{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types
( BindingGroupType(..)
, typesOf
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Control.Arrow (first, second, (***))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..), gets)
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (transpose, (\\), partition, delete)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Traversals
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Entailment
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Skolems
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Subsumption
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.TypeSearch
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Unify
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Label (Label(..))
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString)
data BindingGroupType
= RecursiveBindingGroup
| NonRecursiveBindingGroup
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TypedValue' = TypedValue' Bool Expr SourceType
tvToExpr :: TypedValue' -> Expr
tvToExpr (TypedValue' c e t) = TypedValue c e t
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> BindingGroupType
-> ModuleName
-> [((SourceAnn, Ident), Expr)]
-> m [((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType))]
typesOf bindingGroupType moduleName vals = withFreshSubstitution $ do
(tys, wInfer) <- capturingSubstitution tidyUp $ do
(SplitBindingGroup untyped typed dict, w) <- withoutWarnings $ typeDictionaryForBindingGroup (Just moduleName) vals
ds1 <- parU typed $ \e -> withoutWarnings $ checkTypedBindingGroupElement moduleName e dict
ds2 <- forM untyped $ \e -> withoutWarnings $ typeForBindingGroupElement e dict
return (map (False, ) ds1 ++ map (True, ) ds2, w)
inferred <- forM tys $ \(shouldGeneralize, ((sai@((ss, _), ident), (val, ty)), _)) -> do
(val', unsolved) <- replaceTypeClassDictionaries shouldGeneralize val
currentSubst <- gets checkSubstitution
let ty' = substituteType currentSubst ty
unsolvedTypeVars = ordNub $ unknownsInType ty'
generalized = generalize unsolved ty'
when shouldGeneralize $ do
. errorMessage' ss
$ MissingTypeDeclaration ident generalized
when (bindingGroupType == RecursiveBindingGroup && not (null unsolved))
. throwError
. errorMessage' ss
$ CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction ident generalized
forM_ unsolved $ \(_, _, con) -> do
let findClass = fromMaybe (internalError "entails: type class not found in environment") . M.lookup (constraintClass con)
TypeClassData{ typeClassDependencies } <- gets (findClass . typeClasses . checkEnv)
let solved = foldMap (S.fromList . fdDetermined) typeClassDependencies
let constraintTypeVars = ordNub . foldMap (unknownsInType . fst) . filter ((`notElem` solved) . snd) $ zip (constraintArgs con) [0..]
when (any (`notElem` unsolvedTypeVars) constraintTypeVars) .
. onErrorMessages (replaceTypes currentSubst)
. errorMessage' ss
$ AmbiguousTypeVariables generalized con
skolemEscapeCheck val'
return ((sai, (foldr (Abs . VarBinder nullSourceSpan . (\(x, _, _) -> x)) val' unsolved, generalized)), unsolved)
finalState <- get
let replaceTypes' = replaceTypes (checkSubstitution finalState)
runTypeSearch' gen = runTypeSearch (guard gen $> foldMap snd inferred) finalState
raisePreviousWarnings gen = (escalateWarningWhen isHoleError . tell . onErrorMessages (runTypeSearch' gen . replaceTypes'))
raisePreviousWarnings False wInfer
forM_ tys $ \(shouldGeneralize, ((_, (_, _)), w)) ->
raisePreviousWarnings shouldGeneralize w
return (map fst inferred)
:: Substitution
-> ErrorMessage
-> ErrorMessage
replaceTypes subst = onTypesInErrorMessage (substituteType subst)
:: Maybe [(Ident, InstanceContext, SourceConstraint)]
-> CheckState
-> ErrorMessage
-> ErrorMessage
runTypeSearch cons st = \case
ErrorMessage hints (HoleInferredType x ty y (Just (TSBefore env))) ->
let subst = checkSubstitution st
searchResult = onTypeSearchTypes
(substituteType subst)
(uncurry TSAfter (typeSearch cons env st (substituteType subst ty)))
in ErrorMessage hints (HoleInferredType x ty y (Just searchResult))
other -> other
generalize unsolved = varIfUnknown . constrain unsolved
constrain cs ty = foldr srcConstrainedType ty (map (\(_, _, x) -> x) cs)
tidyUp ts sub = first (map (second (first (second (overTypes (substituteType sub) *** substituteType sub))))) ts
isHoleError :: ErrorMessage -> Bool
isHoleError (ErrorMessage _ HoleInferredType{}) = True
isHoleError _ = False
data SplitBindingGroup = SplitBindingGroup
{ _splitBindingGroupUntyped :: [((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType))]
, _splitBindingGroupTyped :: [((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType, Bool))]
, _splitBindingGroupNames :: M.Map (Qualified Ident) (SourceType, NameKind, NameVisibility)
:: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Maybe ModuleName
-> [((SourceAnn, Ident), Expr)]
-> m SplitBindingGroup
typeDictionaryForBindingGroup moduleName vals = do
let (untyped, typed) = partitionEithers (map splitTypeAnnotation vals)
(typedDict, typed') <- fmap unzip . for typed $ \(sai, (expr, ty, checkType)) -> do
ty' <- replaceTypeWildcards ty
return ((sai, ty'), (sai, (expr, ty', checkType)))
(untypedDict, untyped') <- fmap unzip . for untyped $ \(sai, expr) -> do
ty <- freshType
return ((sai, ty), (sai, (expr, ty)))
let dict = M.fromList [ (Qualified moduleName ident, (ty, Private, Undefined))
| ((_, ident), ty) <- typedDict <> untypedDict
return (SplitBindingGroup untyped' typed' dict)
splitTypeAnnotation :: (a, Expr) -> Either (a, Expr) (a, (Expr, SourceType, Bool))
splitTypeAnnotation (a, TypedValue checkType value ty) = Right (a, (value, ty, checkType))
splitTypeAnnotation (a, PositionedValue pos c value) =
bimap (second (PositionedValue pos c))
(second (\(e, t, b) -> (PositionedValue pos c e, t, b)))
(splitTypeAnnotation (a, value))
splitTypeAnnotation (a, value) = Left (a, value)
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> ModuleName
-> ((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType, Bool))
-> M.Map (Qualified Ident) (SourceType, NameKind, NameVisibility)
-> m ((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType))
checkTypedBindingGroupElement mn (ident, (val, ty, checkType)) dict = do
(kind, args) <- kindOfWithScopedVars ty
checkTypeKind ty kind
ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty
val' <- if checkType
then withScopedTypeVars mn args $ bindNames dict $ check val ty'
else return (TypedValue' False val ty')
return (ident, (tvToExpr val', ty'))
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> ((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType))
-> M.Map (Qualified Ident) (SourceType, NameKind, NameVisibility)
-> m ((SourceAnn, Ident), (Expr, SourceType))
typeForBindingGroupElement (ident, (val, ty)) dict = do
TypedValue' _ val' ty' <- bindNames dict $ infer val
unifyTypes ty ty'
return (ident, (TypedValue True val' ty', ty'))
:: MonadError MultipleErrors m
=> SourceType
-> SourceKind
-> m ()
checkTypeKind ty kind = guardWith (errorMessage (ExpectedType ty kind)) $ isKindType kind
:: (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> SourceType
-> m (Expr, SourceType)
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val (ForAll _ ident _ ty _) = do
ty' <- replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val ty'
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val (ConstrainedType _ con ty) = do
dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
hints <- getHints
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (App val (TypeClassDictionary con dicts hints)) ty
instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val ty = return (val, ty)
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> m TypedValue'
infer val = withErrorMessageHint (ErrorInferringType val) $ infer' val
:: forall m
. (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> m TypedValue'
infer' v@(Literal _ (NumericLiteral (Left _))) = return $ TypedValue' True v tyInt
infer' v@(Literal _ (NumericLiteral (Right _))) = return $ TypedValue' True v tyNumber
infer' v@(Literal _ (StringLiteral _)) = return $ TypedValue' True v tyString
infer' v@(Literal _ (CharLiteral _)) = return $ TypedValue' True v tyChar
infer' v@(Literal _ (BooleanLiteral _)) = return $ TypedValue' True v tyBoolean
infer' (Literal ss (ArrayLiteral vals)) = do
ts <- traverse infer vals
els <- freshType
ts' <- forM ts $ \(TypedValue' ch val t) -> do
(val', t') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val t
unifyTypes els t'
return (TypedValue ch val' t')
return $ TypedValue' True (Literal ss (ArrayLiteral ts')) (srcTypeApp tyArray els)
infer' (Literal ss (ObjectLiteral ps)) = do
ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
let shouldInstantiate :: Expr -> Bool
shouldInstantiate Var{} = True
shouldInstantiate (PositionedValue _ _ e) = shouldInstantiate e
shouldInstantiate _ = False
inferProperty :: (PSString, Expr) -> m (PSString, (Expr, SourceType))
inferProperty (name, val) = do
TypedValue' _ val' ty <- infer val
valAndType <- if shouldInstantiate val
then instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val' ty
else pure (val', ty)
pure (name, valAndType)
toRowListItem (lbl, (_, ty)) = srcRowListItem (Label lbl) ty
fields <- forM ps inferProperty
let ty = srcTypeApp tyRecord $ rowFromList (map toRowListItem fields, srcREmpty)
return $ TypedValue' True (Literal ss (ObjectLiteral (map (fmap (uncurry (TypedValue True))) fields))) ty
infer' (ObjectUpdate o ps) = do
ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
row <- freshType
typedVals <- zipWith (\(name, _) t -> (name, t)) ps <$> traverse (infer . snd) ps
let toRowListItem = uncurry srcRowListItem
let newTys = map (\(name, TypedValue' _ _ ty) -> (Label name, ty)) typedVals
oldTys <- zip (map (Label . fst) ps) <$> replicateM (length ps) freshType
let oldTy = srcTypeApp tyRecord $ rowFromList (toRowListItem <$> oldTys, row)
o' <- TypedValue True <$> (tvToExpr <$> check o oldTy) <*> pure oldTy
let newVals = map (fmap tvToExpr) typedVals
return $ TypedValue' True (ObjectUpdate o' newVals) $ srcTypeApp tyRecord $ rowFromList (toRowListItem <$> newTys, row)
infer' (Accessor prop val) = withErrorMessageHint (ErrorCheckingAccessor val prop) $ do
field <- freshType
rest <- freshType
typed <- tvToExpr <$> check val (srcTypeApp tyRecord (srcRCons (Label prop) field rest))
return $ TypedValue' True (Accessor prop typed) field
infer' (Abs binder ret)
| VarBinder ss arg <- binder = do
ty <- freshType
withBindingGroupVisible $ bindLocalVariables [(arg, ty, Defined)] $ do
body@(TypedValue' _ _ bodyTy) <- infer' ret
(body', bodyTy') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (tvToExpr body) bodyTy
return $ TypedValue' True (Abs (VarBinder ss arg) body') (function ty bodyTy')
| otherwise = internalError "Binder was not desugared"
infer' (App f arg) = do
f'@(TypedValue' _ _ ft) <- infer f
(ret, app) <- checkFunctionApplication (tvToExpr f') ft arg
return $ TypedValue' True app ret
infer' (Var ss var) = do
checkVisibility var
ty <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards <=< lookupVariable $ var
case ty of
ConstrainedType _ con ty' -> do
dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
hints <- getHints
return $ TypedValue' True (App (Var ss var) (TypeClassDictionary con dicts hints)) ty'
_ -> return $ TypedValue' True (Var ss var) ty
infer' v@(Constructor _ c) = do
env <- getEnv
case M.lookup c (dataConstructors env) of
Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage . UnknownName . fmap DctorName $ c
Just (_, _, ty, _) -> do (v', ty') <- sndM (introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms) <=< instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns v $ ty
return $ TypedValue' True v' ty'
infer' (Case vals binders) = do
(vals', ts) <- instantiateForBinders vals binders
ret <- freshType
binders' <- checkBinders ts ret binders
return $ TypedValue' True (Case vals' binders') ret
infer' (IfThenElse cond th el) = do
cond' <- tvToExpr <$> check cond tyBoolean
th'@(TypedValue' _ _ thTy) <- infer th
el'@(TypedValue' _ _ elTy) <- infer el
(th'', thTy') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (tvToExpr th') thTy
(el'', elTy') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (tvToExpr el') elTy
unifyTypes thTy' elTy'
return $ TypedValue' True (IfThenElse cond' th'' el'') thTy'
infer' (Let w ds val) = do
(ds', tv@(TypedValue' _ _ valTy)) <- inferLetBinding [] ds val infer
return $ TypedValue' True (Let w ds' (tvToExpr tv)) valTy
infer' (DeferredDictionary className tys) = do
dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
hints <- getHints
return $ TypedValue' False
(TypeClassDictionary (srcConstraint className tys Nothing) dicts hints)
(foldl srcTypeApp (srcTypeConstructor (fmap coerceProperName className)) tys)
infer' (TypedValue checkType val ty) = do
moduleName <- unsafeCheckCurrentModule
(kind, args) <- kindOfWithScopedVars ty
checkTypeKind ty kind
ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards $ ty
tv <- if checkType then withScopedTypeVars moduleName args (check val ty') else return (TypedValue' False val ty)
return $ TypedValue' True (tvToExpr tv) ty'
infer' (Hole name) = do
ty <- freshType
ctx <- getLocalContext
env <- getEnv
tell . errorMessage $ HoleInferredType name ty ctx . Just $ TSBefore env
return $ TypedValue' True (Hole name) ty
infer' (PositionedValue pos c val) = warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC pos $ do
TypedValue' t v ty <- infer' val
return $ TypedValue' t (PositionedValue pos c v) ty
infer' v = internalError $ "Invalid argument to infer: " ++ show v
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> [Declaration]
-> [Declaration]
-> Expr
-> (Expr -> m TypedValue')
-> m ([Declaration], TypedValue')
inferLetBinding seen [] ret j = (,) seen <$> withBindingGroupVisible (j ret)
inferLetBinding seen (ValueDecl sa@(ss, _) ident nameKind [] [MkUnguarded (TypedValue checkType val ty)] : rest) ret j = do
moduleName <- unsafeCheckCurrentModule
TypedValue' _ val' ty'' <- warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC ss $ do
(kind, args) <- kindOfWithScopedVars ty
checkTypeKind ty kind
let dict = M.singleton (Qualified Nothing ident) (ty, nameKind, Undefined)
ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards $ ty
if checkType
then withScopedTypeVars moduleName args (bindNames dict (check val ty'))
else return (TypedValue' checkType val ty)
bindNames (M.singleton (Qualified Nothing ident) (ty'', nameKind, Defined))
$ inferLetBinding (seen ++ [ValueDecl sa ident nameKind [] [MkUnguarded (TypedValue checkType val' ty'')]]) rest ret j
inferLetBinding seen (ValueDecl sa@(ss, _) ident nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val] : rest) ret j = do
valTy <- freshType
TypedValue' _ val' valTy' <- warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC ss $ do
let dict = M.singleton (Qualified Nothing ident) (valTy, nameKind, Undefined)
bindNames dict $ infer val
warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC ss $ unifyTypes valTy valTy'
bindNames (M.singleton (Qualified Nothing ident) (valTy', nameKind, Defined))
$ inferLetBinding (seen ++ [ValueDecl sa ident nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val']]) rest ret j
inferLetBinding seen (BindingGroupDeclaration ds : rest) ret j = do
moduleName <- unsafeCheckCurrentModule
SplitBindingGroup untyped typed dict <- typeDictionaryForBindingGroup Nothing . NEL.toList $ fmap (\(i, _, v) -> (i, v)) ds
ds1' <- parU typed $ \e -> checkTypedBindingGroupElement moduleName e dict
ds2' <- forM untyped $ \e -> typeForBindingGroupElement e dict
let ds' = NEL.fromList [(ident, Private, val') | (ident, (val', _)) <- ds1' ++ ds2']
bindNames dict $ do
inferLetBinding (seen ++ [BindingGroupDeclaration ds']) rest ret j
inferLetBinding _ _ _ _ = internalError "Invalid argument to inferLetBinding"
:: forall m
. (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> SourceType
-> Binder
-> m (M.Map Ident SourceType)
inferBinder _ NullBinder = return M.empty
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (StringLiteral _)) = unifyTypes val tyString >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (CharLiteral _)) = unifyTypes val tyChar >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (NumericLiteral (Left _))) = unifyTypes val tyInt >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (NumericLiteral (Right _))) = unifyTypes val tyNumber >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (BooleanLiteral _)) = unifyTypes val tyBoolean >> return M.empty
inferBinder val (VarBinder _ name) = return $ M.singleton name val
inferBinder val (ConstructorBinder ss ctor binders) = do
env <- getEnv
case M.lookup ctor (dataConstructors env) of
Just (_, _, ty, _) -> do
(_, fn) <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (internalError "Data constructor types cannot contain constraints") ty
fn' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ fn
let (args, ret) = peelArgs fn'
expected = length args
actual = length binders
unless (expected == actual) . throwError . errorMessage' ss $ IncorrectConstructorArity ctor expected actual
unifyTypes ret val
M.unions <$> zipWithM inferBinder (reverse args) binders
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss . UnknownName . fmap DctorName $ ctor
peelArgs :: Type a -> ([Type a], Type a)
peelArgs = go []
go args (TypeApp _ (TypeApp _ fn arg) ret) | eqType fn tyFunction = go (arg : args) ret
go args ret = (args, ret)
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (ObjectLiteral props)) = do
row <- freshType
rest <- freshType
m1 <- inferRowProperties row rest props
unifyTypes val (srcTypeApp tyRecord row)
return m1
inferRowProperties :: SourceType -> SourceType -> [(PSString, Binder)] -> m (M.Map Ident SourceType)
inferRowProperties nrow row [] = unifyTypes nrow row >> return M.empty
inferRowProperties nrow row ((name, binder):binders) = do
propTy <- freshType
m1 <- inferBinder propTy binder
m2 <- inferRowProperties nrow (srcRCons (Label name) propTy row) binders
return $ m1 `M.union` m2
inferBinder val (LiteralBinder _ (ArrayLiteral binders)) = do
el <- freshType
m1 <- M.unions <$> traverse (inferBinder el) binders
unifyTypes val (srcTypeApp tyArray el)
return m1
inferBinder val (NamedBinder ss name binder) =
warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC ss $ do
m <- inferBinder val binder
return $ M.insert name val m
inferBinder val (PositionedBinder pos _ binder) =
warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC pos $ inferBinder val binder
inferBinder val (TypedBinder ty binder) = do
kind <- kindOf ty
checkTypeKind ty kind
ty1 <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards $ ty
unifyTypes val ty1
inferBinder ty1 binder
inferBinder _ OpBinder{} =
internalError "OpBinder should have been desugared before inferBinder"
inferBinder _ BinaryNoParensBinder{} =
internalError "BinaryNoParensBinder should have been desugared before inferBinder"
inferBinder _ ParensInBinder{} =
internalError "ParensInBinder should have been desugared before inferBinder"
binderRequiresMonotype :: Binder -> Bool
binderRequiresMonotype NullBinder = False
binderRequiresMonotype (VarBinder _ _) = False
binderRequiresMonotype (NamedBinder _ _ b) = binderRequiresMonotype b
binderRequiresMonotype (PositionedBinder _ _ b) = binderRequiresMonotype b
binderRequiresMonotype (TypedBinder ty b) = isMonoType ty || binderRequiresMonotype b
binderRequiresMonotype _ = True
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> [Expr]
-> [CaseAlternative]
-> m ([Expr], [SourceType])
instantiateForBinders vals cas = unzip <$> zipWithM (\val inst -> do
TypedValue' _ val' ty <- infer val
if inst
then instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns val' ty
else return (val', ty)) vals shouldInstantiate
shouldInstantiate :: [Bool]
shouldInstantiate = map (any binderRequiresMonotype) . transpose . map caseAlternativeBinders $ cas
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> [SourceType]
-> SourceType
-> [CaseAlternative]
-> m [CaseAlternative]
checkBinders _ _ [] = return []
checkBinders nvals ret (CaseAlternative binders result : bs) = do
guardWith (errorMessage $ OverlappingArgNames Nothing) $
let ns = concatMap binderNames binders in length (ordNub ns) == length ns
m1 <- M.unions <$> zipWithM inferBinder nvals binders
r <- bindLocalVariables [ (name, ty, Defined) | (name, ty) <- M.toList m1 ] $
CaseAlternative binders <$> forM result (\ge -> checkGuardedRhs ge ret)
rs <- checkBinders nvals ret bs
return $ r : rs
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> GuardedExpr
-> SourceType
-> m GuardedExpr
checkGuardedRhs (GuardedExpr [] rhs) ret = do
rhs' <- TypedValue True <$> (tvToExpr <$> check rhs ret) <*> pure ret
return $ GuardedExpr [] rhs'
checkGuardedRhs (GuardedExpr (ConditionGuard cond : guards) rhs) ret = do
cond' <- withErrorMessageHint ErrorCheckingGuard $ check cond tyBoolean
GuardedExpr guards' rhs' <- checkGuardedRhs (GuardedExpr guards rhs) ret
return $ GuardedExpr (ConditionGuard (tvToExpr cond') : guards') rhs'
checkGuardedRhs (GuardedExpr (PatternGuard binder expr : guards) rhs) ret = do
tv@(TypedValue' _ _ ty) <- infer expr
variables <- inferBinder ty binder
GuardedExpr guards' rhs' <- bindLocalVariables [ (name, bty, Defined)
| (name, bty) <- M.toList variables
] $
checkGuardedRhs (GuardedExpr guards rhs) ret
return $ GuardedExpr (PatternGuard binder (tvToExpr tv) : guards') rhs'
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> SourceType
-> m TypedValue'
check val ty = withErrorMessageHint (ErrorCheckingType val ty) $ check' val ty
:: forall m
. (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> SourceType
-> m TypedValue'
check' val (ForAll ann ident mbK ty _) = do
scope <- newSkolemScope
sko <- newSkolemConstant
let ss = case val of
PositionedValue pos c _ -> (pos, c)
_ -> NullSourceAnn
sk = skolemize ss ident sko scope ty
skVal = skolemizeTypesInValue ss ident sko scope val
val' <- tvToExpr <$> check skVal sk
return $ TypedValue' True val' (ForAll ann ident mbK ty (Just scope))
check' val t@(ConstrainedType _ con@(Constraint _ (Qualified _ (ProperName className)) _ _) ty) = do
dictName <- freshIdent ("dict" <> className)
dicts <- newDictionaries [] (Qualified Nothing dictName) con
val' <- withBindingGroupVisible $ withTypeClassDictionaries dicts $ check val ty
return $ TypedValue' True (Abs (VarBinder nullSourceSpan dictName) (tvToExpr val')) t
check' val u@(TUnknown _ _) = do
val'@(TypedValue' _ _ ty) <- infer val
(val'', ty') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns (tvToExpr val') ty
unifyTypes ty' u
return $ TypedValue' True val'' ty'
check' v@(Literal _ (NumericLiteral (Left _))) t | t == tyInt =
return $ TypedValue' True v t
check' v@(Literal _ (NumericLiteral (Right _))) t | t == tyNumber =
return $ TypedValue' True v t
check' v@(Literal _ (StringLiteral _)) t | t == tyString =
return $ TypedValue' True v t
check' v@(Literal _ (CharLiteral _)) t | t == tyChar =
return $ TypedValue' True v t
check' v@(Literal _ (BooleanLiteral _)) t | t == tyBoolean =
return $ TypedValue' True v t
check' (Literal ss (ArrayLiteral vals)) t@(TypeApp _ a ty) = do
unifyTypes a tyArray
array <- Literal ss . ArrayLiteral . map tvToExpr <$> forM vals (`check` ty)
return $ TypedValue' True array t
check' (Abs binder ret) ty@(TypeApp _ (TypeApp _ t argTy) retTy)
| VarBinder ss arg <- binder = do
unifyTypes t tyFunction
ret' <- withBindingGroupVisible $ bindLocalVariables [(arg, argTy, Defined)] $ check ret retTy
return $ TypedValue' True (Abs (VarBinder ss arg) (tvToExpr ret')) ty
| otherwise = internalError "Binder was not desugared"
check' (App f arg) ret = do
f'@(TypedValue' _ _ ft) <- infer f
(retTy, app) <- checkFunctionApplication (tvToExpr f') ft arg
elaborate <- subsumes retTy ret
return $ TypedValue' True (elaborate app) ret
check' v@(Var _ var) ty = do
checkVisibility var
repl <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< lookupVariable $ var
ty' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards $ ty
elaborate <- subsumes repl ty'
return $ TypedValue' True (elaborate v) ty'
check' (DeferredDictionary className tys) ty = do
dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
hints <- getHints
return $ TypedValue' False
(TypeClassDictionary (srcConstraint className tys Nothing) dicts hints)
check' (TypedValue checkType val ty1) ty2 = do
kind <- kindOf ty1
checkTypeKind ty1 kind
ty1' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards $ ty1
ty2' <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms <=< replaceTypeWildcards $ ty2
elaborate <- subsumes ty1' ty2'
val' <- if checkType
then tvToExpr <$> check val ty1'
else pure val
return $ TypedValue' True (TypedValue checkType (elaborate val') ty1') ty2'
check' (Case vals binders) ret = do
(vals', ts) <- instantiateForBinders vals binders
binders' <- checkBinders ts ret binders
return $ TypedValue' True (Case vals' binders') ret
check' (IfThenElse cond th el) ty = do
cond' <- tvToExpr <$> check cond tyBoolean
th' <- tvToExpr <$> check th ty
el' <- tvToExpr <$> check el ty
return $ TypedValue' True (IfThenElse cond' th' el') ty
check' e@(Literal ss (ObjectLiteral ps)) t@(TypeApp _ obj row) | obj == tyRecord = do
ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
ps' <- checkProperties e ps row False
return $ TypedValue' True (Literal ss (ObjectLiteral ps')) t
check' (TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp name ps) t = do
ps' <- tvToExpr <$> check' ps t
return $ TypedValue' True (TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp name ps') t
check' e@(ObjectUpdate obj ps) t@(TypeApp _ o row) | o == tyRecord = do
ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps
let (propsToCheck, rest) = rowToList row
(removedProps, remainingProps) = partition (\(RowListItem _ p _) -> p `elem` map (Label . fst) ps) propsToCheck
us <- zipWith srcRowListItem (map rowListLabel removedProps) <$> replicateM (length ps) freshType
obj' <- tvToExpr <$> check obj (srcTypeApp tyRecord (rowFromList (us ++ remainingProps, rest)))
ps' <- checkProperties e ps row True
return $ TypedValue' True (ObjectUpdate obj' ps') t
check' (Accessor prop val) ty = withErrorMessageHint (ErrorCheckingAccessor val prop) $ do
rest <- freshType
val' <- tvToExpr <$> check val (srcTypeApp tyRecord (srcRCons (Label prop) ty rest))
return $ TypedValue' True (Accessor prop val') ty
check' v@(Constructor _ c) ty = do
env <- getEnv
case M.lookup c (dataConstructors env) of
Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage . UnknownName . fmap DctorName $ c
Just (_, _, ty1, _) -> do
repl <- introduceSkolemScope <=< replaceAllTypeSynonyms $ ty1
ty' <- introduceSkolemScope ty
elaborate <- subsumes repl ty'
return $ TypedValue' True (elaborate v) ty'
check' (Let w ds val) ty = do
(ds', val') <- inferLetBinding [] ds val (`check` ty)
return $ TypedValue' True (Let w ds' (tvToExpr val')) ty
check' val kt@(KindedType _ ty kind) = do
checkTypeKind ty kind
val' <- tvToExpr <$> check' val ty
return $ TypedValue' True val' kt
check' (PositionedValue pos c val) ty = warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC pos $ do
TypedValue' t v ty' <- check' val ty
return $ TypedValue' t (PositionedValue pos c v) ty'
check' val ty = do
TypedValue' _ val' ty' <- infer val
elaborate <- subsumes ty' ty
return $ TypedValue' True (elaborate val') ty
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> [(PSString, Expr)]
-> SourceType
-> Bool
-> m [(PSString, Expr)]
checkProperties expr ps row lax = convert <$> go ps (toRowPair <$> ts') r' where
convert = fmap (fmap tvToExpr)
(ts', r') = rowToList row
toRowPair (RowListItem _ lbl ty) = (lbl, ty)
go [] [] (REmpty _) = return []
go [] [] u@(TUnknown _ _)
| lax = return []
| otherwise = do unifyTypes u srcREmpty
return []
go [] [] Skolem{} | lax = return []
go [] ((p, _): _) _ | lax = return []
| otherwise = throwError . errorMessage $ PropertyIsMissing p
go ((p,_):_) [] (REmpty _) = throwError . errorMessage $ AdditionalProperty $ Label p
go ((p,v):ps') ts r =
case lookup (Label p) ts of
Nothing -> do
v'@(TypedValue' _ _ ty) <- infer v
rest <- freshType
unifyTypes r (srcRCons (Label p) ty rest)
ps'' <- go ps' ts rest
return $ (p, v') : ps''
Just ty -> do
v' <- check v ty
ps'' <- go ps' (delete (Label p, ty) ts) r
return $ (p, v') : ps''
go _ _ _ = throwError . errorMessage $ ExprDoesNotHaveType expr (srcTypeApp tyRecord row)
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> SourceType
-> Expr
-> m (SourceType, Expr)
checkFunctionApplication fn fnTy arg = withErrorMessageHint (ErrorInApplication fn fnTy arg) $ do
subst <- gets checkSubstitution
checkFunctionApplication' fn (substituteType subst fnTy) arg
:: (MonadSupply m, MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> Expr
-> SourceType
-> Expr
-> m (SourceType, Expr)
checkFunctionApplication' fn (TypeApp _ (TypeApp _ tyFunction' argTy) retTy) arg = do
unifyTypes tyFunction' tyFunction
arg' <- tvToExpr <$> check arg argTy
return (retTy, App fn arg')
checkFunctionApplication' fn (ForAll _ ident _ ty _) arg = do
replaced <- replaceVarWithUnknown ident ty
checkFunctionApplication fn replaced arg
checkFunctionApplication' fn (KindedType _ ty _) arg =
checkFunctionApplication fn ty arg
checkFunctionApplication' fn (ConstrainedType _ con fnTy) arg = do
dicts <- getTypeClassDictionaries
hints <- getHints
checkFunctionApplication' (App fn (TypeClassDictionary con dicts hints)) fnTy arg
checkFunctionApplication' fn fnTy dict@TypeClassDictionary{} =
return (fnTy, App fn dict)
checkFunctionApplication' fn u arg = do
tv@(TypedValue' _ _ ty) <- do
TypedValue' _ arg' t <- infer arg
(arg'', t') <- instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns arg' t
return $ TypedValue' True arg'' t'
ret <- freshType
unifyTypes u (function ty ret)
return (ret, App fn (tvToExpr tv))
ensureNoDuplicateProperties :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m) => [(PSString, Expr)] -> m ()
ensureNoDuplicateProperties ps =
let ls = map fst ps in
case ls \\ ordNub ls of
l : _ -> throwError . errorMessage $ DuplicateLabel (Label l) Nothing
_ -> return ()