Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
This module contains the implementation of the various quantum circuits that make up the boolean formula algorithm. Please see Quipper.Algorithms.BF.Main for an overview of the boolean formula algorithm.
- data BooleanFormulaOracle = BFO {
- oracle_x_max :: Int
- oracle_y_max :: Int
- oracle_t :: Int
- oracle_s :: Int
- oracle_m :: Int
- start_board :: HexBoard
- oracle_hex :: HexCircuit
- data HexCircuit
- createOracle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> BooleanFormulaOracle
- update_hex :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> HexCircuit -> BooleanFormulaOracle
- update_start_board :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> HexBoard -> BooleanFormulaOracle
- full_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle
- test_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle
- type HexBoard = ([Bool], [Bool])
- moves_made :: HexBoard -> Int
- empty_spaces :: HexBoard -> [Int]
- type PhaseEstimationRegister = [Qubit]
- type GenericDirectionRegister a = [a]
- type DirectionRegister = GenericDirectionRegister Qubit
- data GenericBooleanFormulaRegister a = BFR {
- position_flags :: (a, a)
- position :: [GenericDirectionRegister a]
- work_leaf :: a
- work_paraleaf :: a
- work_binary :: a
- work_height :: a
- work_r :: a
- work_rp :: a
- work_rpp :: a
- direction :: GenericDirectionRegister a
- type BooleanFormulaRegister = GenericBooleanFormulaRegister Qubit
- labelBFR :: BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- type BoolRegister = GenericBooleanFormulaRegister Bool
- toTuple :: GenericBooleanFormulaRegister a -> ((a, a), [[a]], (a, a, a, a, a, a, a), [a])
- fromTuple :: ((a, a), [[a]], (a, a, a, a, a, a, a), [a]) -> GenericBooleanFormulaRegister a
- createRegister :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BoolRegister
- registerShape :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister
- initializeRegister :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> Circ BooleanFormulaRegister
- qw_bf :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> Circ [Bit]
- subroutine_inverse_qft :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit]
- map_exp_u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> [Qubit] -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Int -> Circ ()
- exp_u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> Integer -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- subroutine_u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- subroutine_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- controls :: Qubit -> [DirectionRegister] -> [ControlList]
- diffuse :: BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- subroutine_diffuse :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- data Where
- walk :: BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- subroutine_walk :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- undo_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- subroutine_undo_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- toParent :: Where -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- copy_from_to :: Qubit -> Qubit -> Circ (Qubit, Qubit)
- toChild :: Where -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ ()
- shift_left :: [DirectionRegister] -> Circ ()
- shift_right :: [DirectionRegister] -> Circ ()
- main_circuit :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_u :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_walk :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_diffuse :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_oracle :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_undo_oracle :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_hex :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_checkwin_red :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_bf :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO Bool
- whoWins :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
- main_whoWins :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO ()
Classical data structures
Oracle description
We define a data structure to hold the various parameters that are used to define an oracle.
data BooleanFormulaOracle Source #
The input to the BF Algorithm is the description of an oracle to represent a given size of hex board, and a given size for the phase estimation register.
BFO | |
data HexCircuit Source #
A type to define which Hex circuit to use.
createOracle :: Int -> Int -> Int -> BooleanFormulaOracle Source #
Create an oracle description. This only requires x, y, and t to be specified, as the remaining values can be calculated. The number of moves remaining, s, is calculated as the total number of squares on the board, and m is calculated as the number of bits required to represent s+1.
update_hex :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> HexCircuit -> BooleanFormulaOracle Source #
A function to set the "Dummy" flag in the given oracle to the given
update_start_board :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> HexBoard -> BooleanFormulaOracle Source #
Update the start_board
in the given oracle, with the given HexBoard
. This
also updates the oracle_s
field of the oracle to be in line with
the new start_board
full_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle Source #
An oracle for a 9 by 7 Hex board, with the parameters: x=9, y=7, t=189. The calculated values are: s=63, m=6.
test_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle Source #
A smaller oracle for testing purposes. The numbers should be chosen such that x⋅y = 2n−1 for some n. Here, we set x=3 and y=5, to give x⋅y=15. We arbitrarily set the size of the phase estimation register to t=4.
Hex boards
type HexBoard = ([Bool], [Bool]) Source #
A hex board is specified by a pair of lists of booleans. For a board of size x by y, each list should contain x⋅y elements. The first list is the "blue" bitmap, and the second is the "red" maskmap.
moves_made :: HexBoard -> Int Source #
A function to determine how many moves have been made on a given HexBoard.
This function assumes that the given HexBoard
is valid, in the sense that
no duplicate moves have been made.
empty_spaces :: HexBoard -> [Int] Source #
A function to determine which spaces are still empty in the given HexBoard.
This function assumes that the given HexBoard
is valid, in the sense that
no duplicate moves have been made. This function will return a list of all the
empty spaces remaining, in strictly increasing order.
Quantum data structures
Some data structures to help in defining the algorithm.
type PhaseEstimationRegister = [Qubit] Source #
The phase estimation register is a simple register of qubits. This is kept
separate from the rest of the BooleanFormulaRegister
as it is this register
which will be measured at the end of the algorithm.
type GenericDirectionRegister a = [a] Source #
The direction register is a simple register of qubits, made explicit here so we can see that a "position" is a list of directions.
type DirectionRegister = GenericDirectionRegister Qubit Source #
A type synonym defined as the Qubit
instance of a
data GenericBooleanFormulaRegister a Source #
The rest of the boolean formula algorithm requires a register which is split into 3 main parts.
BFR | |
type BooleanFormulaRegister = GenericBooleanFormulaRegister Qubit Source #
A type synonym defined as the Qubit
instantiation of a
labelBFR :: BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
A function to add labels to the wires that make up a BooleanFormulaRegister
These labels correspond to the parts of the register.
type BoolRegister = GenericBooleanFormulaRegister Bool Source #
A type synonym defined as the Bool
instantiation of a
toTuple :: GenericBooleanFormulaRegister a -> ((a, a), [[a]], (a, a, a, a, a, a, a), [a]) Source #
Helper function to simplify the QCData
instance for BooleanFormulaRegister
Create a tuple from a GenericBooleanFormulaRegister
fromTuple :: ((a, a), [[a]], (a, a, a, a, a, a, a), [a]) -> GenericBooleanFormulaRegister a Source #
Helper function to simplify the QCData
instance for BooleanFormulaRegister
Create a GenericBooleanFormulaRegister
from a tuple.
createRegister :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BoolRegister Source #
Create an initial classical BooleanFormulaRegister
for a given oracle description.
The position register is initialized in the zero state that represents being
at label zero, or node rpp in the tree. The work qubits are all initialized to
zero, as the first call to the oracle circuit will set them accordingly for
the position we are currently in. The direction register is also set to zero
as this is the direction in which the node rp is in. The given
is used to make sure the registers are of the correct
size, i.e., number of qubits.
registerShape :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister Source #
Create a shape parameter for a BooleanFormulaRegister
of the
correct size.
initializeRegister :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> Circ BooleanFormulaRegister Source #
Initialize a BooleanFormulaRegister
from a BooleanFormulaOracle
Oracle implementation
The functions in this implementation follow a separation of the boolean formula algorithm into two parts. The first part corresponds to the algorithms defined in this module. The second part consists of the algorithms defined in Quipper.Algorithms.BF.Hex. This separation relates to the first part defining the quantum parts of the algorithm, including the phase estimation, and the quantum walk, whereas the remaining four define the classical implementation of the circuit for determining which player has won a completed game of Hex, which is converted to a quantum circuit using Quipper's "build_circuit" keyword.
Note that the circuits for the algorithms in this module have been tested for performing a quantum walk on the tree defined for a given oracle (but with a dummy function taking the place of the call to HEX).
qw_bf :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> Circ [Bit] Source #
The overall Boolean Formula Algorithm. It initializes the phase estimation register into an equal super-position of all 2t states, and the other registers as defined previously. It then maps the exponentiated version of the unitary u, as per phase estimation, before applying the inverse QFT, and measuring the result.
subroutine_inverse_qft :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit] Source #
The inverse quantum Fourier transform as a boxed subroutine.
map_exp_u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> [Qubit] -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Int -> Circ () Source #
"Map" the application of the exponentiated unitary u over the phase estimation register. That is, each qubit in the phase estimation register is used as a control over a call to the unitary u, exponentiated to the appropriate power.
exp_u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> Integer -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Exponentiate the unitary u. In this implementation, this is achieved by repeated application of u.
u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
The unitary u represents a single step in the walk on the NAND tree. A call to the oracle determines what type of node we are at (so we know which directions are valid to step to), the call to diffuse sets the direction register to be a super-position of all valid directions, the call to walk performs the step, and then the call to undo oracle has to clean up the work registers that were set by the call to the oracle. Note that the undo oracle step is not simply the inverse of the oracle, as we have walked since the oracle was called.
subroutine_u :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
The circuit for u
as a boxed subroutine.
oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Call the oracle to determine some extra information about where we are in the tree. Essentially, the special cases are when were are at one of the three "low height" nodes, or when we are at a node representing a complete game of Hex, and we need to determine if this is a leaf, by calling the hex circuit, which determines whether the node represents a completed game of hex in which the red player has won.
subroutine_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
The circuit for the oracle
as a boxed subroutine.
controls :: Qubit -> [DirectionRegister] -> [ControlList] Source #
The controls to use, to see if we're at a "low height" node.
diffuse :: BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Diffuse the direction register, to be a super-position of all valid directions from the current node. Note, that this implementation of the boolean formula algorithm does not applying the correct weighting scheme to the NAND graph, which would require this function to diffuse with respect to the weighting scheme.
subroutine_diffuse :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
The circuit for diffuse
as a boxed subroutine.
A datatype to use instead of passing integers to toParent
and toChild
to define what needs to be shifted. This is used as only three different
shift widths are ever used in the algorithm.
walk :: BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Define a step on the NAND graph, in the direction specified
by the direction register, and updates the direction register to be where
we have stepped from.
For this algorithm we have developed the if_then_elseQ
construct, which
gives us a nice way of constructing if/else statements acting on
boolean statements over qubits (see Quipper.Libraries.QuantumIf).
subroutine_walk :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
The circuit for walk
as a boxed subroutine.
undo_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Uncompute the various flags that were set by the initial call to the oracle. It has to uncompute the flags depending on where we were before the walk step, so isn't just the inverse of the oracle.
subroutine_undo_oracle :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
The circuit for undo_oracle
as a boxed subroutine.
toParent :: Where -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Define the circuit that updates the position register to be the parent node of the current position.
copy_from_to :: Qubit -> Qubit -> Circ (Qubit, Qubit) Source #
: Sets the state of qubit b to be the state of qubit a,
(and the state of a is lost in the process, so this is not cloning).
It falls short of swapping a and b, as we're not interested in preserving a.copy_from_to
a b
toChild :: Where -> BooleanFormulaRegister -> Circ () Source #
Define the circuit that updates the position register to be the child node of the current position.
shift_left :: [DirectionRegister] -> Circ () Source #
Shift every qubit in a register to the left by one.
shift_right :: [DirectionRegister] -> Circ () Source #
Shift every qubit in a register to the right by one.
Possible main functions
The following functions define various main functions that can be called from an overall main function to display various parts of the overall Boolean Formula Algorithm. The Boolean Formula Algorithm is split into 13 sub-algorithms, each of which can be displayed separately, or in various combinations.
main_circuit :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Displays the overall Boolean Formula circuit for a given oracle description.
main_walk :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display just 1 time-step of the walk
algorithm for the given oracle,
i.e., one iteration of walk, with no controls.
main_diffuse :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display just 1 time-step of the diffuse
algorithm for the given oracle,
i.e., one iteration of diffuse, with no controls.
main_oracle :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display just 1 time-step of the oracle
algorithm for the given oracle,
i.e., one iteration of oracle, with no controls.
main_undo_oracle :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display just 1 time-step of the undo_oracle
algorithm for the given oracle,
i.e., one iteration of undo_oracle, with no controls.
main_hex :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display the circuit for the Hex algorithm, for the given oracle,
i.e., one iteration of hex_oracle
, with no controls.
main_checkwin_red :: Format -> GateBase -> BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display the circuit for the Checkwin_red algorithm, for the given oracle,
i.e., one iteration of checkwin_red_circuit
, with no controls.
Running the Boolean Formula Algorithm
The following functions define the way that the Boolean Formula Algorithm would be run, if we had access to a quantum computer. Indeed, the functions here interface with the QuantumSimulation quantum simulator so that they can be built.
main_bf :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO Bool Source #
Approximation of how the algorithm would be run if we had a quantum computer: uses QuantumSimulation run_generic_io function. The output of the algorithm will be all False only in the instance that the Blue player wins the game.
whoWins :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Display the result of main_bf
i.e., either "Red Wins", or "Blue Wins" is the output.
main_whoWins :: BooleanFormulaOracle -> IO () Source #
Run whoWins
for the given oracle, and its "initial" board.