module Language.PureScript.Linter.Exhaustive
( checkExhaustiveExpr
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class (MonadSupply, fresh, freshName)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (foldl', sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Language.PureScript.AST.Binders
import Language.PureScript.AST.Declarations
import Language.PureScript.AST.Literals
import Language.PureScript.Crash
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names as P
import Language.PureScript.Pretty.Values (prettyPrintBinderAtom)
import Language.PureScript.Traversals
import Language.PureScript.Types as P
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C
data RedundancyError = Incomplete | Unknown
:: ProperName a
-> ModuleName
-> Qualified (ProperName b)
-> Qualified (ProperName a)
qualifyName n defmn qn = Qualified (Just mn) n
(mn, _) = qualify defmn qn
getConstructors :: Environment -> ModuleName -> Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName) -> [(ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type])]
getConstructors env defmn n = extractConstructors lnte
extractConstructors :: Maybe (Kind, TypeKind) -> [(ProperName 'ConstructorName, [Type])]
extractConstructors (Just (_, DataType _ pt)) = pt
extractConstructors _ = internalError "Data name not in the scope of the current environment in extractConstructors"
lnte :: Maybe (Kind, TypeKind)
lnte = M.lookup qpn (types env)
qpn :: Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)
qpn = getConsDataName n
getConsDataName :: Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName) -> Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)
getConsDataName con =
case getConsInfo con of
Nothing -> internalError $ "Constructor " ++ T.unpack (showQualified runProperName con) ++ " not in the scope of the current environment in getConsDataName."
Just (_, pm, _, _) -> qualifyName pm defmn con
getConsInfo :: Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName) -> Maybe (DataDeclType, ProperName 'TypeName, Type, [Ident])
getConsInfo con = M.lookup con (dataConstructors env)
initialize :: Int -> [Binder]
initialize l = replicate l NullBinder
genericMerge :: Ord a =>
(a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c -> d) ->
[(a, b)] ->
[(a, c)] ->
genericMerge _ [] [] = []
genericMerge f bs [] = map (\(s, b) -> f s (Just b) Nothing) bs
genericMerge f [] bs = map (\(s, b) -> f s Nothing (Just b)) bs
genericMerge f bsl@((s, b):bs) bsr@((s', b'):bs')
| s < s' = f s (Just b) Nothing : genericMerge f bs bsr
| s > s' = f s' Nothing (Just b') : genericMerge f bsl bs'
| otherwise = f s (Just b) (Just b') : genericMerge f bs bs'
missingCasesSingle :: Environment -> ModuleName -> Binder -> Binder -> ([Binder], Either RedundancyError Bool)
missingCasesSingle _ _ _ NullBinder = ([], return True)
missingCasesSingle _ _ _ (VarBinder _ _) = ([], return True)
missingCasesSingle env mn (VarBinder _ _) b = missingCasesSingle env mn NullBinder b
missingCasesSingle env mn br (NamedBinder _ _ bl) = missingCasesSingle env mn br bl
missingCasesSingle env mn NullBinder cb@(ConstructorBinder ss con _) =
(concatMap (\cp -> fst $ missingCasesSingle env mn cp cb) allPatterns, return True)
allPatterns = map (\(p, t) -> ConstructorBinder ss (qualifyName p mn con) (initialize $ length t))
$ getConstructors env mn con
missingCasesSingle env mn cb@(ConstructorBinder ss con bs) (ConstructorBinder _ con' bs')
| con == con' = let (bs'', pr) = missingCasesMultiple env mn bs bs' in (map (ConstructorBinder ss con) bs'', pr)
| otherwise = ([cb], return False)
missingCasesSingle env mn NullBinder (LiteralBinder ss (ObjectLiteral bs)) =
(map (LiteralBinder ss . ObjectLiteral . zip (map fst bs)) allMisses, pr)
(allMisses, pr) = missingCasesMultiple env mn (initialize $ length bs) (map snd bs)
missingCasesSingle env mn (LiteralBinder _ (ObjectLiteral bs)) (LiteralBinder ss (ObjectLiteral bs')) =
(map (LiteralBinder ss . ObjectLiteral . zip sortedNames) allMisses, pr)
(allMisses, pr) = uncurry (missingCasesMultiple env mn) (unzip binders)
sortNames = sortBy (compare `on` fst)
(sbs, sbs') = (sortNames bs, sortNames bs')
compB :: a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> (a, a)
compB e b b' = (fm b, fm b')
fm = fromMaybe e
compBS :: b -> a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b -> (a, (b, b))
compBS e s b b' = (s, compB e b b')
(sortedNames, binders) = unzip $ genericMerge (compBS NullBinder) sbs sbs'
missingCasesSingle _ _ NullBinder (LiteralBinder ss (BooleanLiteral b)) = ([LiteralBinder ss . BooleanLiteral $ not b], return True)
missingCasesSingle _ _ (LiteralBinder ss (BooleanLiteral bl)) (LiteralBinder _ (BooleanLiteral br))
| bl == br = ([], return True)
| otherwise = ([LiteralBinder ss $ BooleanLiteral bl], return False)
missingCasesSingle env mn b (PositionedBinder _ _ cb) = missingCasesSingle env mn b cb
missingCasesSingle env mn b (TypedBinder _ cb) = missingCasesSingle env mn b cb
missingCasesSingle _ _ b _ = ([b], Left Unknown)
missingCasesMultiple :: Environment -> ModuleName -> [Binder] -> [Binder] -> ([[Binder]], Either RedundancyError Bool)
missingCasesMultiple env mn = go
go (x:xs) (y:ys) = (map (: xs) miss1 ++ map (x :) miss2, liftA2 (&&) pr1 pr2)
(miss1, pr1) = missingCasesSingle env mn x y
(miss2, pr2) = go xs ys
go _ _ = ([], pure True)
isExhaustiveGuard :: Environment -> ModuleName -> [GuardedExpr] -> Bool
isExhaustiveGuard _ _ [MkUnguarded _] = True
isExhaustiveGuard env moduleName gs =
not . null $ filter (\(GuardedExpr grd _) -> isExhaustive grd) gs
isExhaustive :: [Guard] -> Bool
isExhaustive = all checkGuard
checkGuard :: Guard -> Bool
checkGuard (ConditionGuard cond) = isTrueExpr cond
checkGuard (PatternGuard binder _) =
case missingCasesMultiple env moduleName [NullBinder] [binder] of
([], _) -> True
_ -> False
missingCases :: Environment -> ModuleName -> [Binder] -> CaseAlternative -> ([[Binder]], Either RedundancyError Bool)
missingCases env mn uncovered ca = missingCasesMultiple env mn uncovered (caseAlternativeBinders ca)
missingAlternative :: Environment -> ModuleName -> CaseAlternative -> [Binder] -> ([[Binder]], Either RedundancyError Bool)
missingAlternative env mn ca uncovered
| isExhaustiveGuard env mn (caseAlternativeResult ca) = mcases
| otherwise = ([uncovered], snd mcases)
mcases = missingCases env mn uncovered ca
:: forall m
. (MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> Environment
-> ModuleName
-> Int
-> [CaseAlternative]
-> Expr
-> m Expr
checkExhaustive ss env mn numArgs cas expr = makeResult . first ordNub $ foldl' step ([initialize numArgs], (pure True, [])) cas
step :: ([[Binder]], (Either RedundancyError Bool, [[Binder]])) -> CaseAlternative -> ([[Binder]], (Either RedundancyError Bool, [[Binder]]))
step (uncovered, (nec, redundant)) ca =
let (missed, pr) = unzip (map (missingAlternative env mn ca) uncovered)
(missed', approx) = splitAt 10000 (ordNub (concat missed))
cond = or <$> sequenceA pr
in (missed', ( if null approx
then liftA2 (&&) cond nec
else Left Incomplete
, if either (const True) id cond
then redundant
else caseAlternativeBinders ca : redundant
makeResult :: ([[Binder]], (Either RedundancyError Bool, [[Binder]])) -> m Expr
makeResult (bss, (rr, bss')) =
do unless (null bss') tellRedundant
case rr of
Left Incomplete -> tellIncomplete
_ -> return ()
if null bss
then return expr
else addPartialConstraint (second null (splitAt 5 bss)) expr
tellRedundant = tell . errorMessage' ss . uncurry OverlappingPattern . second null . splitAt 5 $ bss'
tellIncomplete = tell . errorMessage' ss $ IncompleteExhaustivityCheck
addPartialConstraint :: ([[Binder]], Bool) -> Expr -> m Expr
addPartialConstraint (bss, complete) e = do
tyVar <- ("p" <>) . T.pack . show <$> fresh
var <- freshName
return $
[ partial var tyVar ]
$ App (Var ss (Qualified Nothing UnusedIdent)) e
partial :: Text -> Text -> Declaration
partial var tyVar =
ValueDecl (ss, []) UnusedIdent Private [] $
(Abs (VarBinder ss (Ident var)) (Var ss (Qualified Nothing (Ident var))))
(ty tyVar))
ty :: Text -> Type
ty tyVar =
ForAll tyVar
( ConstrainedType
(Constraint C.Partial [] (Just constraintData))
$ TypeApp (TypeApp tyFunction (TypeVar tyVar)) (TypeVar tyVar)
constraintData :: ConstraintData
constraintData =
PartialConstraintData (map (map prettyPrintBinderAtom) bss) complete
:: forall m
. (MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadSupply m)
=> SourceSpan
-> Environment
-> ModuleName
-> Expr
-> m Expr
checkExhaustiveExpr initSS env mn = onExpr initSS
onDecl :: Declaration -> m Declaration
onDecl (BindingGroupDeclaration bs) = BindingGroupDeclaration <$> mapM (\(sai@((ss, _), _), nk, expr) -> (sai, nk,) <$> onExpr ss expr) bs
onDecl (ValueDecl sa@(ss, _) name x y [MkUnguarded e]) =
ValueDecl sa name x y . mkUnguardedExpr <$> censor (addHint (ErrorInValueDeclaration name)) (onExpr ss e)
onDecl decl = return decl
onExpr :: SourceSpan -> Expr -> m Expr
onExpr _ (UnaryMinus ss e) = UnaryMinus ss <$> onExpr ss e
onExpr _ (Literal ss (ArrayLiteral es)) = Literal ss . ArrayLiteral <$> mapM (onExpr ss) es
onExpr _ (Literal ss (ObjectLiteral es)) = Literal ss . ObjectLiteral <$> mapM (sndM (onExpr ss)) es
onExpr ss (TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp x e) = TypeClassDictionaryConstructorApp x <$> onExpr ss e
onExpr ss (Accessor x e) = Accessor x <$> onExpr ss e
onExpr ss (ObjectUpdate o es) = ObjectUpdate <$> onExpr ss o <*> mapM (sndM (onExpr ss)) es
onExpr ss (Abs x e) = Abs x <$> onExpr ss e
onExpr ss (App e1 e2) = App <$> onExpr ss e1 <*> onExpr ss e2
onExpr ss (IfThenElse e1 e2 e3) = IfThenElse <$> onExpr ss e1 <*> onExpr ss e2 <*> onExpr ss e3
onExpr ss (Case es cas) = do
case' <- Case <$> mapM (onExpr ss) es <*> mapM (onCaseAlternative ss) cas
checkExhaustive ss env mn (length es) cas case'
onExpr ss (TypedValue x e y) = TypedValue x <$> onExpr ss e <*> pure y
onExpr ss (Let w ds e) = Let w <$> mapM onDecl ds <*> onExpr ss e
onExpr _ (PositionedValue ss x e) = PositionedValue ss x <$> onExpr ss e
onExpr _ expr = return expr
onCaseAlternative :: SourceSpan -> CaseAlternative -> m CaseAlternative
onCaseAlternative ss (CaseAlternative x [MkUnguarded e]) = CaseAlternative x . mkUnguardedExpr <$> onExpr ss e
onCaseAlternative ss (CaseAlternative x es) = CaseAlternative x <$> mapM (onGuardedExpr ss) es
onGuardedExpr :: SourceSpan -> GuardedExpr -> m GuardedExpr
onGuardedExpr ss (GuardedExpr guard rhs) = GuardedExpr guard <$> onExpr ss rhs
mkUnguardedExpr = pure . MkUnguarded