  Copyright 2016 Awake Networks

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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-- | Low level functions for reading data in the protobufs wire format.
-- This module exports a function 'decodeWire' which parses data in the raw wire
-- format into an untyped 'Map' representation.
-- This module also provides 'Parser' types and functions for reading messages
-- from the untyped 'Map' representation obtained from 'decodeWire'.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}

module Proto3.Wire.Decode
    ( -- * Untyped Representation
    , decodeWire
      -- * Parser Types
    , Parser(..)
    , RawPrimitive
    , RawField
    , RawMessage
    , ParseError(..)
    , foldFields
    , parse
      -- * Primitives
    , bool
    , int32
    , int64
    , uint32
    , uint64
    , sint32
    , sint64
    , enum
    , byteString
    , lazyByteString
    , text
    , packedVarints
    , packedFixed32
    , packedFixed64
    , packedFloats
    , packedDoubles
    , fixed32
    , fixed64
    , sfixed32
    , sfixed64
    , float
    , double
      -- * Decoding Messages
    , at
    , oneof
    , one
    , repeated
    , embedded
    , embedded'
      -- * Exported For Doctest Only
    , toMap
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow (first)
import           Control.Exception       ( Exception )
import           Control.Monad           ( msum, foldM )
import           Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString         as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy    as BL
import           Data.Foldable           ( foldl' )
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict      as M -- TODO intmap
import           Data.Maybe              ( fromMaybe )
import           Data.Monoid             ( (<>) )
import           Data.Serialize.Get      ( Get, getWord8, getInt32le
                                         , getInt64le, getWord32le, getWord64le
                                         , runGet )
import           Data.Serialize.IEEE754  ( getFloat32le, getFloat64le )
import           Data.Text.Lazy          ( Text, pack )
import           Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding ( decodeUtf8' )
import qualified Data.Traversable        as T
import           Data.Int                ( Int32, Int64 )
import           Data.Word               ( Word8, Word32, Word64 )
import           Proto3.Wire.Class
import           Proto3.Wire.Types

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :module Proto3.Wire.Decode Proto3.Wire.Types

-- | Decode a zigzag-encoded numeric type.
-- See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2210923/zig-zag-decoding
zigZagDecode :: (Num a, Bits a) => a -> a
zigZagDecode i = shiftR i 1 `xor` (-(i .&. 1))

-- | One field in a protobuf message.
-- We don't know what's inside some of these fields until we know what type
-- we're deserializing to, so we leave them as 'ByteString' until a later step
-- in the process.
data ParsedField = VarintField Word64
                 | Fixed32Field B.ByteString
                 | Fixed64Field B.ByteString
                 | LengthDelimitedField B.ByteString
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Convert key-value pairs to a map of keys to a sequence of values with that
-- key, in their reverse occurrence order.
-- >>> toMap ([(FieldNumber 1, 3),(FieldNumber 2, 4),(FieldNumber 1, 6)] :: [(FieldNumber,Int)])
-- fromList [(1,[6,3]),(2,[4])]
toMap :: [(FieldNumber, v)] -> M.IntMap [v]
toMap kvs0 = M.fromListWith (<>) . map (fmap (:[])) . map (first (fromIntegral . getFieldNumber)) $ kvs0

-- | Parses data in the raw wire format into an untyped 'Map' representation.
decodeWire :: B.ByteString -> Either String [(FieldNumber, ParsedField)]
decodeWire bstr = drloop bstr []
   drloop !bs xs | B.null bs = Right $ reverse xs
   drloop !bs xs | otherwise = do
      (w, rest) <- takeVarInt bs
      wt <- gwireType $ fromIntegral (w .&. 7)
      let fn = w `shiftR` 3
      (res, rest2) <- takeWT wt rest
      drloop rest2 ((FieldNumber fn,res):xs)

eitherUncons :: B.ByteString -> Either String (Word8, B.ByteString)
eitherUncons = maybe (Left "failed to parse varint128") Right . B.uncons

takeVarInt :: B.ByteString -> Either String (Word64, B.ByteString)
takeVarInt !bs =
  case B.uncons bs of
     Nothing -> Right (0, B.empty)
     Just (w1, r1) -> do
       if w1 < 128 then return (fromIntegral w1, r1) else do
        let val1 = fromIntegral (w1 - 0x80)

        (w2,r2) <- eitherUncons r1
        if w2 < 128 then return (val1 + (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 7), r2) else do
         let val2 = (val1 + (fromIntegral (w2 - 0x80) `shiftL` 7))

         (w3,r3) <- eitherUncons r2
         if w3 < 128 then return (val2 + (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` 14), r3) else do
          let val3 = (val2 + (fromIntegral (w3 - 0x80) `shiftL` 14))

          (w4,r4) <- eitherUncons r3
          if w4 < 128 then return (val3 + (fromIntegral w4 `shiftL` 21), r4) else do
           let val4 = (val3 + (fromIntegral (w4 - 0x80) `shiftL` 21))

           (w5,r5) <- eitherUncons r4
           if w5 < 128 then return (val4 + (fromIntegral w5 `shiftL` 28), r5) else do
            let val5 = (val4 + (fromIntegral (w5 - 0x80) `shiftL` 28))

            (w6,r6) <- eitherUncons r5
            if w6 < 128 then return (val5 + (fromIntegral w6 `shiftL` 35), r6) else do
             let val6 = (val5 + (fromIntegral (w6 - 0x80) `shiftL` 35))

             (w7,r7) <- eitherUncons r6
             if w7 < 128 then return (val6 + (fromIntegral w7 `shiftL` 42), r7) else do
              let val7 = (val6 + (fromIntegral (w7 - 0x80) `shiftL` 42))

              (w8,r8) <- eitherUncons r7
              if w8 < 128 then return (val7 + (fromIntegral w8 `shiftL` 49), r8) else do
               let val8 = (val7 + (fromIntegral (w8 - 0x80) `shiftL` 49))

               (w9,r9) <- eitherUncons r8
               if w9 < 128 then return (val8 + (fromIntegral w9 `shiftL` 56), r9) else do
                let val9 = (val8 + (fromIntegral (w9 - 0x80) `shiftL` 56))

                (w10,r10) <- eitherUncons r9
                if w10 < 128 then return (val9 + (fromIntegral w10 `shiftL` 63), r10) else do

                 Left ("failed to parse varint128: too big; " ++ show val6)

gwireType :: Word8 -> Either String WireType
gwireType 0 = return Varint
gwireType 5 = return Fixed32
gwireType 1 = return Fixed64
gwireType 2 = return LengthDelimited
gwireType wt = Left $ "wireType got unknown wire type: " ++ show wt

safeSplit :: Int -> B.ByteString -> Either String (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
safeSplit !i! b | B.length b < i = Left "failed to parse varint128: not enough bytes"
                | otherwise = Right $ B.splitAt i b

takeWT :: WireType -> B.ByteString -> Either String (ParsedField, B.ByteString)
takeWT Varint !b  = fmap (first VarintField) $ takeVarInt b
takeWT Fixed32 !b = fmap (first Fixed32Field) $ safeSplit 4 b
takeWT Fixed64 !b = fmap (first Fixed64Field) $ safeSplit 8 b
takeWT LengthDelimited b = do
   (!len, rest) <- takeVarInt b
   fmap (first LengthDelimitedField) $ safeSplit (fromIntegral len) rest

-- * Parser Interface

-- | Type describing possible errors that can be encountered while parsing.
data ParseError =
                -- | A 'WireTypeError' occurs when the type of the data in the protobuf
                -- binary format does not match the type encountered by the parser. This can
                -- indicate that the type of a field has changed or is incorrect.
                WireTypeError Text
                -- | A 'BinaryError' occurs when we can't successfully parse the contents of
                -- the field.
                BinaryError Text
                -- | An 'EmbeddedError' occurs when we encounter an error while parsing an
                -- embedded message.
                EmbeddedError Text
                              (Maybe ParseError)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | This library does not use this instance, but it is provided for convenience,
-- so that 'ParseError' may be used with functions like `throwIO`
instance Exception ParseError

-- | A parsing function type synonym, to tidy up type signatures.
-- This synonym is used in three ways:
-- * Applied to 'RawPrimitive', to parse primitive fields.
-- * Applied to 'RawField', to parse fields which correspond to a single 'FieldNumber'.
-- * Applied to 'RawMessage', to parse entire messages.
-- Many of the combinators in this module are used to combine and convert between
-- these three parser types.
-- 'Parser's can be combined using the 'Applicative', 'Monad' and 'Alternative'
-- instances.
newtype Parser input a = Parser { runParser :: input -> Either ParseError a }
    deriving Functor

instance Applicative (Parser input) where
    pure = Parser . const . pure
    Parser p1 <*> Parser p2 =
        Parser $ \input -> p1 input <*> p2 input

instance Monad (Parser input) where
    -- return = pure
    Parser p >>= f = Parser $ \input -> p input >>= (`runParser` input) . f

-- | Raw data corresponding to a single encoded key/value pair.
type RawPrimitive = ParsedField

-- | Raw data corresponding to a single 'FieldNumber'.
type RawField = [RawPrimitive]

-- | Raw data corresponding to an entire message.
-- A 'Map' from 'FieldNumber's to the those values associated with
-- that 'FieldNumber'.
type RawMessage = M.IntMap RawField

-- | Fold over a list of parsed fields accumulating a result
foldFields :: M.IntMap (Parser RawPrimitive a, a -> acc -> acc)
           -> acc
           -> [(FieldNumber, ParsedField)]
           -> Either ParseError acc
foldFields parsers = foldM applyOne
  where applyOne acc (fn, field) =
            case M.lookup (fromIntegral . getFieldNumber $ fn) parsers of
                Nothing              -> pure acc
                Just (parser, apply) ->
                    case runParser parser field of
                        Left err -> Left err
                        Right a  -> pure $ apply a acc

-- | Parse a message (encoded in the raw wire format) using the specified
-- `Parser`.
parse :: Parser RawMessage a -> B.ByteString -> Either ParseError a
parse parser bs = case decodeWire bs of
    Left err -> Left (BinaryError (pack err))
    Right res -> runParser parser (toMap res)

-- | To comply with the protobuf spec, if there are multiple fields with the same
-- field number, this will always return the last one.
parsedField :: RawField -> Maybe RawPrimitive
parsedField xs = case xs of
    [] -> Nothing
    (x:_) -> Just x

throwWireTypeError :: Show input
                   => String
                   -> input
                   -> Either ParseError expected
throwWireTypeError expected wrong =
    Left (WireTypeError (pack msg))
    msg = "Wrong wiretype. Expected " ++ expected ++ " but got " ++ show wrong

throwCerealError :: String -> String -> Either ParseError a
throwCerealError expected cerealErr =
    Left (BinaryError (pack msg))
    msg = "Failed to parse contents of " ++
        expected ++ " field. " ++ "Error from cereal was: " ++ cerealErr

parseVarInt :: Integral a => Parser RawPrimitive a
parseVarInt = Parser $
        VarintField i -> Right (fromIntegral i)
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "varint" wrong

runGetPacked :: Get a -> Parser RawPrimitive a
runGetPacked g = Parser $
        LengthDelimitedField bs ->
            case runGet g bs of
                Left e -> throwCerealError "packed repeated field" e
                Right xs -> return xs
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "packed repeated field" wrong

runGetFixed32 :: Get a -> Parser RawPrimitive a
runGetFixed32 g = Parser $
        Fixed32Field bs -> case runGet g bs of
            Left e -> throwCerealError "fixed32 field" e
            Right x -> return x
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "fixed 32 field" wrong

runGetFixed64 :: Get a -> Parser RawPrimitive a
runGetFixed64 g = Parser $
        Fixed64Field bs -> case runGet g bs of
            Left e -> throwCerealError "fixed 64 field" e
            Right x -> return x
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "fixed 64 field" wrong

bytes :: Parser RawPrimitive B.ByteString
bytes = Parser $
        LengthDelimitedField bs ->
            return $! B.copy bs
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "bytes" wrong

-- | Parse a Boolean value.
bool :: Parser RawPrimitive Bool
bool = Parser $
        VarintField i -> return $! i /= 0
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "bool" wrong

-- | Parse a primitive with the @int32@ wire type.
int32 :: Parser RawPrimitive Int32
int32 = parseVarInt

-- | Parse a primitive with the @int64@ wire type.
int64 :: Parser RawPrimitive Int64
int64 = parseVarInt

-- | Parse a primitive with the @uint32@ wire type.
uint32 :: Parser RawPrimitive Word32
uint32 = parseVarInt

-- | Parse a primitive with the @uint64@ wire type.
uint64 :: Parser RawPrimitive Word64
uint64 = parseVarInt

-- | Parse a primitive with the @sint32@ wire type.
sint32 :: Parser RawPrimitive Int32
sint32 = fmap (fromIntegral . (zigZagDecode :: Word32 -> Word32)) parseVarInt

-- | Parse a primitive with the @sint64@ wire type.
sint64 :: Parser RawPrimitive Int64
sint64 = fmap (fromIntegral . (zigZagDecode :: Word64 -> Word64)) parseVarInt

-- | Parse a primitive with the @bytes@ wire type as a 'B.ByteString'.
byteString :: Parser RawPrimitive B.ByteString
byteString = bytes

-- | Parse a primitive with the @bytes@ wire type as a lazy 'BL.ByteString'.
lazyByteString :: Parser RawPrimitive BL.ByteString
lazyByteString = fmap BL.fromStrict bytes

-- | Parse a primitive with the @bytes@ wire type as 'Text'.
text :: Parser RawPrimitive Text
text = Parser $
        LengthDelimitedField bs ->
            case decodeUtf8' $ BL.fromStrict bs of
                Left err -> Left (BinaryError (pack ("Failed to decode UTF-8: " ++
                                                         show err)))
                Right txt -> return txt
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "string" wrong

-- | Parse a primitive with an enumerated type.
-- This parser will return 'Left' if the encoded integer value
-- is not a code for a known enumerator.
enum :: forall e. ProtoEnum e => Parser RawPrimitive (Either Int32 e)
enum = fmap toEither parseVarInt
    toEither :: Int32 -> Either Int32 e
    toEither i
      | Just e <- toProtoEnumMay i = Right e
      | otherwise = Left i

-- | Parse a packed collection of variable-width integer values (any of @int32@,
-- @int64@, @sint32@, @sint64@, @uint32@, @uint64@ or enumerations).
packedVarints :: Integral a => Parser RawPrimitive [a]
packedVarints = fmap (fmap fromIntegral) (runGetPacked (many getBase128Varint))

getBase128Varint :: Get Word64
getBase128Varint = loop 0 0
    loop !i !w64 = do
        w8 <- getWord8
        if base128Terminal w8
            then return $ combine i w64 w8
            else loop (i + 1) (combine i w64 w8)
    base128Terminal w8 = (not . (`testBit` 7)) $ w8
    combine i w64 w8 = (w64 .|.
                            (fromIntegral (w8 `clearBit` 7)
                             (i * 7)))

-- | Parse a packed collection of @float@ values.
packedFloats :: Parser RawPrimitive [Float]
packedFloats = runGetPacked (many getFloat32le)

-- | Parse a packed collection of @double@ values.
packedDoubles :: Parser RawPrimitive [Double]
packedDoubles = runGetPacked (many getFloat64le)

-- | Parse a packed collection of @fixed32@ values.
packedFixed32 :: Integral a => Parser RawPrimitive [a]
packedFixed32 = fmap (fmap fromIntegral) (runGetPacked (many getWord32le))

-- | Parse a packed collection of @fixed64@ values.
packedFixed64 :: Integral a => Parser RawPrimitive [a]
packedFixed64 = fmap (fmap fromIntegral) (runGetPacked (many getWord64le))

-- | Parse a @float@.
float :: Parser RawPrimitive Float
float = runGetFixed32 getFloat32le

-- | Parse a @double@.
double :: Parser RawPrimitive Double
double = runGetFixed64 getFloat64le

-- | Parse an integer primitive with the @fixed32@ wire type.
fixed32 :: Parser RawPrimitive Word32
fixed32 = runGetFixed32 getWord32le

-- | Parse an integer primitive with the @fixed64@ wire type.
fixed64 :: Parser RawPrimitive Word64
fixed64 = runGetFixed64 getWord64le

-- | Parse a signed integer primitive with the @fixed32@ wire type.
sfixed32 :: Parser RawPrimitive Int32
sfixed32 = runGetFixed32 getInt32le

-- | Parse a signed integer primitive with the @fixed64@ wire type.
sfixed64 :: Parser RawPrimitive Int64
sfixed64 = runGetFixed64 getInt64le

-- | Turn a field parser into a message parser, by specifying the 'FieldNumber'.
-- This parser will fail if the specified 'FieldNumber' is not present.
-- For example:
-- > one float `at` fieldNumber 1 :: Parser RawMessage (Maybe Float)
at :: Parser RawField a -> FieldNumber -> Parser RawMessage a
at parser fn = Parser $ runParser parser . fromMaybe mempty . M.lookup (fromIntegral . getFieldNumber $ fn)

-- | Try to parse different field numbers with their respective parsers. This is
-- used to express alternative between possible fields of a oneof.
-- TODO: contrary to the protobuf spec, in the case of multiple fields number
-- matching the oneof content, the choice of field is biased to the order of the
-- list, instead of being biased to the last field of group of field number in
-- the oneof. This is related to the Map used for input that preserve order
-- across multiple invocation of the same field, but not across a group of
-- field.
oneof :: a
         -- ^ The value to produce when no field numbers belonging to the oneof
         -- are present in the input
      -> [(FieldNumber, Parser RawField a)]
         -- ^ Left-biased oneof field parsers, one per field number belonging to
         -- the oneof
      -> Parser RawMessage a
oneof def parsersByFieldNum = Parser $ \input ->
  case msum ((\(num,p) -> (p,) <$> M.lookup (fromIntegral . getFieldNumber $ num) input) <$> parsersByFieldNum) of
    Nothing     -> pure def
    Just (p, v) -> runParser p v

-- | This turns a primitive parser into a field parser by keeping the
-- last received value, or return a default value if the field number is missing.
-- Used to ensure that we return the last value with the given field number
-- in the message, in compliance with the protobuf standard.
-- The protocol buffers specification specifies default values for
-- primitive types.
-- For example:
-- > one float 0 :: Parser RawField Float
one :: Parser RawPrimitive a -> a -> Parser RawField a
one parser def = Parser (fmap (fromMaybe def) . traverse (runParser parser) . parsedField)

-- | Parse a repeated field, or an unpacked collection of primitives.
-- Each value with the identified 'FieldNumber' will be passed to the parser
-- in the first argument, to be converted into a value of the correct type.
-- For example, to parse a packed collection of @uint32@ values:
-- > repeated uint32 :: Parser RawField ([Word32])
-- or to parse a collection of embedded messages:
-- > repeated . embedded' :: Parser RawMessage a -> Parser RawField ([a])
repeated :: Parser RawPrimitive a -> Parser RawField [a]
repeated parser = Parser $ fmap reverse . mapM (runParser parser)

-- | For a field containing an embedded message, parse as far as getting the
-- wire-level fields out of the message.
embeddedToParsedFields :: RawPrimitive -> Either ParseError RawMessage
embeddedToParsedFields (LengthDelimitedField bs) =
    case decodeWire bs of
        Left err -> Left (EmbeddedError ("Failed to parse embedded message: "
                                             <> (pack err))
        Right result -> return (toMap result)
embeddedToParsedFields wrong =
    throwWireTypeError "embedded" wrong

-- | Create a field parser for an embedded message, from a message parser.
-- The protobuf spec requires that embedded messages be mergeable, so that
-- protobuf encoding has the flexibility to transmit embedded messages in
-- pieces. This function reassembles the pieces, and must be used to parse all
-- embedded non-repeated messages.
-- If the embedded message is not found in the outer message, this function
-- returns 'Nothing'.
embedded :: Parser RawMessage a -> Parser RawField (Maybe a)
embedded p = Parser $
    \xs -> if xs == empty
           then return Nothing
           else do
               innerMaps <- T.mapM embeddedToParsedFields xs
               let combinedMap = foldl' (M.unionWith (<>)) M.empty innerMaps
               parsed <- runParser p combinedMap
               return $ Just parsed

-- | Create a primitive parser for an embedded message from a message parser.
-- This parser does no merging of fields if multiple message fragments are
-- sent separately.
embedded' :: Parser RawMessage a -> Parser RawPrimitive a
embedded' parser = Parser $
        LengthDelimitedField bs ->
            case parse parser bs of
                Left err -> Left (EmbeddedError "Failed to parse embedded message."
                                                (Just err))
                Right result -> return result
        wrong -> throwWireTypeError "embedded" wrong

-- TODO test repeated and embedded better for reverse logic...