{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Raaz.Cipher.AES.Internal
, KEY128, KEY192, KEY256
, EKEY128, EKEY192, EKEY256, IV
, aes128cbc, aes192cbc, aes256cbc
, aes128ctr
) where
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr ( castPtr, Ptr )
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, poke)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Raaz.Core
import Raaz.Random
import Raaz.Cipher.Internal
data AES (n :: Nat) (mode :: CipherMode) = AES
type WORD = BE Word32
type TUPLE n = Tuple n WORD
newtype KEY128 = KEY128 (TUPLE 4) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
newtype KEY192 = KEY192 (TUPLE 6) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
newtype KEY256 = KEY256 (TUPLE 8) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
instance Encodable KEY128
instance Encodable KEY192
instance Encodable KEY256
instance RandomStorable KEY128 where
fillRandomElements = unsafeFillRandomElements
instance RandomStorable KEY192 where
fillRandomElements = unsafeFillRandomElements
instance RandomStorable KEY256 where
fillRandomElements = unsafeFillRandomElements
instance IsString KEY128 where
fromString = fromBase16
instance Show KEY128 where
show = showBase16
instance IsString KEY192 where
fromString = fromBase16
instance Show KEY192 where
show = showBase16
instance IsString KEY256 where
fromString = fromBase16
instance Show KEY256 where
show = showBase16
newtype IV = IV (TUPLE 4) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
instance Encodable IV
instance RandomStorable IV where
fillRandomElements = unsafeFillRandomElements
instance IsString IV where
fromString = fromBase16
instance Show IV where
show = showBase16
aes128cbc :: AES 128 'CBC
aes128cbc = AES
instance Primitive (AES 128 'CBC) where
blockSize _ = BYTES 16
type Implementation (AES 128 'CBC) = SomeCipherI (AES 128 'CBC)
type instance Key (AES 128 'CBC) = (KEY128,IV)
instance Describable (AES 128 'CBC) where
name _ = "aes-128-cbc"
description _ = "The AES cipher in CBC mode with 128-bit key"
instance Cipher (AES 128 'CBC)
aes192cbc :: AES 192 'CBC
aes192cbc = AES
instance Primitive (AES 192 'CBC) where
blockSize _ = BYTES 16
type Implementation (AES 192 'CBC) = SomeCipherI (AES 192 'CBC)
type instance Key (AES 192 'CBC) = (KEY192,IV)
instance Describable (AES 192 'CBC) where
name _ = "aes-192-cbc"
description _ = "The AES cipher in CBC mode with 192-bit key"
instance Cipher (AES 192 'CBC)
aes256cbc :: AES 256 'CBC
aes256cbc = AES
instance Primitive (AES 256 'CBC) where
blockSize _ = BYTES 16
type Implementation (AES 256 'CBC) = SomeCipherI (AES 256 'CBC)
type instance Key (AES 256 'CBC) = (KEY256,IV)
instance Describable (AES 256 'CBC) where
name _ = "aes-256-cbc"
description _ = "The AES cipher in CBC mode with 256-bit key"
instance Cipher (AES 256 'CBC)
aes128ctr :: AES 128 'CTR
aes128ctr = AES
newtype EKEY128 = EKEY128 (TUPLE 44) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
newtype EKEY192 = EKEY192 (TUPLE 52) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
newtype EKEY256 = EKEY256 (TUPLE 60) deriving (Storable, EndianStore)
instance Initialisable (MemoryCell EKEY128) KEY128 where
initialise k = withCellPointer $ pokeAndExpand k (c_expand 4)
instance Initialisable (MemoryCell EKEY192) KEY192 where
initialise k = withCellPointer $ pokeAndExpand k (c_expand 6)
instance Initialisable (MemoryCell EKEY256) KEY256 where
initialise k = withCellPointer $ pokeAndExpand k (c_expand 8)
foreign import ccall unsafe
"raaz/cipher/aes/common.h raazAESExpand"
c_expand :: Int -> Ptr ekey -> IO ()
pokeAndExpand :: Storable k
=> k
-> (Ptr ekey -> IO ())
-> Ptr ekey
-> IO ()
pokeAndExpand k expander ptr = poke (castPtr ptr) k >> expander ptr