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quipper-language- Quipper, an embedded functional programming language for quantum computation.

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides some operations for low-level manipulation of classical circuits. It is built directly on top of Quipper.Internal.Circuit.


Manipulation of classical circuits

Eliminating CGate

cgate_to_cnot_transformer :: Transformer Circ Qubit Bit Source #

A Transformer to eliminate all CGate style gates, such as "and", "or", "not", "xor", "eq", and "if-then-else" gates, and replace them by equivalent CInit and CNot gates.

translate_cgate :: String -> Bit -> [Bit] -> Circ () Source #

Auxiliary function: compute the reversible circuit corresponding to a CGate of the given name, using only controlled-not gates.

classical_to_cnot :: (QCData qa, QCData qb, QCurry qfun qa qb) => qfun -> qfun Source #

Translate all classical gates in a circuit into equivalent controlled-not gates.

The type of this overloaded function is difficult to read. In more readable form, it has all of the following types:

classical_to_cnot :: (QCData qa) => Circ qa -> Circ qa
classical_to_cnot :: (QCData qa, QCData qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> (qa -> Circ qb)
classical_to_cnot :: (QCData qa, QCData qb, QCData qc) => (qa -> qb -> Circ qc) -> (qa -> qb -> Circ qc)

and so forth.

Classical to quantum

trivial_endpoint :: B_Endpoint Qubit Qubit -> Qubit Source #

Map an endpoint to the underlying Qubit in the trivial case. Auxiliary function.

classical_to_quantum_transformer :: Transformer Circ Qubit Qubit Source #

A Transformer to replace all classical gates in a circuit by equivalent quantum gates.

classical_to_quantum_unary :: (QCData qa, QCData qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> QType qa -> Circ (QType qb) Source #

Replace all classical gates in a circuit by equivalent quantum gates.

classical_to_quantum :: (QCData qa, QCData qb, QCurry qfun qa qb, QCurry qfun' (QType qa) (QType qb)) => qfun -> qfun' Source #

Replace all classical gates in a circuit by equivalent quantum gates.

The type of this overloaded function is difficult to read. In more readable form, it has all of the following types:

classical_to_quantum :: (QCData qa) => Circ qa -> Circ (QType qa)
classical_to_quantum :: (QCData qa, QCData qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> (QType qa -> Circ (QType qb))
classical_to_quantum :: (QCData qa, QCData qb, QCData qc) => (qa -> qb -> Circ qc) -> (QType qa -> QType qb -> Circ (QType qc))

and so forth.

Classical to reversible

classical_to_reversible :: (QCData qa, QCData qb) => (qa -> Circ qb) -> (qa, qb) -> Circ (qa, qb) Source #

Generic function for turning a classical (or pseudo-classical) circuit into a reversible circuit. The input is a classical boolean function xf(x), given as a not necessarily reversible circuit (however, the circuit should be one-to-one, i.e., no "garbage" should be explicitly erased). The output is the corresponding reversible function (x,y) ↦ (x,yf(x)). qa and qb can be any quantum data types. The function classical_to_reversible does not itself change classical bits to qubits; use classical_to_quantum for that.