module Language.PureScript.Sugar.TypeClasses.Deriving (deriveInstances) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (replicateM, zipWithM, unless, when)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (MonadWriter(..))
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (foldl', find, sortBy, unzip5)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import Language.PureScript.AST
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Externs
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Label (Label(..))
import Language.PureScript.PSString (mkString)
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker (checkNewtype)
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Synonyms (SynonymMap, replaceAllTypeSynonymsM)
data NewtypeDerivedInstances = NewtypeDerivedInstances
{ ndiClasses :: M.Map (ModuleName, ProperName 'ClassName) ([Text], [Constraint], [FunctionalDependency])
, ndiDerivedInstances :: S.Set ((ModuleName, ProperName 'ClassName), (ModuleName, ProperName 'TypeName))
} deriving Show
instance Monoid NewtypeDerivedInstances where
mempty = NewtypeDerivedInstances mempty mempty
mappend x y =
NewtypeDerivedInstances { ndiClasses = ndiClasses x <> ndiClasses y
, ndiDerivedInstances = ndiDerivedInstances x <> ndiDerivedInstances y
extractNewtypeName :: ModuleName -> [Type] -> Maybe (ModuleName, ProperName 'TypeName)
extractNewtypeName _ [] = Nothing
extractNewtypeName mn xs = go (last xs) where
go (TypeApp ty (TypeVar _)) = go ty
go (TypeConstructor name) = Just (qualify mn name)
go _ = Nothing
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> [ExternsFile]
-> Module
-> m Module
deriveInstances externs (Module ss coms mn ds exts) =
Module ss coms mn <$> mapM (deriveInstance mn synonyms instanceData ds) ds <*> pure exts
synonyms :: SynonymMap
synonyms =
M.fromList $ (externs >>= \ExternsFile{..} -> mapMaybe (fromExternsDecl efModuleName) efDeclarations)
++ mapMaybe fromLocalDecl ds
fromExternsDecl mn' (EDTypeSynonym name args ty) = Just (Qualified (Just mn') name, (args, ty))
fromExternsDecl _ _ = Nothing
fromLocalDecl (TypeSynonymDeclaration _ name args ty) =
Just (Qualified (Just mn) name, (args, ty))
fromLocalDecl _ = Nothing
instanceData :: NewtypeDerivedInstances
instanceData =
foldMap (\ExternsFile{..} -> foldMap (fromExternsDecl efModuleName) efDeclarations) externs <> foldMap fromLocalDecl ds
fromExternsDecl mn' EDClass{..} =
NewtypeDerivedInstances (M.singleton (mn', edClassName) (map fst edClassTypeArguments, edClassConstraints, edFunctionalDependencies)) mempty
fromExternsDecl mn' EDInstance{..} =
foldMap (\nm -> NewtypeDerivedInstances mempty (S.singleton (qualify mn' edInstanceClassName, nm))) (extractNewtypeName mn' edInstanceTypes)
fromExternsDecl _ _ = mempty
fromLocalDecl (TypeClassDeclaration _ cl args cons deps _) =
NewtypeDerivedInstances (M.singleton (mn, cl) (map fst args, cons, deps)) mempty
fromLocalDecl (TypeInstanceDeclaration _ _ _ _ _ cl tys _) =
foldMap (\nm -> NewtypeDerivedInstances mempty (S.singleton (qualify mn cl, nm))) (extractNewtypeName mn tys)
fromLocalDecl _ = mempty
:: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> NewtypeDerivedInstances
-> [Declaration]
-> Declaration
-> m Declaration
deriveInstance mn syns _ ds (TypeInstanceDeclaration sa@(ss, _) ch idx nm deps className tys DerivedInstance)
| className == Qualified (Just dataEq) (ProperName "Eq")
= case tys of
[ty] | Just (Qualified mn' tyCon, _) <- unwrapTypeConstructor ty
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className tys . ExplicitInstance <$> deriveEq ss mn syns ds tyCon
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys ty
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 1
| className == Qualified (Just dataEq) (ProperName "Eq1")
= case tys of
[ty] | Just (Qualified mn' _, _) <- unwrapTypeConstructor ty
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> pure . TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className tys . ExplicitInstance $ deriveEq1 ss
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys ty
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 1
| className == Qualified (Just dataOrd) (ProperName "Ord")
= case tys of
[ty] | Just (Qualified mn' tyCon, _) <- unwrapTypeConstructor ty
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className tys . ExplicitInstance <$> deriveOrd ss mn syns ds tyCon
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys ty
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 1
| className == Qualified (Just dataOrd) (ProperName "Ord1")
= case tys of
[ty] | Just (Qualified mn' _, _) <- unwrapTypeConstructor ty
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> pure . TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className tys . ExplicitInstance $ deriveOrd1 ss
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys ty
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 1
| className == Qualified (Just dataFunctor) (ProperName "Functor")
= case tys of
[ty] | Just (Qualified mn' tyCon, _) <- unwrapTypeConstructor ty
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className tys . ExplicitInstance <$> deriveFunctor ss mn syns ds tyCon
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys ty
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 1
| className == Qualified (Just dataNewtype) (ProperName "Newtype")
= case tys of
[wrappedTy, unwrappedTy]
| Just (Qualified mn' tyCon, args) <- unwrapTypeConstructor wrappedTy
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> do (inst, actualUnwrappedTy) <- deriveNewtype ss mn syns ds tyCon args unwrappedTy
return $ TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className [wrappedTy, actualUnwrappedTy] (ExplicitInstance inst)
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys wrappedTy
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 2
| className == Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName C.generic)
= case tys of
[actualTy, repTy]
| Just (Qualified mn' tyCon, args) <- unwrapTypeConstructor actualTy
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> do (inst, inferredRepTy) <- deriveGenericRep ss mn syns ds tyCon args repTy
return $ TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className [actualTy, inferredRepTy] (ExplicitInstance inst)
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys actualTy
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidDerivedInstance className tys 2
| otherwise = throwError . errorMessage' ss $ CannotDerive className tys
deriveInstance mn syns ndis ds (TypeInstanceDeclaration sa@(ss, _) ch idx nm deps className tys NewtypeInstance) =
case tys of
_ : _ | Just (Qualified mn' tyCon, args) <- unwrapTypeConstructor (last tys)
, mn == fromMaybe mn mn'
-> TypeInstanceDeclaration sa ch idx nm deps className tys . NewtypeInstanceWithDictionary <$> deriveNewtypeInstance ss mn syns ndis className ds tys tyCon args
| otherwise -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedTypeConstructor className tys (last tys)
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidNewtypeInstance className tys
deriveInstance _ _ _ _ e = return e
unwrapTypeConstructor :: Type -> Maybe (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName), [Type])
unwrapTypeConstructor = fmap (second reverse) . go
go (TypeConstructor tyCon) = Just (tyCon, [])
go (TypeApp ty arg) = do
(tyCon, args) <- go ty
return (tyCon, arg : args)
go _ = Nothing
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m)
=> SourceSpan
-> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> NewtypeDerivedInstances
-> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)
-> [Declaration]
-> [Type]
-> ProperName 'TypeName
-> [Type]
-> m Expr
deriveNewtypeInstance ss mn syns ndis className ds tys tyConNm dargs = do
tyCon <- findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
go tyCon
go (DataDeclaration _ Newtype _ tyArgNames [(_, [wrapped])]) = do
wrapped' <- replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns wrapped
case stripRight (takeReverse (length tyArgNames - length dargs) tyArgNames) wrapped' of
Just wrapped'' -> do
let subst = zipWith (\(name, _) t -> (name, t)) tyArgNames dargs
return (DeferredDictionary className (init tys ++ [replaceAllTypeVars subst wrapped'']))
Nothing -> throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidNewtypeInstance className tys
go _ = throwError . errorMessage' ss $ InvalidNewtypeInstance className tys
takeReverse :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
takeReverse n = take n . reverse
stripRight :: [(Text, Maybe kind)] -> Type -> Maybe Type
stripRight [] ty = Just ty
stripRight ((arg, _) : args) (TypeApp t (TypeVar arg'))
| arg == arg' = stripRight args t
stripRight _ _ = Nothing
verifySuperclasses :: m ()
verifySuperclasses =
for_ (M.lookup (qualify mn className) (ndiClasses ndis)) $ \(args, superclasses, _) ->
for_ superclasses $ \Constraint{..} -> do
let constraintClass' = qualify (error "verifySuperclasses: unknown class module") constraintClass
for_ (M.lookup constraintClass' (ndiClasses ndis)) $ \(_, _, deps) ->
when (not (null args) && any ((last args `elem`) . usedTypeVariables) constraintArgs) $ do
let determined = map (TypeVar . (args !!)) . ordNub . concatMap fdDetermined . filter ((== [length args - 1]) . fdDeterminers) $ deps
if last constraintArgs == TypeVar (last args) && all (`elem` determined) (init constraintArgs)
then do
for_ (extractNewtypeName mn tys) $ \nm ->
unless ((constraintClass', nm) `S.member` ndiDerivedInstances ndis) $
tell . errorMessage' ss $ MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance constraintClass className tys
else tell . errorMessage' ss $ UnverifiableSuperclassInstance constraintClass className tys
dataGenericRep :: ModuleName
dataGenericRep = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Generic", ProperName "Rep" ]
dataEq :: ModuleName
dataEq = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Eq" ]
dataOrd :: ModuleName
dataOrd = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Ord" ]
dataNewtype :: ModuleName
dataNewtype = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Newtype" ]
dataFunctor :: ModuleName
dataFunctor = ModuleName [ ProperName "Data", ProperName "Functor" ]
unguarded :: Expr -> [GuardedExpr]
unguarded e = [MkUnguarded e]
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> [Declaration]
-> ProperName 'TypeName
-> [Type]
-> Type
-> m ([Declaration], Type)
deriveGenericRep ss mn syns ds tyConNm tyConArgs repTy = do
checkIsWildcard ss tyConNm repTy
go =<< findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
go :: Declaration -> m ([Declaration], Type)
go (DataDeclaration (ss', _) _ _ args dctors) = do
x <- freshIdent "x"
(reps, to, from) <- unzip3 <$> traverse makeInst dctors
let rep = toRepTy reps
inst | null reps =
[ ValueDecl (ss', []) (Ident "to") Public [] $ unguarded $
lamCase ss' x
[ CaseAlternative
(unguarded (App toName (Var ss' (Qualified Nothing x))))
, ValueDecl (ss', []) (Ident "from") Public [] $ unguarded $
lamCase ss' x
[ CaseAlternative
(unguarded (App fromName (Var ss' (Qualified Nothing x))))
| otherwise =
[ ValueDecl (ss', []) (Ident "to") Public [] $ unguarded $
lamCase ss' x (zipWith ($) (map underBinder (sumBinders (length dctors))) to)
, ValueDecl (ss', []) (Ident "from") Public [] $ unguarded $
lamCase ss' x (zipWith ($) (map underExpr (sumExprs (length dctors))) from)
subst = zipWith ((,) . fst) args tyConArgs
return (inst, replaceAllTypeVars subst rep)
go _ = internalError "deriveGenericRep go: expected DataDeclaration"
select :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Int -> [a -> a]
select _ _ 0 = []
select _ _ 1 = [id]
select l r n = take (n - 1) (iterate (r .) l) ++ [compN (n - 1) r]
sumBinders :: Int -> [Binder -> Binder]
sumBinders = select (ConstructorBinder ss inl . pure) (ConstructorBinder ss inr . pure)
sumExprs :: Int -> [Expr -> Expr]
sumExprs = select (App (Constructor ss inl)) (App (Constructor ss inr))
compN :: Int -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
compN 0 _ = id
compN n f = f . compN (n - 1) f
:: (ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type])
-> m (Type, CaseAlternative, CaseAlternative)
makeInst (ctorName, args) = do
args' <- mapM (replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns) args
(ctorTy, matchProduct, ctorArgs, matchCtor, mkProduct) <- makeProduct args'
return ( TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor constructor)
(TypeLevelString $ mkString (runProperName ctorName)))
, CaseAlternative [ ConstructorBinder ss constructor [matchProduct] ]
(unguarded (foldl' App (Constructor ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName)) ctorArgs))
, CaseAlternative [ ConstructorBinder ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) matchCtor ]
(unguarded (constructor' mkProduct))
:: [Type]
-> m (Type, Binder, [Expr], [Binder], Expr)
makeProduct [] =
pure (noArgs, NullBinder, [], [], noArgs')
makeProduct args = do
(tys, bs1, es1, bs2, es2) <- unzip5 <$> traverse makeArg args
pure ( foldr1 (\f -> TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeConstructor productName) f)) tys
, foldr1 (\b1 b2 -> ConstructorBinder ss productName [b1, b2]) bs1
, es1
, bs2
, foldr1 (\e1 -> App (App (Constructor ss productName) e1)) es2
makeArg :: Type -> m (Type, Binder, Expr, Binder, Expr)
makeArg arg = do
argName <- freshIdent "arg"
pure ( TypeApp (TypeConstructor argument) arg
, ConstructorBinder ss argument [ VarBinder ss argName ]
, Var ss (Qualified Nothing argName)
, VarBinder ss argName
, argument' (Var ss (Qualified Nothing argName))
underBinder :: (Binder -> Binder) -> CaseAlternative -> CaseAlternative
underBinder f (CaseAlternative bs e) = CaseAlternative (map f bs) e
underExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> CaseAlternative -> CaseAlternative
underExpr f (CaseAlternative b [MkUnguarded e]) = CaseAlternative b (unguarded (f e))
underExpr _ _ = internalError "underExpr: expected unguarded alternative"
toRepTy :: [Type] -> Type
toRepTy [] = noCtors
toRepTy [only] = only
toRepTy ctors = foldr1 (\f -> TypeApp (TypeApp sumCtor f)) ctors
toName :: Expr
toName = Var ss (Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (Ident "to"))
fromName :: Expr
fromName = Var ss (Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (Ident "from"))
noCtors :: Type
noCtors = TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "NoConstructors"))
noArgs :: Type
noArgs = TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "NoArguments"))
noArgs' :: Expr
noArgs' = Constructor ss (Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "NoArguments"))
sumCtor :: Type
sumCtor = TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "Sum"))
inl :: Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
inl = Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "Inl")
inr :: Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
inr = Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "Inr")
productName :: Qualified (ProperName ty)
productName = Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "Product")
constructor :: Qualified (ProperName ty)
constructor = Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "Constructor")
constructor' :: Expr -> Expr
constructor' = App (Constructor ss constructor)
argument :: Qualified (ProperName ty)
argument = Qualified (Just dataGenericRep) (ProperName "Argument")
argument' :: Expr -> Expr
argument' = App (Constructor ss argument)
checkIsWildcard :: MonadError MultipleErrors m => SourceSpan -> ProperName 'TypeName -> Type -> m ()
checkIsWildcard _ _ (TypeWildcard _) = return ()
checkIsWildcard ss tyConNm _ =
throwError . errorMessage' ss $ ExpectedWildcard tyConNm
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> [Declaration]
-> ProperName 'TypeName
-> m [Declaration]
deriveEq ss mn syns ds tyConNm = do
tyCon <- findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
eqFun <- mkEqFunction tyCon
return [ ValueDecl (ss, []) (Ident C.eq) Public [] (unguarded eqFun) ]
mkEqFunction :: Declaration -> m Expr
mkEqFunction (DataDeclaration (ss', _) _ _ _ args) = do
x <- freshIdent "x"
y <- freshIdent "y"
lamCase2 ss' x y <$> (addCatch <$> mapM mkCtorClause args)
mkEqFunction _ = internalError "mkEqFunction: expected DataDeclaration"
preludeConj :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
preludeConj = App . App (Var ss (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName "Data", ProperName "HeytingAlgebra"])) (Ident C.conj)))
preludeEq :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
preludeEq = App . App (Var ss (Qualified (Just dataEq) (Ident C.eq)))
preludeEq1 :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
preludeEq1 = App . App (Var ss (Qualified (Just dataEq) (Ident C.eq1)))
addCatch :: [CaseAlternative] -> [CaseAlternative]
addCatch xs
| length xs /= 1 = xs ++ [catchAll]
| otherwise = xs
catchAll = CaseAlternative [NullBinder, NullBinder] (unguarded (Literal ss (BooleanLiteral False)))
mkCtorClause :: (ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type]) -> m CaseAlternative
mkCtorClause (ctorName, tys) = do
identsL <- replicateM (length tys) (freshIdent "l")
identsR <- replicateM (length tys) (freshIdent "r")
tys' <- mapM (replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns) tys
let tests = zipWith3 toEqTest (map (Var ss . Qualified Nothing) identsL) (map (Var ss . Qualified Nothing) identsR) tys'
return $ CaseAlternative [caseBinder identsL, caseBinder identsR] (unguarded (conjAll tests))
caseBinder idents = ConstructorBinder ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) (map (VarBinder ss) idents)
conjAll :: [Expr] -> Expr
conjAll [] = Literal ss (BooleanLiteral True)
conjAll xs = foldl1 preludeConj xs
toEqTest :: Expr -> Expr -> Type -> Expr
toEqTest l r ty
| Just rec <- objectType ty
, Just fields <- decomposeRec rec =
. map (\((Label str), typ) -> toEqTest (Accessor str l) (Accessor str r) typ)
$ fields
| isAppliedVar ty = preludeEq1 l r
| otherwise = preludeEq l r
deriveEq1 :: SourceSpan -> [Declaration]
deriveEq1 ss =
[ ValueDecl (ss, []) (Ident C.eq1) Public [] (unguarded preludeEq)]
preludeEq :: Expr
preludeEq = Var ss (Qualified (Just dataEq) (Ident C.eq))
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> [Declaration]
-> ProperName 'TypeName
-> m [Declaration]
deriveOrd ss mn syns ds tyConNm = do
tyCon <- findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
compareFun <- mkCompareFunction tyCon
return [ ValueDecl (ss, []) (Ident Public [] (unguarded compareFun) ]
mkCompareFunction :: Declaration -> m Expr
mkCompareFunction (DataDeclaration (ss', _) _ _ _ args) = do
x <- freshIdent "x"
y <- freshIdent "y"
lamCase2 ss' x y <$> (addCatch . concat <$> mapM mkCtorClauses (splitLast args))
mkCompareFunction _ = internalError "mkCompareFunction: expected DataDeclaration"
splitLast :: [a] -> [(a, Bool)]
splitLast [] = []
splitLast [x] = [(x, True)]
splitLast (x : xs) = (x, False) : splitLast xs
addCatch :: [CaseAlternative] -> [CaseAlternative]
addCatch xs
| null xs = [catchAll]
| otherwise = xs
catchAll = CaseAlternative [NullBinder, NullBinder] (unguarded (orderingCtor "EQ"))
orderingName :: Text -> Qualified (ProperName a)
orderingName = Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName "Data", ProperName "Ordering"])) . ProperName
orderingCtor :: Text -> Expr
orderingCtor = Constructor ss . orderingName
orderingBinder :: Text -> Binder
orderingBinder name = ConstructorBinder ss (orderingName name) []
ordCompare :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
ordCompare = App . App (Var ss (Qualified (Just dataOrd) (Ident
ordCompare1 :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
ordCompare1 = App . App (Var ss (Qualified (Just dataOrd) (Ident C.compare1)))
mkCtorClauses :: ((ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type]), Bool) -> m [CaseAlternative]
mkCtorClauses ((ctorName, tys), isLast) = do
identsL <- replicateM (length tys) (freshIdent "l")
identsR <- replicateM (length tys) (freshIdent "r")
tys' <- mapM (replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns) tys
let tests = zipWith3 toOrdering (map (Var ss . Qualified Nothing) identsL) (map (Var ss . Qualified Nothing) identsR) tys'
extras | not isLast = [ CaseAlternative [ ConstructorBinder ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) (replicate (length tys) NullBinder)
, NullBinder
(unguarded (orderingCtor "LT"))
, CaseAlternative [ NullBinder
, ConstructorBinder ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) (replicate (length tys) NullBinder)
(unguarded (orderingCtor "GT"))
| otherwise = []
return $ CaseAlternative [ caseBinder identsL
, caseBinder identsR
(unguarded (appendAll tests))
: extras
caseBinder idents = ConstructorBinder ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) (map (VarBinder ss) idents)
appendAll :: [Expr] -> Expr
appendAll [] = orderingCtor "EQ"
appendAll [x] = x
appendAll (x : xs) = Case [x] [ CaseAlternative [orderingBinder "LT"]
(unguarded (orderingCtor "LT"))
, CaseAlternative [orderingBinder "GT"]
(unguarded (orderingCtor "GT"))
, CaseAlternative [ NullBinder ]
(unguarded (appendAll xs))
toOrdering :: Expr -> Expr -> Type -> Expr
toOrdering l r ty
| Just rec <- objectType ty
, Just fields <- decomposeRec rec =
. map (\((Label str), typ) -> toOrdering (Accessor str l) (Accessor str r) typ)
$ fields
| isAppliedVar ty = ordCompare1 l r
| otherwise = ordCompare l r
deriveOrd1 :: SourceSpan -> [Declaration]
deriveOrd1 ss =
[ ValueDecl (ss, []) (Ident C.compare1) Public [] (unguarded dataOrdCompare)]
dataOrdCompare :: Expr
dataOrdCompare = Var ss (Qualified (Just dataOrd) (Ident
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> [Declaration]
-> ProperName 'TypeName
-> [Type]
-> Type
-> m ([Declaration], Type)
deriveNewtype ss mn syns ds tyConNm tyConArgs unwrappedTy = do
checkIsWildcard ss tyConNm unwrappedTy
go =<< findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
go :: Declaration -> m ([Declaration], Type)
go (DataDeclaration (ss', _) Data name _ _) =
throwError . errorMessage' ss' $ CannotDeriveNewtypeForData name
go (DataDeclaration (ss', _) Newtype name args dctors) = do
checkNewtype name dctors
wrappedIdent <- freshIdent "n"
unwrappedIdent <- freshIdent "a"
let (ctorName, [ty]) = head dctors
ty' <- replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns ty
let inst =
[ ValueDecl (ss', []) (Ident "wrap") Public [] $ unguarded $
Constructor ss' (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName)
, ValueDecl (ss', []) (Ident "unwrap") Public [] $ unguarded $
lamCase ss' wrappedIdent
[ CaseAlternative
[ConstructorBinder ss' (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) [VarBinder ss' unwrappedIdent]]
(unguarded (Var ss' (Qualified Nothing unwrappedIdent)))
subst = zipWith ((,) . fst) args tyConArgs
return (inst, replaceAllTypeVars subst ty')
go _ = internalError "deriveNewtype go: expected DataDeclaration"
:: (MonadError MultipleErrors m)
=> ProperName 'TypeName
-> [Declaration]
-> m Declaration
findTypeDecl tyConNm = maybe (throwError . errorMessage $ CannotFindDerivingType tyConNm) return . find isTypeDecl
isTypeDecl :: Declaration -> Bool
isTypeDecl (DataDeclaration _ _ nm _ _) | nm == tyConNm = True
isTypeDecl _ = False
lam :: SourceSpan -> Ident -> Expr -> Expr
lam ss = Abs . VarBinder ss
lamCase :: SourceSpan -> Ident -> [CaseAlternative] -> Expr
lamCase ss s = lam ss s . Case [mkVar ss s]
lamCase2 :: SourceSpan -> Ident -> Ident -> [CaseAlternative] -> Expr
lamCase2 ss s t = lam ss s . lam ss t . Case [mkVar ss s, mkVar ss t]
mkVarMn :: SourceSpan -> Maybe ModuleName -> Ident -> Expr
mkVarMn ss mn = Var ss . Qualified mn
mkVar :: SourceSpan -> Ident -> Expr
mkVar ss = mkVarMn ss Nothing
isAppliedVar :: Type -> Bool
isAppliedVar (TypeApp (TypeVar _) _) = True
isAppliedVar _ = False
objectType :: Type -> Maybe Type
objectType (TypeApp (TypeConstructor C.Record) rec) = Just rec
objectType _ = Nothing
decomposeRec :: Type -> Maybe [(Label, Type)]
decomposeRec = fmap (sortBy (comparing fst)) . go
where go (RCons str typ typs) = fmap ((str, typ) :) (go typs)
go REmpty = Just []
go _ = Nothing
decomposeRec' :: Type -> [(Label, Type)]
decomposeRec' = sortBy (comparing fst) . go
where go (RCons str typ typs) = (str, typ) : go typs
go _ = []
:: forall m
. (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> ModuleName
-> SynonymMap
-> [Declaration]
-> ProperName 'TypeName
-> m [Declaration]
deriveFunctor ss mn syns ds tyConNm = do
tyCon <- findTypeDecl tyConNm ds
mapFun <- mkMapFunction tyCon
return [ ValueDecl (ss, []) (Ident Public [] (unguarded mapFun) ]
mkMapFunction :: Declaration -> m Expr
mkMapFunction (DataDeclaration (ss', _) _ _ tys ctors) = case reverse tys of
[] -> throwError . errorMessage' ss' $ KindsDoNotUnify (FunKind kindType kindType) kindType
((iTy, _) : _) -> do
f <- freshIdent "f"
m <- freshIdent "m"
lam ss' f . lamCase ss' m <$> mapM (mkCtorClause iTy f) ctors
mkMapFunction _ = internalError "mkMapFunction: expected DataDeclaration"
mkCtorClause :: Text -> Ident -> (ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type]) -> m CaseAlternative
mkCtorClause iTyName f (ctorName, ctorTys) = do
idents <- replicateM (length ctorTys) (freshIdent "v")
ctorTys' <- mapM (replaceAllTypeSynonymsM syns) ctorTys
args <- zipWithM transformArg idents ctorTys'
let ctor = Constructor ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName)
rebuilt = foldl' App ctor args
caseBinder = ConstructorBinder ss (Qualified (Just mn) ctorName) (VarBinder ss <$> idents)
return $ CaseAlternative [caseBinder] (unguarded rebuilt)
fVar = mkVar ss f
mapVar = mkVarMn ss (Just dataFunctor) (Ident
transformArg :: Ident -> Type -> m Expr
transformArg ident = fmap (foldr App (mkVar ss ident)) . goType where
goType :: Type -> m (Maybe Expr)
goType (TypeVar t) | t == iTyName = return (Just fVar)
goType recTy | Just row <- objectType recTy =
traverse buildUpdate (decomposeRec' row) >>= (traverse buildRecord . justUpdates)
justUpdates :: [Maybe (Label, Expr)] -> Maybe [(Label, Expr)]
justUpdates = foldMap (fmap return)
buildUpdate :: (Label, Type) -> m (Maybe (Label, Expr))
buildUpdate (lbl, ty) = do upd <- goType ty
return ((lbl,) <$> upd)
buildRecord :: [(Label, Expr)] -> m Expr
buildRecord updates = do
arg <- freshIdent "o"
let argVar = mkVar ss arg
mkAssignment ((Label l), x) = (l, App x (Accessor l argVar))
return (lam ss arg (ObjectUpdate argVar (mkAssignment <$> updates)))
goType (ForAll scopedVar t _) | scopedVar /= iTyName = goType t
goType (ConstrainedType _ t) = goType t
goType (TypeApp _ t) = fmap (App mapVar) <$> goType t
goType _ = return Nothing