module Language.PureScript.Bundle
( bundle
, bundleSM
, guessModuleIdentifier
, ModuleIdentifier(..)
, moduleName
, ModuleType(..)
, ErrorMessage(..)
, printErrorMessage
, getExportedIdentifiers
) where
import Prelude.Compat
import Protolude (ordNub)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Char (chr, digitToInt)
import Data.Generics (everything, everywhere, mkQ, mkT)
import Data.Graph
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Language.JavaScript.Parser
import Language.JavaScript.Parser.AST
import qualified Paths_purescript as Paths
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, takeDirectory, takeDirectory, makeRelative)
import SourceMap.Types
data ErrorMessage
= UnsupportedModulePath String
| InvalidTopLevel
| UnableToParseModule String
| UnsupportedExport
| ErrorInModule ModuleIdentifier ErrorMessage
| MissingEntryPoint String
| MissingMainModule String
deriving (Show)
data ModuleType
= Regular
| Foreign
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
showModuleType :: ModuleType -> String
showModuleType Regular = "Regular"
showModuleType Foreign = "Foreign"
data ModuleIdentifier = ModuleIdentifier String ModuleType deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
moduleName :: ModuleIdentifier -> String
moduleName (ModuleIdentifier name _) = name
guessModuleIdentifier :: MonadError ErrorMessage m => FilePath -> m ModuleIdentifier
guessModuleIdentifier filename = ModuleIdentifier (takeFileName (takeDirectory filename)) <$> guessModuleType (takeFileName filename)
guessModuleType "index.js" = pure Regular
guessModuleType "foreign.js" = pure Foreign
guessModuleType name = throwError $ UnsupportedModulePath name
type Key = (ModuleIdentifier, String)
data ExportType
= RegularExport String
| ForeignReexport
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data ModuleElement
= Require JSStatement String (Either String ModuleIdentifier)
| Member JSStatement Bool String JSExpression [Key]
| ExportsList [(ExportType, String, JSExpression, [Key])]
| Other JSStatement
| Skip JSStatement
deriving (Show)
data Module = Module ModuleIdentifier (Maybe FilePath) [ModuleElement] deriving (Show)
printErrorMessage :: ErrorMessage -> [String]
printErrorMessage (UnsupportedModulePath s) =
[ "A CommonJS module has an unsupported name (" ++ show s ++ ")."
, "The following file names are supported:"
, " 1) index.js (PureScript native modules)"
, " 2) foreign.js (PureScript foreign modules)"
printErrorMessage InvalidTopLevel =
[ "Expected a list of source elements at the top level." ]
printErrorMessage (UnableToParseModule err) =
[ "The module could not be parsed:"
, err
printErrorMessage UnsupportedExport =
[ "An export was unsupported. Exports can be defined in one of two ways: "
, " 1) = ..."
, " 2) exports = { ... }"
printErrorMessage (ErrorInModule mid e) =
("Error in module " ++ displayIdentifier mid ++ ":")
: ""
: map (" " ++) (printErrorMessage e)
displayIdentifier (ModuleIdentifier name ty) =
name ++ " (" ++ showModuleType ty ++ ")"
printErrorMessage (MissingEntryPoint mName) =
[ "Couldn't find a CommonJS module for the specified entry point: " ++ mName
printErrorMessage (MissingMainModule mName) =
[ "Couldn't find a CommonJS module for the specified main module: " ++ mName
checkImportPath :: String -> ModuleIdentifier -> S.Set String -> Either String ModuleIdentifier
checkImportPath "./foreign.js" m _ =
Right (ModuleIdentifier (moduleName m) Foreign)
checkImportPath name _ names
| Just name' <- stripSuffix "/index.js" =<< stripPrefix "../" name
, name' `S.member` names = Right (ModuleIdentifier name' Regular)
checkImportPath name _ _ = Left name
stripSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
stripSuffix suffix xs =
case splitAt (length xs - length suffix) xs of
(before, after)
| after == suffix -> Just before
| otherwise -> Nothing
withDeps :: Module -> Module
withDeps (Module modulePath fn es) = Module modulePath fn (map expandDeps es)
imports :: [(String, ModuleIdentifier)]
imports = mapMaybe toImport es
toImport :: ModuleElement -> Maybe (String, ModuleIdentifier)
toImport (Require _ nm (Right mid)) = Just (nm, mid)
toImport _ = Nothing
boundNames :: [String]
boundNames = mapMaybe toBoundName es
toBoundName :: ModuleElement -> Maybe String
toBoundName (Member _ _ nm _ _) = Just nm
toBoundName _ = Nothing
expandDeps :: ModuleElement -> ModuleElement
expandDeps (Member n f nm decl _) = Member n f nm decl (ordNub $ dependencies modulePath decl)
expandDeps (ExportsList exps) = ExportsList (map expand exps)
expand (ty, nm, n1, _) = (ty, nm, n1, ordNub (dependencies modulePath n1))
expandDeps other = other
dependencies :: ModuleIdentifier -> JSExpression -> [(ModuleIdentifier, String)]
dependencies m = everything (++) (mkQ [] toReference)
toReference :: JSExpression -> [(ModuleIdentifier, String)]
toReference (JSMemberDot mn _ nm)
| JSIdentifier _ mn' <- mn
, JSIdentifier _ nm' <- nm
, Just mid <- lookup mn' imports
= [(mid, nm')]
toReference (JSMemberSquare mn _ nm _)
| JSIdentifier _ mn' <- mn
, Just nm' <- fromStringLiteral nm
, Just mid <- lookup mn' imports
= [(mid, nm')]
toReference (JSIdentifier _ nm)
| nm `elem` boundNames
= [(m, nm)]
toReference _ = []
fromStringLiteral :: JSExpression -> Maybe String
fromStringLiteral (JSStringLiteral _ str) = Just $ strValue str
fromStringLiteral _ = Nothing
strValue :: String -> String
strValue str = go $ drop 1 str
go ('\\' : 'b' : xs) = '\b' : go xs
go ('\\' : 'f' : xs) = '\f' : go xs
go ('\\' : 'n' : xs) = '\n' : go xs
go ('\\' : 'r' : xs) = '\r' : go xs
go ('\\' : 't' : xs) = '\t' : go xs
go ('\\' : 'v' : xs) = '\v' : go xs
go ('\\' : '0' : xs) = '\0' : go xs
go ('\\' : 'x' : a : b : xs) = chr (a' + b') : go xs
a' = 16 * digitToInt a
b' = digitToInt b
go ('\\' : 'u' : a : b : c : d : xs) = chr (a' + b' + c' + d') : go xs
a' = 16 * 16 * 16 * digitToInt a
b' = 16 * 16 * digitToInt b
c' = 16 * digitToInt c
d' = digitToInt d
go ('\\' : x : xs) = x : go xs
go "\"" = ""
go "'" = ""
go (x : xs) = x : go xs
go "" = ""
commaList :: JSCommaList a -> [a]
commaList JSLNil = []
commaList (JSLOne x) = [x]
commaList (JSLCons l _ x) = commaList l ++ [x]
trailingCommaList :: JSCommaTrailingList a -> [a]
trailingCommaList (JSCTLComma l _) = commaList l
trailingCommaList (JSCTLNone l) = commaList l
toModule :: forall m. (MonadError ErrorMessage m) => S.Set String -> ModuleIdentifier -> Maybe FilePath -> JSAST -> m Module
toModule mids mid filename top
| JSAstProgram smts _ <- top = Module mid filename <$> traverse toModuleElement smts
| otherwise = err InvalidTopLevel
err = throwError . ErrorInModule mid
toModuleElement :: JSStatement -> m ModuleElement
toModuleElement stmt
| Just (importName, importPath) <- matchRequire mids mid stmt
= pure (Require stmt importName importPath)
toModuleElement stmt
| Just (exported, name, decl) <- matchMember stmt
= pure (Member stmt exported name decl [])
toModuleElement stmt
| Just props <- matchExportsAssignment stmt
= ExportsList <$> traverse toExport (trailingCommaList props)
toExport :: JSObjectProperty -> m (ExportType, String, JSExpression, [Key])
toExport (JSPropertyNameandValue name _ [val]) =
(,,val,[]) <$> exportType val
<*> extractLabel' name
toExport _ = err UnsupportedExport
exportType :: JSExpression -> m ExportType
exportType (JSMemberDot f _ _)
| JSIdentifier _ "$foreign" <- f
= pure ForeignReexport
exportType (JSMemberSquare f _ _ _)
| JSIdentifier _ "$foreign" <- f
= pure ForeignReexport
exportType (JSIdentifier _ s) = pure (RegularExport s)
exportType _ = err UnsupportedExport
extractLabel' = maybe (err UnsupportedExport) pure . extractLabel
toModuleElement other = pure (Other other)
getExportedIdentifiers :: (MonadError ErrorMessage m)
=> String
-> m [String]
getExportedIdentifiers mname top
| JSAstProgram stmts _ <- top = concat <$> traverse go stmts
| otherwise = err InvalidTopLevel
err = throwError . ErrorInModule (ModuleIdentifier mname Foreign)
go stmt
| Just props <- matchExportsAssignment stmt
= traverse toIdent (trailingCommaList props)
| Just (True, name, _) <- matchMember stmt
= pure [name]
| otherwise
= pure []
toIdent (JSPropertyNameandValue name _ [_]) =
extractLabel' name
toIdent _ =
err UnsupportedExport
extractLabel' = maybe (err UnsupportedExport) pure . extractLabel
matchRequire :: S.Set String
-> ModuleIdentifier
-> JSStatement
-> Maybe (String, Either String ModuleIdentifier)
matchRequire mids mid stmt
| JSVariable _ jsInit _ <- stmt
, [JSVarInitExpression var varInit] <- commaList jsInit
, JSIdentifier _ importName <- var
, JSVarInit _ jsInitEx <- varInit
, JSMemberExpression req _ argsE _ <- jsInitEx
, JSIdentifier _ "require" <- req
, [ Just importPath ] <- map fromStringLiteral (commaList argsE)
, importPath' <- checkImportPath importPath mid mids
= Just (importName, importPath')
| otherwise
= Nothing
matchMember :: JSStatement -> Maybe (Bool, String, JSExpression)
matchMember stmt
| JSVariable _ jsInit _ <- stmt
, [JSVarInitExpression var varInit] <- commaList jsInit
, JSIdentifier _ name <- var
, JSVarInit _ decl <- varInit
= Just (False, name, decl)
| JSAssignStatement e (JSAssign _) decl _ <- stmt
, Just name <- accessor e
= Just (True, name, decl)
| otherwise
= Nothing
accessor :: JSExpression -> Maybe String
accessor (JSMemberDot exports _ nm)
| JSIdentifier _ "exports" <- exports
, JSIdentifier _ name <- nm
= Just name
accessor (JSMemberSquare exports _ nm _)
| JSIdentifier _ "exports" <- exports
, Just name <- fromStringLiteral nm
= Just name
accessor _ = Nothing
matchExportsAssignment :: JSStatement -> Maybe JSObjectPropertyList
matchExportsAssignment stmt
| JSAssignStatement e (JSAssign _) decl _ <- stmt
, JSMemberDot module' _ exports <- e
, JSIdentifier _ "module" <- module'
, JSIdentifier _ "exports" <- exports
, JSObjectLiteral _ props _ <- decl
= Just props
| otherwise
= Nothing
extractLabel :: JSPropertyName -> Maybe String
extractLabel (JSPropertyString _ nm) = Just $ strValue nm
extractLabel (JSPropertyIdent _ nm) = Just nm
extractLabel _ = Nothing
compile :: [Module] -> [ModuleIdentifier] -> [Module]
compile modules [] = modules
compile modules entryPoints = filteredModules
(graph, _, vertexFor) = graphFromEdges verts
verts :: [(ModuleElement, Key, [Key])]
verts = do
Module mid _ els <- modules
concatMap (toVertices mid) els
toVertices :: ModuleIdentifier -> ModuleElement -> [(ModuleElement, Key, [Key])]
toVertices p m@(Member _ _ nm _ deps) = [(m, (p, nm), deps)]
toVertices p m@(ExportsList exps) = mapMaybe toVertex exps
toVertex (ForeignReexport, nm, _, ks) = Just (m, (p, nm), ks)
toVertex (RegularExport nm, nm1, _, ks) | nm /= nm1 = Just (m, (p, nm1), ks)
toVertex _ = Nothing
toVertices _ _ = []
entryPointVertices :: [Vertex]
entryPointVertices = catMaybes $ do
(_, k@(mid, _), _) <- verts
guard $ mid `elem` entryPoints
return (vertexFor k)
reachableSet :: S.Set Vertex
reachableSet = S.fromList (concatMap (reachable graph) entryPointVertices)
filteredModules :: [Module]
filteredModules = map filterUsed modules
filterUsed :: Module -> Module
filterUsed (Module mid fn ds) = Module mid fn (map filterExports (go ds))
go :: [ModuleElement] -> [ModuleElement]
go [] = []
go (d : rest)
| not (isDeclUsed d) = skipDecl d : go rest
| otherwise = d : go rest
skipDecl :: ModuleElement -> ModuleElement
skipDecl (Require s _ _) = Skip s
skipDecl (Member s _ _ _ _) = Skip s
skipDecl (ExportsList _) = Skip (JSEmptyStatement JSNoAnnot)
skipDecl (Other s) = Skip s
skipDecl (Skip s) = Skip s
filterExports :: ModuleElement -> ModuleElement
filterExports (ExportsList exps) = ExportsList (filter (\(_, nm, _, _) -> isKeyUsed (mid, nm)) exps)
filterExports me = me
isDeclUsed :: ModuleElement -> Bool
isDeclUsed (Member _ _ nm _ _) = isKeyUsed (mid, nm)
isDeclUsed _ = True
isKeyUsed :: Key -> Bool
isKeyUsed k
| Just me <- vertexFor k = me `S.member` reachableSet
| otherwise = False
sortModules :: [Module] -> [Module]
sortModules modules = map (\v -> case nodeFor v of (n, _, _) -> n) (reverse (topSort graph))
(graph, nodeFor, _) = graphFromEdges $ do
m@(Module mid _ els) <- modules
return (m, mid, mapMaybe getKey els)
getKey :: ModuleElement -> Maybe ModuleIdentifier
getKey (Require _ _ (Right mi)) = Just mi
getKey _ = Nothing
isModuleEmpty :: Module -> Bool
isModuleEmpty (Module _ _ els) = all isElementEmpty els
isElementEmpty :: ModuleElement -> Bool
isElementEmpty (ExportsList exps) = null exps
isElementEmpty Require{} = True
isElementEmpty (Other _) = True
isElementEmpty (Skip _) = True
isElementEmpty _ = False
codeGen :: Maybe String
-> String
-> [Module]
-> Maybe String
-> (Maybe SourceMapping, String)
codeGen optionsMainModule optionsNamespace ms outFileOpt = (fmap sourceMapping outFileOpt, rendered)
rendered = renderToString (JSAstProgram (prelude : concatMap fst modulesJS ++ maybe [] runMain optionsMainModule) JSNoAnnot)
sourceMapping :: String -> SourceMapping
sourceMapping outFile = SourceMapping {
smFile = outFile,
smSourceRoot = Nothing,
smMappings = concat $
zipWith3 (\file (pos :: Int) positions ->
map (\(porig, pgen) -> Mapping {
mapOriginal = Just (Pos (fromIntegral $ porig + 1) 0)
, mapSourceFile = pathToFile <$> file
, mapGenerated = (Pos (fromIntegral $ pos + pgen) 0)
, mapName = Nothing
(offsets (0,0) (Right 1 : positions)))
(scanl (+) (3 + moduleLength [prelude]) (map (3+) moduleLengths))
(map snd modulesJS)
pathToFile = makeRelative (takeDirectory outFile)
offsets (m, n) (Left d:rest) = offsets (m+d, n) rest
offsets (m, n) (Right d:rest) = map ((m+) &&& (n+)) [0 .. d - 1] ++ offsets (m+d, n+d) rest
offsets _ _ = []
moduleLength :: [JSStatement] -> Int
moduleLength = everything (+) (mkQ 0 countw)
countw :: CommentAnnotation -> Int
countw (WhiteSpace _ s) = length (filter (== '\n') s)
countw _ = 0
moduleLengths :: [Int]
moduleLengths = map (sum . map (either (const 0) id) . snd) modulesJS
moduleFns = map (\(Module _ fn _) -> fn) ms
modulesJS = map moduleToJS ms
moduleToJS :: Module -> ([JSStatement], [Either Int Int])
moduleToJS (Module mn _ ds) = (wrap (moduleName mn) (indent (concat jsDecls)), lengths)
(jsDecls, lengths) = unzip $ map declToJS ds
withLength :: [JSStatement] -> ([JSStatement], Either Int Int)
withLength n = (n, Right $ moduleLength n)
declToJS :: ModuleElement -> ([JSStatement], Either Int Int)
declToJS (Member n _ _ _ _) = withLength [n]
declToJS (Other n) = withLength [n]
declToJS (Skip n) = ([], Left $ moduleLength [n])
declToJS (Require _ nm req) = withLength
JSVariable lfsp
(cList [
JSVarInitExpression (JSIdentifier sp nm)
(JSVarInit sp $ either require (moduleReference sp . moduleName) req )
]) (JSSemi JSNoAnnot)
declToJS (ExportsList exps) = withLength $ map toExport exps
toExport :: (ExportType, String, JSExpression, [Key]) -> JSStatement
toExport (_, nm, val, _) =
(JSMemberSquare (JSIdentifier lfsp "exports") JSNoAnnot
(str nm) JSNoAnnot)
(JSAssign sp)
(JSSemi JSNoAnnot)
cList :: [a] -> JSCommaList a
cList [] = JSLNil
cList [x] = JSLOne x
cList l = go $ reverse l
go [x] = JSLOne x
go (h:t)= JSLCons (go t) JSNoAnnot h
go [] = error "Invalid case in comma-list"
indent :: [JSStatement] -> [JSStatement]
indent = everywhere (mkT squash)
squash JSNoAnnot = JSAnnot (TokenPn 0 0 2) []
squash (JSAnnot pos ann) = JSAnnot (keepCol pos) (map splat ann)
squash JSAnnotSpace = JSAnnot (TokenPn 0 0 2) []
splat (CommentA pos s) = CommentA (keepCol pos) s
splat (WhiteSpace pos w) = WhiteSpace (keepCol pos) w
splat ann = ann
keepCol (TokenPn _ _ c) = TokenPn 0 0 (if c >= 0 then c + 2 else 2)
prelude :: JSStatement
prelude = JSVariable (JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty [ CommentA tokenPosnEmpty $ "// Generated by purs bundle " ++ showVersion Paths.version
, WhiteSpace tokenPosnEmpty "\n" ])
(cList [
JSVarInitExpression (JSIdentifier sp optionsNamespace)
(JSVarInit sp (emptyObj sp))
]) (JSSemi JSNoAnnot)
require :: String -> JSExpression
require mn =
JSMemberExpression (JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "require") JSNoAnnot (cList [ str mn ]) JSNoAnnot
moduleReference :: JSAnnot -> String -> JSExpression
moduleReference a mn =
JSMemberSquare (JSIdentifier a optionsNamespace) JSNoAnnot
(str mn) JSNoAnnot
str :: String -> JSExpression
str s = JSStringLiteral JSNoAnnot $ "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
emptyObj :: JSAnnot -> JSExpression
emptyObj a = JSObjectLiteral a (JSCTLNone JSLNil) JSNoAnnot
wrap :: String -> [JSStatement] -> [JSStatement]
wrap mn ds =
JSMethodCall (JSExpressionParen lf (JSFunctionExpression JSNoAnnot JSIdentNone JSNoAnnot
(JSLOne (JSIdentName JSNoAnnot "exports")) JSNoAnnot
(JSBlock sp (lfHead ds) lf))
(JSLOne (JSAssignExpression (moduleReference JSNoAnnot mn) (JSAssign sp)
(JSExpressionBinary (moduleReference sp mn) (JSBinOpOr sp) (emptyObj sp))))
(JSSemi JSNoAnnot)
lfHead (h:t) = addAnn (WhiteSpace tokenPosnEmpty "\n ") h : t
lfHead x = x
addAnn :: CommentAnnotation -> JSStatement -> JSStatement
addAnn a (JSExpressionStatement (JSStringLiteral ann s) _) =
JSExpressionStatement (JSStringLiteral (appendAnn a ann) s) (JSSemi JSNoAnnot)
addAnn _ x = x
appendAnn a JSNoAnnot = JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty [a]
appendAnn a (JSAnnot _ anns) = JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty (a:anns ++ [WhiteSpace tokenPosnEmpty " "])
appendAnn a JSAnnotSpace = JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty [a]
runMain :: String -> [JSStatement]
runMain mn =
(JSMemberDot (moduleReference lf mn) JSNoAnnot
(JSIdentifier JSNoAnnot "main"))
JSNoAnnot (cList []) JSNoAnnot (JSSemi JSNoAnnot)]
lf :: JSAnnot
lf = JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty [ WhiteSpace tokenPosnEmpty "\n" ]
lfsp :: JSAnnot
lfsp = JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty [ WhiteSpace tokenPosnEmpty "\n " ]
sp :: JSAnnot
sp = JSAnnot tokenPosnEmpty [ WhiteSpace tokenPosnEmpty " " ]
bundleSM :: (MonadError ErrorMessage m)
=> [(ModuleIdentifier, Maybe FilePath, String)]
-> [ModuleIdentifier]
-> Maybe String
-> String
-> Maybe FilePath
-> m (Maybe SourceMapping, String)
bundleSM inputStrs entryPoints mainModule namespace outFilename = do
let mid (a,_,_) = a
forM_ mainModule $ \mname ->
when (mname `notElem` map (moduleName . mid) inputStrs) (throwError (MissingMainModule mname))
forM_ entryPoints $ \mIdent ->
when (mIdent `notElem` map mid inputStrs) (throwError (MissingEntryPoint (moduleName mIdent)))
input <- forM inputStrs $ \(ident, filename, js) -> do
ast <- either (throwError . ErrorInModule ident . UnableToParseModule) pure $ parse js (moduleName ident)
return (ident, filename, ast)
let mids = S.fromList (map (moduleName . mid) input)
modules <- traverse (fmap withDeps . (\(a,fn,c) -> toModule mids a fn c)) input
let compiled = compile modules entryPoints
sorted = sortModules (filter (not . isModuleEmpty) compiled)
return (codeGen mainModule namespace sorted outFilename)
bundle :: (MonadError ErrorMessage m)
=> [(ModuleIdentifier, String)]
-> [ModuleIdentifier]
-> Maybe String
-> String
-> m String
bundle inputStrs entryPoints mainModule namespace = snd <$> bundleSM (map (\(a,b) -> (a,Nothing,b)) inputStrs) entryPoints mainModule namespace Nothing