quipper-algorithms- A set of algorithms implemented in Quipper.

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides the Jordan-Wigner transformation and symbolic derivation of circuit templates for second quantized interaction terms. It is essentially a fully automated version of the calculations from

  • James D. Whitfield, Jacob Biamonte, and Alán Aspuru-Guzik. "Simulation of electronic structure Hamiltonians using quantum computers." Molecular Physics 109(5):735–750, 2011. See also http://arxiv.org/abs/1001.3855v3.


For a given tuple of orbital indices, (p,q) in case of one-electron interactions, or (p,q,r,s) in case of two-electron interactions, we first calculate the Jordan-Wigner transformation of the second quantized hermitian interaction terms


apaq + aqap,


apaqaras + asaraqap.

Next, we decompose each operator into a linear combination H = λ1M1 + ... + λnMn of mutually commuting hermitian tensors. At this point, each summand Mj in the linear combination will be a tensor product of the following operators (not necessarily in this order):

  • an even number (possibly zero) of Pauli X operators;
  • an even number (possibly zero) of Pauli Y operators;
  • zero or more Pauli Z operators, and
  • zero or more D operators, where D = σσ+ = (IZ)/2.

Note that there may be zero terms in the summation; this happens, for example, for apaparas, because two electrons cannot occupy the same spin orbital due to their fermionic nature. In this case, H = 0 and e-iθH = I.

Next, we calculate e-iθH. Because the summands Mj commute, we can exponentiate each summand separately, using the formula e-iθH = e-iθλ1M1e-iθλnMn.

We then generate the circuit for e-iθλjMj by applying a sequence of basis changes until the problem is reduced to a controlled rotation. The basis changes are, in this order:

  1. Change each Pauli X operator in Mj to a Pauli Z operator, and apply a Hadamard basis change to the corresponding qubit. This uses the relation HXH = Z.
  2. Change each Pauli Y operator in Mj to a Pauli Z operator, and apply a Y basis change to the corresponding qubit. Note: the Y basis change operator is defined in [Whitfield et al.] as Rsub /x/ = (I+iX)/√2, or equivalently Y = SHS, and satisfies YYY = Z. It should not be confused with the Pauli Y operator.
  3. If the operator Mj contains one or more Pauli Z operators (including those obtained in steps 1 and 2), then do a basis change by a cascade of controlled-not gates to reduce this to a single Z operator. This uses the relation CNot (ZZ) CNot = IZ.

After these basis changes, the operator Mj consists of exactly zero or one Pauli Z operator, together with zero or more D operators. To see how to translate this into a controlled rotation, note that for any operator A, we have

Therefore, each D operator in Mj turns into a control after exponentiation. The final rotation is then computed by distinguishing two cases:

  • If Mj contains a Pauli Z operator, then use the relation e-iθZ = Rsub /z/. In this case, the circuit for e-iθMj is a controlled Rsub /z/ gate in the position of the Z operator, with zero or more controls in the positions of any D operators.
  • If Mj does not contain a Pauli Z operator, then the operation to be performed is a phase change e-iθ, controlled by the qubits in the positions of the D operators. Note that there must be at least one D operator in this case. Also note that a controlled e-iθ gate is identical to a T(θ) gate.

Correctness of the templates

As outlined above, the functions in this module generate each circuit from first principles, based on the Jordan-Wigner representation of operators and on algebraic transformations. They do not rely on pre-fabricated circuit templates.

Based on the automated calculations provided by this module, we have found small typos in the 5 templates provided by [Whitfield et al.] (Table 3, or Table A1 in the arXiv version).

  • The template for the number-excitation operator is missing a control on its rotation gate.
  • In the template for the Coulomb operator, the angles are wrong. Moreover, this program finds a simpler template.
  • In the template for the double excitation operator, the angles are wrong; they should be ±θ/4 instead of θ.

The corrected templates generated by our code are as follows:

  • Number operator hpp apap.
  • Excitation operator hpq apaq.
  • Coulomb and exchange operators hpqqp apaqaqap.
  • Number-excitation operator hpqqr (apaqaqar + araqaqap). The sign of ±θ depends on the relative ordering of the indices p,q,r.
  • Double excitation operator hpqrs (apaqaras + asaraqap). The sign of ±θ/4 in each of the eight terms depends on the relative ordering of the indices p,q,r,s.

Alternate Coulomb templates

As noted above, our algorithm found the following template for the Coulomb operator apaqaqap:

This is simpler than the template given in [Whitfield et al.], even after one accounts for the cost of decomposing the additional controlled T(θ) gate into elementary gates. However, an equivalent circuit can also be given that is more similar to the one in [Whitfield et al.] (but with corrected rotation angles):

We call this the "orthodox" template, because it is closer to the one specified by Whitfield et al. The program will use the orthodox template if the command line option --orthodox is given, and it will use the simplified template otherwise.

General-purpose auxiliary functions

power :: Int -> a -> [a] Source #

Construct a list consisting of n repetitions of some element.

consecutive_pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)] Source #

Extract a list of n-1 consecutive pairs from an n-element list:

consecutive_pairs [] = []
consecutive_pairs [1] = []
consecutive_pairs [1,2] = [(1,2)]
consecutive_pairs [1,2,3] = [(1,2),(2,3)]
consecutive_pairs [1,2,3,4] = [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)]


type Scalar = Complex Double Source #

The type of complex numbers. Here, we use a floating point representation, although a symbolic representation would also be possible. Since for the purpose of this algorithm, all denominators are powers of 2, the floating point representation is in fact exact.

i :: Scalar Source #

The complex number i.

Basic Gates

rotZ_at :: Double -> Qubit -> Circ () Source #

Apply a Rsub z=e-iθZ/2 gate. The parameter θ is a Bloch sphere angle.

gse_G_at :: Double -> Qubit -> Circ () Source #

Apply a G(θ) gate. This is a global phase change of e-iθ, so this gate only "does" something when it is controlled. Although it is logically a 0-ary gate, we give it a qubit argument to specify where the gate can be drawn in circuit diagrams.

gse_T_at :: Double -> Qubit -> Circ () Source #

Apply a T(θ) gate. This is a Z-rotation, but differs from Rsub z by a global phase.

gse_Y_at :: Qubit -> Circ () Source #

Apply a Y basis change gate. This is defined as Y = SHS, or equivalently,

This should not be confused with the Pauli Y gate.

Basic operators

data Op Source #

This type provides a symbolic representation of certain operators, generated by the Pauli operators, P = σ+, and M = σ. For lack of a better term, we call these the "basic" operators. Note that apart from P and M, all of these are hermitian.



Identity operator.


Pauli X operator.


Pauli Y operator.


Pauli Z operator.


σ+ operator = (0,1;0,0).


σ operator = (0,0;1,0).


σ+σ operator = (1,0;0,0).


σσ+ operator = (0,0;0,1).

Eq Op Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.GSE.JordanWigner


(==) :: Op -> Op -> Bool #

(/=) :: Op -> Op -> Bool #

Ord Op Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.GSE.JordanWigner


compare :: Op -> Op -> Ordering #

(<) :: Op -> Op -> Bool #

(<=) :: Op -> Op -> Bool #

(>) :: Op -> Op -> Bool #

(>=) :: Op -> Op -> Bool #

max :: Op -> Op -> Op #

min :: Op -> Op -> Op #

Show Op Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.GSE.JordanWigner


showsPrec :: Int -> Op -> ShowS #

show :: Op -> String #

showList :: [Op] -> ShowS #

data Scaled a Source #

A type to represent scalar multiples. An element of (Scaled a) is a pair (λ, x) of a complex scalar λ and an element xa.


Scaled Scalar a 

mult :: Op -> Op -> Scaled Op Source #

Multiplication of basic operators. Note that the product of two basic operators is not usually itself a basic operator, but a scalar multiple thereof. This multiplication encodes the algebraic laws of basic operators in symbolic form.

Tensors of basic operators

type Tensor = [Op] Source #

We use a list of basic operators to represent a tensor product. The convention is that infinitely many identity operators are implicitly appended at the end of the list.

normalize_tensor :: Tensor -> Tensor Source #

Normalize a tensor, by stripping away trailing identities.

tensor_id :: Tensor Source #

The identity tensor.

mult_tensor :: Tensor -> Tensor -> Scaled Tensor Source #

Multiply two tensors. This returns a scaled tensor.

mult_scaled_tensor :: Scaled Tensor -> Scaled Tensor -> Scaled Tensor Source #

Multiply two scaled tensors.

Linear combinations of tensors

type TensorLC = Map Tensor Scalar Source #

A type to represent complex linear combinations of tensors.

lc_zero :: TensorLC Source #

The origin.

lc_insert :: TensorLC -> Scaled Tensor -> TensorLC Source #

Add a tensor to a linear combination.

lc_from_list :: [Scaled Tensor] -> TensorLC Source #

Turn a list of scaled tensors into a TensorLC.

lc_to_list :: TensorLC -> [Scaled Tensor] Source #

Turn a TensorLC into a list of scaled tensors.

Jordan-Wigner representation

The next two functions provide the Jordan-Wigner representation of (Fock-space) annihilation and creation operators.

jw :: Int -> Int -> Scaled Tensor Source #

Construct the Jordan-Wigner annihilation operator ap = IIIIPZZZZZ... for spin-orbital index p. The first parameter is p, and the second one is M (the number of spin-orbitals). Precondition: 0 ≤ p < M.

jw_dagger :: Int -> Int -> Scaled Tensor Source #

Construct the Jordan-Wigner creation operator ap = IIIIMZZZZ... for spin-orbital index p. The first parameter is p, and the second one is M (the number of spin-orbitals). Precondition: 0 ≤ p < M.

Second quantized interaction terms

Simple interaction terms

one_electron_operator_simple :: Int -> Int -> Scaled Tensor Source #

Construct the one-electron second quantized non-hermitianized interaction term apaq. The parameters are p,q.

two_electron_operator_simple :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Scaled Tensor Source #

Construct the two-electron second quantized non-hermitianized interaction term apaqaras. The parameters are p,q,r,s.

Hermitian interaction terms

one_electron_operator :: Int -> Int -> TensorLC Source #

Construct apaq if p = q, and apaq + aqap otherwise.

two_electron_operator :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> TensorLC Source #

Construct apaqaras if (p,q) = (s,r), and apaqaras + asaraqap otherwise.

XYZD decomposition

decompose_basis :: Op -> [Scaled Op] Source #

Decompose a basic operator into linear combinations of hermitian basic operators. This uses the relations P = 1/2 X + i/2 Y and M = 1/2 X - i/2 Y.

decompose_tensor :: Tensor -> TensorLC Source #

Decompose a tensor into a linear combination of hermitian tensors. Due to sign alternation, the individual tensors all come out to commute with each other.

decompose_tensor_lc :: TensorLC -> TensorLC Source #

Decompose a linear combination of tensors into a linear combination of hermitian tensors.

Exponentiation and circuit generation

exponentiate_simple :: Scaled Tensor -> Double -> [Qubit] -> [Qubit] -> Circ () Source #

Given a simple hermitian tensor H and an angle θ, generate a circuit for e-iθH. The given list of input qubits is in the same order as the operators in H. Precondition: H is made up of zero or more identity operators and one or more of the operators X, Y, Z, and D. The last parameter is a list of additional controls.

exponentiate :: TensorLC -> Double -> [Qubit] -> [Qubit] -> Circ () Source #

Given a tensor H (already decomposed into commuting simple tensors) and an angle θ, generate a circuit for e-iθH. The given list of input qubits is in the same order as the operators in H.

Generate top-level templates

one_electron_circuit :: Double -> Int -> Int -> [Qubit] -> [Qubit] -> Circ () Source #

one_electron_circuit theta p q: Generate the circuit for the hermitianized one-electron interaction with spin-orbital indices p, q. More precisely, generate e-iθH, where H = apaq if p = q and H = apaq + aqap otherwise.

This function recognizes an important special case: if θ=0.0, don't generate any gates at all. The case θ=0.0 frequently arises because of the conversion from spatial orbitals to spin orbitals.

two_electron_circuit :: Double -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Qubit] -> [Qubit] -> Circ () Source #

two_electron_circuit theta p q r s: Generate the circuit for the hermitianized two-electron interaction with spin-orbital indices p, q, r, s. More precisely, generate e-iθH, where H = apaqaras if (p,q) = (s,r) and H = apaqaras + asaraqap otherwise.

This function recognizes an important special case: if θ=0.0, don't generate any gates at all. The case θ=0.0 frequently arises because of the conversion from spatial orbitals to spin orbitals.

two_electron_circuit_orthodox :: Double -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Qubit] -> [Qubit] -> Circ () Source #

Like two_electron_circuit, but use the "orthodox" circuit template for the Coulomb operator apaqaqap. This generates a circuit using three rotations, similar to [Whitfield et al.], but with corrected angles,

instead of the simpler circuit that two_electron_circuit would normally generate:


We provide two functions, accessible via command line options, that allow the user to display individual templates.

show_one_electron :: Format -> GateBase -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source #

Display the circuit for the hermitianized one-electron interaction, with θ=1.

show_two_electron :: Format -> GateBase -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source #

Display the circuit for the hermitianized two-electron interaction, with θ=1.

show_two_electron_orthodox :: Format -> GateBase -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () Source #

Like show_two_electron, but use the "orthodox" template for the Coulomb operator.