Metadata revisions for purescript-0.1.12

Package maintainers and Hackage trustees are allowed to edit certain bits of package metadata after a release, without uploading a new tarball. Note that the tarball itself is never changed, just the metadata that is stored separately. For more information about metadata revisions, please refer to the Hackage Metadata Revisions FAQ.

No. Time User SHA256
-r2 (purescript-0.1.12-r2) 2015-11-10T07:28:58Z phadej 5d9f3057680b654a18bdb42e48debeda651d33fe9e2c56fbff8f340716345219
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'cmdtheline' from

    >= && <0.3

-r1 (purescript-0.1.12-r1) 2015-06-04T09:01:30Z AdamBergmark 1ab37de005ab237eb3b66d320c13839eaa3055e897c61c1b2f836f9706ae40a6
  • Changed the library component's library dependency on 'utf8-string' from


  • Changed the executable 'psc' component's library dependency on 'utf8-string' from


  • Changed the test suite 'tests' component's library dependency on 'utf8-string' from


-r0 (purescript-0.1.12-r0) 2013-11-28T01:56:43Z PhilFreeman 6f803af5c2711ee1c86975eea50f57cbb1f0d98f8fddc0840d0b54b79647bd19