ptr- Abstractions for operations on pointers

Safe HaskellNone




data PokeAndPeek input output Source #

Encoder and decoder of the same binary representation.

You can compose both the covariant and contravariant parameters of PokeAndPeek using Applicative and Profunctor. E.g.,

word8AndWord32 :: PokeAndPeek (Word8, Word32) (Word8, Word32)
word8AndWord32 =
  (,) <$> lmap fst word8 <*> lmap snd beWord32


PokeAndPeek !Int (Ptr Word8 -> input -> IO ()) (Ptr Word8 -> IO output) 
Profunctor PokeAndPeek Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Ptr.PokeAndPeek


dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> PokeAndPeek b c -> PokeAndPeek a d #

lmap :: (a -> b) -> PokeAndPeek b c -> PokeAndPeek a c #

rmap :: (b -> c) -> PokeAndPeek a b -> PokeAndPeek a c #

(#.) :: Coercible c b => q b c -> PokeAndPeek a b -> PokeAndPeek a c #

(.#) :: Coercible b a => PokeAndPeek b c -> q a b -> PokeAndPeek a c #

Functor (PokeAndPeek input) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Ptr.PokeAndPeek


fmap :: (a -> b) -> PokeAndPeek input a -> PokeAndPeek input b #

(<$) :: a -> PokeAndPeek input b -> PokeAndPeek input a #

Applicative (PokeAndPeek input) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Ptr.PokeAndPeek


pure :: a -> PokeAndPeek input a #

(<*>) :: PokeAndPeek input (a -> b) -> PokeAndPeek input a -> PokeAndPeek input b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> PokeAndPeek input a -> PokeAndPeek input b -> PokeAndPeek input c #

(*>) :: PokeAndPeek input a -> PokeAndPeek input b -> PokeAndPeek input b #

(<*) :: PokeAndPeek input a -> PokeAndPeek input b -> PokeAndPeek input a #

type InvPokeAndPeek value = PokeAndPeek value value Source #

A codec, which encodes and decodes the same type. E.g.,

word8AndWord32 :: InvPokeAndPeek (Word8, Word32)
word8AndWord32 =
  (,) <$> lmap fst word8 <*> lmap snd beWord32