quiver-1.1.3: Quiver finite stream processing library

Copyright© 2015 Patryk Zadarnowski <pat@jantar.org>
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides a definition of a simple processor with a unit request type and an unspecified acknowledgement type, together with a number of common combinators for their definitions.



type SQ a b f r = forall b'. P () a b b' f r Source

A simple processor step with a unit request type and an unspecified response type:

type SP a b f e = SQ a b f (SPResult e) Source

A simple processor with a unit request type, an unspecified response type and a result type tailored towards reporting the terminating condition of an intermediate component in a composed “processor stack”.

type SProducer b f e = forall b'. Producer b b' f (SPResult e) Source

A producer version of a simple processor.

type SConsumer a f e = Consumer () a f (SPResult e) Source

A consumer version of a simple processor.

type SEffect f e = Effect f (SPResult e) Source

An effect version of a simple processor.

type SPResult e = Maybe (Maybe e) Source

Simple processor result type.

pattern SPComplete :: Maybe (Maybe t) Source

(Just Nothing) Simple processor result value indicating successful processing of the entire input stream.

pattern SPFailed :: t -> Maybe (Maybe t) Source

(Just (Just e)') Simple processor result value indicating unsuccessful processing of the input stream.

pattern SPIncomplete :: Maybe t Source

(Nothing) Simple processor result value indicating premature termination of the consumer.

spcomplete :: P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) Source

Delivers an SPComplete result.

spfailed :: e -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) Source

Delivers an SPFailed result.

spincomplete :: P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) Source

Delivers an SPIncomplete result.

spconsume :: (a' -> P () a' b b' f r) -> Producer b b' f r -> P () a' b b' f r Source

Consumes an single input value of a simple stream processor.

spfetch :: Functor f => SQ a b f (Maybe a) Source

spfetch represents a singleton simple stream processor that delivers the next input value received, or Nothing if the upstream processor has been depleted.

spemit :: b -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) Source

spemit y represents a singleton stream processor that produces a single output value y, delivering either SPComplete if y was consumed by the downstream processor, or SPIncomplete otherwise.

(>:>) :: b -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) infixr 5 Source

y >:> p represents a singleton stream processor that produces a single output value y and continues with the processor p, deliverying SPIncomplete if y could not be consumed by the downstream processor.

(>>?) :: Monad f => P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) infixl 1 Source

p >>? q continues processing of p with q but only if p completes successsfully by delivering SPComplete, short-circuiting q if p fails with SPIncomplete or SPFailed.

(>>!) :: Monad f => P a a' b b' f (SPResult e) -> (e -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e')) -> P a a' b b' f (SPResult e') infixl 1 Source

p >>! k is equivalent to p, with any failures in p supplied to the continuation processor k. Note that k is not executed if p completes successfully with SPComplete or is interrupted by the downstream processor, delivering SPIncomplete.

sppure :: (a -> b) -> SP a b f e Source

sppure f produces an infinite consumer/producer that uses a pure function f to convert every input value into an output; equivalent to qpure id f (const ()).

spid :: SP a a f e Source

A simple identity processor, equivalent to 'sppure id'.

spconcat :: Foldable t => SP (t a) a f e Source

A simple list flattening processor requests.

spfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> SP a a f e Source

A simple processor that filters its input stream.

spfold :: Monoid a => SQ a x f a Source

A processor that delivers the entire input of the stream folded into a single value using mappend.

spfold' :: Monoid a => SQ a x f a Source

A processor that delivers the entire input of the stream folded into a single value using strict application of mappend.

spfoldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SQ a x f b Source

A processor that delivers the entire input of the stream folded into a single value using the supplied left-associative function and initial value.

spfoldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SQ a x f b Source

A processor that delivers the entire input of the stream folded into a single value using strict application of the supplied left-associative function and initial value.

spfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SQ a x f b Source

A processor that delivers the entire input of the stream folded into a single value using the supplied right-associative function and initial value.

Note that this can be quite inefficient for long streams, since the entire chain of applications of f needs to be materialised on the heap before it can ever be applied to the final value and reduced at the end of the stream.

sptraverse :: Functor m => (a -> m b) -> SP a b m e Source

A processor that applies a monadic function to every input element and emits the resulting value.

sptraverse_ :: Functor m => (a -> m ()) -> SConsumer a m e Source

A processor that consumes every input elemnet using a monadic function.

spevery :: Foldable t => t a -> SProducer a f e Source

Produces every element of a foldable structure.

spforever :: Functor f => f a -> SProducer a f e Source

Produces infinite sequence of monadic results.

spuntil :: (a -> Bool) -> SP a a f e Source

Interrupts processing on input that matches a specified predicate.

spwhile :: (a -> Bool) -> SP a a f e Source

Interrupts processing on input that doesn't match a specified predicate.

spWhileJust :: SP (Maybe a) a f e Source

Interrupts processing on a first occurence of Nothing in the input stream.

sprun :: Monad f => forall a b. SQ a b f r -> f r Source

Evaluates an SEffect, i.e., a simple processor that is both detached and depleted and hence neither consumes nor produces any input, returning its delivered value. The base functor must be a monad.