Source #

load :: Ptr (BE Word32) -> IO (BE Word32) Source #

adjustEndian :: Ptr (BE Word32) -> Int -> IO () Source #

EndianStore (BE Word64) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


store :: Ptr (BE Word64) -> BE Word64 -> IO () Source #

load :: Ptr (BE Word64) -> IO (BE Word64) Source #

adjustEndian :: Ptr (BE Word64) -> Int -> IO () Source #

Equality w => Equality (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


eq :: BE w -> BE w -> Result Source #

Unbox w => Unbox (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

newtype MVector s (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

newtype MVector s (BE w) = MV_BE (MVector s w)
newtype Vector (BE w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian

newtype Vector (BE w) = V_BE (Vector w)

newtype AlignedPtr (n :: Nat) a Source #

The type AlignedPtr n that captures pointers that are aligned to n byte boundary.





Instances details
KnownNat n => Pointer (AlignedPtr n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer

newtype BYTES a Source #

Type safe lengths/offsets in units of bytes.




Instances details
IsString WriteTo Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Transfer.Unsafe


fromString :: String -> WriteTo #

Functor BYTES Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


fmap :: (a -> b) -> BYTES a -> BYTES b #

(<$) :: a -> BYTES b -> BYTES a #

Encodable WriteTo Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Transfer.Unsafe

Unbox w => Vector Vector (BYTES w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer

Unbox w => MVector MVector (BYTES w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


basicLength :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> Int #

basicUnsafeSlice :: Int -> Int -> MVector s (BYTES w) -> MVector s (BYTES w) #

basicOverlaps :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> MVector s (BYTES w) -> Bool #

basicUnsafeNew :: Int -> ST s (MVector s (BYTES w)) #

basicInitialize :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeReplicate :: Int -> BYTES w -> ST s (MVector s (BYTES w)) #

basicUnsafeRead :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> Int -> ST s (BYTES w) #

basicUnsafeWrite :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> Int -> BYTES w -> ST s () #

basicClear :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> ST s () #

basicSet :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> BYTES w -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeCopy :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> MVector s (BYTES w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeMove :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> MVector s (BYTES w) -> ST s () #

basicUnsafeGrow :: MVector s (BYTES w) -> Int -> ST s (MVector s (BYTES w)) #

Storable a => Storable (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


sizeOf :: BYTES a -> Int #

alignment :: BYTES a -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (BYTES a) -> Int -> IO (BYTES a) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (BYTES a) -> Int -> BYTES a -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (BYTES a) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> BYTES a -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (BYTES a) -> IO (BYTES a) #

poke :: Ptr (BYTES a) -> BYTES a -> IO () #

Num a => Monoid (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


mempty :: BYTES a #

mappend :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

mconcat :: [BYTES a] -> BYTES a #

Num a => Semigroup (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


(<>) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (BYTES a) -> BYTES a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

Bits a => Bits (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


(.&.) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

(.|.) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

xor :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

complement :: BYTES a -> BYTES a #

shift :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

rotate :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

zeroBits :: BYTES a #

bit :: Int -> BYTES a #

setBit :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

clearBit :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

complementBit :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

testBit :: BYTES a -> Int -> Bool #

bitSizeMaybe :: BYTES a -> Maybe Int #

bitSize :: BYTES a -> Int #

isSigned :: BYTES a -> Bool #

shiftL :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

unsafeShiftL :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

shiftR :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

unsafeShiftR :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

rotateL :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

rotateR :: BYTES a -> Int -> BYTES a #

popCount :: BYTES a -> Int #

Bounded a => Bounded (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


minBound :: BYTES a #

maxBound :: BYTES a #

Enum a => Enum (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


succ :: BYTES a -> BYTES a #

pred :: BYTES a -> BYTES a #

toEnum :: Int -> BYTES a #

fromEnum :: BYTES a -> Int #

enumFrom :: BYTES a -> [BYTES a] #

enumFromThen :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> [BYTES a] #

enumFromTo :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> [BYTES a] #

enumFromThenTo :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a -> [BYTES a] #

Num a => Num (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


(+) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

(-) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

(*) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

negate :: BYTES a -> BYTES a #

abs :: BYTES a -> BYTES a #

signum :: BYTES a -> BYTES a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> BYTES a #

Integral a => Integral (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


quot :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

rem :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

div :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

mod :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

quotRem :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> (BYTES a, BYTES a) #

divMod :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> (BYTES a, BYTES a) #

toInteger :: BYTES a -> Integer #

Real a => Real (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


toRational :: BYTES a -> Rational #

Show a => Show (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


showsPrec :: Int -> BYTES a -> ShowS #

show :: BYTES a -> String #

showList :: [BYTES a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


(==) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Bool #

(/=) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


compare :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Ordering #

(<) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Bool #

(<=) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Bool #

(>) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Bool #

(>=) :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Bool #

max :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

min :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> BYTES a #

Encodable a => Encodable (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal

EndianStore w => EndianStore (BYTES w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Endian


store :: Ptr (BYTES w) -> BYTES w -> IO () Source #

load :: Ptr (BYTES w) -> IO (BYTES w) Source #

adjustEndian :: Ptr (BYTES w) -> Int -> IO () Source #

Equality a => Equality (BYTES a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer


eq :: BYTES a -> BYTES a -> Result Source #

LengthUnit (BYTES Int) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer

Unbox w => Unbox (BYTES w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer

newtype MVector s (BYTES w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer

newtype MVector s (BYTES w) = MV_BYTES (MVector s w)
newtype Vector (BYTES w) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Pointer

newtype Vector (BYTES w) = V_BYTES (Vector w)

newtype Src a Source #

The source of a copy operation. Besides the source smart constructor, the functor instance allows to transform the internal type using the fmap (e.g. given an sptr :: Src (Ptr Word8) shift it by an offset).

For FFI use: One can use this type directly in FFI interface by importing Raaz.Core.Types.Internal to get access to the constructor.





Instances details
Functor Src Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Copying


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Src a -> Src b #

(<$) :: a -> Src b -> Src a #

newtype Dest a Source #

The destination of a copy operation. Besides the destination smart constructor, the functor instance allows to transform the internal type using the fmap (e.g. given an dptr :: Dest (Ptr Word8) shift it by an offset).

For FFI use: One can use this type directly in FFI interface by importing Raaz.Core.Types.Internal to get access to the constructor.





Instances details
Functor Dest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Copying


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Dest a -> Dest b #

(<$) :: a -> Dest b -> Dest a #

Length encoded tuples

data Tuple (dim :: Nat) a Source #

Tuples that encode their length in their types. For tuples, we call the length its dimension.


Instances details
(Unbox a, Storable a, Dimension dim) => Storable (Tuple dim a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Tuple


sizeOf :: Tuple dim a -> Int #

alignment :: Tuple dim a -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> Int -> IO (Tuple dim a) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> Int -> Tuple dim a -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Tuple dim a) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Tuple dim a -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> IO (Tuple dim a) #

poke :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> Tuple dim a -> IO () #

(Show a, Unbox a) => Show (Tuple dim a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Tuple


showsPrec :: Int -> Tuple dim a -> ShowS #

show :: Tuple dim a -> String #

showList :: [Tuple dim a] -> ShowS #

(Unbox a, Equality a) => Eq (Tuple dim a) Source #

Equality checking is timing safe.

Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Tuple


(==) :: Tuple dim a -> Tuple dim a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Tuple dim a -> Tuple dim a -> Bool #

(Unbox a, EndianStore a, Dimension dim) => EndianStore (Tuple dim a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Tuple


store :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> Tuple dim a -> IO () Source #

load :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> IO (Tuple dim a) Source #

adjustEndian :: Ptr (Tuple dim a) -> Int -> IO () Source #

(Unbox a, Equality a) => Equality (Tuple dim a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Core.Types.Tuple


eq :: Tuple dim a -> Tuple dim a -> Result Source #

type Dimension (dim :: Nat) = KnownNat dim Source #

The constaint on the dimension of the tuple (since base 4.7.0)

dimension :: Dimension dim => Tuple dim a -> Int Source #

Function that returns the dimension of the tuple. The dimension is calculated without inspecting the tuple and hence the term dimension (undefined :: Tuple 5 Int) will evaluate to 5.

dimension' :: Dimension dim => Proxy (Tuple dim a) -> Int Source #

Function that returns the dimension from the proxy of the tuple. This is useful when we only have a proxy of the tuple at hand. This is clearly possible because the dimension calculation works at the type level and does not require looking at the value of the tuple.

initial :: (Unbox a, Dimension dim0) => Tuple dim1 a -> Tuple dim0 a Source #

Computes the initial fragment of a tuple. No length needs to be given as it is infered from the types.

diagonal :: (Unbox a, Dimension dim) => a -> Tuple dim a Source #

The diagonal a gives a tuple, all of whose entries is a.

repeatM :: (Monad m, Unbox a, Dimension dim) => m a -> m (Tuple dim a) Source #

Construct a tuple by repeating a monadic action.

zipWith :: (Unbox a, Unbox b, Unbox c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Tuple dim a -> Tuple dim b -> Tuple dim c Source #

A zipwith function for tuples

map :: (Unbox a, Unbox b) => (a -> b) -> Tuple dim a -> Tuple dim b Source #

Map function for tuples.

generateIO :: (Dimension dim, Unbox a) => IO a -> IO (Tuple dim a) Source #

Generate using the given action.

Unsafe operations

unsafeFromList :: (Unbox a, Dimension dim) => [a] -> Tuple dim a Source #

Construct a tuple out of the list. This function is unsafe and will result in run time error if the list is not of the correct dimension.

unsafeFromVector :: Vector a -> Tuple dim a Source #

Convert vector to tuple. This function is unsafe because it does not check whether length of the vector matches with the tuple dimension.

unsafeToVector :: Tuple dim a -> Vector a Source #

Convert the tuple to vector.