Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Module defining the individual base wire types (e.g. VarInt, Fixed64) and how to encode/decode them.
- data WireType a where
- data SomeWireType where
- SomeWireType :: WireType a -> SomeWireType
- data WireValue = WireValue !(WireType a) !a
- newtype Tag = Tag {}
- data TaggedValue = TaggedValue !Tag !WireValue
- getTaggedValue :: Parser TaggedValue
- putTaggedValue :: TaggedValue -> Builder
- getWireValue :: WireType a -> Parser a
- putWireValue :: WireType a -> a -> Builder
- data Equal a b where
- equalWireTypes :: Monad m => WireType a -> WireType b -> m (Equal a b)
- decodeFieldSet :: ByteString -> Either String [TaggedValue]
data SomeWireType where Source #
SomeWireType :: WireType a -> SomeWireType |
A tag that identifies a particular field of the message when converting to/from the wire format.
putTaggedValue :: TaggedValue -> Builder Source #
getWireValue :: WireType a -> Parser a Source #
putWireValue :: WireType a -> a -> Builder Source #
decodeFieldSet :: ByteString -> Either String [TaggedValue] Source #