module Language.PureScript.Docs.Convert.ReExports
  ( updateReExports
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Arrow ((&&&), first, second)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (MonadReader, ask)
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState, gets, modify)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (execState)

import Data.Either
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Language.PureScript.Docs.Types

import qualified Language.PureScript.AST as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Crash as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Errors as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Externs as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.ModuleDependencies as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Names as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Types as P

-- |
-- Given:
--      * A list of externs files
--      * A function for tagging a module with the package it comes from
--      * A map of modules, indexed by their names, which are assumed to not
--      have their re-exports listed yet
-- This function adds all the missing re-exports.
updateReExports ::
  [P.ExternsFile] ->
  (P.ModuleName -> InPackage P.ModuleName) ->
  Map P.ModuleName Module ->
  Map P.ModuleName Module
updateReExports externs withPackage = execState action
  action =
    void (traverse go traversalOrder)

  go mn = do
    mdl <- lookup' mn
    reExports <- getReExports externsEnv mn
    let mdl' = mdl { modReExports = map (first withPackage) reExports }
    modify (Map.insert mn mdl')

  lookup' mn = do
    v <- gets (Map.lookup mn)
    case v of
      Just v' ->
        pure v'
      Nothing ->
        internalError ("Module missing: " ++ T.unpack (P.runModuleName mn))

  externsEnv :: Map P.ModuleName P.ExternsFile
  externsEnv = Map.fromList $ map (P.efModuleName &&& id) externs

  traversalOrder :: [P.ModuleName]
  traversalOrder =
    case P.sortModules externsSignature externs of
      Right (es, _) -> map P.efModuleName es
      Left errs -> internalError $
        "failed to sortModules: " ++
        P.prettyPrintMultipleErrors P.defaultPPEOptions errs

  externsSignature :: P.ExternsFile -> P.ModuleSignature
  externsSignature ef =
      { P.sigSourceSpan = P.efSourceSpan ef
      , P.sigModuleName = P.efModuleName ef
      , P.sigImports = map (\ei -> (P.eiModule ei, P.nullSourceSpan)) (P.efImports ef)

-- |
-- Collect all of the re-exported declarations for a single module.
-- We require that modules have already been sorted (P.sortModules) in order to
-- ensure that by the time we convert a particular module, all its dependencies
-- have already been converted.
getReExports ::
  (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m) =>
  Map P.ModuleName P.ExternsFile ->
  P.ModuleName ->
  m [(P.ModuleName, [Declaration])]
getReExports externsEnv mn =
  case Map.lookup mn externsEnv of
    Nothing ->
      internalError ("Module missing: " ++ T.unpack (P.runModuleName mn))
    Just (P.ExternsFile { P.efExports = refs }) -> do
      let reExpRefs = mapMaybe toReExportRef refs
      runReaderT (collectDeclarations reExpRefs) mn

toReExportRef :: P.DeclarationRef -> Maybe (P.ExportSource, P.DeclarationRef)
toReExportRef (P.ReExportRef _ source ref) = Just (source, ref)
toReExportRef _ = Nothing

-- |
-- Assemble a list of declarations re-exported from a particular module, based
-- on the Imports and Exports value for that module, and by extracting the
-- declarations from the current state.
-- This function works by searching through the lists of exported declarations
-- in the Exports, and looking them up in the associated Imports value to find
-- the module they were imported from.
-- Additionally:
--      * Attempts to move re-exported type class members under their parent
--      type classes, if possible, or otherwise, "promote" them from
--      ChildDeclarations to proper Declarations.
--      * Filters data declarations to ensure that only re-exported data
--      constructors are listed.
--      * Filters type class declarations to ensure that only re-exported type
--      class members are listed.
collectDeclarations :: forall m.
  (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m, MonadReader P.ModuleName m) =>
  [(P.ExportSource, P.DeclarationRef)] ->
  m [(P.ModuleName, [Declaration])]
collectDeclarations reExports = do
  valsAndMembers <- collect lookupValueDeclaration expVals
  valOps <- collect lookupValueOpDeclaration expValOps
  typeClasses <- collect lookupTypeClassDeclaration expTCs
  types <- collect lookupTypeDeclaration expTypes
  typeOps <- collect lookupTypeOpDeclaration expTypeOps
  kinds <- collect lookupKindDeclaration expKinds

  (vals, classes) <- handleTypeClassMembers valsAndMembers typeClasses

  let filteredTypes = filterDataConstructors expCtors types
  let filteredClasses = filterTypeClassMembers (Map.keys expVals) classes

  pure (Map.toList (Map.unionsWith (<>) [filteredTypes, filteredClasses, vals, valOps, typeOps, kinds]))


    :: (Eq a, Show a)
    => (P.ModuleName -> a -> m (P.ModuleName, [b]))
    -> Map a P.ExportSource
    -> m (Map P.ModuleName [b])
  collect lookup' exps = do
    let reExps = Map.toList $ Map.mapMaybe P.exportSourceImportedFrom exps
    decls <- traverse (uncurry (flip lookup')) reExps
    return $ Map.fromListWith (<>) decls

  expVals :: Map P.Ident P.ExportSource
  expVals = mkExportMap P.getValueRef

  expValOps :: Map (P.OpName 'P.ValueOpName) P.ExportSource
  expValOps = mkExportMap P.getValueOpRef

  expTCs :: Map (P.ProperName 'P.ClassName) P.ExportSource
  expTCs = mkExportMap P.getTypeClassRef

  expTypes :: Map (P.ProperName 'P.TypeName) P.ExportSource
  expTypes = mkExportMap (fmap fst . P.getTypeRef)

  expTypeOps :: Map (P.OpName 'P.TypeOpName) P.ExportSource
  expTypeOps = mkExportMap P.getTypeOpRef

  expKinds :: Map (P.ProperName 'P.KindName) P.ExportSource
  expKinds = mkExportMap P.getKindRef

  mkExportMap :: Ord name => (P.DeclarationRef -> Maybe name) -> Map name P.ExportSource
  mkExportMap f =
    Map.fromList $
      mapMaybe (\(exportSrc, ref) -> (,exportSrc) <$> f ref) reExports

  expCtors :: [P.ProperName 'P.ConstructorName]
  expCtors = concatMap (fromMaybe [] . (>>= snd) . P.getTypeRef . snd) reExports

lookupValueDeclaration ::
  (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m,
   MonadReader P.ModuleName m) =>
  P.ModuleName ->
  P.Ident ->
  m (P.ModuleName, [Either (Text, Constraint', ChildDeclaration) Declaration])
lookupValueDeclaration importedFrom ident = do
  decls <- lookupModuleDeclarations "lookupValueDeclaration" importedFrom
    rs =
      filter (\d -> declTitle d == P.showIdent ident
                    && (isValue d || isValueAlias d)) decls
    errOther other =
        ("lookupValueDeclaration: unexpected result:\n" ++
          "other: " ++ show other ++ "\n" ++
          "ident: " ++ show ident ++ "\n" ++
          "decls: " ++ show decls)

  case rs of
    [r] ->
      pure (importedFrom, [Right r])
    [] ->
      -- It's a type class member.
      -- Note that we need to filter based on the child declaration info using
      -- `isTypeClassMember` anyway, because child declarations of type classes
      -- are not necessarily members; they could also be instances.
        allTypeClassChildDecls =
           |> mapMaybe (\d -> (d,) <$> typeClassConstraintFor d)
           |> concatMap (\(d, constr) ->
                map (declTitle d, constr,)
                    (declChildren d))

        matchesIdent cdecl =
          cdeclTitle cdecl == P.showIdent ident

        matchesAndIsTypeClassMember =
          uncurry (&&) . (matchesIdent &&& isTypeClassMember)

        case filter (matchesAndIsTypeClassMember . thd) allTypeClassChildDecls of
          [r'] ->
            pure (importedFrom, [Left r'])
          other ->
            errOther other
    other -> errOther other

  thd :: (a, b, c) -> c
  thd (_, _, x) = x

  :: (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m, MonadReader P.ModuleName m)
  => P.ModuleName
  -> P.OpName 'P.ValueOpName
  -> m (P.ModuleName, [Declaration])
lookupValueOpDeclaration importedFrom op = do
  decls <- lookupModuleDeclarations "lookupValueOpDeclaration" importedFrom
  case filter (\d -> declTitle d == P.showOp op && isValueAlias d) decls of
    [d] ->
      pure (importedFrom, [d])
    other ->
        ("lookupValueOpDeclaration: unexpected result for: " ++ show other)

-- |
-- Extract a particular type declaration. For data declarations, constructors
-- are only included in the output if they are listed in the arguments.
lookupTypeDeclaration ::
  (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m,
   MonadReader P.ModuleName m) =>
  P.ModuleName ->
  P.ProperName 'P.TypeName ->
  m (P.ModuleName, [Declaration])
lookupTypeDeclaration importedFrom ty = do
  decls <- lookupModuleDeclarations "lookupTypeDeclaration" importedFrom
    ds = filter (\d -> declTitle d == P.runProperName ty && isType d) decls
  case ds of
    [d] ->
      pure (importedFrom, [d])
    [] | P.isBuiltinModuleName importedFrom ->
      -- Type classes in builtin modules (i.e. submodules of Prim) also have
      -- corresponding pseudo-types in the primEnv, but since these are an
      -- implementation detail they do not exist in the Modules, and hence in
      -- this case, `ds` will be empty.
      pure (importedFrom, [])
    other ->
        ("lookupTypeDeclaration: unexpected result for " ++ show ty ++ ": " ++ show other)

  :: (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m,MonadReader P.ModuleName m)
  => P.ModuleName
  -> P.OpName 'P.TypeOpName
  -> m (P.ModuleName, [Declaration])
lookupTypeOpDeclaration importedFrom tyOp = do
  decls <- lookupModuleDeclarations "lookupTypeOpDeclaration" importedFrom
    ds = filter (\d -> declTitle d == ("type " <> P.showOp tyOp) && isTypeAlias d) decls
  case ds of
    [d] ->
      pure (importedFrom, [d])
    other ->
        ("lookupTypeOpDeclaration: unexpected result: " ++ show other)

  :: (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m, MonadReader P.ModuleName m)
  => P.ModuleName
  -> P.ProperName 'P.ClassName
  -> m (P.ModuleName, [Declaration])
lookupTypeClassDeclaration importedFrom tyClass = do
  decls <- lookupModuleDeclarations "lookupTypeClassDeclaration" importedFrom
    ds = filter (\d -> declTitle d == P.runProperName tyClass
                       && isTypeClass d)
  case ds of
    [d] ->
      pure (importedFrom, [d])
    other ->
        ("lookupTypeClassDeclaration: unexpected result for "
         ++ show tyClass ++ ": "
         ++ (unlines . map show) other)

  :: (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m, MonadReader P.ModuleName m)
  => P.ModuleName
  -> P.ProperName 'P.KindName
  -> m (P.ModuleName, [Declaration])
lookupKindDeclaration importedFrom kind = do
  decls <- lookupModuleDeclarations "lookupKindDeclaration" importedFrom
    ds = filter (\d -> declTitle d == P.runProperName kind
                       && isKind d)
  case ds of
    [d] ->
      pure (importedFrom, [d])
    other ->
        ("lookupKindDeclaration: unexpected result: " ++ show other)

-- |
-- Get the full list of declarations for a particular module out of the
-- state, or raise an internal error if it is not there.
lookupModuleDeclarations ::
  (MonadState (Map P.ModuleName Module) m,
   MonadReader P.ModuleName m) =>
  String ->
  P.ModuleName ->
  m [Declaration]
lookupModuleDeclarations definedIn moduleName = do
  mmdl <- gets (Map.lookup moduleName)
  case mmdl of
    Nothing ->
        (definedIn ++ ": module missing: "
         ++ T.unpack (P.runModuleName moduleName))
    Just mdl ->
      pure (allDeclarations mdl)

handleTypeClassMembers ::
  (MonadReader P.ModuleName m) =>
  Map P.ModuleName [Either (Text, Constraint', ChildDeclaration) Declaration] ->
  Map P.ModuleName [Declaration] ->
  m (Map P.ModuleName [Declaration], Map P.ModuleName [Declaration])
handleTypeClassMembers valsAndMembers typeClasses =
    moduleEnvs =
      Map.unionWith (<>)
        (fmap valsAndMembersToEnv valsAndMembers)
        (fmap typeClassesToEnv typeClasses)
      |> traverse handleEnv
      |> fmap splitMap

valsAndMembersToEnv ::
  [Either (Text, Constraint', ChildDeclaration) Declaration] -> TypeClassEnv
valsAndMembersToEnv xs =
  let (envUnhandledMembers, envValues) = partitionEithers xs
      envTypeClasses = []
  in TypeClassEnv{..}

typeClassesToEnv :: [Declaration] -> TypeClassEnv
typeClassesToEnv classes =
    { envUnhandledMembers = []
    , envValues = []
    , envTypeClasses = classes

-- |
-- An intermediate data type, used for either moving type class members under
-- their parent type classes, or promoting them to normal Declaration values
-- if their parent type class has not been re-exported.
data TypeClassEnv = TypeClassEnv
  { -- |
    -- Type class members which have not yet been dealt with. The Text is the
    -- name of the type class they belong to, and the constraint is used to
    -- make sure that they have the correct type if they get promoted.
    envUnhandledMembers :: [(Text, Constraint', ChildDeclaration)]
    -- |
    -- A list of normal value declarations. Type class members will be added to
    -- this list if their parent type class is not available.
  , envValues :: [Declaration]
    -- |
    -- A list of type class declarations. Type class members will be added to
    -- their parents in this list, if they exist.
  , envTypeClasses :: [Declaration]
  deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup TypeClassEnv where
  (TypeClassEnv a1 b1 c1) <> (TypeClassEnv a2 b2 c2) =
    TypeClassEnv (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2) (c1 <> c2)

instance Monoid TypeClassEnv where
  mempty =
    TypeClassEnv mempty mempty mempty

-- |
-- Take a TypeClassEnv and handle all of the type class members in it, either
-- adding them to their parent classes, or promoting them to normal Declaration
-- values.
-- Returns a tuple of (values, type classes).
  :: (MonadReader P.ModuleName m)
  => TypeClassEnv
  -> m ([Declaration], [Declaration])
handleEnv TypeClassEnv{..} =
    |> foldM go (envValues, mkMap envTypeClasses)
    |> fmap (second Map.elems)

  mkMap =
    Map.fromList . map (declTitle &&& id)

  go (values, tcs) (title, constraint, childDecl) =
    case Map.lookup title tcs of
      Just _ ->
        -- Leave the state unchanged; if the type class is there, the child
        -- will be too.
        pure (values, tcs)
      Nothing -> do
        c <- promoteChild constraint childDecl
        pure (c : values, tcs)

  promoteChild constraint ChildDeclaration{..} =
    case cdeclInfo of
      ChildTypeClassMember typ ->
        pure Declaration
          { declTitle      = cdeclTitle
          , declComments   = cdeclComments
          , declSourceSpan = cdeclSourceSpan
          , declChildren   = []
          , declInfo       = ValueDeclaration (addConstraint constraint typ)
      _ ->
          ("handleEnv: Bad child declaration passed to promoteChild: "
          ++ T.unpack cdeclTitle)

  addConstraint constraint =
    P.quantify . P.moveQuantifiersToFront . P.ConstrainedType () constraint

splitMap :: Map k (v1, v2) -> (Map k v1, Map k v2)
splitMap = fmap fst &&& fmap snd

-- |
-- Given a list of exported constructor names, remove any data constructor
-- names in the provided Map of declarations which are not in the list.
  :: [P.ProperName 'P.ConstructorName]
  -> Map P.ModuleName [Declaration]
  -> Map P.ModuleName [Declaration]
filterDataConstructors =
  filterExportedChildren isDataConstructor P.runProperName

-- |
-- Given a list of exported type class member names, remove any data
-- type class member names in the provided Map of declarations which are not in
-- the list.
  :: [P.Ident]
  -> Map P.ModuleName [Declaration]
  -> Map P.ModuleName [Declaration]
filterTypeClassMembers =
  filterExportedChildren isTypeClassMember P.showIdent

  :: (Functor f)
  => (ChildDeclaration -> Bool)
  -> (name -> Text)
  -> [name]
  -> f [Declaration]
  -> f [Declaration]
filterExportedChildren isTargetedKind runName expNames = fmap filterDecls
  filterDecls =
    map $ filterChildren $ \c ->
      not (isTargetedKind c) || cdeclTitle c `elem` expNames'
  expNames' = map runName expNames

allDeclarations :: Module -> [Declaration]
allDeclarations Module{..} =
  modDeclarations ++ concatMap snd modReExports

(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
x |> f = f x

internalError :: String -> a
internalError = P.internalError . ("Docs.Convert.ReExports: " ++)

  :: (MonadReader P.ModuleName m)
  => String
  -> m a
internalErrorInModule msg = do
  mn <- ask
    ("while collecting re-exports for module: " ++ T.unpack (P.runModuleName mn) ++
     ", " ++ msg)

-- |
-- If the provided Declaration is a TypeClassDeclaration, construct an
-- appropriate Constraint for use with the types of its members.
typeClassConstraintFor :: Declaration -> Maybe Constraint'
typeClassConstraintFor Declaration{..} =
  case declInfo of
    TypeClassDeclaration tyArgs _ _ ->
      Just (P.Constraint () (P.Qualified Nothing (P.ProperName declTitle)) (mkConstraint tyArgs) Nothing)
    _ ->
  mkConstraint = map (P.TypeVar () . fst)