{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Entailment
( InstanceContext
, SolverOptions(..)
, replaceTypeClassDictionaries
, newDictionaries
, entails
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Control.Arrow (second, (&&&))
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply(..))
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Foldable (for_, fold, toList)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.List (minimumBy, groupBy, nubBy, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Text (Text, stripPrefix, stripSuffix)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.PureScript.AST
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Unify
import Language.PureScript.TypeClassDictionaries
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Label (Label(..))
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString, mkString, decodeString)
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C
data Evidence
= NamedInstance (Qualified Ident)
| WarnInstance Type
| IsSymbolInstance PSString
| EmptyClassInstance
deriving (Show, Eq)
namedInstanceIdentifier :: Evidence -> Maybe (Qualified Ident)
namedInstanceIdentifier (NamedInstance i) = Just i
namedInstanceIdentifier _ = Nothing
type TypeClassDict = TypeClassDictionaryInScope Evidence
type InstanceContext = M.Map (Maybe ModuleName)
(M.Map (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
(M.Map (Qualified Ident) NamedDict))
type Matching a = M.Map Text a
combineContexts :: InstanceContext -> InstanceContext -> InstanceContext
combineContexts = M.unionWith (M.unionWith M.union)
:: forall m
. (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> Bool
-> Expr
-> m (Expr, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)])
replaceTypeClassDictionaries shouldGeneralize expr = flip evalStateT M.empty $ do
let loop e = do
(e', solved) <- deferPass e
if getAny solved
then loop e'
else return e'
loop expr >>= generalizePass
deferPass :: Expr -> StateT InstanceContext m (Expr, Any)
deferPass = fmap (second fst) . runWriterT . f where
f :: Expr -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
(_, f, _) = everywhereOnValuesTopDownM return (go True) return
generalizePass :: Expr -> StateT InstanceContext m (Expr, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)])
generalizePass = fmap (second snd) . runWriterT . f where
f :: Expr -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
(_, f, _) = everywhereOnValuesTopDownM return (go False) return
go :: Bool -> Expr -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
go deferErrors (TypeClassDictionary constraint context hints) =
rethrow (addHints hints) $ entails (SolverOptions shouldGeneralize deferErrors) constraint context hints
go _ other = return other
data EntailsResult a
= Solved a TypeClassDict
| Unsolved Constraint
| Deferred
deriving Show
data SolverOptions = SolverOptions
{ solverShouldGeneralize :: Bool
, solverDeferErrors :: Bool
data Matched t
= Match t
| Apart
| Unknown
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
instance Monoid t => Monoid (Matched t) where
mempty = Match mempty
mappend (Match l) (Match r) = Match (l <> r)
mappend Apart _ = Apart
mappend _ Apart = Apart
mappend _ _ = Unknown
:: forall m
. (MonadState CheckState m, MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SolverOptions
-> Constraint
-> InstanceContext
-> [ErrorMessageHint]
-> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
entails SolverOptions{..} constraint context hints =
solve constraint
forClassName :: InstanceContext -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> [Type] -> [TypeClassDict]
forClassName ctx cn@C.Warn [msg] =
findDicts ctx cn Nothing ++ [TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 (WarnInstance msg) [] C.Warn [msg] Nothing]
forClassName _ C.IsSymbol args | Just dicts <- solveIsSymbol args = dicts
forClassName _ C.SymbolCompare args | Just dicts <- solveSymbolCompare args = dicts
forClassName _ C.SymbolAppend args | Just dicts <- solveSymbolAppend args = dicts
forClassName _ C.SymbolCons args | Just dicts <- solveSymbolCons args = dicts
forClassName _ C.RowUnion args | Just dicts <- solveUnion args = dicts
forClassName _ C.RowNub args | Just dicts <- solveNub args = dicts
forClassName _ C.RowLacks args | Just dicts <- solveLacks args = dicts
forClassName _ C.RowCons args | Just dicts <- solveRowCons args = dicts
forClassName _ C.RowToList args | Just dicts <- solveRowToList args = dicts
forClassName ctx cn@(Qualified (Just mn) _) tys = concatMap (findDicts ctx cn) (ordNub (Nothing : Just mn : map Just (mapMaybe ctorModules tys)))
forClassName _ _ _ = internalError "forClassName: expected qualified class name"
ctorModules :: Type -> Maybe ModuleName
ctorModules (TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just mn) _)) = Just mn
ctorModules (TypeConstructor (Qualified Nothing _)) = internalError "ctorModules: unqualified type name"
ctorModules (TypeApp ty _) = ctorModules ty
ctorModules (KindedType ty _) = ctorModules ty
ctorModules _ = Nothing
findDicts :: InstanceContext -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> Maybe ModuleName -> [TypeClassDict]
findDicts ctx cn = fmap (fmap NamedInstance) . maybe [] M.elems . (>>= M.lookup cn) . flip M.lookup ctx
valUndefined :: Expr
valUndefined = Var nullSourceSpan (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName C.prim])) (Ident C.undefined))
solve :: Constraint -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
solve con = go 0 con
go :: Int -> Constraint -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
go work (Constraint className' tys' _) | work > 1000 = throwError . errorMessage $ PossiblyInfiniteInstance className' tys'
go work con'@(Constraint className' tys' conInfo) = WriterT . StateT . (withErrorMessageHint (ErrorSolvingConstraint con') .) . runStateT . runWriterT $ do
latestSubst <- lift . lift $ gets checkSubstitution
let tys'' = map (substituteType latestSubst) tys'
inferred <- lift get
classesInScope <- lift . lift $ gets (typeClasses . checkEnv)
TypeClassData{ typeClassDependencies } <- case M.lookup className' classesInScope of
Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage $ UnknownClass className'
Just tcd -> pure tcd
let instances = do
chain <- groupBy ((==) `on` tcdChain) $
sortBy (compare `on` (tcdChain &&& tcdIndex)) $
forClassName (combineContexts context inferred) className' tys''
let found = for chain $ \tcd ->
case matches typeClassDependencies tcd tys'' of
Apart -> Right ()
Match substs -> Left (Just (substs, tcd))
Unknown -> Left Nothing
case found of
Right _ -> []
Left Nothing -> []
Left (Just substsTcd) -> [substsTcd]
solution <- lift . lift $ unique tys'' instances
case solution of
Solved substs tcd -> do
tell (Any True, mempty)
lift . lift . for_ substs $ pairwiseM unifyTypes
let subst = fmap head substs
currentSubst <- lift . lift $ gets checkSubstitution
subst' <- lift . lift $ withFreshTypes tcd (fmap (substituteType currentSubst) subst)
lift . lift $ zipWithM_ (\t1 t2 -> do
let inferredType = replaceAllTypeVars (M.toList subst') t1
unifyTypes inferredType t2) (tcdInstanceTypes tcd) tys''
currentSubst' <- lift . lift $ gets checkSubstitution
let subst'' = fmap (substituteType currentSubst') subst'
args <- solveSubgoals subst'' (tcdDependencies tcd)
initDict <- lift . lift $ mkDictionary (tcdValue tcd) args
let match = foldr (\(className, index) dict -> subclassDictionaryValue dict className index)
(tcdPath tcd)
return match
Unsolved unsolved -> do
ident <- freshIdent ("dict" <> runProperName (disqualify (constraintClass unsolved)))
let qident = Qualified Nothing ident
newDicts <- lift . lift $ newDictionaries [] qident unsolved
let newContext = mkContext newDicts
modify (combineContexts newContext)
tell (mempty, [(ident, context, unsolved)])
return (Var nullSourceSpan qident)
Deferred ->
return (TypeClassDictionary (Constraint className' tys'' conInfo) context hints)
:: TypeClassDict
-> Matching Type
-> m (Matching Type)
withFreshTypes TypeClassDictionaryInScope{..} subst = do
let onType = everythingOnTypes S.union fromTypeVar
typeVarsInHead = foldMap onType tcdInstanceTypes
<> foldMap (foldMap (foldMap onType . constraintArgs)) tcdDependencies
typeVarsInSubst = S.fromList (M.keys subst)
uninstantiatedTypeVars = typeVarsInHead S.\\ typeVarsInSubst
newSubst <- traverse withFreshType (S.toList uninstantiatedTypeVars)
return (subst <> M.fromList newSubst)
fromTypeVar (TypeVar v) = S.singleton v
fromTypeVar _ = S.empty
withFreshType s = do
t <- freshType
return (s, t)
unique :: [Type] -> [(a, TypeClassDict)] -> m (EntailsResult a)
unique tyArgs []
| solverDeferErrors = return Deferred
| solverShouldGeneralize && (null tyArgs || any canBeGeneralized tyArgs) = return (Unsolved (Constraint className' tyArgs conInfo))
| otherwise = throwError . errorMessage $ NoInstanceFound (Constraint className' tyArgs conInfo)
unique _ [(a, dict)] = return $ Solved a dict
unique tyArgs tcds
| pairwiseAny overlapping (map snd tcds) =
throwError . errorMessage $ OverlappingInstances className' tyArgs (tcds >>= (toList . namedInstanceIdentifier . tcdValue . snd))
| otherwise = return $ uncurry Solved (minimumBy (compare `on` length . tcdPath . snd) tcds)
canBeGeneralized :: Type -> Bool
canBeGeneralized TUnknown{} = True
canBeGeneralized (KindedType t _) = canBeGeneralized t
canBeGeneralized _ = False
overlapping :: TypeClassDict -> TypeClassDict -> Bool
overlapping TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdPath = _ : _ } _ = False
overlapping _ TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdPath = _ : _ } = False
overlapping TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdDependencies = Nothing } _ = False
overlapping _ TypeClassDictionaryInScope{ tcdDependencies = Nothing } = False
overlapping tcd1 tcd2 = tcdValue tcd1 /= tcdValue tcd2
solveSubgoals :: Matching Type -> Maybe [Constraint] -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, Constraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) (Maybe [Expr])
solveSubgoals _ Nothing = return Nothing
solveSubgoals subst (Just subgoals) =
Just <$> traverse (go (work + 1) . mapConstraintArgs (map (replaceAllTypeVars (M.toList subst)))) subgoals
useEmptyDict :: Maybe [Expr] -> Expr
useEmptyDict args = foldl (App . Abs (VarBinder nullSourceSpan UnusedIdent)) valUndefined (fold args)
mkDictionary :: Evidence -> Maybe [Expr] -> m Expr
mkDictionary (NamedInstance n) args = return $ foldl App (Var nullSourceSpan n) (fold args)
mkDictionary EmptyClassInstance args = return (useEmptyDict args)
mkDictionary (WarnInstance msg) args = do
tell . errorMessage $ UserDefinedWarning msg
return (useEmptyDict args)
mkDictionary (IsSymbolInstance sym) _ =
let fields = [ ("reflectSymbol", Abs (VarBinder nullSourceSpan UnusedIdent) (Literal nullSourceSpan (StringLiteral sym))) ] in
return $ TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp C.IsSymbol (Literal nullSourceSpan (ObjectLiteral fields))
subclassDictionaryValue :: Expr -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> Integer -> Expr
subclassDictionaryValue dict className index =
App (Accessor (mkString (superclassName className index)) dict) valUndefined
solveIsSymbol :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveIsSymbol [TypeLevelString sym] = Just [TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 (IsSymbolInstance sym) [] C.IsSymbol [TypeLevelString sym] Nothing]
solveIsSymbol _ = Nothing
solveSymbolCompare :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveSymbolCompare [arg0@(TypeLevelString lhs), arg1@(TypeLevelString rhs), _] =
let ordering = case compare lhs rhs of
LT -> C.orderingLT
EQ -> C.orderingEQ
GT -> C.orderingGT
args' = [arg0, arg1, TypeConstructor ordering]
in Just [TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.SymbolCompare args' Nothing]
solveSymbolCompare _ = Nothing
solveSymbolAppend :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveSymbolAppend [arg0, arg1, arg2] = do
(arg0', arg1', arg2') <- appendSymbols arg0 arg1 arg2
let args' = [arg0', arg1', arg2']
pure [TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.SymbolAppend args' Nothing]
solveSymbolAppend _ = Nothing
appendSymbols :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Type, Type)
appendSymbols arg0@(TypeLevelString lhs) arg1@(TypeLevelString rhs) _ = Just (arg0, arg1, TypeLevelString (lhs <> rhs))
appendSymbols arg0@(TypeLevelString lhs) _ arg2@(TypeLevelString out) = do
lhs' <- decodeString lhs
out' <- decodeString out
rhs <- stripPrefix lhs' out'
pure (arg0, TypeLevelString (mkString rhs), arg2)
appendSymbols _ arg1@(TypeLevelString rhs) arg2@(TypeLevelString out) = do
rhs' <- decodeString rhs
out' <- decodeString out
lhs <- stripSuffix rhs' out'
pure (TypeLevelString (mkString lhs), arg1, arg2)
appendSymbols _ _ _ = Nothing
solveSymbolCons :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveSymbolCons [arg0, arg1, arg2] = do
(arg0', arg1', arg2') <- consSymbol arg0 arg1 arg2
let args' = [arg0', arg1', arg2']
pure [TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.SymbolCons args' Nothing]
solveSymbolCons _ = Nothing
consSymbol :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Type, Type)
consSymbol _ _ arg@(TypeLevelString s) = do
(h, t) <- T.uncons =<< decodeString s
pure (mkTLString (T.singleton h), mkTLString t, arg)
where mkTLString = TypeLevelString . mkString
consSymbol arg1@(TypeLevelString h) arg2@(TypeLevelString t) _ = do
h' <- decodeString h
t' <- decodeString t
guard (T.length h' == 1)
pure (arg1, arg2, TypeLevelString (mkString $ h' <> t'))
consSymbol _ _ _ = Nothing
solveUnion :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveUnion [l, r, u] = do
(lOut, rOut, uOut, cst) <- unionRows l r u
pure [ TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.RowUnion [lOut, rOut, uOut] cst ]
solveUnion _ = Nothing
unionRows :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Type, Type, Maybe [Constraint])
unionRows l r _ =
guard canMakeProgress $> (l, r, rowFromList out, cons)
(fixed, rest) = rowToList l
rowVar = TypeVar "r"
(canMakeProgress, out, cons) =
case rest of
REmpty -> (True, (fixed, r), Nothing)
_ -> (not (null fixed), (fixed, rowVar), Just [ Constraint C.RowUnion [rest, r, rowVar] Nothing ])
solveRowCons :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveRowCons [TypeLevelString sym, ty, r, _] =
Just [ TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.RowCons [TypeLevelString sym, ty, r, RCons (Label sym) ty r] Nothing ]
solveRowCons _ = Nothing
solveRowToList :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveRowToList [r, _] = do
entries <- rowToRowList r
pure [ TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.RowToList [r, entries] Nothing ]
solveRowToList _ = Nothing
rowToRowList :: Type -> Maybe Type
rowToRowList r =
guard (REmpty == rest) $>
foldr rowListCons (TypeConstructor C.RowListNil) fixed
(fixed, rest) = rowToSortedList r
rowListCons (lbl, ty) tl = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor C.RowListCons)
[ TypeLevelString (runLabel lbl)
, ty
, tl ]
solveNub :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveNub [r, _] = do
r' <- nubRows r
pure [ TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.RowNub [r, r'] Nothing ]
solveNub _ = Nothing
nubRows :: Type -> Maybe Type
nubRows r =
guard (REmpty == rest) $>
rowFromList (nubBy ((==) `on` fst) fixed, rest)
(fixed, rest) = rowToSortedList r
solveLacks :: [Type] -> Maybe [TypeClassDict]
solveLacks [TypeLevelString sym, r] = do
(r', cst) <- rowLacks sym r
pure [ TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 EmptyClassInstance [] C.RowLacks [TypeLevelString sym, r'] cst ]
solveLacks _ = Nothing
rowLacks :: PSString -> Type -> Maybe (Type, Maybe [Constraint])
rowLacks sym r =
guard (lacksSym && canMakeProgress) $> (r, cst)
(fixed, rest) = rowToList r
lacksSym =
not $ sym `elem` (runLabel . fst <$> fixed)
(canMakeProgress, cst) = case rest of
REmpty -> (True, Nothing)
_ -> (not (null fixed), Just [ Constraint C.RowLacks [TypeLevelString sym, rest] Nothing ])
matches :: [FunctionalDependency] -> TypeClassDict -> [Type] -> Matched (Matching [Type])
matches deps TypeClassDictionaryInScope{..} tys =
let matched = zipWith typeHeadsAreEqual tys tcdInstanceTypes in
if not (covers matched)
then if any ((==) Apart . fst) matched then Apart else Unknown
let determinedSet = foldMap (S.fromList . fdDetermined) deps
solved = map snd . filter ((`S.notMember` determinedSet) . fst) $ zipWith (\(_, ts) i -> (i, ts)) matched [0..]
in verifySubstitution (M.unionsWith (++) solved)
covers :: [(Matched (), subst)] -> Bool
covers ms = finalSet == S.fromList [0..length ms - 1]
initialSet :: S.Set Int
initialSet = S.fromList . map snd . filter ((==) (Match ()) . fst . fst) $ zip ms [0..]
finalSet :: S.Set Int
finalSet = untilFixedPoint applyAll initialSet
untilFixedPoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
untilFixedPoint f = go
go a | a' == a = a'
| otherwise = go a'
where a' = f a
applyAll :: S.Set Int -> S.Set Int
applyAll s = foldr applyDependency s deps
applyDependency :: FunctionalDependency -> S.Set Int -> S.Set Int
applyDependency FunctionalDependency{..} xs
| S.fromList fdDeterminers `S.isSubsetOf` xs = xs <> S.fromList fdDetermined
| otherwise = xs
typeHeadsAreEqual :: Type -> Type -> (Matched (), Matching [Type])
typeHeadsAreEqual (KindedType t1 _) t2 = typeHeadsAreEqual t1 t2
typeHeadsAreEqual t1 (KindedType t2 _) = typeHeadsAreEqual t1 t2
typeHeadsAreEqual (TUnknown u1) (TUnknown u2) | u1 == u2 = (Match (), M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual (Skolem _ s1 _ _) (Skolem _ s2 _ _) | s1 == s2 = (Match (), M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual t (TypeVar v) = (Match (), M.singleton v [t])
typeHeadsAreEqual (TypeConstructor c1) (TypeConstructor c2) | c1 == c2 = (Match (), M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual (TypeLevelString s1) (TypeLevelString s2) | s1 == s2 = (Match (), M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual (TypeApp h1 t1) (TypeApp h2 t2) =
both (typeHeadsAreEqual h1 h2) (typeHeadsAreEqual t1 t2)
typeHeadsAreEqual REmpty REmpty = (Match (), M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual r1@RCons{} r2@RCons{} =
foldr both (uncurry go rest) common
(common, rest) = alignRowsWith typeHeadsAreEqual r1 r2
go :: ([(Label, Type)], Type) -> ([(Label, Type)], Type) -> (Matched (), Matching [Type])
go (l, KindedType t1 _) (r, t2) = go (l, t1) (r, t2)
go (l, t1) (r, KindedType t2 _) = go (l, t1) (r, t2)
go ([], REmpty) ([], REmpty) = (Match (), M.empty)
go ([], TUnknown u1) ([], TUnknown u2) | u1 == u2 = (Match (), M.empty)
go ([], TypeVar v1) ([], TypeVar v2) | v1 == v2 = (Match (), M.empty)
go ([], Skolem _ sk1 _ _) ([], Skolem _ sk2 _ _) | sk1 == sk2 = (Match (), M.empty)
go ([], TUnknown _) _ = (Unknown, M.empty)
go (sd, r) ([], TypeVar v) = (Match (), M.singleton v [rowFromList (sd, r)])
go _ _ = (Apart, M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual (TUnknown _) _ = (Unknown, M.empty)
typeHeadsAreEqual _ _ = (Apart, M.empty)
both :: (Matched (), Matching [Type]) -> (Matched (), Matching [Type]) -> (Matched (), Matching [Type])
both (b1, m1) (b2, m2) = (b1 <> b2, M.unionWith (++) m1 m2)
verifySubstitution :: Matching [Type] -> Matched (Matching [Type])
verifySubstitution mts = foldMap meet mts $> mts where
meet = pairwiseAll typesAreEqual
typesAreEqual :: Type -> Type -> Matched ()
typesAreEqual (KindedType t1 _) t2 = typesAreEqual t1 t2
typesAreEqual t1 (KindedType t2 _) = typesAreEqual t1 t2
typesAreEqual (TUnknown u1) (TUnknown u2) | u1 == u2 = Match ()
typesAreEqual (Skolem _ s1 _ _) (Skolem _ s2 _ _) | s1 == s2 = Match ()
typesAreEqual (Skolem _ _ _ _) _ = Unknown
typesAreEqual _ (Skolem _ _ _ _) = Unknown
typesAreEqual (TypeVar v1) (TypeVar v2) | v1 == v2 = Match ()
typesAreEqual (TypeLevelString s1) (TypeLevelString s2) | s1 == s2 = Match ()
typesAreEqual (TypeConstructor c1) (TypeConstructor c2) | c1 == c2 = Match ()
typesAreEqual (TypeApp h1 t1) (TypeApp h2 t2) = typesAreEqual h1 h2 <> typesAreEqual t1 t2
typesAreEqual REmpty REmpty = Match ()
typesAreEqual r1 r2 | isRCons r1 || isRCons r2 =
let (common, rest) = alignRowsWith typesAreEqual r1 r2
in fold common <> uncurry go rest
go :: ([(Label, Type)], Type) -> ([(Label, Type)], Type) -> Matched ()
go (l, KindedType t1 _) (r, t2) = go (l, t1) (r, t2)
go (l, t1) (r, KindedType t2 _) = go (l, t1) (r, t2)
go ([], TUnknown u1) ([], TUnknown u2) | u1 == u2 = Match ()
go ([], Skolem _ s1 _ _) ([], Skolem _ s2 _ _) | s1 == s2 = Match ()
go ([], Skolem _ _ _ _) _ = Unknown
go _ ([], Skolem _ _ _ _) = Unknown
go ([], REmpty) ([], REmpty) = Match ()
go ([], TypeVar v1) ([], TypeVar v2) | v1 == v2 = Match ()
go _ _ = Apart
typesAreEqual _ _ = Apart
isRCons :: Type -> Bool
isRCons RCons{} = True
isRCons _ = False
:: MonadState CheckState m
=> [(Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName), Integer)]
-> Qualified Ident
-> Constraint
-> m [NamedDict]
newDictionaries path name (Constraint className instanceTy _) = do
tcs <- gets (typeClasses . checkEnv)
let TypeClassData{..} = fromMaybe (internalError "newDictionaries: type class lookup failed") $ M.lookup className tcs
supDicts <- join <$> zipWithM (\(Constraint supName supArgs _) index ->
newDictionaries ((supName, index) : path)
(Constraint supName (instantiateSuperclass (map fst typeClassArguments) supArgs instanceTy) Nothing)
) typeClassSuperclasses [0..]
return (TypeClassDictionaryInScope [] 0 name path className instanceTy Nothing : supDicts)
instantiateSuperclass :: [Text] -> [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]
instantiateSuperclass args supArgs tys = map (replaceAllTypeVars (zip args tys)) supArgs
mkContext :: [NamedDict] -> InstanceContext
mkContext = foldr combineContexts M.empty . map fromDict where
fromDict d = M.singleton Nothing (M.singleton (tcdClassName d) (M.singleton (tcdValue d) d))
pairwiseAll :: Monoid m => (a -> a -> m) -> [a] -> m
pairwiseAll _ [] = mempty
pairwiseAll _ [_] = mempty
pairwiseAll p (x : xs) = foldMap (p x) xs <> pairwiseAll p xs
pairwiseAny :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
pairwiseAny _ [] = False
pairwiseAny _ [_] = False
pairwiseAny p (x : xs) = any (p x) xs || pairwiseAny p xs
pairwiseM :: Applicative m => (a -> a -> m ()) -> [a] -> m ()
pairwiseM _ [] = pure ()
pairwiseM _ [_] = pure ()
pairwiseM p (x : xs) = traverse (p x) xs *> pairwiseM p xs