module Language.PureScript.Sugar.Names
( desugarImports
, desugarImportsWithEnv
, Env
, primEnv
, ImportRecord(..)
, ImportProvenance(..)
, Imports(..)
, Exports(..)
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub, sortBy, on)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter(..), censor)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Externs
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Linter.Imports
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Sugar.Names.Env
import Language.PureScript.Sugar.Names.Exports
import Language.PureScript.Sugar.Names.Imports
import Language.PureScript.Traversals
import Language.PureScript.Types
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> [ExternsFile]
-> [Module]
-> m [Module]
desugarImports externs modules =
fmap snd (desugarImportsWithEnv externs modules)
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> [ExternsFile]
-> [Module]
-> m (Env, [Module])
desugarImportsWithEnv externs modules = do
env <- silence $ foldM externsEnv primEnv externs
(modules', env') <- first reverse <$> foldM updateEnv ([], env) modules
(env',) <$> traverse (renameInModule' env') modules'
silence :: m a -> m a
silence = censor (const mempty)
externsEnv :: Env -> ExternsFile -> m Env
externsEnv env ExternsFile{..} = do
let members = Exports{..}
env' = M.insert efModuleName (efSourceSpan, nullImports, members) env
fromEFImport (ExternsImport mn mt qmn) = (mn, [(efSourceSpan, Just mt, qmn)])
imps <- foldM (resolveModuleImport env') nullImports (map fromEFImport efImports)
exps <- resolveExports env' efSourceSpan efModuleName imps members efExports
return $ M.insert efModuleName (efSourceSpan, imps, exps) env
localExportSource =
ExportSource { exportSourceDefinedIn = efModuleName
, exportSourceImportedFrom = Nothing
exportedTypes :: M.Map (ProperName 'TypeName) ([ProperName 'ConstructorName], ExportSource)
exportedTypes = M.fromList $ mapMaybe toExportedType efExports
toExportedType (TypeRef _ tyCon dctors) = Just (tyCon, (fromMaybe (mapMaybe forTyCon efDeclarations) dctors, localExportSource))
forTyCon :: ExternsDeclaration -> Maybe (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
forTyCon (EDDataConstructor pn _ tNm _ _) | tNm == tyCon = Just pn
forTyCon _ = Nothing
toExportedType _ = Nothing
exportedTypeOps :: M.Map (OpName 'TypeOpName) ExportSource
exportedTypeOps = exportedRefs getTypeOpRef
exportedTypeClasses :: M.Map (ProperName 'ClassName) ExportSource
exportedTypeClasses = exportedRefs getTypeClassRef
exportedValues :: M.Map Ident ExportSource
exportedValues = exportedRefs getValueRef
exportedValueOps :: M.Map (OpName 'ValueOpName) ExportSource
exportedValueOps = exportedRefs getValueOpRef
exportedKinds :: M.Map (ProperName 'KindName) ExportSource
exportedKinds = exportedRefs getKindRef
exportedRefs :: Ord a => (DeclarationRef -> Maybe a) -> M.Map a ExportSource
exportedRefs f =
M.fromList $ (, localExportSource) <$> mapMaybe f efExports
updateEnv :: ([Module], Env) -> Module -> m ([Module], Env)
updateEnv (ms, env) m@(Module ss _ mn _ refs) = do
members <- findExportable m
let env' = M.insert mn (ss, nullImports, members) env
(m', imps) <- resolveImports env' m
exps <- maybe (return members) (resolveExports env' ss mn imps members) refs
return (m' : ms, M.insert mn (ss, imps, exps) env)
renameInModule' :: Env -> Module -> m Module
renameInModule' env m@(Module _ _ mn _ _) =
warnAndRethrow (addHint (ErrorInModule mn)) $ do
let (_, imps, exps) = fromMaybe (internalError "Module is missing in renameInModule'") $ M.lookup mn env
(m', used) <- flip runStateT M.empty $ renameInModule imps m
let m'' = elaborateExports exps m'
lintImports m'' env used
return m''
elaborateExports :: Exports -> Module -> Module
elaborateExports exps (Module ss coms mn decls refs) =
Module ss coms mn decls $ Just $ reorderExports decls refs
$ elaboratedTypeRefs
++ go (TypeOpRef ss) exportedTypeOps
++ go (TypeClassRef ss) exportedTypeClasses
++ go (ValueRef ss) exportedValues
++ go (ValueOpRef ss) exportedValueOps
++ go (KindRef ss) exportedKinds
++ maybe [] (filter isModuleRef) refs
elaboratedTypeRefs :: [DeclarationRef]
elaboratedTypeRefs =
flip map (M.toList (exportedTypes exps)) $ \(tctor, (dctors, src)) ->
let ref = TypeRef ss tctor (Just dctors)
in if mn == exportSourceDefinedIn src then ref else ReExportRef ss src ref
go :: (a -> DeclarationRef) -> (Exports -> M.Map a ExportSource) -> [DeclarationRef]
go toRef select =
flip map (M.toList (select exps)) $ \(export, src) ->
if mn == exportSourceDefinedIn src then toRef export else ReExportRef ss src (toRef export)
reorderExports :: [Declaration] -> Maybe [DeclarationRef] -> [DeclarationRef] -> [DeclarationRef]
reorderExports decls originalRefs =
sortBy (compare `on` originalIndex)
names =
maybe (mapMaybe declName decls) (map declRefName) originalRefs
namesMap =
M.fromList $ zip names [(0::Int)..]
originalIndex ref =
M.lookup (declRefName ref) namesMap
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadState UsedImports m)
=> Imports
-> Module
-> m Module
renameInModule imports (Module modSS coms mn decls exps) =
Module modSS coms mn <$> parU decls go <*> pure exps
(go, _, _, _, _) =
(modSS, [])
(\(_, bound) d -> (\(bound', d') -> ((declSourceSpan d', bound'), d')) <$> updateDecl bound d)
:: [Ident]
-> Declaration
-> m ([Ident], Declaration)
updateDecl bound (DataDeclaration sa dtype name args dctors) =
fmap (bound,) $
DataDeclaration sa dtype name
<$> updateTypeArguments args
<*> traverse (sndM (traverse (sndM updateTypesEverywhere))) dctors
updateDecl bound (TypeSynonymDeclaration sa name ps ty) =
fmap (bound,) $
TypeSynonymDeclaration sa name
<$> updateTypeArguments ps
<*> updateTypesEverywhere ty
updateDecl bound (TypeClassDeclaration sa@(ss, _) className args implies deps ds) =
fmap (bound,) $
TypeClassDeclaration sa className
<$> updateTypeArguments args
<*> updateConstraints ss implies
<*> pure deps
<*> pure ds
updateDecl bound (TypeInstanceDeclaration sa@(ss, _) ch idx name cs cn ts ds) =
fmap (bound,) $
TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx name
<$> updateConstraints ss cs
<*> updateClassName cn ss
<*> traverse updateTypesEverywhere ts
<*> pure ds
updateDecl bound (TypeDeclaration (TypeDeclarationData sa name ty)) =
fmap (bound,) $
TypeDeclaration . TypeDeclarationData sa name
<$> updateTypesEverywhere ty
updateDecl bound (ExternDeclaration sa name ty) =
fmap (name : bound,) $
ExternDeclaration sa name
<$> updateTypesEverywhere ty
updateDecl bound (ExternDataDeclaration sa name ki) =
fmap (bound,) $
ExternDataDeclaration sa name
<$> updateKindsEverywhere ki
updateDecl bound (TypeFixityDeclaration sa@(ss, _) fixity alias op) =
fmap (bound,) $
TypeFixityDeclaration sa fixity
<$> updateTypeName alias ss
<*> pure op
updateDecl bound (ValueFixityDeclaration sa@(ss, _) fixity (Qualified mn' (Left alias)) op) =
fmap (bound,) $
ValueFixityDeclaration sa fixity . fmap Left
<$> updateValueName (Qualified mn' alias) ss
<*> pure op
updateDecl bound (ValueFixityDeclaration sa@(ss, _) fixity (Qualified mn' (Right alias)) op) =
fmap (bound,) $
ValueFixityDeclaration sa fixity . fmap Right
<$> updateDataConstructorName (Qualified mn' alias) ss
<*> pure op
updateDecl b d =
return (b, d)
:: (SourceSpan, [Ident])
-> Expr
-> m ((SourceSpan, [Ident]), Expr)
updateValue (_, bound) v@(PositionedValue pos' _ _) =
return ((pos', bound), v)
updateValue (pos, bound) (Abs (VarBinder ss arg) val') =
return ((pos, arg : bound), Abs (VarBinder ss arg) val')
updateValue (pos, bound) (Let w ds val') = do
let args = mapMaybe letBoundVariable ds
unless (length (ordNub args) == length args) .
throwError . errorMessage' pos $ OverlappingNamesInLet
return ((pos, args ++ bound), Let w ds val')
updateValue (_, bound) (Var ss name'@(Qualified Nothing ident)) | ident `notElem` bound =
(,) (ss, bound) <$> (Var ss <$> updateValueName name' ss)
updateValue (_, bound) (Var ss name'@(Qualified (Just _) _)) =
(,) (ss, bound) <$> (Var ss <$> updateValueName name' ss)
updateValue (_, bound) (Op ss op) =
(,) (ss, bound) <$> (Op ss <$> updateValueOpName op ss)
updateValue (_, bound) (Constructor ss name) =
(,) (ss, bound) <$> (Constructor ss <$> updateDataConstructorName name ss)
updateValue s (TypedValue check val ty) =
(,) s <$> (TypedValue check val <$> updateTypesEverywhere ty)
updateValue s v = return (s, v)
:: (SourceSpan, [Ident])
-> Binder
-> m ((SourceSpan, [Ident]), Binder)
updateBinder (_, bound) v@(PositionedBinder pos _ _) =
return ((pos, bound), v)
updateBinder (_, bound) (ConstructorBinder ss name b) =
(,) (ss, bound) <$> (ConstructorBinder ss <$> updateDataConstructorName name ss <*> pure b)
updateBinder (_, bound) (OpBinder ss op) =
(,) (ss, bound) <$> (OpBinder ss <$> updateValueOpName op ss)
updateBinder s (TypedBinder t b) = do
t' <- updateTypesEverywhere t
return (s, TypedBinder t' b)
updateBinder s v =
return (s, v)
:: (SourceSpan, [Ident])
-> CaseAlternative
-> m ((SourceSpan, [Ident]), CaseAlternative)
updateCase (pos, bound) c@(CaseAlternative bs gs) =
return ((pos, concatMap binderNames bs ++ updateGuard gs ++ bound), c)
updateGuard :: [GuardedExpr] -> [Ident]
updateGuard [] = []
updateGuard (GuardedExpr g _ : xs) =
concatMap updatePatGuard g ++ updateGuard xs
updatePatGuard (PatternGuard b _) = binderNames b
updatePatGuard _ = []
letBoundVariable :: Declaration -> Maybe Ident
letBoundVariable = fmap valdeclIdent . getValueDeclaration
updateKindsEverywhere :: SourceKind -> m SourceKind
updateKindsEverywhere = everywhereOnKindsM updateKind
updateKind :: SourceKind -> m SourceKind
updateKind (NamedKind ann@(ss, _) name) = NamedKind ann <$> updateKindName name ss
updateKind k = return k
:: (Traversable f, Traversable g)
=> f (a, g SourceKind) -> m (f (a, g SourceKind))
updateTypeArguments = traverse (sndM (traverse updateKindsEverywhere))
updateTypesEverywhere :: SourceType -> m SourceType
updateTypesEverywhere = everywhereOnTypesM updateType
updateType :: SourceType -> m SourceType
updateType (TypeOp ann@(ss, _) name) = TypeOp ann <$> updateTypeOpName name ss
updateType (TypeConstructor ann@(ss, _) name) = TypeConstructor ann <$> updateTypeName name ss
updateType (ConstrainedType ann c t) = ConstrainedType ann <$> updateInConstraint c <*> pure t
updateType (ForAll ann v mbK t sco) = case mbK of
Nothing -> pure $ ForAll ann v Nothing t sco
Just k -> ForAll ann v <$> fmap pure (updateKindsEverywhere k) <*> pure t <*> pure sco
updateType (KindedType ann t k) = KindedType ann t <$> updateKindsEverywhere k
updateType t = return t
updateInConstraint :: SourceConstraint -> m SourceConstraint
updateInConstraint (Constraint ann@(ss, _) name ts info) =
Constraint ann <$> updateClassName name ss <*> pure ts <*> pure info
updateConstraints :: SourceSpan -> [SourceConstraint] -> m [SourceConstraint]
updateConstraints pos = traverse $ \(Constraint ann name ts info) ->
Constraint ann
<$> updateClassName name pos
<*> traverse updateTypesEverywhere ts
<*> pure info
:: Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName))
updateTypeName = update (importedTypes imports) TyName
:: Qualified (OpName 'TypeOpName)
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified (OpName 'TypeOpName))
updateTypeOpName = update (importedTypeOps imports) TyOpName
:: Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName))
updateDataConstructorName = update (importedDataConstructors imports) DctorName
:: Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
updateClassName = update (importedTypeClasses imports) TyClassName
updateValueName :: Qualified Ident -> SourceSpan -> m (Qualified Ident)
updateValueName = update (importedValues imports) IdentName
:: Qualified (OpName 'ValueOpName)
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified (OpName 'ValueOpName))
updateValueOpName = update (importedValueOps imports) ValOpName
:: Qualified (ProperName 'KindName)
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified (ProperName 'KindName))
updateKindName = update (importedKinds imports) KiName
:: (Ord a)
=> M.Map (Qualified a) [ImportRecord a]
-> (a -> Name)
-> Qualified a
-> SourceSpan
-> m (Qualified a)
update imps toName qname@(Qualified mn' name) pos = warnAndRethrowWithPosition pos $
case (M.lookup qname imps, mn') of
(Just options, _) -> do
(mnNew, mnOrig) <- checkImportConflicts pos mn toName options
modify $ \usedImports ->
M.insertWith (++) mnNew [fmap toName qname] usedImports
return $ Qualified (Just mnOrig) name
(Nothing, Just mn'') ->
if mn'' `S.member` importedQualModules imports || mn'' `S.member` importedModules imports
then throwUnknown
else throwError . errorMessage . UnknownName . Qualified Nothing $ ModName mn''
_ -> throwUnknown
throwUnknown = throwError . errorMessage . UnknownName . fmap toName $ qname