module Language.PureScript.CoreImp.Optimizer.Inliner
( inlineVariables
, inlineCommonValues
, inlineCommonOperators
, inlineFnComposition
, inlineUnsafeCoerce
, inlineUnsafePartial
, etaConvert
, unThunk
, evaluateIifes
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply, freshName)
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString)
import Language.PureScript.CoreImp.AST
import Language.PureScript.CoreImp.Optimizer.Common
import Language.PureScript.AST (SourceSpan(..))
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C
shouldInline :: AST -> Bool
shouldInline (Var _ _) = True
shouldInline (NumericLiteral _ _) = True
shouldInline (StringLiteral _ _) = True
shouldInline (BooleanLiteral _ _) = True
shouldInline (Indexer _ index val) = shouldInline index && shouldInline val
shouldInline _ = False
etaConvert :: AST -> AST
etaConvert = everywhere convert
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (Block ss [Return _ (App _ (Function _ Nothing idents block@(Block _ body)) args)])
| all shouldInline args &&
not (any (`isRebound` block) (map (Var Nothing) idents)) &&
not (any (`isRebound` block) args)
= Block ss (map (replaceIdents (zip idents args)) body)
convert (Function _ Nothing [] (Block _ [Return _ (App _ fn [])])) = fn
convert js = js
unThunk :: AST -> AST
unThunk = everywhere convert
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (Block ss []) = Block ss []
convert (Block ss jss) =
case last jss of
Return _ (App _ (Function _ Nothing [] (Block _ body)) []) -> Block ss $ init jss ++ body
_ -> Block ss jss
convert js = js
evaluateIifes :: AST -> AST
evaluateIifes = everywhere convert
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App _ (Function _ Nothing [] (Block _ [Return _ ret])) []) = ret
convert (App _ (Function _ Nothing idents (Block _ [Return ss ret])) [])
| not (any (`isReassigned` ret) idents) = replaceIdents (map (, Var ss C.undefined) idents) ret
convert js = js
inlineVariables :: AST -> AST
inlineVariables = everywhere $ removeFromBlock go
go :: [AST] -> [AST]
go [] = []
go (VariableIntroduction _ var (Just js) : sts)
| shouldInline js && not (any (isReassigned var) sts) && not (any (isRebound js) sts) && not (any (isUpdated var) sts) =
go (map (replaceIdent var js) sts)
go (s:sts) = s : go sts
inlineCommonValues :: AST -> AST
inlineCommonValues = everywhere convert
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App ss fn [dict])
| isDict' [semiringNumber, semiringInt] dict && isDict fnZero fn = NumericLiteral ss (Left 0)
| isDict' [semiringNumber, semiringInt] dict && isDict fnOne fn = NumericLiteral ss (Left 1)
| isDict boundedBoolean dict && isDict fnBottom fn = BooleanLiteral ss False
| isDict boundedBoolean dict && isDict fnTop fn = BooleanLiteral ss True
convert (App ss (App _ fn [dict]) [x])
| isDict ringInt dict && isDict fnNegate fn = Binary ss BitwiseOr (Unary ss Negate x) (NumericLiteral ss (Left 0))
convert (App ss (App _ (App _ fn [dict]) [x]) [y])
| isDict semiringInt dict && isDict fnAdd fn = intOp ss Add x y
| isDict semiringInt dict && isDict fnMultiply fn = intOp ss Multiply x y
| isDict ringInt dict && isDict fnSubtract fn = intOp ss Subtract x y
convert other = other
fnZero = (C.dataSemiring,
fnOne = (C.dataSemiring,
fnBottom = (C.dataBounded, C.bottom)
fnTop = (C.dataBounded,
fnAdd = (C.dataSemiring, C.add)
fnMultiply = (C.dataSemiring, C.mul)
fnSubtract = (C.dataRing, C.sub)
fnNegate = (C.dataRing, C.negate)
intOp ss op x y = Binary ss BitwiseOr (Binary ss op x y) (NumericLiteral ss (Left 0))
inlineCommonOperators :: AST -> AST
inlineCommonOperators = everywhereTopDown $ applyAll $
[ binary semiringNumber opAdd Add
, binary semiringNumber opMul Multiply
, binary ringNumber opSub Subtract
, unary ringNumber opNegate Negate
, binary euclideanRingNumber opDiv Divide
, binary eqNumber opEq EqualTo
, binary eqNumber opNotEq NotEqualTo
, binary eqInt opEq EqualTo
, binary eqInt opNotEq NotEqualTo
, binary eqString opEq EqualTo
, binary eqString opNotEq NotEqualTo
, binary eqChar opEq EqualTo
, binary eqChar opNotEq NotEqualTo
, binary eqBoolean opEq EqualTo
, binary eqBoolean opNotEq NotEqualTo
, binary ordBoolean opLessThan LessThan
, binary ordBoolean opLessThanOrEq LessThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordBoolean opGreaterThan GreaterThan
, binary ordBoolean opGreaterThanOrEq GreaterThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordChar opLessThan LessThan
, binary ordChar opLessThanOrEq LessThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordChar opGreaterThan GreaterThan
, binary ordChar opGreaterThanOrEq GreaterThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordInt opLessThan LessThan
, binary ordInt opLessThanOrEq LessThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordInt opGreaterThan GreaterThan
, binary ordInt opGreaterThanOrEq GreaterThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordNumber opLessThan LessThan
, binary ordNumber opLessThanOrEq LessThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordNumber opGreaterThan GreaterThan
, binary ordNumber opGreaterThanOrEq GreaterThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordString opLessThan LessThan
, binary ordString opLessThanOrEq LessThanOrEqualTo
, binary ordString opGreaterThan GreaterThan
, binary ordString opGreaterThanOrEq GreaterThanOrEqualTo
, binary semigroupString opAppend Add
, binary heytingAlgebraBoolean opConj And
, binary heytingAlgebraBoolean opDisj Or
, unary heytingAlgebraBoolean opNot Not
, binary' C.dataIntBits C.or BitwiseOr
, binary' C.dataIntBits C.and BitwiseAnd
, binary' C.dataIntBits C.xor BitwiseXor
, binary' C.dataIntBits C.shl ShiftLeft
, binary' C.dataIntBits C.shr ShiftRight
, binary' C.dataIntBits C.zshr ZeroFillShiftRight
, unary' C.dataIntBits C.complement BitwiseNot
, inlineNonClassFunction (isModFn (C.dataFunction, C.apply)) $ \f x -> App Nothing f [x]
, inlineNonClassFunction (isModFn (C.dataFunction, C.applyFlipped)) $ \x f -> App Nothing f [x]
, inlineNonClassFunction (isModFnWithDict (C.dataArray, C.unsafeIndex)) $ flip (Indexer Nothing)
] ++
[ fn | i <- [0..10], fn <- [ mkFn i, runFn i ] ] ++
[ fn | i <- [0..10], fn <- [ mkEffFn C.controlMonadEffUncurried C.mkEffFn i, runEffFn C.controlMonadEffUncurried C.runEffFn i ] ] ++
[ fn | i <- [0..10], fn <- [ mkEffFn C.effectUncurried C.mkEffectFn i, runEffFn C.effectUncurried C.runEffectFn i ] ]
binary :: (Text, PSString) -> (Text, PSString) -> BinaryOperator -> AST -> AST
binary dict fns op = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App ss (App _ (App _ fn [dict']) [x]) [y]) | isDict dict dict' && isDict fns fn = Binary ss op x y
convert other = other
binary' :: Text -> PSString -> BinaryOperator -> AST -> AST
binary' moduleName opString op = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App ss (App _ fn [x]) [y]) | isDict (moduleName, opString) fn = Binary ss op x y
convert other = other
unary :: (Text, PSString) -> (Text, PSString) -> UnaryOperator -> AST -> AST
unary dicts fns op = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App ss (App _ fn [dict']) [x]) | isDict dicts dict' && isDict fns fn = Unary ss op x
convert other = other
unary' :: Text -> PSString -> UnaryOperator -> AST -> AST
unary' moduleName fnName op = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App ss fn [x]) | isDict (moduleName, fnName) fn = Unary ss op x
convert other = other
mkFn :: Int -> AST -> AST
mkFn = mkFn' C.dataFunctionUncurried C.mkFn $ \ss1 ss2 ss3 args js ->
Function ss1 Nothing args (Block ss2 [Return ss3 js])
mkEffFn :: Text -> Text -> Int -> AST -> AST
mkEffFn modName fnName = mkFn' modName fnName $ \ss1 ss2 ss3 args js ->
Function ss1 Nothing args (Block ss2 [Return ss3 (App ss3 js [])])
mkFn' :: Text -> Text -> (Maybe SourceSpan -> Maybe SourceSpan -> Maybe SourceSpan -> [Text] -> AST -> AST) -> Int -> AST -> AST
mkFn' modName fnName res 0 = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App _ mkFnN [Function s1 Nothing [_] (Block s2 [Return s3 js])]) | isNFn modName fnName 0 mkFnN =
res s1 s2 s3 [] js
convert other = other
mkFn' modName fnName res n = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert orig@(App ss mkFnN [fn]) | isNFn modName fnName n mkFnN =
case collectArgs n [] fn of
Just (args, [Return ss' ret]) -> res ss ss ss' args ret
_ -> orig
convert other = other
collectArgs :: Int -> [Text] -> AST -> Maybe ([Text], [AST])
collectArgs 1 acc (Function _ Nothing [oneArg] (Block _ js)) | length acc == n - 1 = Just (reverse (oneArg : acc), js)
collectArgs m acc (Function _ Nothing [oneArg] (Block _ [Return _ ret])) = collectArgs (m - 1) (oneArg : acc) ret
collectArgs _ _ _ = Nothing
isNFn :: Text -> Text -> Int -> AST -> Bool
isNFn expectMod prefix n (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ name) (Var _ modName)) | modName == expectMod =
name == fromString (T.unpack prefix <> show n)
isNFn _ _ _ _ = False
runFn :: Int -> AST -> AST
runFn = runFn' C.dataFunctionUncurried C.runFn App
runEffFn :: Text -> Text -> Int -> AST -> AST
runEffFn modName fnName = runFn' modName fnName $ \ss fn acc ->
Function ss Nothing [] (Block ss [Return ss (App ss fn acc)])
runFn' :: Text -> Text -> (Maybe SourceSpan -> AST -> [AST] -> AST) -> Int -> AST -> AST
runFn' modName runFnName res n = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert js = fromMaybe js $ go n [] js
go :: Int -> [AST] -> AST -> Maybe AST
go 0 acc (App ss runFnN [fn]) | isNFn modName runFnName n runFnN && length acc == n =
Just $ res ss fn acc
go m acc (App _ lhs [arg]) = go (m - 1) (arg : acc) lhs
go _ _ _ = Nothing
inlineNonClassFunction :: (AST -> Bool) -> (AST -> AST -> AST) -> AST -> AST
inlineNonClassFunction p f = convert where
convert :: AST -> AST
convert (App _ (App _ op' [x]) [y]) | p op' = f x y
convert other = other
isModFn :: (Text, PSString) -> AST -> Bool
isModFn (m, op) (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ op') (Var _ m')) =
m == m' && op == op'
isModFn _ _ = False
isModFnWithDict :: (Text, PSString) -> AST -> Bool
isModFnWithDict (m, op) (App _ (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ op') (Var _ m')) [Var _ _]) =
m == m' && op == op'
isModFnWithDict _ _ = False
inlineFnComposition :: forall m. MonadSupply m => AST -> m AST
inlineFnComposition = everywhereTopDownM convert where
convert :: AST -> m AST
convert (App s1 (App s2 (App _ (App _ fn [dict']) [x]) [y]) [z])
| isFnCompose dict' fn = return $ App s1 x [App s2 y [z]]
| isFnComposeFlipped dict' fn = return $ App s2 y [App s1 x [z]]
convert app@(App ss (App _ (App _ fn [dict']) _) _)
| isFnCompose dict' fn || isFnComposeFlipped dict' fn = mkApps ss <$> goApps app <*> freshName
convert other = return other
mkApps :: Maybe SourceSpan -> [Either AST (Text, AST)] -> Text -> AST
mkApps ss fns a = App ss (Function ss Nothing [] (Block ss $ vars <> [Return Nothing comp])) []
vars = uncurry (VariableIntroduction ss) . fmap Just <$> rights fns
comp = Function ss Nothing [a] (Block ss [Return Nothing apps])
apps = foldr (\fn acc -> App ss (mkApp fn) [acc]) (Var ss a) fns
mkApp :: Either AST (Text, AST) -> AST
mkApp = either id $ \(name, arg) -> Var (getSourceSpan arg) name
goApps :: AST -> m [Either AST (Text, AST)]
goApps (App _ (App _ (App _ fn [dict']) [x]) [y])
| isFnCompose dict' fn = mappend <$> goApps x <*> goApps y
| isFnComposeFlipped dict' fn = mappend <$> goApps y <*> goApps x
goApps app@(App {}) = pure . Right . (,app) <$> freshName
goApps other = pure [Left other]
isFnCompose :: AST -> AST -> Bool
isFnCompose dict' fn = isDict semigroupoidFn dict' && isDict fnCompose fn
isFnComposeFlipped :: AST -> AST -> Bool
isFnComposeFlipped dict' fn = isDict semigroupoidFn dict' && isDict fnComposeFlipped fn
fnCompose :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
fnCompose = (C.controlSemigroupoid, C.compose)
fnComposeFlipped :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
fnComposeFlipped = (C.controlSemigroupoid, C.composeFlipped)
inlineUnsafeCoerce :: AST -> AST
inlineUnsafeCoerce = everywhereTopDown convert where
convert (App _ (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ unsafeCoerceFn) (Var _ unsafeCoerce)) [ comp ])
| unsafeCoerceFn == C.unsafeCoerceFn && unsafeCoerce == C.unsafeCoerce
= comp
convert other = other
inlineUnsafePartial :: AST -> AST
inlineUnsafePartial = everywhereTopDown convert where
convert (App ss (Indexer _ (StringLiteral _ unsafePartial) (Var _ partialUnsafe)) [ comp ])
| unsafePartial == C.unsafePartial && partialUnsafe == C.partialUnsafe
= App ss comp [ Var ss C.undefined ]
convert other = other
semiringNumber :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
semiringNumber = (C.dataSemiring, C.semiringNumber)
semiringInt :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
semiringInt = (C.dataSemiring, C.semiringInt)
ringNumber :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ringNumber = (C.dataRing, C.ringNumber)
ringInt :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ringInt = (C.dataRing, C.ringInt)
euclideanRingNumber :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
euclideanRingNumber = (C.dataEuclideanRing, C.euclideanRingNumber)
eqNumber :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
eqNumber = (C.dataEq, C.eqNumber)
eqInt :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
eqInt = (C.dataEq, C.eqInt)
eqString :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
eqString = (C.dataEq, C.eqString)
eqChar :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
eqChar = (C.dataEq, C.eqChar)
eqBoolean :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
eqBoolean = (C.dataEq, C.eqBoolean)
ordBoolean :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ordBoolean = (C.dataOrd, C.ordBoolean)
ordNumber :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ordNumber = (C.dataOrd, C.ordNumber)
ordInt :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ordInt = (C.dataOrd, C.ordInt)
ordString :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ordString = (C.dataOrd, C.ordString)
ordChar :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
ordChar = (C.dataOrd, C.ordChar)
semigroupString :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
semigroupString = (C.dataSemigroup, C.semigroupString)
boundedBoolean :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
boundedBoolean = (C.dataBounded, C.boundedBoolean)
heytingAlgebraBoolean :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
heytingAlgebraBoolean = (C.dataHeytingAlgebra, C.heytingAlgebraBoolean)
semigroupoidFn :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
semigroupoidFn = (C.controlSemigroupoid, C.semigroupoidFn)
opAdd :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opAdd = (C.dataSemiring, C.add)
opMul :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opMul = (C.dataSemiring, C.mul)
opEq :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opEq = (C.dataEq, C.eq)
opNotEq :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opNotEq = (C.dataEq, C.notEq)
opLessThan :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opLessThan = (C.dataOrd, C.lessThan)
opLessThanOrEq :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opLessThanOrEq = (C.dataOrd, C.lessThanOrEq)
opGreaterThan :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opGreaterThan = (C.dataOrd, C.greaterThan)
opGreaterThanOrEq :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opGreaterThanOrEq = (C.dataOrd, C.greaterThanOrEq)
opAppend :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opAppend = (C.dataSemigroup, C.append)
opSub :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opSub = (C.dataRing, C.sub)
opNegate :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opNegate = (C.dataRing, C.negate)
opDiv :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opDiv = (C.dataEuclideanRing, C.div)
opConj :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opConj = (C.dataHeytingAlgebra, C.conj)
opDisj :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opDisj = (C.dataHeytingAlgebra, C.disj)
opNot :: forall a b. (IsString a, IsString b) => (a, b)
opNot = (C.dataHeytingAlgebra, C.not)