{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
module Language.PureScript.CST.Utils where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Language.PureScript.CST.Errors
import Language.PureScript.CST.Monad
import Language.PureScript.CST.Positions
import Language.PureScript.CST.Traversals.Type
import Language.PureScript.CST.Types
import qualified Language.PureScript.Names as N
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString, mkString)
placeholder :: SourceToken
placeholder = SourceToken
{ tokAnn = TokenAnn (SourceRange (SourcePos 0 0) (SourcePos 0 0)) [] []
, tokValue = TokLowerName [] "<placeholder>"
unexpectedName :: SourceToken -> Name Ident
unexpectedName tok = Name tok (Ident "<unexpected>")
unexpectedQual :: SourceToken -> QualifiedName Ident
unexpectedQual tok = QualifiedName tok Nothing (Ident "<unexpected>")
unexpectedLabel :: SourceToken -> Label
unexpectedLabel tok = Label tok "<unexpected>"
unexpectedExpr :: Monoid a => [SourceToken] -> Expr a
unexpectedExpr toks = ExprIdent mempty (unexpectedQual (head toks))
unexpectedDecl :: Monoid a => [SourceToken] -> Declaration a
unexpectedDecl toks = DeclValue mempty (ValueBindingFields (unexpectedName (head toks)) [] (error "<unexpected"))
unexpectedBinder :: Monoid a => [SourceToken] -> Binder a
unexpectedBinder toks = BinderVar mempty (unexpectedName (head toks))
unexpectedLetBinding :: Monoid a => [SourceToken] -> LetBinding a
unexpectedLetBinding toks = LetBindingName mempty (ValueBindingFields (unexpectedName (head toks)) [] (error "<unexpected>"))
unexpectedInstBinding :: Monoid a => [SourceToken] -> InstanceBinding a
unexpectedInstBinding toks = InstanceBindingName mempty (ValueBindingFields (unexpectedName (head toks)) [] (error "<unexpected>"))
unexpectedRecordUpdate :: Monoid a => [SourceToken] -> RecordUpdate a
unexpectedRecordUpdate toks = RecordUpdateLeaf (unexpectedLabel (head toks)) (head toks) (unexpectedExpr toks)
unexpectedRecordLabeled :: [SourceToken] -> RecordLabeled a
unexpectedRecordLabeled toks = RecordPun (unexpectedName (head toks))
rangeToks :: TokenRange -> [SourceToken]
rangeToks (a, b) = [a, b]
unexpectedToks :: (a -> TokenRange) -> ([SourceToken] -> b) -> ParserErrorType -> (a -> Parser b)
unexpectedToks toRange toCst err old = do
let toks = rangeToks $ toRange old
addFailure toks err
pure $ toCst toks
separated :: [(SourceToken, a)] -> Separated a
separated = go []
go accum ((_, a) : []) = Separated a accum
go accum (x : xs) = go (x : accum) xs
go _ [] = internalError "Separated should not be empty"
consSeparated :: a -> SourceToken -> Separated a -> Separated a
consSeparated x sep (Separated {..}) = Separated x ((sep, sepHead) : sepTail)
internalError :: String -> a
internalError = error . ("Internal parser error: " <>)
toModuleName :: SourceToken -> [Text] -> Parser (Maybe N.ModuleName)
toModuleName _ [] = pure Nothing
toModuleName tok ns = do
when (not (all isValidModuleNamespace ns)) $ addFailure [tok] ErrModuleName
pure . Just . N.ModuleName $ N.ProperName <$> ns
upperToModuleName :: SourceToken -> Parser (Name N.ModuleName)
upperToModuleName tok = case tokValue tok of
TokUpperName q a -> do
let ns = q <> [a]
when (not (all isValidModuleNamespace ns)) $ addFailure [tok] ErrModuleName
pure . Name tok . N.ModuleName $ N.ProperName <$> ns
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid upper name: " <> show tok
toQualifiedName :: (Text -> a) -> SourceToken -> Parser (QualifiedName a)
toQualifiedName k tok = case tokValue tok of
TokLowerName q a
| not (Set.member a reservedNames) -> flip (QualifiedName tok) (k a) <$> toModuleName tok q
| otherwise -> addFailure [tok] ErrKeywordVar $> QualifiedName tok Nothing (k "<unexpected>")
TokUpperName q a -> flip (QualifiedName tok) (k a) <$> toModuleName tok q
TokSymbolName q a -> flip (QualifiedName tok) (k a) <$> toModuleName tok q
TokOperator q a -> flip (QualifiedName tok) (k a) <$> toModuleName tok q
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid qualified name: " <> show tok
toName :: (Text -> a) -> SourceToken -> Parser (Name a)
toName k tok = case tokValue tok of
TokLowerName [] a
| not (Set.member a reservedNames) -> pure $ Name tok (k a)
| otherwise -> addFailure [tok] ErrKeywordVar $> Name tok (k "<unexpected>")
TokUpperName [] a -> pure $ Name tok (k a)
TokSymbolName [] a -> pure $ Name tok (k a)
TokOperator [] a -> pure $ Name tok (k a)
TokHole a -> pure $ Name tok (k a)
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid name: " <> show tok
toLabel :: SourceToken -> Label
toLabel tok = case tokValue tok of
TokLowerName [] a -> Label tok $ mkString a
TokString _ a -> Label tok a
TokRawString a -> Label tok $ mkString a
TokForall ASCII -> Label tok $ mkString "forall"
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid label: " <> show tok
labelToIdent :: Label -> Parser (Name Ident)
labelToIdent (Label tok _) = toName Ident tok
toString :: SourceToken -> (SourceToken, PSString)
toString tok = case tokValue tok of
TokString _ a -> (tok, a)
TokRawString a -> (tok, mkString a)
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid string literal: " <> show tok
toChar :: SourceToken -> (SourceToken, Char)
toChar tok = case tokValue tok of
TokChar _ a -> (tok, a)
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid char literal: " <> show tok
toNumber :: SourceToken -> (SourceToken, Either Integer Double)
toNumber tok = case tokValue tok of
TokInt _ a -> (tok, Left a)
TokNumber _ a -> (tok, Right a)
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid number literal: " <> show tok
toInt :: SourceToken -> (SourceToken, Integer)
toInt tok = case tokValue tok of
TokInt _ a -> (tok, a)
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid integer literal: " <> show tok
toBoolean :: SourceToken -> (SourceToken, Bool)
toBoolean tok = case tokValue tok of
TokLowerName [] "true" -> (tok, True)
TokLowerName [] "false" -> (tok, False)
_ -> internalError $ "Invalid boolean literal: " <> show tok
toConstraint :: forall a. Monoid a => Type a -> Parser (Constraint a)
toConstraint = convertParens
convertParens :: Type a -> Parser (Constraint a)
convertParens = \case
TypeParens a (Wrapped b c d) -> do
c' <- convertParens c
pure $ ConstraintParens a (Wrapped b c' d)
ty -> convert mempty [] ty
convert :: a -> [Type a] -> Type a -> Parser (Constraint a)
convert ann acc = \case
TypeApp a lhs rhs -> convert (a <> ann) (rhs : acc) lhs
TypeConstructor a name -> do
for_ acc checkNoForalls
pure $ Constraint (a <> ann) (coerce name) acc
ty -> do
let (tok1, tok2) = typeRange ty
addFailure [tok1, tok2] ErrTypeInConstraint
pure $ Constraint mempty (QualifiedName tok1 Nothing (N.ProperName "<unexpected")) []
toBinderConstructor :: Monoid a => NE.NonEmpty (Binder a) -> Parser (Binder a)
toBinderConstructor = \case
BinderConstructor a name [] NE.:| bs ->
pure $ BinderConstructor a name bs
a NE.:| [] -> pure a
a NE.:| _ -> unexpectedToks binderRange (unexpectedBinder) ErrExprInBinder a
:: Monoid a
=> Separated (Either (RecordLabeled (Expr a)) (RecordUpdate a))
-> Parser (Either (Separated (RecordLabeled (Expr a))) (Separated (RecordUpdate a)))
toRecordFields = \case
Separated (Left a) as ->
Left . Separated a <$> traverse (traverse unLeft) as
Separated (Right a) as ->
Right . Separated a <$> traverse (traverse unRight) as
unLeft (Left tok) = pure tok
unLeft (Right tok) =
unexpectedToks recordUpdateRange unexpectedRecordLabeled ErrRecordUpdateInCtr tok
unRight (Right tok) = pure tok
unRight (Left (RecordPun (Name tok _))) = do
addFailure [tok] ErrRecordPunInUpdate
pure $ unexpectedRecordUpdate [tok]
unRight (Left (RecordField _ tok _)) = do
addFailure [tok] ErrRecordCtrInUpdate
pure $ unexpectedRecordUpdate [tok]
checkFundeps :: ClassHead a -> Parser ()
checkFundeps (ClassHead _ _ _ _ Nothing) = pure ()
checkFundeps (ClassHead _ _ _ vars (Just (_, fundeps))) = do
k (TypeVarKinded (Wrapped _ (Labeled a _ _) _)) = getIdent $ nameValue a
k (TypeVarName a) = getIdent $ nameValue a
names = k <$> vars
check a
| getIdent (nameValue a) `elem` names = pure ()
| otherwise = addFailure [nameTok a] ErrUnknownFundep
for_ fundeps $ \case
FundepDetermined _ bs -> for_ bs check
FundepDetermines as _ bs -> do
for_ as check
for_ bs check
data TmpModuleDecl a
= TmpImport (ImportDecl a)
| TmpChain (Separated (Declaration a))
deriving (Show)
toModuleDecls :: Monoid a => [TmpModuleDecl a] -> Parser ([ImportDecl a], [Declaration a])
toModuleDecls = goImport []
goImport acc (TmpImport x : xs) = goImport (x : acc) xs
goImport acc xs = (reverse acc,) <$> goDecl [] xs
goDecl acc [] = pure $ reverse acc
goDecl acc (TmpChain (Separated x []) : xs) = goDecl (x : acc) xs
goDecl acc (TmpChain (Separated (DeclInstanceChain a (Separated h t)) t') : xs) = do
(a', instances) <- goChain (getName h) a [] t'
goDecl (DeclInstanceChain a' (Separated h (t <> instances)) : acc) xs
goDecl acc (TmpChain (Separated _ t) : xs) = do
for_ t $ \(tok, _) -> addFailure [tok] ErrElseInDecl
goDecl acc xs
goDecl acc (TmpImport imp : xs) = do
unexpectedToks importDeclRange (const ()) ErrImportInDecl imp
goDecl acc xs
goChain _ ann acc [] = pure (ann, reverse acc)
goChain name ann acc ((tok, DeclInstanceChain a (Separated h t)) : xs)
| eqName (getName h) name = goChain name (ann <> a) (reverse ((tok, h) : t) <> acc) xs
| otherwise = do
addFailure [qualTok $ getName h] ErrInstanceNameMismatch
goChain name ann acc xs
goChain name ann acc ((tok, _) : xs) = do
addFailure [tok] ErrElseInDecl
goChain name ann acc xs
getName = instClass . instHead
eqName (QualifiedName _ a b) (QualifiedName _ c d) = a == c && b == d
checkNoWildcards :: Type a -> Parser ()
checkNoWildcards ty = do
k = \case
TypeWildcard _ a -> [addFailure [a] ErrWildcardInType]
TypeHole _ a -> [addFailure [nameTok a] ErrHoleInType]
_ -> []
sequence_ $ everythingOnTypes (<>) k ty
checkNoForalls :: Type a -> Parser ()
checkNoForalls ty = do
k = \case
TypeForall _ a _ _ _ -> [addFailure [a] ErrToken]
_ -> []
sequence_ $ everythingOnTypes (<>) k ty
revert :: Parser a -> SourceToken -> Parser a
revert p lk = pushBack lk *> p
reservedNames :: Set Text
reservedNames = Set.fromList
[ "ado"
, "case"
, "class"
, "data"
, "derive"
, "do"
, "else"
, "false"
, "forall"
, "foreign"
, "import"
, "if"
, "in"
, "infix"
, "infixl"
, "infixr"
, "instance"
, "let"
, "module"
, "newtype"
, "of"
, "true"
, "type"
, "where"
isValidModuleNamespace :: Text -> Bool
isValidModuleNamespace = Text.null . snd . Text.span (\c -> c /= '_' && c /= '\'')
isLeftFatArrow :: Text -> Bool
isLeftFatArrow str = str == "<=" || str == "⇐"