module Language.PureScript.Sugar.BindingGroups
( createBindingGroups
, createBindingGroupsModule
, collapseBindingGroups
, collapseBindingGroupsModule
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Data.Graph
import Data.List (intersect)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Types
:: (MonadError MultipleErrors m)
=> Module
-> m Module
createBindingGroupsModule (Module ss coms name ds exps) =
Module ss coms name <$> createBindingGroups name ds <*> pure exps
collapseBindingGroupsModule :: [Module] -> [Module]
collapseBindingGroupsModule =
fmap $ \(Module ss coms name ds exps) ->
Module ss coms name (collapseBindingGroups ds) exps
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m)
=> ModuleName
-> [Declaration]
-> m [Declaration]
createBindingGroups moduleName = mapM f <=< handleDecls
(f, _, _) = everywhereOnValuesTopDownM return handleExprs return
handleExprs :: Expr -> m Expr
handleExprs (Let w ds val) = (\ds' -> Let w ds' val) <$> handleDecls ds
handleExprs other = return other
handleDecls :: [Declaration] -> m [Declaration]
handleDecls ds = do
let values = mapMaybe (fmap (fmap extractGuardedExpr) . getValueDeclaration) ds
dataDecls = filter isDataDecl ds
allProperNames = fmap declTypeName dataDecls
dataVerts = fmap (\d -> (d, declTypeName d, usedTypeNames moduleName d `intersect` allProperNames)) dataDecls
dataBindingGroupDecls <- parU (stronglyConnComp dataVerts) toDataBindingGroup
let allIdents = fmap valdeclIdent values
valueVerts = fmap (\d -> (d, valdeclIdent d, usedIdents moduleName d `intersect` allIdents)) values
bindingGroupDecls <- parU (stronglyConnComp valueVerts) (toBindingGroup moduleName)
return $ filter isImportDecl ds ++
filter isExternKindDecl ds ++
filter isExternDataDecl ds ++
dataBindingGroupDecls ++
filter isTypeClassDeclaration ds ++
filter isTypeClassInstanceDeclaration ds ++
filter isFixityDecl ds ++
filter isExternDecl ds ++
extractGuardedExpr [MkUnguarded expr] = expr
extractGuardedExpr _ = internalError "Expected Guards to have been desugared in handleDecls."
collapseBindingGroups :: [Declaration] -> [Declaration]
collapseBindingGroups =
let (f, _, _) = everywhereOnValues id collapseBindingGroupsForValue id
in fmap f . concatMap go
go (DataBindingGroupDeclaration ds) = NEL.toList ds
go (BindingGroupDeclaration ds) =
NEL.toList $ fmap (\((sa, ident), nameKind, val) ->
ValueDecl sa ident nameKind [] [MkUnguarded val]) ds
go other = [other]
collapseBindingGroupsForValue :: Expr -> Expr
collapseBindingGroupsForValue (Let w ds val) = Let w (collapseBindingGroups ds) val
collapseBindingGroupsForValue other = other
usedIdents :: ModuleName -> ValueDeclarationData Expr -> [Ident]
usedIdents moduleName = ordNub . usedIdents' S.empty . valdeclExpression
def _ _ = []
(_, usedIdents', _, _, _) = everythingWithScope def usedNamesE def def def
usedNamesE :: S.Set ScopedIdent -> Expr -> [Ident]
usedNamesE scope (Var _ (Qualified Nothing name))
| LocalIdent name `S.notMember` scope = [name]
usedNamesE scope (Var _ (Qualified (Just moduleName') name))
| moduleName == moduleName' && ToplevelIdent name `S.notMember` scope = [name]
usedNamesE _ _ = []
usedImmediateIdents :: ModuleName -> Declaration -> [Ident]
usedImmediateIdents moduleName =
let (f, _, _, _, _) = everythingWithContextOnValues True [] (++) def usedNamesE def def def
in ordNub . f
def s _ = (s, [])
usedNamesE :: Bool -> Expr -> (Bool, [Ident])
usedNamesE True (Var _ (Qualified Nothing name)) = (True, [name])
usedNamesE True (Var _ (Qualified (Just moduleName') name))
| moduleName == moduleName' = (True, [name])
usedNamesE True (Abs _ _) = (False, [])
usedNamesE scope _ = (scope, [])
usedTypeNames :: ModuleName -> Declaration -> [ProperName 'TypeName]
usedTypeNames moduleName =
let (f, _, _, _, _) = accumTypes (everythingOnTypes (++) usedNames)
in ordNub . f
usedNames :: SourceType -> [ProperName 'TypeName]
usedNames (ConstrainedType _ con _) =
case con of
(Constraint _ (Qualified (Just moduleName') name) _ _)
| moduleName == moduleName' -> [coerceProperName name]
_ -> []
usedNames (TypeConstructor _ (Qualified (Just moduleName') name))
| moduleName == moduleName' = [name]
usedNames _ = []
declTypeName :: Declaration -> ProperName 'TypeName
declTypeName (DataDeclaration _ _ pn _ _) = pn
declTypeName (TypeSynonymDeclaration _ pn _ _) = pn
declTypeName _ = internalError "Expected DataDeclaration"
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m)
=> ModuleName
-> SCC (ValueDeclarationData Expr)
-> m Declaration
toBindingGroup _ (AcyclicSCC d) = return (mkDeclaration d)
toBindingGroup moduleName (CyclicSCC ds') = do
BindingGroupDeclaration . NEL.fromList <$> mapM toBinding (stronglyConnComp valueVerts)
idents :: [Ident]
idents = fmap (\(_, i, _) -> i) valueVerts
valueVerts :: [(ValueDeclarationData Expr, Ident, [Ident])]
valueVerts = fmap (\d -> (d, valdeclIdent d, usedImmediateIdents moduleName (mkDeclaration d) `intersect` idents)) ds'
toBinding :: SCC (ValueDeclarationData Expr) -> m ((SourceAnn, Ident), NameKind, Expr)
toBinding (AcyclicSCC d) = return $ fromValueDecl d
toBinding (CyclicSCC ds) = throwError $ foldMap cycleError ds
cycleError :: ValueDeclarationData Expr -> MultipleErrors
cycleError (ValueDeclarationData (ss, _) n _ _ _) = errorMessage' ss $ CycleInDeclaration n
:: MonadError MultipleErrors m
=> SCC Declaration
-> m Declaration
toDataBindingGroup (AcyclicSCC d) = return d
toDataBindingGroup (CyclicSCC [d]) = case isTypeSynonym d of
Just pn -> throwError . errorMessage' (declSourceSpan d) $ CycleInTypeSynonym (Just pn)
_ -> return d
toDataBindingGroup (CyclicSCC ds')
| all (isJust . isTypeSynonym) ds' = throwError . errorMessage' (declSourceSpan (head ds')) $ CycleInTypeSynonym Nothing
| otherwise = return . DataBindingGroupDeclaration $ NEL.fromList ds'
isTypeSynonym :: Declaration -> Maybe (ProperName 'TypeName)
isTypeSynonym (TypeSynonymDeclaration _ pn _ _) = Just pn
isTypeSynonym _ = Nothing
mkDeclaration :: ValueDeclarationData Expr -> Declaration
mkDeclaration = ValueDeclaration . fmap (pure . MkUnguarded)
fromValueDecl :: ValueDeclarationData Expr -> ((SourceAnn, Ident), NameKind, Expr)
fromValueDecl (ValueDeclarationData sa ident nameKind [] val) = ((sa, ident), nameKind, val)
fromValueDecl ValueDeclarationData{} = internalError "Binders should have been desugared"