-- | The module exposes the ChaCha20 based PRG.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Raaz.Random.ChaCha20PRG
       ( reseedMT, fillRandomBytesMT, RandomState(..)
       ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Foreign.Ptr   (Ptr, castPtr)
import Prelude

import Raaz.Core
import Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Internal
import Raaz.Cipher.ChaCha20.Recommendation
import Raaz.Entropy

-- | The maximum value of counter before reseeding from entropy
-- source. Currently set to 1024 * 1024 * 1024. Which will generate
-- 64GB before reseeding.
-- The counter is a 32-bit quantity. Which means that one can generate
-- 2^32 blocks of data before the counter roles over and starts
-- repeating. We have choosen a conservative 2^30 blocks here.
maxCounterVal :: Counter
maxCounterVal = 1024 * 1024 * 1024

-- | Memory for strong the internal memory state.
data RandomState = RandomState { chacha20State  :: ChaCha20Mem
                               , auxBuffer      :: RandomBuf
                               , remainingBytes :: MemoryCell (BYTES Int)

-------------------------- Some helper functions on random state -------------------

-- | Run an action on the auxilary buffer.
withAuxBuffer :: (Ptr something -> MT RandomState a) -> MT RandomState a
withAuxBuffer action = onSubMemory auxBuffer getBufferPointer >>= action . castPtr

-- | Get the number of bytes in the buffer.
getRemainingBytes :: MT RandomState (BYTES Int)
getRemainingBytes = onSubMemory remainingBytes extract

-- | Set the number of remaining bytes.
setRemainingBytes :: BYTES Int -> MT RandomState ()
setRemainingBytes = onSubMemory remainingBytes . initialise

instance Memory RandomState where
  memoryAlloc     = RandomState <$> memoryAlloc <*> memoryAlloc <*> memoryAlloc
  unsafeToPointer = unsafeToPointer  . chacha20State

-------------------------------- The PRG operations ---------------------------------------------

-- | The overall idea is to generate a key stream into the auxilary
-- buffer using chacha20 and giving out bytes from this buffer. This
-- operation we call sampling. A portion of the sample is used for
-- resetting the key and iv to make the prg safe against backward
-- prediction, i.e. even if one knows the current seed (i.e. key iv
-- pair) one cannot predict the random values generated before.

-- | This fills in the random block with some new randomness
newSample :: MT RandomState ()
newSample = do
  withAuxBuffer $ onSubMemory chacha20State . flip chacha20Random randomBufferSize -- keystream
  setRemainingBytes $ inBytes randomBufferSize -- Total bytes generated in one go
  fillKeyIVWith fillExistingBytes

-- | See the PRG from system entropy.
seed :: MT RandomState ()
seed = do onSubMemory (counterCell . chacha20State) $ initialise (0 :: Counter)
          fillKeyIVWith getEntropy

-- | Seed if we have already generated maxCounterVal blocks of random
-- bytes.
seedIfReq :: MT RandomState ()
seedIfReq = do c <- onSubMemory (counterCell . chacha20State) extract
               when (c > maxCounterVal) seed

-- | Fill the iv and key from a filling function.
fillKeyIVWith :: (BYTES Int -> Pointer -> MT RandomState a) -- ^ The function used to fill the buffer
              -> MT RandomState ()
fillKeyIVWith filler = let
  keySize = sizeOf (undefined :: KEY)
  ivSize  = sizeOf (undefined :: IV)
  in do onSubMemory (keyCell . chacha20State) getCellPointer >>= void . filler keySize . castPtr
        onSubMemory (ivCell  . chacha20State) getCellPointer >>= void . filler ivSize  . castPtr

--------------------------- DANGEROUS CODE ---------------------------------------

-- | Reseed the prg.
reseedMT :: MT RandomState ()
reseedMT = seed >> newSample

-- NONTRIVIALITY: Picking up the newSample is important when we first
-- reseed.

-- | The function to generate random bytes. Fills from existing bytes
-- and continues if not enough bytes are obtained.
fillRandomBytesMT :: LengthUnit l => l -> Pointer -> MT RandomState ()
fillRandomBytesMT l = go (inBytes l)
  where go m ptr
            | m > 0  = do mGot <- fillExistingBytes m ptr   -- Fill from the already generated buffer.
                          when (mGot <= 0) newSample        -- We did not get any so sample.
                          go (m - mGot) $ movePtr ptr mGot  -- Get the remaining.
            | otherwise = return ()   -- Nothing to do

-- | Fill from already existing bytes. Returns the number of bytes
-- filled. Let remaining bytes be r. Then fillExistingBytes will fill
-- min(r,m) bytes into the buffer, and return the number of bytes
-- filled.
fillExistingBytes :: BYTES Int -> Pointer -> MT RandomState (BYTES Int)
fillExistingBytes req ptr = withAuxBuffer $ \ sptr -> do
  r <- getRemainingBytes
  let m  = min r req            -- actual bytes filled.
      l  = r - m                -- leftover
      tailPtr = movePtr sptr l
    in do
    -- Fills the source ptr from the end.
    --  sptr                tailPtr
    --   |                  |
    --   V                  V
    --   -----------------------------------------------------
    --   |   l              |    m                           |
    --   -----------------------------------------------------
    memcpy (destination ptr) (source tailPtr) m -- transfer the bytes to destination
    memset tailPtr 0 m                          -- wipe the bytes already transfered.
    setRemainingBytes l                         -- set leftover bytes.
    return m